Trim null spaces and concatenate - datastage

I need to concatenate two fields in datastage and one field contains null values and I am using the NVL() function. My requirement is that if there are null values they shouldn't appear as spaces.
I am doing like:
Trim(NullToEmpty(Database.ADDR_2)) : ' ' : Trim(NullToEmpty(Database.ADDR_3))
Here ADDR_3 has null values and if it is null then I should trim the spaces and should display only ADDR_2. Please help me with a solution.

This question is not completely clear - if you used NVL there should not be the need to use NullToEmpty.
You could use something like this:
IF IsNull(Database.ADDR_3) THEN Database.ADDR_2 ELSE Database.ADDR_2 : " " : Database.ADDR_3
Add trims if needed.


tsql comma delimited testing for value

I've been given a table with a few fields that hold comma-separated values (either blank or Y/N) like so (and the field name where this data is stored is People_Notified):
Each 'slot' relates to a particular field value and I need to now include that particular field name in the string as well (in this case Parent, Admin, Police and Medical) but inserting a "N" if the current value is blank but leaving the existing Y's and N's in place. So for the above example, where there are four known slots, I would want a tsql statement to end up with:
I tried to use a combination of CHARINDEX and CASE but haven't figured a way to make this work.
Although a bit messy, in theory can be done in one statement:
'Parent=' +stuff((stuff((stuff(
broken down is easier to follow:
declare #People_Notified varchar(100)=',,Y,Y' -- test variable
-- Insert Ns
set #People_Notified= (select replace(#People_Notified,',,,',',N,N,')) -- case two consecutive missing
set #People_Notified= (select replace(#People_Notified,',,',',N,')) -- case one missing
set #People_Notified= (select replace((','+#People_Notified+','),',,',',N,')) -- case start or end missing
set #People_Notified= substring(#People_Notified,2,7) -- remove extra commas added previously
-- Stuff the labels
select 'Parent=' +stuff((stuff((stuff(#People_Notified,7,0,'Medical=')),5,0,'Police=')),3,0,'Admin=')
If you're able to use XQuery in SQL Server, I don't think you need to get too complex. You could do something like this:
SELECT CONVERT(XML, REPLACE('<pn>' + REPLACE(People_Notified, ',', '</pn><pn>') + '</pn>', '<pn></pn>', '<pn>N</pn>')).query('
concat("Parent=", data(/pn[1])[1], ",Admin=", data(/pn[2])[1], ",Police=", data(/pn[3])[1], ",Medical=", data(/pn[4])[1])
FROM ...
Explanation: Construct an XML-like string out of the original delimited string by replacing commas with closing and opening tags. Add an opening tag to the start and a closing tag to the end. Replace each empty element with one containing "N". Convert the XML-like string into actual XML data so that you can use XQuery. Then just concatenate what you need using concat() and the right indexes for the elements' data.
Here's one way to do it:
;WITH cteXML (Id, Notified)
+ REPLACE([notified],',', '</YN><YN>')
+ '</YN></Notified>') AS Notified
FROM People_Notified
select id,
'Parent=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[1]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[1]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Admin=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[2]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[2]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Police=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[3]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[3]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Medical=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[4]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[4]','varchar(1)') end Notified
from cteXML
SQL Fiddle
Check this page out for an explanation of what the XML stuff is doing.
This page has a pretty thorough look at the various ways you can split a delimited string into rows.

Getting null fields in crystal reports

I have a customer name with first name, last name, middle name. I want to concatenate these fields. When I concatenate these fields I am getting some of the fields as null cause as it contains at least one null value field. I have tried with this formula.
Ex: I have first name, last name but middle name is null then I am getting entire field as null.
Please help me how to resolve this.
You'll probably want to wrap each field with a formula to adjust for nulls:
If Isnull({table.FIRST_NAME}) Then "" Else {table.FIRST_NAME}
Then create a formula to concatenate them
{#FIRST_NAME} + "," + {#MIDDLE_NAME} + "," + {#LAST_NAME}

CrystalReports.Net DisplayString function to format bigint string

In Crystal Reports for .Net, we need to remove commas and the decimal places from the string so that only the numeric portion of bigint displays. We are trying to perform this in the Display String function.
We have tried to use the ToText function but it returns the "Too many arguments passed" error whenever there are two or more arguments supplied.
ToText({table.Field}, 0, '') returns the "too many arguments passed error".
Right now: The report is displaying the string number as 1,123,456,789.00 and we want it to be 1123456789. We will also suppress any zero value but we will add that later.
Any ideas how to remove commas and decimal places?
We found a solution.
Display String function is:
Replace(Replace(CStr({table.field}), ',', ''), '.00', '')
Suppress function is:
CStr({table.field}) = '0' Or CStr({table.field}) = '0.00'

PgSQL trim whole string at end, not every characters

i'm trying to rebuild relations in my DB. I need to "repair" some strings that are stored badly in my table named city_list.
The data:
"London "
I used pgsql function rtrim(string text [, characters text]) in that way:
UPDATE city_list SET city_name=RTrim(city_name);
UPDATE city_list SET city_name=RTrim(city_name, ' ');
Now I have:
Is there way to force rtrim to cut whole " " string from end not every single characters?
Use regexp_replace().
The trim() function's second argument is the full list of chars to be trimmed.

String comparisons in JasperReports expressions

A database field named income_source is queried using:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE income_source LIKE "salaried%"
This retrieves income_source values with a "salaried" prefix. In iReport, the PrintWhenExpression value for the field is set as:
$F{income_source}.equals("Salaried")? Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE
Why does the report output differ from the SQL output?
There are a few problems:
The value "salaried%" in the SQL differs from the value of "Salaried" in the expression.
The value "salaried%" uses the % to match all text after the letter d.
There is a bit of redundancy in the PrintWhenExpression.
Try the following expression:
$F{income_source}.startsWith( "salaried" )
$F{income_source}.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith( "salaried" )
One of those should work. You will also want to ensure Blank when null is checked. Otherwise, the expression becomes:
$F{income_source} == null ? Boolean.FALSE :
$F{income_source}.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith( "salaried" )