Is there a way to integrate facebook & google login in ionic PWA - facebook

I developed an app in ionic 3. It's working fine for android & iOS. Then I added browser platform but fb & google login not working for it.
Ionic documentation says facebook plugin is supported in browser. But it's not working.
Google plus plugin only supports android & iOS.
So how to integrate fb & google login in PWA developed in ionic 3?
I have tried using angular4-social-login module but no luck. Also I tried using javascript sdk but no success.

Facebook with Browser:
After you add the browser platform:
ionic cordova platform add browser
ionic cordova build browser --prod
After that in your facebook develop website settings page, add your server's domain to app domain (or localhost for testing).
You can read more about it here: browser


Using ionic-native Facebook plugin in Browser

I have created a new Ionic (Capacitor) app and I want to use the native facebook plugin, The plugin documentation says that is supported in the Android, iOS and Browser platforms, but when I run the app in the browser I get a Native: tried calling Facebook.login, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator error.
How can I run the facebook plugin from the browser?

Any cordova plugin to add WebAuthn API to Android WebView?

We've developed a cordova app that shows one of our websites (which is also accessible using a web browser).
Recently, FIDO2 authentication using WebAuthn has been added to that website. This works fine in the tested browsers (Chrome and Firefox), but not in our cordova application, as it uses Android WebView, which doesn't implement the WebAuthn API.
Does anybody know if there is any cordova plugin to add this API to Android WebView?
Is there any website with information about the Android WebView roadmap (bugs that will be fixed in next release, new features that will be added, ...)?
You're correct that Android WebView doesn't support WebAuthn in Android 13. We hope to address that in the Android 14 timeframe but, for now, you have to inject Javascript hooks and use a Javascript bridge to implement it. It's certainly possible to do but I'm not aware of any packaged solutions that do it.

Why ionic 4 social sharing plugin not working in browser?

I'm creating ionic 4 angular app , and using ionic 4 social sharing plugin to share mobile devices it's working fine but in browser it is not working.
Here is ionic 4 social sharing documentation
Since Ionic social sharing is native plugin so its required cordova to run. You are running it in browser so it will not working. Try to run ionic cordova run browser. before running this command in cmd, Please make sure browser plateform is installed.

How to integrate the Facebook login in progressive web application

I am building a Progressive web application with IONIC 3. I am following -
Now the problem is when I am using ionic serve then in the browser when I am clicking on Login with Facebook button,
then it is showing me an error on the console as
Native: tried calling Facebook.login, but Cordova is
not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a
device/simulator cordovaWarn # vendor.js:60197 main.js:1058 Error
logging into Facebook cordova_not_available
I can understand that as I am using the browser, and Ionic serve will never generate Cordova files, so what is the right way to implement the Facebook login in an Ionic progressive web application.

g-places-autocomplete not working on android build

I am creating app on ionic and used g-places-autocomplete for google place auto complete.
It works well on browser, but not working on app after I built it on android app via ionic build android command.
After debug with android test app, i got error that i have not add Referrer URL as per android strucuture which is "file_url//android_asset/XXXXX".
After i added above type of URL, it start working.