Create a SparseVector from the elements of RDD - scala

Using Spark, I have a data structure of type val rdd = RDD[(x: Int, y:Int), cov:Double] in Scala, where each element of the RDD represents an element of a matrix with x representing the row, y representing the column and cov representing the value of the element:
I need to create SparseVectors from rows of this matrix. So I decided to first convert the rdd to RDD[x: Int, (y:Int, cov:Double)] and then use groupByKey to put all elements of a specific row together like this:
val rdd2 ={case ((x,y),cov) => (x, (y, cov))}.groupByKey()
Now I need to create the SparseVectors:
val N = 7 //Vector Size
val spvec = {(x: Int,y: Iterable[(Int, Double)]) => new SparseVector(N.toLong, Array( => el._1.toInt)), Array( => el._2.toDouble)))}
val vecs =
However, this is the error that pops up.
type mismatch; found :Iterable[Int] required:Int
type mismatch; found :Iterable[Double] required:Double
I am guessing that => el._1.toInt) is returning an iterable which Array cannot be applied on. I would appreciate if someone could help with how to do this.

The simplest solution is to convert to RowMatrix:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry}
val rdd: RDD[((Int, Int), Double)] = ???
val vs: RDD[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector]= new CoordinateMatrix({
case ((x, y), cov) => MatrixEntry(x, y, cov)
If you want to preserve row indices you can use toIndexedRowMatrix instead:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.IndexedRow
new CoordinateMatrix({
case ((x, y), cov) => MatrixEntry(x, y, cov)
) { case IndexedRow(i, vs) => (i, vs.toSparse) }


Error: Value min is not a member of (Int, Int)

I am trying to produce the RDD that contains an array of tuples that has country names as the first element, and the minimum integer of the tuple as the second element.
I have this code here.
val test = sc.parallelize(Array(("US", (4,2)), ("France", (1,2)), ("Italy", (2,3))))
I want to store a variable to a value that looks like this:
Array( ("US", 2), ("France", 1), ("Italy", 2) )
I tried to use this code, but it produced a 'Value min is not a member of (Int, Int)' error.
val test1 = => (x._1, x._2.min))
How to get minimum of Tuple2[Int, Int]?
To compute the minimum of numeric elements in a Tuple (x, y), you could use x min y:
val test = sc.parallelize(Array(("US", (4,2)), ("France", (1,2)), ("Italy", (2,3)))) => (t._1, t._2._1 min t._2._2)).collect
// res1: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((US,2), (France,1), (Italy,2))
For readability, an alternative is to use case partial function, as follows:{ case (country, (t1, t2)) => (country, t1 min t2) }

How to find the common values in key value pairs and put it as value in all pairs?

How can I get the intersection of values in key value pairs?
I have pairs:
(p, Set(n))
in which I used reduceByKey and finally got:
(p1, Set(n1, n2)) (p2, Set(n1, n2, n3)) (p3, Set(n2, n3))
What I want is to find n that exist in all of the pairs and put them as value. For the above data, the result would by
(p1, Set(n2)) (p2, Set(n2)), (p3, Set(n2))
As long as I searched, there is no reduceByValue in spark. The only function that seemed closer to what i want was reduce() but it didn't work as the result was only one key value pair ((p3, Set(n2))).
Is there any way to solve it? Or should i think something else from the start?
val rRdd = => (x._1, Set(x._2)).reduceByKey(_++_)
val wrongRdd = rRdd.reduce{(x, y) => (x._1, x._2.intersect(y._2))}
I can see why wrongRdd is not correct, I just put it to show how (p3, Set(n2)) resulted from.
You can first reduce the sets to their intersection (say, s), then replace (k, v) with (k, s):
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("p1", Set("n1", "n2")),
("p2", Set("n1", "n2", "n3")),
("p3", Set("n2", "n3"))
val s = intersect _)
// s: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = Set(n2){ case (k, v) => (k, s) }.collect
// res1: Array[(String, scala.collection.immutable.Set[String])] = Array(
// (p1,Set(n2)), (p2,Set(n2)), (p3,Set(n2))
// )

Spark Scala: Split each line between multiple RDDs

I have a file on HDFS in the form of:
I create an RDD from it and and zip the elements with their index:
val data = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:54310/usrp/sample.txt")
val points = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(_.toDouble)))
val indexed = points.zipWithIndex()
val indexedData ={case (value,index) => (index,value)}
Now I need to create rdd1 with the index and the first two elements of each line. Then need to create rdd2 with the index and third element of each row. I am new to Scala, can you please help me with how to do this ?
This does not work since y is not of type Vector but org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
val rdd1 ={case (x,y) => (x,y.take(2))}
Basically how to get he first two elements of such a vector ?
You can make use of DenseVector's unapply method to get the underlying Array[Double] in your pattern-matching, and then call take/drop on the Array, re-wrapping it with a Vector:
val rdd1 = { case (i, DenseVector(arr)) => (i, Vectors.dense(arr.take(2))) }
val rdd2 = { case (i, DenseVector(arr)) => (i, Vectors.dense(arr.drop(2))) }
As you can see - this means the original DenseVector you created isn't really that useful, so if you're not going to use indexedData anywhere else, it might be better to create indexedData as a RDD[(Long, Array[Double])] in the first place:
val points = => s.split(',').map(_.toDouble))
val indexedData: RDD[(Long, Array[Double])] = points.zipWithIndex().map(_.swap)
val rdd1 = indexedData.mapValues(arr => Vectors.dense(arr.take(2)))
val rdd2 = indexedData.mapValues(arr => Vectors.dense(arr.drop(2)))
Last tip: you probably want to call .cache() on indexedData before scanning it twice to createrdd1 and rdd2 - otherwise the file will be loaded and parsed twice.
You can achieve the above output by following the below steps:
Original Data:
RRD1 Data:
Having index along with first two elements of each line.
val rdd1 ={case (x,y) => (x, (y.toArray(0), y.toArray(1)))}
RRD2 Data:
Having index along with third element of row.
val rdd2 ={case (x,y) => (x, y.toArray(2))}

Removing parenthesis after joining RDDs

I am joining a large number of rdd's and I was wondering whether there is a generic way of removing the parenthesis that are being created on each join.
Here is a small sample:
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Array((1,2),(2,4),(3,6)))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Array((1,7),(2,8),(3,6)))
val rdd3 = sc.parallelize(Array((1,2),(2,4),(3,6)))
val result = rdd1.join(rdd2).join(rdd3)
res: result: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, ((Int, Int), Int))] = Array((1,((2,7),2)), (3,((4,8),4)), (3,((4,8),6)), (3,((4,6),4)), (3,((4,6),6)))
I know I can use map => (x._1,(x._2._1._1,x._2._1._2,x._2._2))).collect
Array[(Int, (Int, Int, Int))] = Array((1,(2,7,2)), (2,(4,8,4)), (3,(6,6,6)))
but with a large number of rdd's each containing many elements it quite quickly becomes difficult to use this method
With a large number of rdd's each containing many elements this approach simply won't work because the largest built-in tuple is still Tuple22. If you join homogeneous RDD some type of sequence:
def joinAndMerge(rdd1: RDD[(Int, Seq[Int])], rdd2: RDD[(Int, Seq[Int])]) =
rdd1.join(rdd2).mapValues{ case (x, y) => x ++ y }
Seq(rdd1, rdd2, rdd3).map(_.mapValues(Seq(_))).reduce(joinAndMerge)
If you have only three RDDs it can be cleaner to use cogroup:
rdd1.cogroup(rdd2, rdd3)
.flatMapValues { case (xs, ys, zs) => for {
x <- xs; y <- ys; z <- zs
} yield (x, y, z) }
If values are heterogenous it makes more sense to use DataFrames:
def joinByKey(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame) = df1.join(df2, Seq("k"))
Seq(rdd1, rdd2, rdd3).map(_.toDF("k", "v")).reduce(joinByKey)

Spark: Efficient mass lookup in pair RDD's

In Apache Spark I have two RDD's. The first data : RDD[(K,V)] containing data in key-value form. The second pairs : RDD[(K,K)] contains a set of interesting key-pairs of this data.
How can I efficiently construct an RDD pairsWithData : RDD[((K,K)),(V,V))], such that it contains all the elements from pairs as the key-tuple and their corresponding values (from data) as the value-tuple?
Some properties of the data:
The keys in data are unique
All entries in pairs are unique
For all pairs (k1,k2) in pairs it is guaranteed that k1 <= k2
The size of 'pairs' is only a constant the size of data |pairs| = O(|data|)
Current data sizes (expected to grow): |data| ~ 10^8, |pairs| ~ 10^10
Current attempts
Here is some example code in Scala:
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
// This kind of show the idea, but fails at runtime.
def massPairLookup1(keyPairs : RDD[(Int, Int)], data : RDD[(Int, String)]) = {
keyPairs map {case (k1,k2) =>
val v1 : String = data lookup k1 head;
val v2 : String = data lookup k2 head;
((k1, k2), (v1,v2))
// Works but is O(|data|^2)
def massPairLookup2(keyPairs : RDD[(Int, Int)], data : RDD[(Int, String)]) = {
// Construct all possible pairs of values
val cartesianData = data cartesian data map {case((k1,v1),(k2,v2)) => ((k1,k2),(v1,v2))}
// Select only the values who's keys are in keyPairs
keyPairs map {(_,0)} join cartesianData mapValues {_._2}
// Example function that find pairs of keys
// Runs in O(|data|) in real life, but cannot maintain the values
def relevantPairs(data : RDD[(Int, String)]) = {
val keys = data map (_._1)
keys cartesian keys filter {case (x,y) => x*y == 12 && x < y}
// Example run
val data = sc parallelize(1 to 12) map (x => (x, "Number " + x))
val pairs = relevantPairs(data)
val pairsWithData = massPairLookup2(pairs, data)
// Print:
// ((1,12),(Number1,Number12))
// ((2,6),(Number2,Number6))
// ((3,4),(Number3,Number4))
Attempt 1
First I tried just using the lookup function on data, but that throws an runtime error when executed. It seems like self is null in the PairRDDFunctions trait.
In addition I am not sure about the performance of lookup. The documentation says This operation is done efficiently if the RDD has a known partitioner by only searching the partition that the key maps to. This sounds like n lookups takes O(n*|partition|) time at best, which I suspect could be optimized.
Attempt 2
This attempt works, but I create |data|^2 pairs which will kill performance. I do not expect Spark to be able to optimize that away.
Your lookup 1 doesn't work because you cannot perform RDD transformations inside workers (inside another transformation).
In the lookup 2, I don't think it's necessary to perform full cartesian...
You can do it like this:
val firstjoin ={case (k1,k2) => (k1, (k1,k2))})
.map({case (_, ((k1, k2), v1)) => ((k1, k2), v1)})
val result ={case ((k1,k2),v1) => (k2, ((k1,k2),v1))})
.map({case(_, (((k1,k2), v1), v2))=>((k1, k2), (v1, v2))})
Or in a more dense form:
val firstjoin = => (x._1, x)).join(data).map(_._2)
val result ={case (x,y) => (x._2, (x,y))})
.join(data).map({case(x, (y, z))=>(y._1, (y._2, z))})
I don't think you can do it more efficiently, but I might be wrong...