I tried to go through the airflow documentation. Still couldn't figure how to use upstart or systemd to start airflow webserver and scheduler.
Documentation is for Ubuntu 14.04. Is there any updates towards these two methods?
Any can help me?
There are both systemd and upstart configuration files for the different airflow components available in the github repo. See https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/tree/master/scripts/systemd and https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/tree/master/scripts/upstart.
I am trying to install Kubernetes on Debian 9 (stretch) server, which is on cloud and therefore can't do virtualization. And it doesn't have systemd. Also, I'm trying for really minimal configuration, not big cluster.
I've found Minikube, https://docs.gitlab.com/charts/development/minikube/index.html which is supposed to run without virtualization using docker, but it requires systemd, as mentioned here https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/2704 (and yes I get the related error message).
I also found k3s, https://github.com/rancher/k3s which can run either on systemd or openrc, but when I install openrc using https://wiki.debian.org/OpenRC I don't have the "net" service it depends on.
Then I found microk8s, https://microk8s.io/ which needs systemd simply because snapd needs systemd.
Is there some other alternative or solution to mentioned problems? Or did Poettering already bribed everyone?
Since you are well off the beaten path, you can probably just run things by hand with k3s. It's a single executable AFAIK. See https://github.com/rancher/k3s#manual-download as a simple starting point. You will eventually want some kind of service monitor to restart things if they crash, if not systemd then perhaps Upstart (which is not packaged for Deb9) or Runit (which itself usually runs under supervision).
I want to run celery on background as a daemon on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with python3.6.
I followed answer of this question :How do you run a worker with AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
But supervisor is not supported for python3.6 . What is solution for python 3.6.
Note : I am using Rabbitmq server and setup celery on my project as a remote server.
Master branch of supervisor supports Python 3. You can use it. It may have some bugs as it is in development.
To install it, run
$ pip install git+https://github.com/Supervisor/supervisor.git
Ensure git installed in your system for the above command to work.
As I mentioned here, you can also use mozilla circus which is an alternative for celery.
After one day of research finally I got the answer of my question :
Just installed git on Eb.
git: []
Add supervisor on requirements.txt :
I need to install a Kubernetes cluster in complete offline mode. I can follow all the instructions at http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/scratch/ and install from binaries but that seems like an involved setup. The installation using kubeadm is pretty easy but I don't see any docs on whether I can install the cluster by downloading the .deb packages locally.
Any pointers to that direction are much appreciated.
I don't think that anyone has documented this yet. The biggest thing needed is to get the right images pre-loaded on every machine in the cluster. After that things should just work.
There was some discussion of this in this PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/36759.
If I had the bandwidth I'd implement a kubeadm list-images so we could do docker save $(kubeadm list-images) | gzip > kube-images.tar.gz. You could manually construct that list by reading code and such.
Can we install Kubernetes in a complete offline mode with kubeadm?
Yes, I've already set up several offline clusters (1.15.x) with ansible and kubeadm. Mainly you need to prepare the following things in a USB drive and bring it to your offline environment.
.deb/.rpm files to install ansible
.deb/.rpm files to install docker
.deb/.rpm files to install kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet
Docker images of kubernetes cluster (You can find that with kubeadm config images list)
Docker images of kubernetes addons (flannel/calico, dashboard, etc)
Your ansible playbooks
The installation steps are as follow:
Install ansible with dpkg or rpm (manully)
Install docker with dpkg or rpm (via ansible tasks)
Install kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet with dpkg or rpm (via ansible tasks)
docker load all the docker images (via ansible tasks)
Run kubeadm init and kubeadm join (via ansible tasks)
There may be lots of details here. Feel free to leave your comments.
Is it recommended to deploy Kubernetes 1.2 on a bare-metal Ubuntu/ RedHat production cluster? If so, what is the recommended SDN tool (flanneld or OvS), docker version and etcd version to use?
Here is the getting started guide for Ubuntu. It hasn't been updated since Kubernetes v1.1.8, but it should still be applicable for v1.2.4. That getting started guide uses flannel, but you can also use Calico (Guide). The list of Kubernetes getting started guides might be a good place to start.
docker version need to be 1.2+
you can found flannel/etcd version in the script of download-release.sh
I was in the process of creating redhat based lxc in redhat host machine but lxc-create doesn't have any template for redhat. I like to know if there is any feasibility to create redhat lxc in redhat host machine.I have also read about virsh and docker. Virsh is used for host based containers but will it be isolated similar to LXC and have anyone had experience about it. I'm confused whether i can configure separate filesystems and network interface for each container in virsh. Please help me with best solution. Thanks in advance.
The Docker Hub is full of images that can be used with LXC (including redhat images). You can use dlrootfs to download the redhat image directly from the Docker Hub and then use it with LXC.
Hope that helps