There isn't a GitHub Pages site here - github

I tried to setup two repository github pages. Just wondering why one works and the other doesn't.
Works -
Doesn't Work -
Second question is, is it possible for my to deploy my html with Javascript in GitHub pages or is it GitHub pages is only deploy html page?

Both links work now. GitHub Pages might take a moment to deploy your most recent changes.
You can host any static content, including client-side JavaScript (GitHub Pages will not run any code for you on its back end).


Why do GitHub workflow badges not render on Jekyll GitHub pages?

My GitHub Pages site is built from the master branch, using my The top of my read-me file is directly below.
# :chart_with_upwards_trend: :robot: Wooster Systems :moneybag: :money_with_wings:
This looks just fine in the read-me inside the repository. Image below.
Unfortunately, the workflow status badges don't populate on the Jekyll GitHub Pages site. Specifically, the badges that come directly from GitHub don't show, but the rest do. The ones that don't show are tests, firebase deployment, and pages-build-deployment. A screenshot from the site is below.
I'm not sure why this is happening. My hunch is that it has to do with the fact that my repository is private, but what has me confused is the fact that the coverage badge comes from an SVG file directly in my private repository. This works fine on the site (possibly has to do with "artifacts", though I don't really understand the behavior). If the workflow badges are indeed private, how can I make them display on my site?
The only config file (or file that has anything to do with the GitHub Pages site) is my _config.yml, which has the following contents.
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman
- jemoji
I installed added jemoji to support the emoji shortcode in my title, which works fine.
Any help appreciated.
Private repositories are not publicly visible. For security, any requests to them from an account without the right credentials will get a 404, so you can't guess which repositories exist.
Because the repository isn't available, your workflows and their results aren't public either. If you want a developer on your team to have the build status, invite them to your private repository. If you want your builds to be publicly visible, open source your repository.
It can be because this tags are alterated because of github actions, so they update and change on the Repository, Github pages treats different the information so this tags are nos updating when you are accessing the web page.
Live tags from doesn't work properly on github pages.

Github Pages not showing up
I'm following Github's tutorial to host a Github Page. I creating the repo and set the Github Page to track my main branch and published the Page.
Github says my site should be published at but the site doesn't load. As a side note: Why would Github choose that weird domain name(test-blog-on-qa)?
I've chosen a theme(Jekyll), pushed an empty commit to rebuild but nothing works. This should be very simple so I'm confused as to what could be wrong?
You are using the Github Custom Domain for your site
Have a look at:
That's why is used as the domain name automatically.

deployed page loads but does not show - built with gatsby

I deployed a gatsby blog I made to github pages. The first page links to a blog article. Nothing shows up when the link is clicked. But if I type the url in manually (Same url that is linked) I see the page for half a second before it dissapears to a blank page.
Helpful information
Everything in the network tab is status code 200
The HTML is returned in the get request, it is visible in the response
head tag is on the page correctly, body tag is missing the html
No console errors
Works perfectly on development server (localhost)
Domain is hosted with
Using createpage gatsby plugin to generate article page
It works when I deploy on netlify to a random url so maybe something to do with my domain or the gh-pages deployment
After looking at your GitHub code, I think you have a problem here: (Wrong URL: /blog/blog/why-gatsby), also your master code does not match code with the gh-pages (I know it's generated files from gatsby build but other stuff). Also, why are you creating a static query in the index.js component? You can do that with a regular page query.
Your gatsby site starts from and that's why you have that kind of a problem. When gatsby look into pages, there's only blog.js inside of it.
Link problem
<a class="article-card-link" href="/blog/blog/why-gatsby"><section><article><h2 class="article-title">Why Gatsby js ?</h2><p class="article-date">May 09, 2020</p><p class="article-excerpt">In a world with so many JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, heck even Next, why Gatsby? The short answer is, none of those frameworks are the target market of Gatsby. Gatsby is a static website generator. Great! Wait, who cares? Well a lot of my clients and so will yours…</p>READ MORE</article></section></a>

GitHub Pages with repos as links

I'm just a regular user on GitHub. I don't have an enterprise or anything like that. I was wondering can I still create a page like a blog or portfolio, and can that page contain links to individual repo github pages like That way this can act like a portfolio website.
Is this possible? I keep having issues with setting up the page but the repo-based url works fine and is easy to set up
A User GitHub page will contain markdown files which, in turn, can include any URL you want.
Incuding URLs referencing your other repositories.

GitHub pages and jekyll deploy not working properly

My jekyll blog is running ok in my pc but when I open it from my gh repository it's broken. Here's a screen of that
If I click on one of the links, that next page throws 404. Needless to say, I followed the steps from the gh site in order to configure it properly.
baseurl is set, the paths to css and images are correctly set using {{ site.baseurl }}. So locally the blog works fine, but still, on gh-pages it's not.
Code is here
Another piece of information. I have a master branch and a gh-pages branch, the one updated is gh-pages, master has old code, is it ok?
Any ideas please?
It works ! What you saw was an old version of your site.
Two possible explanations :
as #goyllo says : browser cache f5 or Ctrl+r can help.
Github pages is serving the old version and the new site generation is still pending.
In order to know if you last commit has been published it to go to and to watch under GitHub Pages box.
If you see Your site is ready to be published at, your site generation is pending.
If you see Your site is published at, your site have been published with last commit.
It's working fine in my browser. I want to say one thing, GitHub pages cache your old resources(including HTML, CSS, JS, Images), in browser for better UX, For example, just disconnect your internet, and reload that page again, and it will be work fine, similarly if you visit another page, then it will not load your CSS, or javascript again from your website, they will load directly from browser cache. So you are getting this error because your browser use old cache resource, and it will update again in few hour, depending on cache time.
I want to say, if your blog working fine in localhost, then don't worry, it will be also work fine in github pages as well, otherwise github will send you notice in your email regarding page build fail.
in your _config.yml baseurl: /modestorimba R should be uppercase.