About the date picker of the calendar - iphone

I have a small query, i m developing a calendar application for the iPhone,but i have stuck at a certain point, In xcode there is only a data-picker and this element is not functional in my app because in my app the user must be fast to choose date time. I would to use another instrument for chose a date.
Hey guys please help me.....

I'm not sure I understand your question, but it sounds like you need a way for the user to pick a date/time? Have you seen UIDatePicker?

From your question I can't exactly see what the problem is... the SDK includes UIDatePicker, which you can configure to allow picking the date and time.


IOS alert in background

My question is very simple but unfortunately I don't find any answer around the Internet. I have an app alerts the user you amount is due based on invoice date in the database. The problem is how can I check periodically while the app in the background. I tried beginBackgroundTaskWithName but it expires after max 10 munites and also I tried back ground fetch but it doesn't work in proper time manner, so may be it takes a day to fetch again.
I really need your help in this.
Thanks in advance

Is it possible to autocall at a specified date and time?

I want to know whether is it possible to make an autocall to a predefined number, at a predefined date and time in iOS using some system API, or in some another way.
You can try only do this only UILocalNotification alert below link for download my example
Note: call function is worked only iphone real device..!
this wil help u Repeating an iOS local notification

Does the iOS SDK give access to the Calendar picker used by iPhone's built-in Calenar app?

I've dug around a bit in the Eventkit/EventkitUI docs and couldn't find an answer. Does the iOS SDK provide a way to display the Calendar chooser view that the built-in Calendar app uses when you want to move an event to a different calendar? If not, what would be the best way to build that? How do I know which account each calendar is from? How do I display the little color dot? Are there any 3rd party libraries that provide something like this?
EDIT: Specifically I'm asking about this screen:
You don't get the UI for free, but you can get a list of the user's calendars with an EventStore's Calendar property.
You cannot distinguish between the calendar events. They all belong to one calendar by default. Event Kit only allows you to add, edit events on the default calendar. And you will need to use either third party calendar to replicate the UI or you will need to create your own. The question link given by Vagrant seems to be answering about the third party calendars.
https://github.com/klazuka/Kal is the most fav.

Is the UIDatePicker really the best iPhone UI mechanism for selecting dates?

I'm diving into iPhone/iPad development and I'm trying to find an elegant mechanism for allowing the user to select dates. It seems to me that a calendar control would be the best way to go, but I don't see one in anywhere in the SDK. All all I see is this overblown, the-price-is-right-looking DatePicker control.
Is this the only control that comes with UIKit for allowing the user to select dates?
What about the calendar control that the Calendar app uses?
Also, I should note I'm really trying to avoid using 3rd party code frameworks that have little or no documentation, because I'm new to all this and sufficient documentation on how to use it is a must at this point. Thanks so much in advance for all your wisdom!
Is this the only control that comes with UIKit for allowing the user to select dates?
What about the calendar that the Notes app uses?
(Do you mean the Calendar app? I don't recall any date pickers in Notes app.)
It's in the private CalendarUI.framework. There exists 3rd-party libraries, and you could implement one yourself, of course.

How to get the dates for the current week and toggle around the weeks in iPhone sdk

I have an application where I want to display data as per week.
I also have the button so that user can toggle around the weeks.
Is there any way in iPhone sdk (May be using DateFormatter) to get the current week and also to toggle around the previous and next week.
The class you want is NSCalendar. Look at -rangeOfUnit:startDate:interval:forDate: and -ordinalityOfUnit:inUnit:forDate: for what you're talking about.