Multiplication of "double" values in scala - scala

I want to multiply two sparse matrices in spark using scala. I am passing these matrices in form of arguments and storing result in another argument.
Matrices are text files where each matrix element is represented by as: row, column, element.
I am not able to multiply two Double values in Scala.
object MultiplySpark {
def main(args: Array[ String ]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Multiply")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val M = sc.textFile(args(0)).flatMap(entry => {
val rec = entry.split(",")
val row = rec(0).toInt
val column = rec(1).toInt
val value = rec(2).toDouble
for {pointer <-1 until rec.length} yield ((row,column),value)
val N = sc.textFile(args(0)).flatMap(entry => {
val rec = entry.split(",")
val row = rec(0).toInt
val column = rec(1).toInt
val value = rec(2).toDouble
for {pointer <-1 until rec.length} yield ((row,column),value)
val Mmap = e => (e._2,e))
val Nmap = d => (d._2,d))
val MNjoin = Mmap.join(Nmap).map{ case (k,(e,d)) => e._2.toDouble+","+d._2.toDouble }
val result = MNjoin.reduceByKey( (a,b) => a*b)
.map(entry => {
((entry._1._1, entry._1._2), entry._2)
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
How can I multiply double values in Scala?
Please note:
I tried a.toDouble * b.toDouble
Error is: Value * is not a member of Double Double

This reduceByKey would work if you had RDD[((Int, Int), Double)] (or RDD[(SomeType, Double)] more generally) and join gives you RDD[((Int, Int), (Double, Double))]. So you are trying to multiply pairs (Double, Double), not Doubles.


Spark - aggregateByKey Type mismatch error

I am trying find the problem behind this. I am trying to find the maximum number Marks of each student using aggregateByKey.
val data ="R1","M",22),("R1","E",25),("R1","F",29),
def seqOp = (acc:Int,ele:(String,Int)) => if (acc>ele._2) acc else ele._2
def combOp =(acc:Int,acc1:Int) => if(acc>acc1) acc else acc1
val r ={case(t1,t2,t3)=> (t1,(t2,t3))}.aggregateByKey(0)(seqOp,combOp)
I am getting error that aggregateByKey accepts (Int,(Any,Any)) but actual is (Int,(String,Int)).
Your map function is incorrect since you have a Row as input, not a Tuple3
Fix the last line with :
val r = { r =>
val t1 = r.getAs[String](0)
val t2 = r.getAs[String](1)
val t3 = r.getAs[Int](2)

Create a SparseVector from the elements of RDD

Using Spark, I have a data structure of type val rdd = RDD[(x: Int, y:Int), cov:Double] in Scala, where each element of the RDD represents an element of a matrix with x representing the row, y representing the column and cov representing the value of the element:
I need to create SparseVectors from rows of this matrix. So I decided to first convert the rdd to RDD[x: Int, (y:Int, cov:Double)] and then use groupByKey to put all elements of a specific row together like this:
val rdd2 ={case ((x,y),cov) => (x, (y, cov))}.groupByKey()
Now I need to create the SparseVectors:
val N = 7 //Vector Size
val spvec = {(x: Int,y: Iterable[(Int, Double)]) => new SparseVector(N.toLong, Array( => el._1.toInt)), Array( => el._2.toDouble)))}
val vecs =
However, this is the error that pops up.
type mismatch; found :Iterable[Int] required:Int
type mismatch; found :Iterable[Double] required:Double
I am guessing that => el._1.toInt) is returning an iterable which Array cannot be applied on. I would appreciate if someone could help with how to do this.
The simplest solution is to convert to RowMatrix:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry}
val rdd: RDD[((Int, Int), Double)] = ???
val vs: RDD[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector]= new CoordinateMatrix({
case ((x, y), cov) => MatrixEntry(x, y, cov)
If you want to preserve row indices you can use toIndexedRowMatrix instead:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.IndexedRow
new CoordinateMatrix({
case ((x, y), cov) => MatrixEntry(x, y, cov)
) { case IndexedRow(i, vs) => (i, vs.toSparse) }

How to copy matrix to column array

I'm trying to copy a column of a matrix into an array, also I want to make this matrix public.
Heres my code:
val years = Array.ofDim[String](1000, 1)
val bufferedSource = io.Source.fromFile("Top_1_000_Songs_To_Hear_Before_You_Die.csv")
val i=0;
for (line <- bufferedSource.getLines) {
val cols = line.split(",").map(_.trim)
I want the cols to be a global matrix and copy the column 3 to years, because of the method of that I get cols I dont know how to define it
There're three different problems in your attempt:
Your regexp will fail for this dataset. I suggest you change it to:
val regex = ",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))"
This will capture the blocks wrapped in double quotes but containing commas (courtesy of Luke Sheppard on regexr)
This val i=0; is not very scala-ish / functional. We can replace it by a zipWithIndex in the for comprehension:
for ((line, count) <- bufferedSource.getLines.zipWithIndex)
You can create the "global matrix" by extracting elements from each line (val Array (...)) and returning them as the value of the for-comprehension block (yield):
It looks like that:
for ((line, count) <- bufferedSource.getLines.zipWithIndex) yield {
val Array(theme,title,artist,year,spotify_url) = line....
And here is the complete solution:
val bufferedSource = io.Source.fromFile("/tmp/Top_1_000_Songs_To_Hear_Before_You_Die.csv")
val years = Array.ofDim[String](1000, 1)
val regex = ",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))"
val iteratorMatrix = for ((line, count) <- bufferedSource.getLines.zipWithIndex) yield {
val Array(theme,title,artist,year,spotify_url) = line.split(regex, -1).map(_.trim)
years(count) = Array(year)
// will actually consume the iterator and fill in globalMatrix AND years
val globalMatrix = iteratorMatrix.toList
Here's a function that will get the col column from the CSV. There is no error handling here for any empty row or other conditions. This is a proof of concept so add your own error handling as you see fit.
val years = (fileName: String, col: Int) =>
Here's a suggestion if you are looking to keep the contents of the file in a map. Again there's no error handling just proof of concept.
val yearColumn = 3
val fileName = "Top_1_000_Songs_To_Hear_Before_You_Die.csv"
def lines(file: String) =
val mapRow = (row: String) => row.split(",").zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Map[Int, String]()){
case (acc, (v, idx)) => acc.updated(idx,v.trim())}
def mapColumns = (values: Iterator[String]) =>
values.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Map[Int, Map[Int, String]]()){
case (acc, (v, idx)) => acc.updated(idx, mapRow(v))}
val parser = lines _ andThen mapColumns
val matrix = parser(fileName)
val years = matrix.flatMap(_.swap._1.get(yearColumn))
This will build a Map[Int,Map[Int, String]] which you can use elsewhere. The first index of the map is the row number and the index of the inner map is the column number. years is an Iterable[String] that contains the year values.
Consider adding contents to a collection at the same time as it is created, in contrast to allocate space first and then update it; for instance like this,
val rawSongsInfo = io.Source.fromFile("Top_Songs.csv").getLines
val cols = for (rsi <- rawSongsInfo) yield rsi.split(",").map(_.trim)
val years =

How to change RowMatrix into Array in Spark or export it as a CSV?

I've got this code in Scala:
val mat: CoordinateMatrix = new CoordinateMatrix(data)
val rowMatrix: RowMatrix = mat.toRowMatrix()
val svd: SingularValueDecomposition[RowMatrix, Matrix] = rowMatrix.computeSVD(100, computeU = true)
val U: RowMatrix = svd.U // The U factor is a RowMatrix.
val S: Vector = svd.s // The singular values are stored in a local dense vector.
val V: Matrix = svd.V // The V factor is a local dense matrix.
val uArray: Array[Double] = U.toArray // doesn't work, because there is not toArray function in RowMatrix type
val sArray: Array[Double] = S.toArray // works good
val vArray: Array[Double] = V.toArray // works good
How can I change U into uArray or similar type, that could be printed out into CSV file?
That's a basic operation, here is what you have to do considering that U is a RowMatrix as following :
val U = svd.U
rows() is a RowMatrix method that allows you to get an RDD from your RowMatrix by row.
You'll just need to apply rows on your RowMatrix and map the RDD[Vector] to create an Array that you would concatenate into a string creating an RDD[String].
val rdd = x => x.toArray.mkString(","))
All you'll have to do now it to save the RDD :
It works:
def exportRowMatrix(matrix:RDD[String], fileName: String) = {
val pw = new PrintWriter(fileName)
matrix.collect().foreach(line => pw.println(line))
val rdd = x => x.toArray.mkString(","))
exportRowMatrix(rdd, "U.csv")

Applying operation to corresponding elements of Array

I want to sum the corresponding elements of the list and multiply the results while keeping the label associated with the array element so
becomes :
(a , (0.5 + 0.667) * (1.0 + 2.0))
Here is my code to express this for a single array element :
val data = Array(("a",Array((0.5,1.0),(0.667,2.0))), ("b",Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0))))
//> data : Array[(String, Array[(Double, Double)])] = Array((a,Array((0.5,1.0),
//| (0.667,2.0))), (b,Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0))))
val v1 = (data(0)._1, data(0) => m._1).sum)
//> v1 : (String, Double) = (a,1.167)
val v2 = (data(0)._1, data(0) => m._2).sum)
//> v2 : (String, Double) = (a,3.0)
val total = (v1._1 , (v1._2 * v2._2)) //> total : (String, Double) = (a,3.5010000000000003)
I just want apply this function to all elements of the array so val "data" above becomes :
Map[(String, Double)] = ((a,3.5010000000000003),(b,4.8))
But I'm not sure how to combine the above code into a single function which maps over all the array elements ?
Update : the inner Array can be of variable length so this is also valid :
val data = Array(("a",Array((0.5,1.0,2.0),(0.667,2.0,1.0))), ("b",Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0))))
Pattern matching is your friend! You can use it for tuples and arrays. If there are always two elements in the inner array, you can do it this way:
val data = Array(("a",Array((0.5,1.0),(0.667,2.0))), ("b",Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0)))) {
case (s, Array((x1, x2), (x3, x4))) => s -> (x1 + x3) * (x2 + x4)
// Array[(String, Double)] = Array((a,3.5010000000000003), (b,4.8))
// scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Double] = Map(a -> 3.5010000000000003, b -> 4.8)
If the inner elements are variable length, you could do it this way (a for comprehension instead of explicit maps):
for {
(s, tuples) <- data
sum1 =
sum2 =
} yield s -> sum1 * sum2
Note that while this is a very clear solution, it's not the most efficient possible, because we're iterating over the tuples twice. You could use a fold instead, but it would be much harder to read (for me anyway. :)
Finally, note that .sum will produce zero on an empty collection. If that's not what you want, you could do this instead:
val emptyDefault = 1.0 // Or whatever, depends on your use case
for {
(s, tuples) <- data
sum1 = + _).getOrElse(emptyDefault)
sum2 = + _).getOrElse(emptyDefault)
} yield s -> sum1 * sum2
You can use algebird numeric library:
val data = Array(("a",Array((0.5,1.0),(0.667,2.0))), ("b",Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0))))
import com.twitter.algebird.Operators._
def sumAndProduct(a: Array[(Double, Double)]) = {
val sums = a.reduceLeft((m, n) => m + n)
sums._1 * sums._2
}{ case (x, y) => (x, sumAndProduct(y)) }
// Array((a,3.5010000000000003), (b,4.8))
It will work fine for variable size array as well.
val data = Array(("a",Array((0.5,1.0))), ("b",Array((0.6,2.0), (0.6,2.0))))
// Array((a,0.5), (b,4.8))
Like this? Does your array always have only 2 pairs?
val m = data map ({case (label,Array(a,b)) => (label, (a._1 + b._1) * (a._2 + b._2)) })