How to add, subtract, etc. two structs element-by-element when they have the same fields - matlab

I have various structs with fields W, P, E, which contain numerical values. I want to develop a clean way to add and subtract these structs without unpacking and repacking in subfunctions each time (which has been my solution thus far)
For example, given:
S.W = 2
S.P = 3
S.E = 4
M.W = 20
M.P = 30
M.E = 40
I want to be able to do X = S + M and end up with:
X.W = 22
X.P = 33
X.E = 44
My current attempt to do this, is by means of a new class, which looks as follows:
classdef CV
function r = plus(o1,o2)
r = CV;
r.E = o1.E + o2.E;
r.P = o1.P + o2.P;
r.W = o1.W + o2.W;
This allows for doing S + M and returns a new variable in the same form as the inputs. I'm generally unfamiliar with classes, and wanted to know if this is proper form. If so, I might go ahead and add functions for minus and times in the methods section. However, this seems like it requires a lot of repetitive code and I feel there must be a simpler solution. Any advice is much appreciated.

The following code directly works on structs without nesting them in a class. It is assumed that the two input structs have the same field names (in this example W, P, and E), however, the order of those may be arbitrary (you mentioned in a comment that this is important for your application).
function X = structplus(S, M)
fn = fieldnames(S);
for i = 1 : numel(fn)
X.(fn{i}) = M.(fn{i}) + S.(fn{i});
So defining
S.W = 2
S.P = 3
S.E = 4
M.E = 40
M.P = 30
M.W = 20
(note the reverse order of M) and calling
X = structplus(S, M)
yields a struct with field names that are ordered like the first argument:
X =
struct with fields:
W: 22
P: 33
E: 44

To expand on Le Phlaux's answer, you can provide a function handle to the required binary operator (e.g. #plus, #minus) and work on sub-structures recursively
function out = structBinaryFunc(in1, in2, func)
fn = fieldnames(in1);
for ii = 1:numel(fn)
if isstruct(in1.(fn{ii}))
out.(fn{ii}) = structBinaryFunc(in1.(fn{ii}), in2.(fn{ii}), func)
out.(fn{ii}) = func(in1.(fn{ii}), in2.(fn{ii}));
For your example you would call X = structBinaryFunc(S, M, #plus);.


Nnet in caret, basic structure

I'm very new to caret package and nnet in R. I've done some projects related to ANN with Matlab before, but now I need to work with R and I need some basic help.
My input dataset has 1000 observations (in rows) and 23 variables (in columns). My output has 1000 observations and 12 variables.
Here are some sample data that represent my dataset and might help to understand my problem better:
input = : 20, 100, replace = TRUE), ncol = 10))
colnames(input) = paste ( "X" , 1:10, sep = "") #10 observations and 10 variables
output = : 20, 70, replace = TRUE), ncol = 7))
colnames(output) = paste ( "Y" , 1:7, sep = "") #10 observations and 7 variables
#nnet with caret:
net1 = train(output ~., data = input, method= "nnet", maxit = 1000)
When I run the code, I get this error:
error: invalid type (list) for variable 'output'.
I think I have to add all output variables separately (which is very annoying, especially with a lot of variables), like this:
train(output$Y1 + output$Y2 + output$Y3 + output$Y4 + output$Y5 +
output$Y6 + output$Y7 ~., data = input, method= "nnet", maxit = 1000)
This time it runs but I get this error:
Error in [.data.frame(data, , all.vars(Terms), drop = FALSE) :
undefined columns selected
I try to use neuralnet package, with the code below it works perfectly but I still have to add output variables separately :(
net1 = neuralnet(output$Y1 + output$Y2 + output$Y3 + output$Y4 +
output$Y5 + output$Y6 + output$Y7 ~., data = input, hidden=c(2,10))
p.s. since these sample data are created randomly, the neuralnet cannot converge, but in my real data it works well (in comparison to Matlab ANN)
Now, if you could help me with a way to put output variables automatically (not manually), it solves my problem (although with neuralnet not caret).
use the str() function and ascertain that its a data frame looks like you are inputting a list to the train function. This may be because of a transformation you are doing before to output.
Without a full script of earlier steps its difficult to understand what is going on.
After trying different things and searches, I finally found a solution:
First, we must use as.formula to show the relation between our input and output. With the code below we don't need to add all the variables separately:
names1 <- colnames(output) #the name of our variables in the output
names2 = colnames(input) #the name of our variables in the input
a <- as.formula(paste(paste(names1,collapse='+', sep = ""),' ~ '
,paste(names2,collapse='+', sep = "")))
then we have to combine our input and output in a single data frame:
all_data = cbind(output, input)
then, use neuralnet like this:
net1 = neuralnet(formula = a, data = all_data, hidden=c(2,10))
This is also work with the caret package:
net1 = train(a, data = all_data, method= "nnet", maxit = 1000)
but it seems neuralnet works faster (at least in my case).
I hope this helps someone else.

Make the basis of a function from nest loop outer components

I have a segment of code where a composition of nested loops needs to be run at various times; however, each time the operations within the nested loops are different. Is there a way to make the outer portion (loop composition) somehow a functional piece, so that the internal operations are variable. For example, below, two code blocks are shown which both use the same loop introduction, but have different purposes. According to the principle of DRY, how can I improve this, so as not to need to repeat myself each time a similar loop needs to be used?
for a = 0:max(aVec)
for p = find(aVec'==a)
iDval = iDauVec{p};
switch numel(iDval)
case 2
r = rEqVec(iDval);
qVec(iDval(1)) = qVec(p) * (r(2)^0.5 / (r(1)^0.5 + r(2)^0.5));
qVec(iDval(2)) = qVec(p) - qVec(iDval(1));
case 1
qVec(iDval) = qVec(p);
for gen = 0:max(genVec)-1
for p = find(genVec'==gen)
iDval = iDauVec{p};
QinitVec(iDval) = QinitVec(p)/numel(iDval);
You can write your loop structure as a function, which takes a function handle as one of its inputs. Within the loop structure, you can call this function to carry out your operation.
It looks as if the code inside the loop needs the values of p and iDval, and needs to assign to different elements of a vector variable in the workspace. In that case a suitable function definition might be something like this:
function vec = applyFunctionInLoop(aVec, vec, iDauVec, funcToApply)
for a = 0:max(aVec)
for p = find(aVec'==a)
iDval = iDauVec{p};
vec = funcToApply(vec, iDval, p);
You would need to put the code for each different operation you want to carry out in this way into a function with suitable input and output arguments:
function qvec = myFunc1(qVec, iDval, p)
switch numel(iDval)
case 2
r = rEqVec(iDval); % see note
qVec(iDval(1)) = qVec(p) * (r(2)^0.5 / (r(1)^0.5 + r(2)^0.5));
qVec(iDval(2)) = qVec(p) - qVec(iDval(1));
case 1
qVec(iDval) = qVec(p);
function v = myFunc2(v, ix, q)
v(ix) = v(q)/numel(ix);
Now you can use your loop structure to apply each function:
qvec = applyFunctionInLoop(aVec, qVec, iDauVec, myFunc1);
QinitVec = applyFunctionInLoop(aVec, QinitVec, iDauVec, myFunc2);
and so on.
In most of the answer I've kept to the same variable names you used in your question, but in the definition of myFunc2 I've changed the names to emphasise that these variables are local to the function definition - the function is not operating on the variables you passed in to it, but on the values of those variables, which is why we have to pass the final value of the vector out again.
Note that if you want to use the values of other variables in your functions, such as rEqVec in myFunc1, you need to think about whether those variables will be available in the function's workspace. I recommend reading these help pages on the Mathworks site:
Share Data Between Workspaces
Dynamic Function Creation with Anonymous and Nested Functions

Matlab: how to sum fields of two equivalent structures?

I am working in Matlab. I have defined:
I am now trying to add the fields in the two structures a(1) and a(2) such that I get:
c.x = 5;
c.y = 7;
c.z.w = 9;
Any idea how I can do this in an elegant way? Note that in the original problem the structures have many more fields (around 50).
Thank you very much in advance!
Here is a solution, for any depth of struct
The code of the script (or MATLAB command)
c = returnStruct(c, a(2));
you can also sum any amount of structs
for i=2:length(a)
c=returnStruct(c, a(i));
with the recursive function
function rs = returnStruct(s,a)
fn = fieldnames(s);
for i=1:length(fn)
if isstruct(s.(fn{i}))
s.(fn{i}) = returnStruct(s.(fn{i}), a.(fn{i}));
s.(fn{i}) = s.(fn{i})+a.(fn{i});
rs = s;
I tested it for deeper levels of structs and it worked perfectly. Maybe, you have to adapt it slightly for your case, but this should be the way to go.
Unfortunately, any function like struct2cell only converts the first level, so you need something else.
If the deepest substructure level is 2 then this code will work:
for i=1:numel(fields)
if isstruct(a(1).(fields{i}))
for j=1:numel(fields2)
a(3).(fields{i}).(fields2{j})= a(1).(fields{i}).(fields2{j})+a(2).(fields{i}).(fields2{j});
You can have a simple recursive solution
function r = sumfields(s)
if isstruct(s)
for f = fieldnames(s).'
r.(f{1}) = sumfields([s.(f{1})]);
r = sum(s);

Convert matlab symbol to array of products

Can I convert a symbol that is a product of products into an array of products?
I tried to do something like this:
syms A B C D;
D = A*B*C;
but it doesn't factor it out (mostly because that isn't what factor is designed to do).
ans =
I need it to work if A B or C is replaced with any arbitrarily complicated parenthesized function, and it would be nice to do it without knowing what variables are in the function.
For example (all variables are symbolic):
D = x*(x-1)*(cos(z) + n);
should be:
[x, x-1, (cos(z) + n)]
It seems like a string parsing problem, but I'm not confident that I can convert back to symbolic variables afterwards (also, string parsing in matlab sounds really tedious).
Thank you!
Use regexp on the string to split based on *:
>> str = 'x*(x-1)*(cos(z) + n)';
>> factors_str = regexp(str, '\*', 'split')
factors_str =
'x' '(x-1)' '(cos(z) + n)'
The result factor_str is a cell array of strings. To convert to a cell array of sym objects, use
N = numel(factors_str);
factors = cell(1,N); %// each cell will hold a sym factor
for n = 1:N
factors{n} = sym(factors_str{n});
I ended up writing the code to do this in python using sympy. I think I'm going to port the matlab code over to python because it is a more preferred language for me. I'm not claiming this is fast, but it serves my purposes.
# Factors a sum of products function that is first order with respect to all symbolic variables
# into a reduced form using products of sums whenever possible.
# #params orig_exp A symbolic expression to be simplified
# #params depth Used to control indenting for printing
# #params verbose Whether to print or not
def factored(orig_exp, depth = 0, verbose = False):
# Prevents sympy from doing any additional factoring
exp = expand(orig_exp)
if verbose: tabs = '\t'*depth
terms = []
# Break up the added terms
while(exp != 0):
my_atoms = symvar(exp)
if verbose:
print tabs,"The expression is",exp
print tabs,my_atoms, len(my_atoms)
# There is nothing to sort out, only one term left
if len(my_atoms) <= 1:
terms.append((exp, 1))
(c,v) = collect_terms(exp, my_atoms[0])
# Makes sure it doesn't factor anything extra out
exp = expand(c[1])
if verbose:
print tabs, "Collecting", my_atoms[0], "terms."
print tabs,'Seperated terms with ',v[0], ', (',c[0],')'
# Factor the leftovers and recombine
c[0] = factored(c[0], depth + 1)
terms.append((v[0], c[0]))
# Combines trivial terms whenever possible
def termParser(thing): return str(thing[1])
terms = sorted(terms, key = termParser)
while i<len(terms)-1:
if equals(terms[i][1], terms[i+1][1]):
terms[i] = (terms[i][0]+terms[i+1][0], terms[i][1])
del terms[i+1]
i += 1
recombine = sum([terms[i][0]*terms[i][1] for i in range(len(terms))])
return simplify(recombine, ratio = 1)

What are some efficient ways to combine two structures in MATLAB?

I want to combine two structures with differing fields names.
For example, starting with:
A.field1 = 1;
A.field2 = 'a';
B.field3 = 2;
B.field4 = 'b';
I would like to have:
C.field1 = 1;
C.field2 = 'a';
C.field3 = 2;
C.field4 = 'b';
Is there a more efficient way than using "fieldnames" and a for loop?
EDIT: Let's assume that in the case of field name conflicts we give preference to A.
Without collisions, you can do
M = [fieldnames(A)' fieldnames(B)'; struct2cell(A)' struct2cell(B)'];
And this is reasonably efficient. However, struct errors on duplicate fieldnames, and pre-checking for them using unique kills performance to the point that a loop is better. But here's what it would look like:
M = [fieldnames(A)' fieldnames(B)'; struct2cell(A)' struct2cell(B)'];
[tmp, rows] = unique(M(1,:), 'last');
M=M(:, rows);
You might be able to make a hybrid solution by assuming no conflicts and using a try/catch around the call to struct to gracefully degrade to the conflict handling case.
Short answer: setstructfields (if you have the Signal Processing Toolbox).
The official solution is posted by Loren Shure on her MathWorks blog, and demonstrated by SCFrench here and in Eitan T's answer to a different question. However, if you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, a simple undocumented function does this already - setstructfields.
help setstructfields
setstructfields Set fields of a structure using another structure
setstructfields(STRUCTIN, NEWFIELDS) Set fields of STRUCTIN using
another structure NEWFIELDS fields. If fields exist in STRUCTIN
but not in NEWFIELDS, they will not be changed.
Internally it uses fieldnames and a for loop, so it is a convenience function with error checking and recursion for fields that are themselves structs.
The "original" struct:
% struct with fields 'color' and 'count'
s = struct('color','orange','count',2)
s =
color: 'orange'
count: 2
A second struct containing a new value for 'count', and a new field, 'shape':
% struct with fields 'count' and 'shape'
s2 = struct('count',4,'shape','round')
s2 =
count: 4
shape: 'round'
Calling setstructfields:
>> s = setstructfields(s,s2)
s =
color: 'orange'
count: 4
shape: 'round'
The field 'count' is updated. The field 'shape' is added. The field 'color' remains unchanged.
NOTE: Since the function is undocumented, it may change or be removed at any time.
I have found a nice solution on File Exchange: catstruct.
Without testing the performance I can say that it did exactly what I wanted.
It can deal with duplicate fields of course.
Here is how it works:
a.f1 = 1;
a.f2 = 2;
b.f2 = 3;
b.f4 = 4;
s = catstruct(a,b)
Will give
s =
f1: 1
f2: 3
f3: 4
I don't think you can handle conflicts well w/o a loop, nor do I think you'd need to avoid one. (although I suppose efficiency could be an issue w/ many many fields...)
I use a function I wrote a few years back called setdefaults.m, which combines one structure with the values of another structure, where one takes precedence over the other in case of conflict.
% SETDEFAULTS sets the default structure values
% SOUT = SETDEFAULTS(S, SDEF) reproduces in S
% all the structure fields, and their values, that exist in
% SDEF that do not exist in S.
% the same function as above, but if OVERRIDE is 1,
% it copies all fields of SDEF to SOUT.
function sout = setdefaults(s,sdef,override)
if (not(exist('override','var')))
override = 0;
sout = s;
for f = fieldnames(sdef)'
cf = char(f);
if (override | not(isfield(sout,cf)))
sout = setfield(sout,cf,getfield(sdef,cf));
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that the "override" input is unnecessary (you can just switch the order of the inputs) though I'm not 100% sure of that... so here's a simpler rewrite (setdefaults2.m):
% SETDEFAULTS2 sets the default structure values
% SOUT = SETDEFAULTS(S, SDEF) reproduces in S
% all the structure fields, and their values, that exist in
% SDEF that do not exist in S.
function sout = setdefaults2(s,sdef)
sout = sdef;
for f = fieldnames(s)'
sout = setfield(sout,f{1},getfield(s,f{1}));
and some samples to test it:
>> S1 = struct('a',1,'b',2,'c',3);
>> S2 = struct('b',4,'c',5,'d',6);
>> setdefaults2(S1,S2)
ans =
b: 2
c: 3
d: 6
a: 1
>> setdefaults2(S2,S1)
ans =
a: 1
b: 4
c: 5
d: 6
In C, a struct can have another struct as one of it's members. While this isn't exactly the same as what you're asking, you could end up either with a situation where one struct contains another, or one struct contains two structs, both of which hold parts of the info that you wanted.
psuedocode: i don't remember the actual syntax.
A.field1 = 1;
A.field2 = 'a';
A.field3 = struct B;
to access:
or something of the sort.
Or you could have struct C hold both an A and a B:
C.A = struct A;
C.B = struct B;
with access then something like
hope this helps!
EDIT: both of these solutions avoid naming collisions.
Also, I didn't see your matlab tag. By convention, you should want to edit the question to include that piece of info.