Possible memory leak with spring-data-mongodb - mongodb

I'm having what I think is a memory leak with spring-data-mongodb.
Basically we're using MongoDB as a sort of cache for a RDBMS, so when the application starts we load a big chunk of the database.
So basically we are mapping/denormalising different JPA Entities to Mongo documents using different "mapping" methods like this one :
public void insertFromContacts(Set<Contact> contacts, Long seed){
MutableLong sfId = new MutableLong(seed);
List<SocialInfo> socialInfos = contacts.stream().map(c -> {
SocialInfo socialInfo = new SocialInfo();
return socialInfo;
However the memory does not stop growing, so I did a heap dump and I realise that spring is keeping a huge amount of BasicDBObject references in memory and I don't know why?
When checking the shortest path to the accumulation point it shows that is apparently the earlyApplicationEvents property of the class
I'm using :
- Java 8
- Spring data mongodb 1.10.8.RELEASE
- Spring data commons 1.13.8.RELEASE
- Spring 4.3.6.RELEASE
Any ideas as why?

If you track down the usage of the field earlyApplicationEvents, it is basically for holding onto events during startup until the listeners can be registered, at which point it will get set to null. See here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/e7b77cb2b6c699b759a55cd81b345cca00ec5b64/spring-context/src/main/java/org/springframework/context/support/AbstractApplicationContext.java#L828
You mention that you do the processing at start-up so I guess this prevents registration of the listeners until your process finishes.
If you move that initialization code further back until after the application context is fully initialized, this should fix the issue. For example registering an event listener and react on the ContextRefreshedEvent should do the trick. The important part is to get after the call to registerListeners of the refresh process.


Caching in a microservice with multiple replicas in k8s

I've a Golang based micro-service which has an in-memory cache as follows:
Create object -> Put it in cache -> Persist
Update object -> Update the cache -> Persist
Get -> Get it from the cache
Delete -> Delete cache entry -> Remove from data store.
On a service re-start, the cache is populated from the data store.
The cache organizes the data in different ways that matches my access patterns.
Note that one client can create the object, and other clients can update it at a later point in time.
Everything works fine as long as I've one replica. But, this pattern will break when I increase the replica count in my deployment.
If I have to go to the DB for each GET, it defeats the purpose of the cache. The first thought is, to move the cache out. But, this seems like a fairly common problem when moving to multi-replica microservices. So, curious to understand alternatives.
Thanks for your time.
Mainly many things depends on how you structure your application.
One common solution is use Redis Cache or Distributed Cache. Here advantage is that your all services will go to same cache to manage object. This will give more consistent data.
Another approach that you can take and this will be some how more complex. Try to use sharding.
For Get Operation based on Id of object, you have to route request to specific instance. That instance will have that object in cache. If not then it read from db and put it in that instance cache. Eachtime for that object it will go that instance. This is applicable to Update and Delete operation.
For create operation.
If you want DB generate Id automatically for object then there is once chance object created in DB and then it return that Id and based on Id you have to route request and that way for first access after creation will be from DB but after that it will be in cache of that instance.
If you have provision that Id can be manually generated then during creation if you have to prefix Id with something that map to instance.
Note : In distributed system , there is no one solution. You always have to decide which approach works for you scenario.

Spring Boot controller preventing multiple inserts upon quick successive requests in mongodb

I have a REST API to calculate something upon a request, and if the same request is made again, return the result from the cache, which consist of documents saved in MongoDB. To know if two request is the same, I am hashing some relevant fields in the request. But when same request is made in a quick succession, duplicate documents occur in MongoDB, which later results in "IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException" when I try to read them.
To solve it I tried to synchronize on hash value in following controller method (tried to cut out non relevant parts):
path = "/{myPath}",
consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE},
produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE})
public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> retrieveAndCache( ... a,b,c,d various request parameters) {
//perform some validations on request...
//hash relevant equest parameters
int hash = Objects.hash(a, b, c, d);
synchronized (Integer.toString(hash).intern()) {
Optional<Result> resultOpt = cacheService.findByHash(hash);
if (resultOpt.isPresent()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(opt.get().getResult()));
} else {
Result result = ...//perform requests to external services and do some calculations...
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(result));
//cacheService methods
public Optional<Result> findByHash(int hash) {
return repository.findByHash(hash); //this is the part that throws the error
I am sure that no hash collision is occuring, its just when the same request is performed in a quick succession duplicate records occur. To my understanding, it shouldn't occur as long as I have only 1 running instance of my spring boot application. Do you see any other reason than there are multiple instances running in production?
You should check the settings of your MongoDB client.
If one thread calls the cacheService.save(result) method, and after that method returns, releases the lock, then another thread calls cacheService.findByHash(hash), it's still possible that it will not find the record that you just saved.
It's possible that e.g. the save method returns as soon as the saved object is in the transaction log, but not fully processed yet. Or the save is processed on the primary node, but the findByHash is executed on the secondary node, where it's not replicated yet.
You could use WriteConcern.MAJORITY, but I'm not 100% sure if it covers everything.
Even better is to let MongoDB do the locking by using findAndModify with FindAndModifyOptions.upsert(true), and forget about the lock in your java code.

Atomically query for all collection documents + watching for further changes

Our Java app saves its configurations in a MongoDB collections. When the app starts it reads all the configurations from MongoDB and caches them in Maps. We would like to use the change stream API to be able also to watch for updates of the configurations collections.
So, upon app startup, first we would like to get all configurations, and from now on - watch for any further change.
Is there an easy way to execute the following atomically:
A find() that retrieves all configurations (documents)
Start a watch() that will send all further updates
By atomically I mean - without potentially missing any update (between 1 and 2 someone could update the collection with new configuration).
To make sure I lose no update notifications, I found that I can use watch().startAtOperationTime(serverTime) (for MongoDB of 4.0 or later), as follows.
Query the MongoDB server for its current time, using command such as Document hostInfoDoc = mongoTemplate.executeCommand(new Document("hostInfo", 1))
Query for all interesting documents: List<C> configList = mongoTemplate.findAll(clazz);
Extract the server time from hostInfoDoc: BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) hostInfoDoc.get("operationTime");
Start the change stream configured with the saved server time ChangeStreamIterable<Document> changes = eventCollection.watch().startAtOperationTime(serverTime);
Since 1 ends before 2 starts, we know that the documents that were returned by 2 were at least same or fresher than the ones on that server time. And any updates that happened on or after this server time will be sent to us by the change stream (I don't care to run again redundant updates, because I use map as cache, so extra add/remove won't make a difference, as long as the last action arrives).
I think I could also use watch().resumeAfter(_idOfLastAddedDoc) (didn't try). I did not use this approach because of the following scenario: the collection is empty, and the first document is added after getting all (none) documents, and before starting the watch(). In that scenario I don't have previous document _id to use as resume token.
Instead of using "hostInfo" for getting the server time, which couldn't be used in our production, I ended using "dbStats" like that:
Document dbStats= mongoOperations.executeCommand(new Document("dbStats", 1));
BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) dbStats.get("operationTime");

TransactionalCacheManager and how to get TransactionalCache and clear

It is possible to take the specific TransactionalCache per transaction and invoke clear? I'm working with spring context but seems that the transactional cache manager is out of it.
It is not possible now (the current version is 3.4.6).
TransactionalCache is a private field of the TransactionCacheManager which is in turn a private field of the CachingExecutor.
The cache is only cleared during queries and updates when mapper configuration (flushCache attribute and query type) instructs mybatis to do so.

hazelcast spring-data write-through

I am using Spring-Boot, Spring-Data/JPA with Hazelcast client/server topology. In parts of my test application, I am calculating time when performing CRUD operations on the client side (the server is the one interacting with a relational db). I configured the map(Store) to be write-behind by setting write-delay-seconds to 10.
Spring-Data's save() returns the persisted entity. In the client app, therefore, the application flow will be blocked until the (server) returns the persisted entity.
Would like to know is there is an alternative in which case the client does NOT have to wait for the entity to persist. Was under the impression that once new data is stored in the Map, persisting to the backed happens asynchronously -> the client app would NOT have to wait.
Map config in hazelast.xml:
<map name="com.foo.MyMap">
<map-store enabled="true" initial-mode="EAGER">
#NeilStevenson I don't find your response particularly helpful. I asked on an earlier post about where and how to generate the Map keys. You pointed me to the documentation which fails to shed any light on this topic. Same goes for the hazelcast (and other) examples.
The point of having the cache in the 1st place, is to avoid hitting the database. When we add data (via save()), we need to also generate an unique key for the Map. This key also becomes the Entity.Id in the database table. Since, again, its the hazelcast client that generates these Ids, there is no need to wait for the record to be persisted in the backend.
The only reason to wait for save() to return the persisted object would be to catch any exceptions NOT because of the ID.
That unfortunately is how it is meant to work, see https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/commons/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/repository/CrudRepository.html#save-S-.
Potentially the external store mutates the saved entry in some way.
Although you know it won't do this, there isn't a variant on the save defined.
So the answer seems to be this is not currently available in the general purpose Spring repository definition. Why not raise a feature request for the Spring Data team ?