Get all items of SelectMultipleItems from request and not selected ones - forms

In flask, in a form I add and remove some items to a list ( they are selected form other lists) then I want to treat all items added to this list as selected items and add them to the database.
items = request.form.getlist('sellist')
the above solution returns just selected items, how can I get all items? One solution is to have a javascript to select all before submission but what is the best solution and best practice for this senario? Should I use a list or another control?


How do I filter choices from a lookup field that points to a different SharePoint list?

I have an app built based on the a SharePoint list called "Proposal Tracker". One of the fields is a lookup field that provides a drop down from another list called "Employees". I am trying to filter this field, so that when I select it, the only employee names that are shown are the "active" employees.
I've tried adding this into the DataField of the one data card I'm trying to filter, but I get an error.
Filter(Employees,Status.Value = "Active")
Use Filter(CollectionName,Condition)
e.g: Filter(Employees,Status = "Active")
When you have a dropdown control selected you can choose its dependencies from other controls on the screen.

What is the correct way to save a list of items in a web form?

There is some form in a web form. It contains the list of items that use can edit, remove and change.
When the server receive the list of items, it should update existing items, create ones and remove the deleted ones.
I only know the naive and quite ugly approach:
When server receives the list of items from a client, it gets the actual list of items from the database
Pass round the received list of items:
2.1. If element has the ID and database has the element with this ID, this element updates
2.2. If this element doesn't have ID or database doesn't contain element with this ID, this element creates
Delete all items, that were not in the received list (marked as deleted)
The updated list of items are returnded to the client (with new IDs), and client displays them
I feel, that there is more elegant solution, and, propably, established for this task.
I had the same challenge and i solved it like this:
1-First when you load the page, create a list made up of id and data.
2-then the user fill the data.
3-those items that user doesnt fill should be deffault value.
4- then retrive the list from database and delete it and put the updated list
Hope this helps

Filtering a list lookup in Nintex Forms using an inline function

I am building a list form for SharePoint 2010 using Nintex Forms 2010.
The user must select an item from a different list, so I have added a List Lookup control. But the user can only select among items that starts with a specific string.
For example, the lookup list could contain items with titles 'foo1','foo2','bar1','bar2'. I only want the user to be able to select 'foo1' or 'foo2'.
In the filtering section of the List Lookup control I have specified the following:
Filter available selections = By a specific value
Where field = fn-Substring("Title",0,3)
Filtered by value = foo
Unfortunately this does not result in any options for the user to select - just an empty control.
If I change the filter to:
Where feild = Title
Filtered by value = foo1
Then I get the foo1 option - and only that one. Trying something like
Filtered by value = foo*
does not work either.
So how should I define the filter to get it to work. Or is what I am trying not possible in Nintex Forms?
The inline function won't work in your case, because it is a client side function, and your parameter is a server side object.
There two alternative ways can help with your request in server side.
1.Add a calculated value column to your list, use LEFT function to cut the search key for yourself:LEFT([Title],3). In nintex form, you can use this column to filter the list items.
Filter the list items in a view instead of nintex form. Suppose you have already known the [source view] property in List Lookup control.

Grouping expand and collapse in GWT

I have multiple records which needs to be displayed as part of a search. A single result can contain multiple records associated to it. If there are multiple records I need to display the record with (+) and when clicked it further displays the list.
I would like to know what the best way is to implement ( I have checked Custom data grid ex:!CwCustomDataGrid but would like to use UI binder)
Once the user selects a record from the expanded list, how can we load that selected record?
Any pointer are appreciated..! ( Currently on GWT 2.2)
Widget list
Tree or maybe StackPanel seems like it would be useful here.

GWT DataGrid/CellTable: Select all over multiple pages

I´m using GWT 2.4 with a DataGrid and a SimplePager along with a MultiSelectionModel. I want to implement a simple select-all-feature over all pages.
I´m only able to select all visible items on the current page. What is the best way to select all items on all pages?
I know the MultiSelectionModel stores the proxy keys provided by a ProvidesKey object in a HashMap. I think I have to request all proxy objects from server or at least all keys. But actually I don´t want to store information about the ProvidesKey´s getKey()-method on server-side. But I also can not access the MultiSelectionModel´s HashMap of the selected proxies´ keys. This all looks cumbersome, so is there a better way to solve this?
As mentioned in, one way to achieve this would be to implement your own SelectionModel (e.g. by extending AbstractSelectionModel or DefaultSelectionModel):
A complex implementation can handle "select all" across multiple pages using a boolean to indicate that everything is selected, and then keep track of negative selections.
Why do you need all keys for select all? When you select some objects from a list, you need to remember which ones are selected, but when you select all objects, you need a single Boolean:
// on click Select All button/checkbox
boolean selectAll = true;
// ask a user what he wants to do
// send a request to server with a parameter selectAll to update/delete all objects
Select all across multiple pages will work only if you are NOT lazy loading. First of all why do you need to select all? If you want to do some actions on all the grid data, you will already have the list and you can perform your actions on the list directly. Nonetheless you can select all the rows of the grid over multiple pages by iterating through the list and using the following API on each item.
public void setSelected(T item, boolean selected);
Note: This will work only if you are NOT lazy loading.