GnuPlot - 2D chart doesn't mark double values [duplicate] - charts

I want to plot some stockpile data.
The data is located in a csv-file and I already got an almost accurate plot, so reading from file isn't the problem.
set terminal pdf
set output "gnuplot/".MATNUM."-2012.pdf"
set datafile separator ";"
stats 'Stock-2012.csv' every ::4::18 using MATNUM nooutput
set border 3
set tics nomirror
set xzeroaxis
set xrange[0:14]
set xtics 1,1,13
set xtics rotate 90
set ylabel MATUNIT
maxplot = sprintf("Amount max:\n%.2f ".MATUNIT, STATS_max)
plot 'Stock-2012.csv' every ::4::18 using ($0+1):MATNUM:xticlabels(2) with linespoints title "Amount", STATS_max with lines lc rgb 'blue' title maxplot
Where MATNUM and MATUNIT are commandline arguments, representing materialnumber (which is the columntitle in the datafile) and the unit in which the material is measured.
The x-values in my datafile are decimals, but gnuplot seems to cut off the fractional digits. For example 12,98 (commata are used as decimal separator, because it's a german stockpile) results in a datapoint at y=12.
I'm not sure but I think this happens only at the maximum and minimum y-value, as STATS_max is an integer every time.
What can I do to get my points at the right y-value?

Unfortunately you did not show any data from you file, but I guess you are using commas as decimal separators. In that case you need to set the right decimal sign for reading the input. You can use e.g.
set decimalsign locale
or use an explicit locale (this must be installed)
set decimalsign locale "de_DE.UTF-8"
Note, that setting an explicit character with set decimalsign ',' does not work because it usually affects only the output format of e.g. tics, but not the input behaviour.


Decoding Keyence LJ-X8000 Bitmap-Height Image

I have a Keyence Line Laser System LJ-X 8000, that I use to scan the surface of different objects.
The Controller saves the height information as a bitmap, with each pixel representing one height value. After a lot of tinkering, I found out, that Keyence is not using the actual colors, rather than using the 24-Bit RGB-triplets as some form of binary storage. However, no combination of these bytes seems to work for me. Are there any common storage methods for 24-bit Integers?
To decode those values, I did a scan covering the whole measurement range of the scanner, including some out of range values in the beginning and the end. If you look at the distribution of the values of each color plane, you can see, that the first and third plane actually only use values up to 8/16 which means only 3/4 Bits. This is also visible in the image itself, as it mainly shows a green color.
I concluded that Keyence uses the full byte of the green color plane, 3 Bits of the first and 4 Bits of the last plane to store the height information. Keyence seems to have chosen some weird 15 Bit Integer Format to store their data.
With a little bit-shifting and knowing that the scanner has a valid range from [-2.2, 2.2], I was able to build the following simple little (Matlab-) script to calculate the height information for each pixel:
HeightValBin = bitshift(scanIm(:,:,2),7, 'uint16') ...
+ bitshift(scanIm(:,:,1),4, 'uint16')...
+ bitshift(scanIm(:,:,3),0, 'uint16');
scanBinValScaled = interp1([0,2^15], [-2.2, 2.2], double(scanBinVal));
Keyence offers a software to convert those .bmp into .csv-files, but without an API to automate the process. As I will have to deal with a lot of these files I needed to automate this process.
The calculated values from the rgb triplets are actually even more precise than the exported csv, as the csv only shows 4 digits after the decimal point.

Justify legend text in Matlab

I have the legend shown below:
On the left, the text is aligned, however, on the right the numbers are not aligned. How can I align the numbers too?
The tab command (\t) does not seem to work when providing strings to table entries. However, you can solve the problem if you work in the latex environment, define every entry as a single-row tabular and define the first column to have a specific width (e.g. 1 cm):
plot(eye(2)); % example plot
'\begin{tabular}{p{1cm}r}second:&2\end{tabular}'); % table entries in latex
set(h,'interpreter','latex'); % set interpreter

Exchange phase of 2 image's fft and reconstruct [duplicate]

I'm using MATLAB for image processing and I came across a code with the instruction:
when executed it give a binary image.
I have check the manual of the function on, the most similar used mode is
but they don't say a thing about the case where that array is empty ([])
I tried to remove it:
but all I see is a white board. I would like to know what is happening in the first use case (imshow(pixel_labels,[])), I hope from there I will understand why I get a white board in the last use case.
If I type help imshow in MATLAB, the first paragraph reads:
IMSHOW(I,[LOW HIGH]) displays the grayscale image I, specifying the
range for I in [LOW HIGH]. The value LOW (and any value less than LOW)
displays as black, the value HIGH (and any value greater than HIGH) displays
as white. Values in between are displayed as intermediate shades of gray,
using the default number of gray levels. If you use an empty matrix ([]) for
[LOW HIGH], IMSHOW uses [min(I(:)) max(I(:))]; that is, the minimum value in
I is displayed as black, and the maximum value is displayed as white.
so [] is simply shorthand for [min(pixel_labels(:)) max(pixel_labels(:))].

precise scaling of matlab textboxes with axes magnification

I would like to have a text box rescale with the level of magnification, such that one unit of text is always assigned one unit of horizontal axis-length. The text width should not change but rather the spacing between characters.
For instance, if the x-axis displayed [0:50], fifty characters should be displayed, one at each integer position. If the magnification was increased such that the display comprised only [0:10], only ten characters would be displayed, again placing one character at each integer position along the horizontal axis.
Finally, the text would ideally not display when the magnification level was below some threshold determined by the number of characters that can be legibly printed along a horizontal line spanning the extent of the axes.
I have tried using the text object, but it doesn't seem to have the relevant properties to allow such dynamic behavior. I have instead considered breaking the N-length string into N unit-length strings and placing each at a defined x-position, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to display only those relevant at the prevailing zoom level (there is some spill-over of characters beyond the bounds of the axis). In contrast, with this approach, all the characters appear as a jumble at zoom levels so low that the number of characters printed cannot be reasonably accommodated.
Thus, I inquire whether another solution besides printing a series of unit-length strings might be advised and, if not, how the twin problems of text spill-over and text overlap can be resolved at high and low zoom, respectively (the first might be done by somehow preventing printing of information outside the axes; the second seems to require some dynamic magnification-aware means of suppressing text output at or above a certain x-axis extent).

How do I set the default linestyle for plots in MATLAB?

I have an array of data that I would like to plot
How can I set the line style to automatically change to the next style once the line colours have been through one cycle?
For this example I would like the 8-10th lines to have a different line style. I can do it manually but I'd like Matlab to do it for me if I can set a default option somewhere.
Your first inclination might be to just change the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes before plotting your data. Unfortunately, high-level plotting functions like PLOT will reset the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes to it's default value '-'before plotting. One solution is to change the default value used by all axes objects at the root level. For example:
Will first use a solid line, then a dotted line, and then repeat again if necessary for each plot. Note that you could also use a custom 'ColorOrder' property with high-level plotting functions by changing the default value at the root as well. The following example will change it so PLOT cycles between only red, green, and blue:
set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
Instead of worrying about different line styles, another solution to your problem would be to set the default color order to have more than just 7 colors.
Once default property values on the root are set, they will stay that way until MATLAB is closed. When reopened, the default property values will be set back to their factory-defined values. Commands like CLEAR won't set default properties back to their factory-defined values. Instead, you should set the default property value to 'remove' to undo user-defined values, like so:
set(0,'DefaultAxesLineStyleOrder','remove'); %# Sets the default back to '-'
As another alternative to changing the default properties used by all axes objects, if you change the NextPlot property of an individual axes to anything except 'replace' you can then change the 'LineStyleOrder' or 'ColorOrder' properties to whatever you want and PLOT will not reset them to their defaults. For example, this should do what you want as well: