Kubernetes 1.2 baremetal production - kubernetes

Is it recommended to deploy Kubernetes 1.2 on a bare-metal Ubuntu/ RedHat production cluster? If so, what is the recommended SDN tool (flanneld or OvS), docker version and etcd version to use?

Here is the getting started guide for Ubuntu. It hasn't been updated since Kubernetes v1.1.8, but it should still be applicable for v1.2.4. That getting started guide uses flannel, but you can also use Calico (Guide). The list of Kubernetes getting started guides might be a good place to start.

docker version need to be 1.2+
you can found flannel/etcd version in the script of download-release.sh


Installing K8s using kOps on local machine

Has anyone ben able to install Kubernetes using kOps on bare metal/ local virtual machine running Ubuntu.
From one of Kops maintainer
As kOps maintainer, I can at least say that there is no active project to support bare-metal anymore. And the code we once had going in that direction was obsolete and removed.
Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/360
If you are looking for installing kubernetes clusters in local bare-metal machine, check out Kind. It is looking very promising.

what version of software I need to deploy to get kubernetes 1.19.7

I am trying to setup a kubernetes cluster but apparently the nfs-client-provisioner has issues with the newer versions of kubernetes. Therefore I need to install the latest version of 1.19.
I am creating the kubernetes via kubeadm and I am using crio as the runtime. I am also running the whole thing on ubuntu 20.04. I know that I need to install version 1.19.7 of kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl but whatabout the cri-o?
As per official documentation from Kubernetes the CRI-O version needs to match your Kubernetes version.
So CRI-O 1.19 version should be compatible with the Kubernetes version you want to install.

minikube --kubernetes-version --> Which version are supported?

I know that you can start minikube with a different K8s version with --kubernetes-version.
But how can I let minikube list all versions which it supports?
I had a look at the command reference of start, but could not find a way up to now.
In my case I would like to know which one is the latest v1.17.X version which is supported.
On the github release page I found that v1.17.12 is today the latest version in the 17.x series. But it would be nice, if I minikube or kubectl could tell me this.
#Esteban Garcia is right but I would like to expand on this topic a bit more with the help of the official documentation:
By default, minikube installs the latest stable version of Kubernetes
that was available at the time of the minikube release. You may select
a different Kubernetes release by using the --kubernetes-version
flag, for example:
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.11.10
minikube follows the Kubernetes Version and Version Skew Support
Policy, so we guarantee support for the latest build for the last
3 minor Kubernetes releases. When practical, minikube aims to support
older releases as well so that users can emulate legacy environments.
For up to date information on supported versions, see
OldestKubernetesVersion and NewestKubernetesVersion in
The following command may be helpful:
minikube config defaults kubernetes-version

How to update kubernetes-dashboard with kubespray

I have no idea how to update my kubernetes-dashboard, its currently version 1.10.2 but i need to update it to Beta 2.0 v8. I'm fairly new to kubernetes, does anyone know how to update? I used kubespray to set up the clusters
You can find all the information in the repository.
Pay attention to compatibility, version v2.0.0-beta8 only works with kubernetes > 1.16
I had issues in just moving towards a 2.x.x release as KUbespray creates ressources templated from kubernetes apps role which does not fully match anymore. We disabled the dashboard install in kubespray and just installed in our ansible rollout by the official docs which is fine. Same for helm 3 btw.

Facing issue to setup kubernetes on CentOS 7.3(Master) and Ubuntu 16.04

Is kubernetes compatable with CentOS 7.3 version?
I am trying to setup Kubernetes master with Centos7.3 and nodes with ubuntu 16.04.
Please let me know is OS versions causing issues in my case?if yes let me know which OS version can be used to bring setup up as mentioned in guide.
I followed instruction as mentioned in guide https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/centos/centos_manual_config/#warning but some or the other component fail to work.
Please let me know anything required from my end to dig deeper.
Kubernetes support mixed version of OS. follow the kubeadm cluster setup process, it will be easy to get started.
follow this document.