Lisp Function Interpretation - lisp

I am reading a book and I am confused on what the following code does:
(defmethod execute ((o ORDER) (l SIMUL) (e MARKETUPDATE))
(list (make-TRADE :timestamp (timestamp e)
:price (price e)
:quantity (orderquantity o)))
The source to which I got this function says that it returns two values. My question is what the body does. From my understanding, the line 3-5 creates a list with :timestamp, :price, :quantity. Am I correct? What about values, the second line? Does it return this variable too? Any summary would help. Thanks

This is a method for a generic function, specializing on arguments of types order, simul, and marketupdate.
It returns 2 values:
A list of length 1 created by the eponymous function list, which contains a single object of, presumably, type trade (probably - but not necessarily - created by a defstruct), which has slots timestamp, price, and quantity.
Symbol nil.
You can probably access the slots of the trade using functions trade-timestamp &c (unless the defstruct form is non-trivial or trade is not defined by a defstruct at all).

Why the result of make-trade is wrapped in a list is hard to guess without more context, but I'd guess that an execute can be split into N trades in some scenarios.
I suspect your confusion arises almost entire because this is the first time you have encountered a use of values. Common Lisp allows functions to return multiple values. That's slightly similar to how any language allows functions to receive multiple parameters.
These multiple return values are quite efficiently implemented. Most newbies encounter multiple values for the first time on the integer division functions, which will return a remainder as their second value. Hash table look ups will return a second value to indicate if the key was actually in the table, since the value stored for the key might be nil.
In your example the second value is NIL, presumably other execute methods might return something more interesting - for example where in the update Q the order was place, or an error code if something goes wrong. Of course checking out the manual for values will be fraught with educational values(sic).

This function is a method returning two values by using the keyword values. Have a look at CLOS to better understand object orientation and at "values" for the way of returning more than one value.


Function that accepts two lists of predicates and elements list and partitions the elements list accordingly

i want to write a function that accepts two lists of predicates functions and elements list and returns all the members in the original list that hold all the predicates in pre1_list and delete the members in the original list that unhold all the predicates in pre2_list
i am writing this code in a language called mini lisp , it's similar to lisp but more simple ,but that doesn't matter , i just want help on how to do such a thing ? an idea of how to implement such code !
how i am thinking to do it : (just the beginning of my idea)
(defun get_pred_1_not_2 (pre1_list pre2_list list)
((null list) NIL)
; return all the members in the original list that hold all the predicates in pre1_list
(pre1_list (get_pred_1_not_2 (cdr pre1_list) pre2_list (filter_pre list (car pre1_list))))
; delete all the members in the original list that unhold all the predicates in pre2_list
(pre2_list (get_pred_1_not_2 pre1_list (cdr pre2_list) ;.... (
where filter_pre is a function that returns all the element from the list that holds predications giving to it
i hope someone could help ! as this function is really deficult to write and i don't want to just give up
thank you
Don't try building the whole solution all at once. Instead proceed by building the building blocks for yourself, function by function, for simple enough tasks so that each function is easy to write. That's the "functional programming" approach.
Start with the simple filter function for one predicate. Then modify it to have your filter-not.
Then use them to implement filter-ps and filter-not-ps.
Alternatively, turn your list of predicates into one predicate by writing all-ps and all-ps-not functions.
The produced predicate will work with one element at a time, so you can use it with the simple filter to get what you want, with two calls to filter -- first with the result of all-ps applied to your first predicates list; second with the result of all-ps-not applied to your second predicates list.
edit: if you delete all elements for which all predicates "unhold" i.e. return false, you are left with all the elements for which at least one of the predicates returns true. So you might as well say, for the second part of the task, that you want to keep all elements for which at least one of the predicates hold. Still the same general guidelines apply, just that instead of defining all-ps-not you need to define at-least-one-of-ps, or perhaps name it some-ps.

Why is the return type Unit used to describe operations that have no return value in Q#; as opposed to void or none?

Why did Microsoft, when creating Q#, decide to use the keyword Unit instead of void or none, to describe methods that have no return value? Is there a reason for this, or did Microsoft just want to do something different?
Functions and operations in Q# are always tuple-in tuple-out.
Together with singleton–tuple equivalence (the principle that 'T and ('T) are the exact same type), this lets Q# represent things uniformly, with every function and operation taking exactly one input and returning exactly one output, each of which are tuples.
One consequence of this approach that we can write a function like Composed<'T, 'U, 'V>(inner : ('T -> 'U), outer : ('U -> 'V)) : ('T -> 'V), confident that we can pass any function as inner, without thinking about how many arguments it takes.
For this design to be consistent, we need that a function or operation that "returns nothing" returns an empty tuple rather than no value at all. In many functional languages (including F#), the type of the empty tuple is called unit or Unit, following traditional notation in type theory. In Q#, we decided to follow that tradition to clarify the distinction between the value () and the type Unit.

How to ignore a return value in Common Lisp

I'm working with some code which calls ADJUST-ARRAY. I am getting a warning message from the Lisp interpreter (CMUCL) that the return value of ADJUST-ARRAY should not be ignored.
In the code I am working on, ADJUST-ARRAY modifies its argument in place, if I am not mistaken. So it's not necessary to do anything with the return value. Is there a designated way to ignore a return value in Common Lisp? Of course, I could assign the return value to some variable, and then ignore the variable. But that feels clumsy.
I could also assign the return value to the ADJUST-ARRAY argument, something like:
(setq my-array (adjust-array my-array ...))
but that seems to suggest that I'm not sure if ADJUST-ARRAY will modify MY-ARRAY in place.
Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance.
You are correct. As the documentation states:
The result is an array of the same type and rank as array, that is
either the modified array, or a newly created array to which array
can be displaced, and that has the given new-dimensions.
If the result is a newly created array then of course the function would have had no effect on the argument.
Common Lisp almost always require you to use the returned value rather than old bindings in order to have portable code.
The specification of adjust-array is that the adjusted array is the one returned.
What you can expect of the argument array afterwards to be is a bit complicated and may differ between implementations in some cases.
Just use the one returned. You might use setf to modify or let to create a binding.

`alldifferent` method in MiniZinc

The following is the constraint I tried to implement in MiniZinc
constraint forall (t in trucks)
(all_different(c in customers where sequence[t,c] !=0) (sequence[t,c]));
that is, I want every row element to be different for the sequence matrix when the sequence value doesn't equal to 0.
and got the error
MiniZinc: type error: no function or predicate with this signature found: all_different(array[int] of var opt int)'.
As indicated by some other threads I've added include "alldifferent.mzn"; command, still showing that error.
This is part of assignment, sorry for not able to push all my code here, please let me know if there is any extra information needed.
To clearly understand what you are doing, you can write your expression in a different way:
all_different([sequence[t,c] | c in customers where sequence[c,t] != 0])
Note that this uses array comprehensions. These are great to express a lot of things, but if sequence is an array of variables then the number of variables in this comprehension is unknown. This is a big problem for many solvers. And is thus not supported by many of them.
It is at least impossible with the all_different predicate.
Your problem however is a well known one, thus a different predicate is available. You can express the same constraint in the following way:
for(t in trucks) (
alldifferent_except_0([sequence[c,t] | c in customers])

Difference between a function and procedure?

I had a doubt
I know that main difference between a function and procedure is
The function compulsory returns a value where as a procedure may or may not returns value.
But when we use a function of type void it returns nothing.
Can u people please clarify my doubt.
Traditionally, a procedure returning a value has been called a function (see below), however, many modern languages dispense with the term procedure altogether, preferring to use the term function for all named code blocks.
Read more at Suite101: Procedure, subroutine or function?: Programming terminology 101 - a look at the differences in approach and definition of procedures, subroutines and functions.
In C and its derivatives, the term "procedure" is rarely used. C has functions some of which return a value and some of which don't. I think this is an artefact of C's heritage where before the introduction of void in ANSI C, there was no way to not return a value. By default functions returned an int which you could ignore (can still) and might be some random number if no explicit return value was specified.
In the Pascal language family, the difference is explicit, functions return a value and procedures don't. A different keyword is used in each case for the definition. Visual Basic also differentiates with functions and subroutines(?).
Since we are talking about Objective-C, there are some further issues to confuse you. Functions associated with a class or object are known as "methods" (class methods and instance methods respectively).
Also, if we are being pedantic, you don't call Objective-C methods, you invoke them by sending a message to the object. The distinction is actually quite important because the message name (aka "selector") does not necessarily always refer to the same method, it can be changed at run time. This is fundamentally different to languages like Java and C++ where a particular method name for a particular class is really just a symbolic name for the address of the block of code constituting the body of the method.
Depending on the programming language, the distinction may be not so clear. Let's take a conservative language, Pascal:
procedure indeed has no return value. It is used for operations which do not have a return value, or have multiple return values. In the latter case, multiple arguments (the return-arguments or output-arguments) are passed by reference (using the var keyword) and their values are directly modified from inside the procedure. (Note that this latter case may not be considered good practice, depending on the circumstances).
function has a single return value, and usually we do not expect it to change the value of any of its arguments (which arguments may then be passed by value, or via the const keyword). Multiple return values may be returned by bundling them into a record.
C or Java does not distinguish syntactically, so a function of return type void can be thought of as a procedure. Scala distinguished between them by the presence of an equals sign between the method head and method body.
Generally, no matter how an actual language calls its construct, we would ideally expect that
A function takes arguments, doesn't modify any state (like mutating arguments, global variables, or printing info for the user to the console), and returns the result of computation.
A procedure takes arguments, performs operations which can have side-effects (writing to a database, printing to the console, maybe mutating variables), but hopefully doesn't mutate any arguments.
In practice however, depending on the situation, blends of these expectations can be observed. Sticking to these guidelines helps I think.