Spring Boot controller preventing multiple inserts upon quick successive requests in mongodb - mongodb

I have a REST API to calculate something upon a request, and if the same request is made again, return the result from the cache, which consist of documents saved in MongoDB. To know if two request is the same, I am hashing some relevant fields in the request. But when same request is made in a quick succession, duplicate documents occur in MongoDB, which later results in "IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException" when I try to read them.
To solve it I tried to synchronize on hash value in following controller method (tried to cut out non relevant parts):
path = "/{myPath}",
consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE},
produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE})
public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> retrieveAndCache( ... a,b,c,d various request parameters) {
//perform some validations on request...
//hash relevant equest parameters
int hash = Objects.hash(a, b, c, d);
synchronized (Integer.toString(hash).intern()) {
Optional<Result> resultOpt = cacheService.findByHash(hash);
if (resultOpt.isPresent()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(opt.get().getResult()));
} else {
Result result = ...//perform requests to external services and do some calculations...
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(result));
//cacheService methods
public Optional<Result> findByHash(int hash) {
return repository.findByHash(hash); //this is the part that throws the error
I am sure that no hash collision is occuring, its just when the same request is performed in a quick succession duplicate records occur. To my understanding, it shouldn't occur as long as I have only 1 running instance of my spring boot application. Do you see any other reason than there are multiple instances running in production?

You should check the settings of your MongoDB client.
If one thread calls the cacheService.save(result) method, and after that method returns, releases the lock, then another thread calls cacheService.findByHash(hash), it's still possible that it will not find the record that you just saved.
It's possible that e.g. the save method returns as soon as the saved object is in the transaction log, but not fully processed yet. Or the save is processed on the primary node, but the findByHash is executed on the secondary node, where it's not replicated yet.
You could use WriteConcern.MAJORITY, but I'm not 100% sure if it covers everything.
Even better is to let MongoDB do the locking by using findAndModify with FindAndModifyOptions.upsert(true), and forget about the lock in your java code.


Making POST requests idempotent

I have been looking for a way to design my API so it will be idempotent, meaning that some of that is to make my POST request routes idempotent, and I stumbled upon this article.
(If I have understood something not the way it is, please correct me!)
In it, there is a good explanation of the general idea. but what is lacking are some examples of the way that he implemented it by himself.
Someone asked the writer of the article, how would he guarantee atomicity? so the writer added a code example.
Essentially, in his code example there are two cases,
the flow if everything goes well:
Open a transaction on the db that holds the data that needs to change by the POST request
Inside this transaction, execute the needed change
Set the Idempotency-key key and the value, which is the response to the client, inside the Redis store
Set expire time to that key
Commit the transaction
the flow if something inside the code goes wrong:
and exception inside the flow of the function occurs.
a rollback to the transaction is performed
Notice that the transaction that is opened is for a certain DB, lets call him A.
However, it is not relevant for the redis store that he also uses, meaning that the rollback of the transaction will only affect DB A.
So it covers the case when something happends inside the code that make it impossible to complete the transaction.
But what will happend if the machine, which the code runs on, will crash, while it is in a state when it has already executed the Set expire time to that key and it is now about to run the committing of the transaction?
In that case, the key will be available in the redis store, but the transaction has not been committed.
This will result in a situation where the service is sure that the needed changes have already happen, but they didn't, the machine failed before it could finish it.
I need to design the API in such a way that if the change to the data or setting of the key and value in redis fail, that they will both roll back.
What is the solution to this problem?
How can I guarantee the atomicity of a changing the needed data in one database, and in the same time setting the key and the needed response in redis, and if any of them fails, rollback them both? (Including in a case that a machine crashes in the middle of the actions)
Please add a code example when answering! I'm using the same technologies as in the article (nodejs, redis, mongo - for the data itself)
Thanks :)
Per the code example you shared in your question, the behavior you want is to make sure there was no crash on the server between the moment where the idempotency key was set into the Redis saying this transaction already happened and the moment when the transaction is, in fact, persisted in your database.
However, when using Redis and another database together you have two independent points of failure, and two actions being executed sequentially in different moments (and even if they are executed asynchronously at the same time there is no guarantee the server won’t crash before any of them completed).
What you can do instead is include in your transaction an insert statement to a table holding relevant information on this request, including the idempotent key. As the ACID properties ensure atomicity, it guarantees either all the statements on the transaction to be executed successfully or none of them, which means your idempotency key will be available in your database if the transaction succeeded.
You can still use Redis as it’s gonna provide faster results than your database.
A code example is provided below, but it might be good to think about how relevant is the failure between insert to Redis and database to your business (could it be treated with another strategy?) to avoid over-engineering.
async function execute(idempotentKey) {
try {
// append to the query statement an insert into executions table.
// this will be persisted with the transaction
query = ```
UPDATE firsttable SET ...;
UPDATE secondtable SET ...;
INSERT INTO executions (idempotent_key, success) VALUES (:idempotent_key, true);
const db = await dbConnection();
await db.beginTransaction();
await db.execute(query);
// we're setting a key on redis with a value: "false".
await redisClient.setAsync(idempotentKey, false, 'EX', process.env.KEY_EXPIRE_TIME);
if server crashes exactly here, idempotent key will be on redis with false as value.
in this case, there are two possibilities: commit to database suceeded or not.
if on next request redis provides a false value, query database to verify if transaction was executed.
await db.commit();
// you can now set key value to true, meaning commit suceeded and you won't need to query database to verify that.
await redis.setAsync(idempotentKey, true);
} catch (err) {
await db.rollback();
throw err;

Statelessness of REST

I am creating a REST service that has two methods one is GetAll and other is GetById.In my scenario, database request is very costly so i want to store output of GetAll somewhere (Cache) and use it for subsequent request GetById.
One of the characteristic of REST is it should be Statelessness. A request cannot be dependent on a past request and a service treats each request independently.
I want to understand what should be ideal approach to handle such scenarios or how to design this requirement in REST?
The proper way to achieve what you want is by using caching, like MemoryCache.
You create a separate, private function which fetches all the data and caches it in memory. Then you can have both GetAll and GetById use that function.
Your service will remain stateless.
MemoryCache usage example
MemoryCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
string cacheName = "MyCache";
if (!cache.Contains(cacheName) || cache[cacheName] == null)
// get data
var data = ...
// cache data
cache.Set(cacheName, data, new CacheItemPolicy() { SlidingExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).TimeOfDay });
return cache[cacheName];
The requirement for statelessness in REST is that the service should appear to be stateless. It doesn't matter if the service maintains some state internally. That's just an implementation detail.
there are many solutions to this. one solution I would recommend you is the following:
configure infinispan to use it as a cache mechanism. inside there store a concurrent hashmap with key the query and with value the resultset of your database,
second time you want to getAll, check if the query exists as a key to your cache, if yes retrieve value from cache, else contact database and then insert the result in the cache.

Atomic get and delete in memcached?

Is there a way to do atomic get-and-delete in memcached?
In other words, I want to get the value for a key if it exists and delete it immediately, so this value can be read once and only once.
I think this pseudocode might work, but note the caveat postscript:
# When setting:
SET key-0 value
SET key-ns 0
# When getting:
ns = INCR key-ns
GET key-{ns - 1}
Constraint: I have millions of keys that could be accessed millions of times, and only a small percentage will have a value set at any given time. I don't want to have to update an atomic counter for every key with every get access request as above.
The canonical, but yet generic, answer to your question is : lock free hash table with a relaxed memory model.
The more relaxed is your memory model the more you get with a good lock free design, it's a way to get more performance out of the same chipset.
Here is a talk about that, I don't think that it's possible to answer to your question with a single post on hash tables and lock free programming, I'm not even trying to do that.
You cannot do this with memcached in a single command since there is no api that supports exactly what your asking for. What I would do to get the behavior your looking for is to implement some sort of marking behavior to signify that another client has or hasn't read the data. For example, you could create a JSON document as follows:
"data": "value",
"used": false
When you get the item check to see if it has already been used by another client by examining the used field. If it hasn't been used then set the value using the cas you got from the GET command and make sure that the document is updated to reflect the fact that a client has already accessed this key.
If the set operation fails because the cas is invalid then this means that another client has obtained this item and already updated it in memcached to signify that it has been used. In this case you just cancel whatever you were doing with the item and move on.
If the set operation succeeds then this means you client is the sole owner of this data. You can now delete it from memcached and do whatever processing on it you like.
Note that when doing the set I would also add an expiration time of about 5 seconds. This way if you application crashes your documents will clean themselves up if you don't finish with the entire process of deleting them.
To put some code to the answer from #mikewied, I think the basic gist is... (using Node.js):
var Memcached = require('memcached');
var memcache = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var getOnce = function(key, callback) {
// gets is the check-and-set get (vs regular get)
memcache.gets(key, function(err, data) {
if (!data) {
// Cache miss, nothing to see here.
} else {
var yourData = data[key];
// Do a check-and-set to remove the data from the cache.
// This sets the value to null *only* if no one else already did.
memcache.cas(key, null /* new data */, data.cas, 10, function(err) {
if (err) {
// Check-and-set failed! (Here we'll treat it like a cache miss)
yourData = null;
I'm not an expert on Memcached and so I may be wrong. My answer is from reading the documentation and my experience using Memcached.
IMO this is not possible with memcached's current implementation.
to demonstrate why this is not possible currently here is a simple example to demonstrate the race condition:
two processes start at the same time
both execute a get/delete at the same time
memcached replies to both get commands at the same time
done (the desired result was to have get/delete execute atomically then the second get/delete to fail. instead memcached did get, get, delete, fails to delete)
to get an atomic get/delete would require:
a new command for memcached that is atomic let's call it get_delete
some sort of synchronization lock method of all the memcached clients to ensure both the get and delete commands are executed while the lock is held
so all clients would grab the synchronization lock whenever they need to enter the critcal section (i.e. get, delete) then release the lock after the critical section

EF database concurrency

I have two apps: one app is asp.net and another is a windows service running in background.
The windows service running in background is performing some tasks (read and update) on database while user can perform other operations on database through asp.net app. So I am worried about it as for example, in windows service I collect some record that satisfy a condition and then I iterate over them, something like:
IQueryable<EntityA> collection = context.EntitiesA.where(<condition>)
foreach (EntityA entity in collection)
// do some stuff
so, if user modify a record that is used later in the loop iteration, what value for that record is EF taken into account? the original retrieved when performed:
or the new one modified by the user and located in database?
As far as I know, during iteration, EF is taken each record at demand, I mean, one by one, so when reading the next record for the next iteration, this record corresponds to that collected from :
or that located in database (the one the user has just modified)?
There's a couple of process that will come into play here in terms of how this will work in EF.
Queries are only performed on enumeration (this is sometimes referred to as query materialisation) at this point the whole query will be performed
Lazy loading only effects navigation properties in your above example. The result set of the where statement will be pulled down in one go.
So what does this mean in your case:
//nothing happens here you are just describing what will happen later to make the
// query execute here do a .ToArray or similar, to prevent people adding to the sql
// resulting from this use .AsEnumerable
IQueryable<EntityA> collection = context.EntitiesA.where(<condition>);
//when it first hits this foreach a
//SELECT {cols} FROM [YourTable] WHERE [YourCondition] will be performed
foreach (EntityA entity in collection)
//data here will be from the point in time the foreach started (eg if you have updated during the enumeration in the database you will have out of date data)
// do some stuff
If you're truly concerned that this can happen then get a list of id's up front and process them individually with a new DbContext for each (or say after each batch of 10). Something like:
IList<int> collection = context.EntitiesA.Where(...).Select(k => k.id).ToList();
foreach (int entityId in collection)
using (Context context = new Context())
TEntity entity = context.EntitiesA.Find(entityId);
// do some stuff
I think the answer to your question is 'it depends'. The problem you are describing is called 'non repeatable reads' an can be prevented from happening by setting a proper transaction isolation level. But it comes with a cost in performance and potential deadlocks.
For more details you can read this

Multiple / Rapid ajax requests and concurrency issues with Entity Framework

I have an asp.net MVC4 application that I am using Unity as my IoC. The constructor for my controller takes in a Repository and that repository takes in a UnitOfWork (DBContext). Everything seems to work fine until multiple ajax requests from the same session happen too fast. I get the Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0) error due to a concurrency issue. This is what the method looks like called from the ajax request:
public void CaptureData(string apiKey, Guid sessionKey, FormElement formElement)
var trackingData = _trackingService.FindById(sessionKey);
if(trackingData != null)
formItem = trackingData.FormElements
.Where(f => f.Name == formElement.Name)
if(formItem != null)
formItem.Value = formElement.Value;
This only happens when the ajax requests happens rapidly, meaning fast. When the requests happen at a normal speed everything seems fine. It is like the app needs time to catch up. Not sure how I need to handle the concurrency check in my repository so I don't miss an update. Also, I have tried setting the "MultipleActiveResultSets" to true and that didn't help.
As you mentioned in the comment you are using a row version column. The point of this column is to prevent concurrent overwrites of the same row. You have two operations:
Read record - reads record and current row version
Update record - update record with specified key and row version. The row version is updated automatically
Now if those operations are executed by concurrent request you may receive this:
Request A: Read record
Request B: Read record
Request A: Write record - changes row version!
Request B: Write record - fires exception because record with row version retrieved during Read record doesn't exist
The exception is fired to tell you that you are trying to update obsolete data because there is already a new version of the updated record. Normally you need to refresh data (by reloading current record from the database) and try to save them again. In highly concurrent scenario this handling may repeat many times because simply your database is designed to prevent this. Your options are:
Remove row version and let requests overwrite the value as they wish. If you really need concurrent request processing and you are happy to have "some" value, this may be the way to go.
Not allow concurrent requests. If you need to process all updates you most probably also need their real order. In such case your application should not allow concurrent requests.
Use SQL / stored procedure instead. By using table hints you will be able to lock record during Read operation and no other request will be able to read that record before the first one save changes and commits or rollbacks transaction.