Make Bases (shape squares) - Multiple sizes - Diagonal placement - netlogo

I want to make diagonal bases (Perfet square), but it only work until size 2 more then 2 i start to lose the squares.
My code is:
to setup-patches
set-patch-size 15
ask patches[
if (distancexy 20 20) < base-size [set pcolor yellow]
if (distancexy -20 -20) < base-size [set pcolor yellow]
if (distancexy -20 20) < base-size [set pcolor pink]
if (distancexy 20 -20) < base-size [set pcolor pink]
Please check the picture to see what i am talking about.

Look at two examples in the Models Library: Moore and Von Neumann, and Neighborhoods Example. You want the box (Moore) neighborhood, and you should use at-points to get it. However, sticking close to your coded setup, you can also try this:
to-report linf [#p1 #p2]
let _xdist abs ([pxcor] of #p1 - [pxcor] of #p2)
let _ydist abs ([pycor] of #p1 - [pycor] of #p2)
report max (list _xdist _ydist)
to setup-patches [base-size]
set-patch-size 15
let diag1 (patch-set patch 20 20 patch -20 -20)
ask diag1 [ask patches with [linf self myself < base-size] [set pcolor yellow]]
let diag2 (patch-set patch -20 20 patch 20 -20)
ask diag2 [ask patches with [linf self myself < base-size] [set pcolor pink]]


How to make people go towards a specific patch and avoid certain patches on the way to the destination?

I am building an evacuation model for my university lecture hall. The problem I am facing is that the people always walk over the gray patch that is not supposed to be walked over even though I have included the procedure to avoid walls in the code. This is the current code for my evacuation model. Also is it possible for the turtles to stop moving when arrived at the exit which in this case is the green patch?
breed [people person]
to setup
to setup-people
set-default-shape people "person"
ask n-of n-people (patches with [pcolor = white]) [sprout-people 1]
ask people [set color cyan]
to setup-patches
;change the color of the floor for better visibility
ask patches[
if pcolor = black [set pcolor white ]
to draw-wall
; Make 4 boundary walls
ask patches with [ pycor >= -25 and pycor >= 25][ set pcolor gray ]
ask patches with [ pycor <= -25 and pycor <= 25][ set pcolor gray ]
ask patches with [ pxcor >= -25 and pxcor >= 25][ set pcolor gray ]
ask patches with [ pxcor <= -25 and pxcor <= 25][ set pcolor gray ]
; make rows of walls inside that look like seats in a lecture hall
; left rows of chairs
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 20][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 18][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 16][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 14][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 12][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 10][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = 0][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = -2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = -4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = -6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = -8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 21 and pxcor >= 13 and pycor = -10][set pcolor gray]
; middle rows of chairs
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 20][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 18][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 16][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 14][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 12][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 10][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = 0][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = -2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = -4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = -6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = -8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 9 and pycor = -10][set pcolor gray]
; right rows of chairs
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 20][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 18][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 16][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 14][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 12][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 10][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = 0][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = -2][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = -4][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = -6][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = -8][set pcolor gray]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -21 and pxcor <= -13 and pycor = -10][set pcolor gray]
to draw-exit
; Setting 4 exits assuming all UTAR lecture halls have 4 exits
; two at the top left and right and two at the bottom left and right
ask patches with [pxcor <= 23 and pxcor >= 21 and pycor = 25][set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -23 and pxcor <= -21 and pycor = 25][set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 23 and pxcor >= 21 and pycor = -25][set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -23 and pxcor <= -21 and pycor = -25][set pcolor green]
to go
let hall patches with [pycor <= 0 and pycor >= -25 and pxcor <= 0 and pxcor >= -25 ]
ask people[
to move-people
face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green ] [distance myself ]
fd 0.1
to avoid-walls
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = gray
[lt random-float 360 ] ;; we see a gray patch ahead of us. We turn a random amount
[fd 0.1] ;; otherwise, it is safe to move forward
This will be a long answer but I want to guide you step by step.
Let's start from why you are facing an unwanted behaviour.
In go, first you ask people to move (move-people) and only later you ask them to avoid walls (avoid-walls).
Even looking at it more closely, you can see that your avoid-walls procedure is not having any effect on your people's walk. Let's read your code from the point of view of your agents:
I am a person and I enter the move-people procedure, which makes me face the nearest exit. There is a wall in front of me, but nothing in the code is telling me that I should care about it: in fact the next line of code is forward 0.1, so I just move forward.
Now I enter the avoid-walls procedure. As I said, there is a wall in front of me, so I randomly change my heading. Ah, there is no wall in front of me anymore! However I will not move forward in this new direction, because there is no line of code telling me to do it now that I changed my heading.
I exit avoid-walls and this means that I also need to exit the ask people [...] command block in go. I have finished my actions for this iteration.
Here we are in the next iteration. I am now heading towards a patch without walls (because I randomly selected this heading from avoid-walls in the previous iteration)... however, before I can move in this correct direction, I am again in move-people, and I am asked again to change my heading to face the nearest green patch. This means that I am back to the initial situation, when I had a wall in front of me! The next line of code is asking me to move forward 0.1, so I continue moving on the wall...
and on, and on, and on...
So let's see, step by step, how you can solve this.
First of all, let's tidy up a couple of things:
Your people are the agents executing the move-people procedure, so a better name for this procedure would be just move so that you can have ask people [move].
In order to have agents stop moving when they reached the exit, you can simply make sure that only those agents who are not on a green patch will be asked to move: ask people with [pcolor != green] [move] (note that turtles can directly read and modify patches-own variables of the patch they are standing on, this is why we are able to use pcolor in the context of a turtle).
You will also probably want to have your model stop when everyone reached an exit, so you can add a stop condition at the beginning of the go procedure: if (not any? people with [pcolor != green]) [stop].
The result of the three points above will be the following go procedure:
to go
if (not any? people with [pcolor != green]) [stop]
ask people with [pcolor != green] [
Now, back to the content of move.
As you can see, I only have move inside go (i.e. I removed any procedure that is specific to the goal of avoiding walls). This is because, following the journey of a person as we described it above, it is essential that the actions for avoiding walls are not carried out after moving, but upon choosing where to move.
An equally important thing is to make sure that when a person finds a direction where there are no walls, it has to move in that direction before being asked to face the exit again.
Therefore, a first idea could be to do:
to move
face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself]
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = gray] [
right random 360
forward 1
This way, we make sure that at each iteration of go people will:
Face the nearest exit.
If the patch ahead of them is clear, they will ignore the while loop and jump directly to forward 1.
If the patch ahead of them has a wall, they will enter the loop and only exit it when they found a clear direction (i.e. when the condition of the while loop evaluates as false).
In any case, on each iteration of go every turtle will move exactly by 1 in a direction without walls. On the next iteration of go each turtle will simply start again by facing the nearest exit and testing the wall condition again.
This works, and it is similar to the Look Ahead Example model in the NetLogo library (with the difference that, here, the while loop makes it possible that every turtle moves at every iteration of go, instead of having to spend a full iteration only to change heading if they need to). However, if you try it, you will see that the result is that people who find themselves between the lines of walls will move randomly until they find a way out. This is not very realistic, but we can make it more realistic.
For example, we can make sure that people who find a wall will not move completely randomly to find a way away from the wall, but instead will lean somewhat towards the direction of the nearest exit.
An idea could be to divide the 360° spectrum into four quadrants (0°-89°; 90°-179°; 180°-269°; 270°-359°), so that each person facing a wall can:
Keep note of the quadrant in which the nearest exit is;
If there is a wall in front of them, look for a new direction in the same quadrant.
This way, the wandering of people will be less randomic (i.e. we will see less back and forth, and more going around obstacles).
For this purpose, let's create a new reporter called new-direction. To use this we can create a people-own variable called target (to avoid repeating min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself]):
people-own [
to move
set target min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself]
face target
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = gray] [
set heading new-direction
forward 1
to-report new-direction
let direction-quadrant ceiling (towards target / 90)
if (direction-quadrant = 0) [
set direction-quadrant 1
report random 91 + (90 * (direction-quadrant - 1))
You can work out the maths yourself and see that new-direction always reports a new heading that is in the same quadrant (including its borders) as the direction towards the nearest exit. Given that this happens inside the while loop, each agent will then exit the loop only once they found a direction that is more or less towards the nearest exit and that can avoid the wall. Once they found it, they move forward.
However you will also see that sometimes people get stuck in a loop: this happens when they find themselves in a location where another step forward causes the nearest exit to change quadrant (as we defined quadrants from the point of view of turtles), and the subsequent step forward causes the nearest exit to go back to the previous quadrant.
We can solve this by making sure that people remember what was the exact patch they were standing on in the previous step (I call it last-patch in the code below). If such patch is the same as the one they are planning to go to now (checked with (patch-ahead 1 = last-patch)), it means that they are stuck in a loop. In that case, instead of executing forward 1 they execute forward -1 which basically means "go backwards by 1". Considering that at this point forward refers to the heading the turtle has acquired after exiting the while block, this means that in this way the turtle is forced outside the loop:
to move
let last-patch patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading) (-1)
set target min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself]
face target
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = gray] [
set heading new-direction
ifelse (patch-ahead 1 = last-patch)
[forward -1]
[forward 1]
Note that this solution is improvable: it works in your scenario but it may not be sufficient with more complicated designs of the hall and walls.
You run "move" in which the turtles face a direction, then move.
Then you run "avoid" in which the turtles look for gray and turn.
So your turtles have already moved before they look for gray.
My advice: aim, then correct, then move. Note that this very simple navigation rule will not move like a person would move.
to aim
;; face nearest green patch
face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green ] [distance myself ]
to correct
;;if about to step on a gray patch, turn away from it
if ([ pcolor ] of patch-ahead .1 = gray)
[ ;; where is the center of the next patch?
let towards-patch-center towards patch-ahead .1
;; calculate a direction away from the center of the patch
let diff subtract-headings towards-patch-center heading
;; turn left (CCW) or right (CW)
if (diff >= 0 ) ;; it's ahead or clockwise
[ set heading heading - 1 ] ;; turn counter-clockwise
if (diff < 0 ) ;; its counter-clockwise
[ set heading heading + 1 ] ;; turn clockwise
to walk
jump .1
to navigate

turtles walk to the wall instead of door in netlogo

I write a code that evacuates turtles to the only exit door. But as I noticed that the turtles are divided into several groups. There are turtles that walk toward the exit door and the others walk to the nearest wall. I want to create a simulation that all the turtles will go to the exit doors. Here's my code. Can anyone advise, please?
globals [
goal-x goal-y
patches-own [ path? ]
turtles-own [
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "person"
ask n-of number-room1 patches with [pxcor < 47 and pxcor > 0 and pycor < 45 and pycor > 0 and pcolor = black]
sprout 1 [
facexy 41 45
set direction 1
set color yellow
to setup-patches
ask patch 21 41 [
set plabel-color white
set plabel "Room1"
to draw-wall
ask patches with [pxcor <= 38 and pxcor >= 0 and pycor = 45]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 47 and pxcor >= 44 and pycor = 45]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 47 and pxcor >= 0 and pycor = 0]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor = 0 and pycor <= 45 and pycor >= 0]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor = 47 and pycor <= 45 and pycor >= 0]
[set pcolor blue]
to draw-exit
ask patches with [pxcor <= 43 and pxcor >= 39 and pycor = 45]
[set pcolor green]
to go
if ticks >= 100 [stop]
ask turtles [walk]
to walk
let room1 patches with [pxcor < 47 and pxcor > 0 and pycor < 45 and pycor > 0]
;let exitpoint patches with [pxcor < 46 and pxcor > 33 and pycor < 45 and pycor > 32]
ask turtles-on room1
[face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 43 and pxcor >= 39 and pycor = 47]
fd 0.01
;ask turtles-on exitpoint
;[face one-of patches with [pxcor <= 42 and pxcor >= 38 and pycor = 47]
; fd 0.01
You can try these 2 steps to make it work:
Check the setting of your simulation (besides the simulation speed slider on the top right side), make sure to uncheck world wrap horizontally & world wrap vertically. If it is still checked, it means that the turtles can go beyond your vertical/horizontal boundary and appear on the other side. That's why some group of turtles is moving towards the wall, they assume they can pass the boundary and arrive at the exit, while they will be stuck there because of your code constraint.
After making sure that the setting is okay, if you still have some of them stuck in the upper side of the wall near the exit, you can try to replace your to walk code with this:
to walk
set heading towards one-of patches with [pcolor = green]
fd 1
Hopefully, this will help you solve the problem

How to move turtles on a game board simulation?

I'm creating a board game simulation similar to monopoly, where pieces are moving around the board. My turtle acts as the user's game piece and moves around the border of the world. The border is set up in alternating colors. I have a button that generates the number of steps the turtle moves. Those steps are stored as dice-num, a global variable. However, when the turtle lands on the patches before the patch (16 -16) (the bottom right-hand corner of the board) and the number of steps it needs to move exceeds 1, I can't turn the turtle's heading halfway to move up the board. As a result it only moves back to the beginning of the board.
I've tried to treat each case separately:
;if the turtle lands on the patch before the corner
ask turtle 0 [if pycor = min-pycor and pxcor = max-pxcor - 1
[setxy max-pxcor min-pycor
set dice-num dice-num - 1
show dice-num
;dice-num refers to number of steps the turtle moves
Heres my code so far:
to setup
to go
to board
ask patches [if pxcor = max-pxcor or pycor = max-pycor or pxcor = min-
pxcor or pycor = min-pycor
[set pcolor blue]]
ask patches [if pycor = max-pycor or pycor = min-pycor
[if pxcor mod 2 = 0
[set pcolor orange]]]
ask patches [if pxcor = max-pxcor or pxcor = min-pxcor
[if pycor mod 2 = 0
[set pcolor orange]]]
ask patch min-pxcor min-pycor [set pcolor green]
to dice-roll
set dice [1 2 3 4 5 6]
set dice-num one-of dice
user-message (word "You rolled: " dice-num)
ask turtle 0 [
fd dice-num
;allows the turtle to turn if it lands on a corner
ask turtle 0 [if ycor = min-pycor and xcor = max-pxcor [set heading 0]
if xcor = max-pxcor and ycor = max-pycor [set heading 270]
if xcor = min-pxcor and ycor = max-pycor [set heading 180]
;add a statement to end game once player rereaches the green patch
;if the turtle lands on the patch before the corner
ask turtle 0 [if pycor = min-pycor and pxcor = max-pxcor - 1
[setxy max-pxcor min-pycor
set dice-num dice-num - 1
show dice-num
I expect the output to be the turtle to start moving up the right hand side of the board once it lands on the patch (15 -16) and recieves a dice-num greater than 1. However, when the turtle does land on the patch (15 -16) and the dice-num is greater than 1 it simply moves back to the beginning of the board.
Okay, this was simply too long for comments so I had to make some guesses. I expect the problem was that you were forwarding the full amount of the die roll after checking location. This would mean you have to test all the potential patches that could reach the corner. Instead, it is easier to move one patch and test location before moving the next patch. This is a cleaned up version of your code that implements this move and check process.
to setup
ask one-of patches with [pcolor = green]
[ sprout 1
[ set color white
set heading 90
forward 1
to go
let die-num dice-roll
ask one-of turtles [ move die-num ]
to board
ask patches with [ pxcor = max-pxcor or pxcor = min-pxcor ]
[ set pcolor ifelse-value (pycor mod 2 = 0) [orange][blue] ]
ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor or pycor = min-pycor ]
[ set pcolor ifelse-value (pxcor mod 2 = 0) [orange][blue] ]
ask patch min-pxcor min-pycor [set pcolor green]
to-report dice-roll
let dice-num one-of [1 2 3 4 5 6]
user-message (word "You rolled: " dice-num)
report dice-num
to move [#roll]
while [ #roll > 0 ]
[ if pxcor = max-pxcor and pycor = max-pycor [set heading one-of [180 270] ]
if pxcor = max-pxcor and pycor = min-pycor [set heading one-of [0 270] ]
if pxcor = min-pxcor and pycor = max-pycor [set heading one-of [180 90] ]
if pxcor = min-pxcor and pycor = min-pycor [ stop ]
fd 1
set #roll #roll - 1
The alternative is simply to add the die roll to the current location and see if it goes past. If it does, calculate where you want to get to.

Changing patch colors except one color

I'm creating a program in Netlogo which has shoppers (turtles) moving through a grocery store layout. When they step on a patch it increases in color and when it has no agent on it, it decreases in color, as this will show the paths shoppers take through a store.
My code is:
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ (pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1) ]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [ (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]
However, as the aisle patches are blue this is turning them back to black as well. I was wondering what code I could use so patches with pcolor = 105 will stay blue and not change to black?
Don't change the color of the patches with pcolor = 105. You'll just need to add an additional condition to anywhere you modify the patch color.
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
if pcolor != 105[set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ pcolor != 105 and ((pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1))]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [pcolor != 105 and (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]

netlogo patch set as chess board style

how can I set al of patches like chess board. one white than black?
ask patches [if ...... [set pcolor white]
if .......[set pcolor black]]
could you say is it the right way or?
assuming your world is already 8x8 patches and the patches are default black:
ask patches [if pxcor mod 2 = pycor mod 2 [set pcolor white]]
Assuming you have an 8x8 world
to setup
ask patches [
ifelse pxcor mod 2 = pycor mod 2
[set pcolor white]
[set pcolor black]