q - recursion with / - kdb

In q, a common illustration for the over operator / is the implementation of fibonacci sequence
10 {x,sum -2#x}/ 1 1
This indeed prints the first 10 fibonacci numbers but doesn't make sense in regards of the definition of the over operator in this whitepaper (page 8)
With two arguments, the second one being a list, the function is
called with the left argument as its first parameter and the first
element of the right argument as the second parameter. Next, the
function is called with the result of the previous iteration as the
first parameter and the third element as the second parameter. The
process continues in this way for the remaining elements of the list.
So in the fibonacci example above, at the first iteration the function would be called with [10;1] ("first parameter and first item of second parameter") which would already give an incorrect result.
My implementation is in line with the definition (and works)
1 1 {[l;c] l,sum -2#l}/til 10
but I don't like it because the parameter c is never used.
How can the first example be reconciled with the definition?
Thanks for the help

/ has a number of forms, described here: https://code.kx.com/q/ref/adverbs
The specific form being used here is "repeat" - https://code.kx.com/q/ref/adverbs/#converge-repeat
The fibonacci function here is monadic i.e. takes one parameter (x)
In this form, / will run the function with the supplied parameter (i.e. the list of 1 1), and then with the result of that call, and then again with the result of that call and so, until the number of iterations reaches 10 (the left argument to /)
The definition you provide is true if the function is a dyadic function (i.e. takes two parameters)
Hope this helps
AquaQ Analytics

The left argument is this example is being treated as an iteration integer atom (repeat).
Please see coverge-repeat on code.kx.com may add further clarification.


difference between Pass-by-value pass-by-reference and pass-by-

I have this question about passing methods and I want to make sure I understand it correctly
What is the value of i and array a if arguments are passed by
a value
b reference
c value/result
asseume we have the following pseudocode
this is my answer
By value
i = 1
by reference
i = 3
a[1] = 2
a[2] = 11
by value result
i = 2
a[1] = 10
a[2] = 1
is this correct ? thanks
First of all, when you call a function (or procedure, whatever you name it), a new call stack is created. On that call stack, the parameters are assigned to values (parameters are the ones which is part of your function signature. Usually we call them 'formal parameters', like the x y z in your above procedure f). What they are assigned to is according to the actual arguments by which the function is invoked.
If they are passed by values, the formal parameters are assign to the values of the arguments. That means, the values of the actual arguments are copied to the formal parameters. Any further operations on the formal parameters does not affect the argument at all. In your example, y is assigned to the value of a[1], which is 10. In the function's body, y is reassigned, but nothing happened to a[1] anymore.
If they are passed by reference, on the other hand, the formal parameters are assigned to the memory address of the actual arguments, and in the function's body, the formal parameters are implicitly dereferenced to the values of that memory address. In your example, x will hold the memory address of i, y for a[1] and z for i as well. Operation on x y z are actually operation on i and a[1].
I don't know what you mean by "passed by value result". I have never seen such terms elsewhere.
Another thing I want to mention is, there are two distinct meanings of "reference" in the programming world. There will be no time for me to give a long explanation. You may search for "reference type in Java" and "reference variables in C++" to see the difference.

`[~,ui] = Unique(Day)` what is this doing?

When looking at Matlab code I have stumbled upon the following line of code:
[~,ui] = Unique(Day)
(Where Day is the vector containing a numeric value of day like so: 1,2,3, etc.)
What is it doing? I have noticed that it creates some kind of unique identifiers for the numeric value of the day (i.e. for 1 to 31) as well as a variable called Volume. What is Volume?
[~,ui] = Unique(Day) evaluates the function Unique with input argument Day.
This function has 2 outputs, and if you want to use both, you would write
[a,b]=Unique(Day). However, if you need only second output, you can put ~ instead of the first argument. So, your first output will not be saved.
It is impossible to answer, what Volume means, because you didn't provide the code of the function Unique.

clearer explanation of function level scope for recursion

This is an example from the book 'Matlab for Neuroscientists'. I don't understand the order in which, or why, g gets assigned a new value after each recursion. Nor do I understand why "factorial2" is included in the final line of code.
here is a link to the text
Basically, I am asking for someone to re-word the authors explanation (circled in red) of how the function works, as if they were explaining the concept and processes to a 5-year old. I'm brand new to programming. I thought I understood how this worked from reading another book, but now this authors explanation is causing nothing but confusion. Many thanks to anyone who can help!!
A recursive method works by breaking a larger problem into smaller problems each time the method is called. This allows you to break what would be a difficult problem; a factorial summation, into a series of smaller problems.
Each recursive function has 2 parts:
1) The base case: The lowest value that we care about evaluating. Usually this goes to zero or one.
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
2) The general case: The general case is what we are going to call until we reach the base case. We call the function again, but this time with 1 less than the previous function started with. This allows us to work our way towards the base case.
out = num + factorial(num-1);
This statement means that we are going to firstly call the function with 1 less than what this function with; we started with three, the next call starts with two, the call after that starts with 1 (Which triggers our base case!)
Once our base case is reached, the methods "recurse-out". This means they bounce backwards, back into the function that called it, bringing all the data from the functions below it!It is at this point that our summation actually occurs.
Once the original function is reached, we have our final summation.
For example, let's say you want the summation of the first 3 integers.
The first recursive call is passed the number 3.
function [out] = factorial(num)
%//Base case
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
%//General case
out = num + factorial(num-1);
Walking through the function calls:
factorial(3); //Initial function call
factorial(1) + factorial(2) + factorial(3) = returned value
This gives us a result of 6!

Lisp Function Interpretation

I am reading a book and I am confused on what the following code does:
(defmethod execute ((o ORDER) (l SIMUL) (e MARKETUPDATE))
(list (make-TRADE :timestamp (timestamp e)
:price (price e)
:quantity (orderquantity o)))
The source to which I got this function says that it returns two values. My question is what the body does. From my understanding, the line 3-5 creates a list with :timestamp, :price, :quantity. Am I correct? What about values, the second line? Does it return this variable too? Any summary would help. Thanks
This is a method for a generic function, specializing on arguments of types order, simul, and marketupdate.
It returns 2 values:
A list of length 1 created by the eponymous function list, which contains a single object of, presumably, type trade (probably - but not necessarily - created by a defstruct), which has slots timestamp, price, and quantity.
Symbol nil.
You can probably access the slots of the trade using functions trade-timestamp &c (unless the defstruct form is non-trivial or trade is not defined by a defstruct at all).
Why the result of make-trade is wrapped in a list is hard to guess without more context, but I'd guess that an execute can be split into N trades in some scenarios.
I suspect your confusion arises almost entire because this is the first time you have encountered a use of values. Common Lisp allows functions to return multiple values. That's slightly similar to how any language allows functions to receive multiple parameters.
These multiple return values are quite efficiently implemented. Most newbies encounter multiple values for the first time on the integer division functions, which will return a remainder as their second value. Hash table look ups will return a second value to indicate if the key was actually in the table, since the value stored for the key might be nil.
In your example the second value is NIL, presumably other execute methods might return something more interesting - for example where in the update Q the order was place, or an error code if something goes wrong. Of course checking out the manual for values will be fraught with educational values(sic).
This function is a method returning two values by using the keyword values. Have a look at CLOS to better understand object orientation and at "values" for the way of returning more than one value.

What is a "kind" in the context of Type Systems?

I have already read the Wikipedia article and searched for obvious places but I'm stuck. Can someone simple tell me what exactly is a Kind ? What is it used for ?
Scala examples are most appreciated
In short: a kind is to types what a type is to values.
What is a value? 1, 2, 3 are values. So are "Hello" and "World", true and false, and so forth.
Values belong to types. Types describe a set of values. 1, 2 and 3 belong to the type Nat, "Hello" and "World" to the type Text, true and false to the type Boolean.
Functions take one or more values as arguments and produce one or more values as results. In order to meaningfully do something with the arguments, the function needs to make some assumptions about them, this is done by constraining their types. So, function parameters and return values typically also have types.
Now, a function also has a type, which is described by the types of its inputs and outputs. For example, the abs function which computes the absolute value of a number has the type
Number -> NonNegativeNumber
The function add which adds two numbers has the type
(Number, Number) -> Number
The function divmod has the type
(Number, Number) -> (Number, Number)
Okay, but if functions take values as arguments and produce values as results, and functions are values, then functions can also take functions as arguments and return functions as results, right? What's the type of such a function?
Let's say we have a function findCrossing which finds the point where some other function (of numbers) crosses the y-axis. It takes as an argument the function and produces as a result a number:
(Number -> Number) -> Number
Or a function makeAdder which produces a function which takes a number and adds a specific number to it:
Number -> (Number -> Number)
And a function which computes the derivative of another function:
(Number -> Number) -> (Number -> Number)
Let's look at the level of abstraction here: a value is something very concrete. It only means one thing. If we were to order our levels of abstraction here, we could say that a value has the order 0.
A function, OTOH is more abstract: a single function can produce many different values. So, it has order 1.
A function which returns or accepts a function is even more abstract: it can produce many different functions which can produce many different values. It has order 2.
Generally, we call everything with an order > 1 "higher order".
Okay, but what about kinds? Well, we said above that 1, 2, "Hello", false etc. have types. But what is the type of Number? Or Text? Or Boolean?
Well, its type is Type, of course! This "type of a type" is called a kind.
And just like we can have functions which construct values out of values, we can have functions which construct types out of types. These functions are called type constructors.
And just like functions have types, type constructors have kinds. For example, the List type constructor, which takes an element type and produces a list type for that element has kind
Type -> Type
The Map type constructor, which takes a key type and a value type and produces a map type has kind
(Type, Type) -> Type
Now, continuing the analogy, if we can have functions which take functions as arguments, can we also have type constructors which take type constructors as arguments? Of course!
An example is the Functor type constructor. It takes a type constructor and produces a type:
(Type -> Type) -> Type
Notice how we always write Type here? Above, we had many different types like Number, Text, Boolean etc. Here, we always have only kind of type, namely Type. That gets tedious to (warning, bad pun ahead) type, so instead of writing Type everywhere, we just write *. I.e. Functor has the kind
(* -> *) -> *
and Number has the kind
Continuing the analogy, Number, Text and all others of kind * have order 0, List and all others of kind * -> * or more generally (*, …) -> (*, …) have order 1, Functor and all of kind (* -> *) -> * or * -> (* -> *) (and so forth) have order 2. Except in this case we sometimes also call it rank instead of order.
Everything above order/rank 1 is called higher-order, higher-rank or higher-kinded.
I hope the analogy is clear now: types describe sets of values; kinds describe sets of types.
Aside: I completely ignored currying. Basically, currying means that you can transform any function which takes two values into a function which takes one value and returns a function which takes the other value, similarly for three, four, five, … arguments. This means that you only ever need to deal with functions with exactly one parameter, which makes languages much simpler.
However, this also means that technically speaking, add is a higher-order function (because it returns a function) which is muddying the definitions.
The most eloquent explanation for kinds/higher-kinds I've seen so far and also in the context of Scala is Daniel Spiewak's High Wizardry in the Land of Scala. There are many versions, he gave this talk a few times, here I've chosen the longest one, but you can quickly google and find others.
The most important message from this talk is exactly the answer given by #Jörg W Mittag:
"kind is to types what a type is to values"
Another place for a more theoretical view on the subject is the paper Generics of a Higher Kind, also in the context of Scala.