Why ionic 4 social sharing plugin not working in browser? - ionic-framework

I'm creating ionic 4 angular app , and using ionic 4 social sharing plugin to share app.in mobile devices it's working fine but in browser it is not working.
Here is ionic 4 social sharing documentation

Since Ionic social sharing is native plugin so its required cordova to run. You are running it in browser so it will not working. Try to run ionic cordova run browser. before running this command in cmd, Please make sure browser plateform is installed.


Using ionic-native Facebook plugin in Browser

I have created a new Ionic (Capacitor) app and I want to use the native facebook plugin, The plugin documentation says that is supported in the Android, iOS and Browser platforms, but when I run the app in the browser I get a Native: tried calling Facebook.login, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator error.
How can I run the facebook plugin from the browser?

How to add ionic devApp support in a cordova plugin

I have a cordova plugin which supports Android, iOS and browser platforms. But when adding the plugin in an ionic app that is being developed/built using ionic serve or ionic devApp, the error comes as 'plugin is not defined'. Is there a way to add the ionic devApp support to a cordova plugin ? If it means only using the browser code for all the platforms(Not using any native platform code), then it works for me. Thanks in advance.
I have added the browser platform to my plugin but it does not work with ionic serve even when the app is running on browser. Note that the plugin works fine on browser when the app is run using ionic cordova run browser command.
I want the cordova plugin to be compatible with all platforms - Android, iOS , browser and devApp. My expectation are that when the app is run using ionic cordova run android/ios/browser command, it should use the native code of my cordova plugin. And when the app is run using ionic serve or ionic devApp, then it should use the web code.

Ionic Pro Montoring not working with Ionic DevApp

I am working on an ionic app, and I would like to use ionic pro monitoring for that, which works perfect if I open my app in a browser (ionic serve --lab) but it does not work for me if I open it with the ionic dev app or the ionic view app?
Is this a bug or is ionic pro montoring not designed for that usage?
I have these troubles only on ios, it works on android!
Thanks in advance for any advice

WebApp using Ionic 3 or latest

I am new to Ionic so it may possible that my question is of baby level but then too I want to know presence of any browser platform in ionic 3. I know the ionic application runs on browser but as i have to add platform for android if I have to run it on android device.
So is there any presence of web platform which specifically build application for web?
If I would like to make web application using Ionic so can I?

Is there a way to integrate facebook & google login in ionic PWA

I developed an app in ionic 3. It's working fine for android & iOS. Then I added browser platform but fb & google login not working for it.
Ionic documentation http://ionicframework.com/docs/native/facebook/ says facebook plugin is supported in browser. But it's not working.
Google plus plugin only supports android & iOS.
So how to integrate fb & google login in PWA developed in ionic 3?
I have tried using angular4-social-login module but no luck. Also I tried using javascript sdk but no success.
Facebook with Browser:
After you add the browser platform:
ionic cordova platform add browser
ionic cordova build browser --prod
After that in your facebook develop website settings page, add your server's domain to app domain (or localhost for testing).
You can read more about it here: browser