Using admob banner ad and interstitial ad inside same activity - adsense

I want to implement admob banner ad and interstitial ad inside same activity in following way:
Banner ad will be always displayed at bottom of activity and when user performs few action (suppose clicks next button) then interstitial is shown.
Is it against policy?
Currently I have two methods in my mind to implement this :
1) before showing interstitial ad load banner ad, them display interstitial. after interstitial is closed display banner ad again.
2) display interstitial ad in activity containg banner ad, without hiding banner ad.
Out of this two ways which one should i prefer?
Will it be against policy?

There is no problem in displaying banner ads as well as interstitial ads in the same Activity. Personally I would go with option (2) as it is simpler.


Navigating to new page after interstitial ad dismissed

i implemented interstitial ad by using flutter, it shows without any problem but after user dismissed the ad, it takes approximately 5 second to navigate to the next page; Do anyone know the reason?

is there a way to manage the duration of the remote notification to be displayed longer on the banner?

I am working on an App which I want the Playload notification to remain presented in the banner until the user clicks on it.
I have two cases:
App in background, after opening the app (not through the notification) the notification disappears.
App in foreground, the notification will be presented on the banner (I used: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate for that) but after few seconds it disappears.
is there a way to manage the notification duration, I want it to be presented until the user clicks on it.
This is known as a Banner Style. It can be set to either Temporary or Persistent with persistent banners requiring user interaction to disappear. You can not manipulate the duration of your notifications being displayed on screen. The banner style for the application can only be changed by the user in the notification settings for your application:

Admob Banner ad, how to implement across multiple view controllers

I'm near completion with an app and I'm starting to add ad's to it. For adMob I have the following code in my viewdidLoad method:
bannerAd.adUnitID = "...."
bannerAd.rootViewController = self
This is currently only on the first view controller that pops up. The ad is on the bottom of a landscape only app. My question is is okay to add this to all of my view Controllers that you can segue too?
I'm not exactly sure if I need to close out the ad when I leave view controllers, or if this is handled automatically. It would be simple for me to add this to all view controllers, but I'm not sure if this creates more ad requests as the user switches from view to view, or how it works...
I'm new to app development and am getting ready to roll out my first app. I would appreciate any help and I thank you in advance!!!!

iAd in many viewControllers

I want to add many ADBanners in my application. What's preferred: share one banner in all view controllers, or create an ADBanner for each viewController?
it does not really matter if you want to create a ad banner for each view.
but you need to keep in mind the best practices from documentation:
Banner View Best Practices
Only create a banner view when you intend to display it to the user. Otherwise, it may cycle through ads and deplete the list of available advertising for your application.
If the user navigates from a screen of content with a banner view to a screen that does not have a banner view, and you expect them to be on that screen for a long period of time, remove the banner view from the view hierarchy, set its delegate to nil and release it before transitioning to the new screen of content. More generally, avoid keeping a banner view around when it is invisible to the user.
When your application creates a banner view, there is a delay before the view can actually display an advertisement. If you intend to use that banner view on a screen of content that is only visible to the user for a short period of time, the banner may not have enough time to download an advertisement before a user finishes interacting with that screen of content. Instead, your application should create a single banner view and use it throughout your user interface. As the user navigates around your application, your application moves the banner view onto any screen that is expected to display a banner. The iAdSuite sample demonstrates how to implement this technique.
When an ad transitions to a rich media experience, iAd consumes additional memory so that it can display an interactive ad to the user. This memory comes from your application’s available memory. Your application must scale back its activities to allow the ad to run smoothly and respond quickly to low-memory conditions by releasing large objects that can be easily recreated after the user finishes interacting with the ad.
I prefer to create a singleton class for ads and just call the same view into each view when displayed. That way you don't have to call for a new advert on each view.
I've posted singleton code for adwhirl here is it a good practice to delete the AdBannerView on viewWillDisappear and add it back on viewWillAppear? which you should be able to ammend for just iAd

Can we load Admob ad at app launch and mirror it on other View Controllers?

In our app, Admob's Ads are displayed on several View Controllers (VCs). And each VC loads it own ad. This leads to unnecessary network usage for the user.
To counter this, can we achieve something like... loading the ad when App Launches & mirroring it on VCs... this way it could have at least two benefits:
user network would be efficiently used
there would be no delay in displaying ad when user switches views
You wouldn't mirror the content, you could just pass the UIView between the UIViewControllers.
Put the admob code somewhere common (perhaps your app delegate) so it's only in one place. When you show a new uiviewcontroller, in it's viewWillAppear view ask the app delegate for the advert view.