Sails js - ordering form list - sails.js

How would one create a "list" on an order form page that items could be added to when they are added to an order.
Example: I have a dropdown box with a list of items I pick an item and add it to an order form when I just have to set the qty after it is added.


How to customize ID value of the items displayed in?

I have multiple items in RecyclerView element, and the IDs of those items are generated automatically.
For some reason, I need to set specific id values instead of automatically generated ones.
My question is it possible to set specific ID values on items in the RecyclerView element.
Is it possible to set specific ID values on items in the RecyclerView element?

Get all items of SelectMultipleItems from request and not selected ones

In flask, in a form I add and remove some items to a list ( they are selected form other lists) then I want to treat all items added to this list as selected items and add them to the database.
items = request.form.getlist('sellist')
the above solution returns just selected items, how can I get all items? One solution is to have a javascript to select all before submission but what is the best solution and best practice for this senario? Should I use a list or another control?

TYPO3: populate values in dropdown based on values in another dropdown

In my database I have a table named Category. Examples of a Category could be 'Mathematics' or 'Chemistry'.
My database also contains a second table named SubCategory which contains child elements associated with values in the Category table. Examples of values contained in SubCategory could be 'Fractions' or 'Logarithms' (associated with 'Mathematics' from Category) or 'Organic Chemistry', 'Analytical Chemistry' (associated with 'Chemistry' from Category).
I have a page created in Fluid, where I want a dropdown containing elements from my Category table. The page should contain a second dropdown, which will be populated by values based on the choice made in the first dropdown. So if the user chooses 'Mathematics' in the first dropdown, the second dropdown will contain 'Fractions', 'Logarithms' etc.. If the user chooses another option, then the values in the second dropdown will change accordingly.
This can be done in JavaScript/jQuery, but I was wondering if there was a solution available using Fluid, TypoScript or any other TYPO3 related technology.

How do I filter choices from a lookup field that points to a different SharePoint list?

I have an app built based on the a SharePoint list called "Proposal Tracker". One of the fields is a lookup field that provides a drop down from another list called "Employees". I am trying to filter this field, so that when I select it, the only employee names that are shown are the "active" employees.
I've tried adding this into the DataField of the one data card I'm trying to filter, but I get an error.
Filter(Employees,Status.Value = "Active")
Use Filter(CollectionName,Condition)
e.g: Filter(Employees,Status = "Active")
When you have a dropdown control selected you can choose its dependencies from other controls on the screen.

How to change dropdown list itens from a form created by model with integration

Iḿ trying to change the dropdown list itens in a Form created by Model with Realation on AppMaker.
I tryed to change in Property Editor of the Dropdown list in value and in option but the selection using datasource isnt avaliable to confirm (with Ok).
The field of this relation is the dropdown list where the user will select. The itens list of this dropdown list is the id from the relationed Model, and I want to change to another field like name.
I would suggest leaving the options binding at
and then setting the names property to
In this case the .. will be filled in by your binding 'wizard' when choosing 'Projections', so in your names binding property settings you would choose datasources - YourDatasource - items - projections - then select the field name.