Flutter display DateTime based on mobile device settings - flutter

I am looking for some guidance on using flutter and taking a UTC datetime from the DB and displaying that time based on mobile devices settings like locale, 24 versus 12 hour time, etc...
I have done dateformating in flutter without an issue, just hoping for some guidance to do it in this manner.

I have found that if its for display of a UTC pulled from DB just use the DateTime.toLocal()
Then you can do the formatting on the datetime for other items.


Change phone time and date using flutter

Is there any way to change phone's system time and date from phone settings programmatically using flutter. I need to change the phones date and time using my app for a purpose. Is there any way? Thank you
your can use app_settings: ^4.1.1 package to open time and date setting. You can open wifi, location, Bluetooth setting also through this package.
but if you have to programmatically change the date and time you have to use java code for this purpose
I hope this link will help you for changing the time programmatically in java

About the date picker of the calendar

I have a small query, i m developing a calendar application for the iPhone,but i have stuck at a certain point, In xcode there is only a data-picker and this element is not functional in my app because in my app the user must be fast to choose date time. I would to use another instrument for chose a date.
Hey guys please help me.....
I'm not sure I understand your question, but it sounds like you need a way for the user to pick a date/time? Have you seen UIDatePicker?
From your question I can't exactly see what the problem is... the SDK includes UIDatePicker, which you can configure to allow picking the date and time.

Syncing data from iphone to the server Datetime question

I want sync data from iphone to the webs server. My question is how can I know which data is new? the only way I see this is by making a datafield for each record on the server and the iPhone, but how about if the Iphone user is in a different timezone or his datetime is different from the server datetime.
Store all of your dates in GMT on both the server and device. There are several methods for getting GMT easily in Objective-C. The device will determine time-zone based on location. If you need to convert to local time, you can get the date by using the NSTimeZoneClass:
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:[[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone] secondsFromGMT]]
Check out the docs on Date and Time Programming for additional assistance.

Timezone calculation

How to find out the current time in different timezone in xcode for an iphone application?
Suppose i'm in India and i want to know the current time in USA how do i get the time then.
Thanks in advance
See Introduction to Date and Time Programming Guide for Cocoa.
There are built-in methods for handling timezones.

How to get the dates for the current week and toggle around the weeks in iPhone sdk

I have an application where I want to display data as per week.
I also have the button so that user can toggle around the weeks.
Is there any way in iPhone sdk (May be using DateFormatter) to get the current week and also to toggle around the previous and next week.
The class you want is NSCalendar. Look at -rangeOfUnit:startDate:interval:forDate: and -ordinalityOfUnit:inUnit:forDate: for what you're talking about.