tsql comma delimited testing for value - tsql

I've been given a table with a few fields that hold comma-separated values (either blank or Y/N) like so (and the field name where this data is stored is People_Notified):
Each 'slot' relates to a particular field value and I need to now include that particular field name in the string as well (in this case Parent, Admin, Police and Medical) but inserting a "N" if the current value is blank but leaving the existing Y's and N's in place. So for the above example, where there are four known slots, I would want a tsql statement to end up with:
I tried to use a combination of CHARINDEX and CASE but haven't figured a way to make this work.

Although a bit messy, in theory can be done in one statement:
'Parent=' +stuff((stuff((stuff(
broken down is easier to follow:
declare #People_Notified varchar(100)=',,Y,Y' -- test variable
-- Insert Ns
set #People_Notified= (select replace(#People_Notified,',,,',',N,N,')) -- case two consecutive missing
set #People_Notified= (select replace(#People_Notified,',,',',N,')) -- case one missing
set #People_Notified= (select replace((','+#People_Notified+','),',,',',N,')) -- case start or end missing
set #People_Notified= substring(#People_Notified,2,7) -- remove extra commas added previously
-- Stuff the labels
select 'Parent=' +stuff((stuff((stuff(#People_Notified,7,0,'Medical=')),5,0,'Police=')),3,0,'Admin=')

If you're able to use XQuery in SQL Server, I don't think you need to get too complex. You could do something like this:
SELECT CONVERT(XML, REPLACE('<pn>' + REPLACE(People_Notified, ',', '</pn><pn>') + '</pn>', '<pn></pn>', '<pn>N</pn>')).query('
concat("Parent=", data(/pn[1])[1], ",Admin=", data(/pn[2])[1], ",Police=", data(/pn[3])[1], ",Medical=", data(/pn[4])[1])
FROM ...
Explanation: Construct an XML-like string out of the original delimited string by replacing commas with closing and opening tags. Add an opening tag to the start and a closing tag to the end. Replace each empty element with one containing "N". Convert the XML-like string into actual XML data so that you can use XQuery. Then just concatenate what you need using concat() and the right indexes for the elements' data.

Here's one way to do it:
;WITH cteXML (Id, Notified)
+ REPLACE([notified],',', '</YN><YN>')
+ '</YN></Notified>') AS Notified
FROM People_Notified
select id,
'Parent=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[1]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[1]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Admin=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[2]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[2]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Police=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[3]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[3]','varchar(1)') end + ',' +
'Medical=' + case Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[4]','varchar(1)') when '' then 'N' else Notified.value('/Notified[1]/YN[4]','varchar(1)') end Notified
from cteXML
SQL Fiddle
Check this page out for an explanation of what the XML stuff is doing.
This page has a pretty thorough look at the various ways you can split a delimited string into rows.


Trying to manipulate string such as if '26169;#c785643', then the result should be like 'c785643'

I am trying to manipulate string data in a column such as if the given string is '20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791' or '26169;#c785643', then the
result should be like 'e123456;c567890;e135791' or 'c785643'. The number of digits in between can be of any length.
Some of the things I have tried so far are:
select replace('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791','#','');
This leaves me with '20591;e123456;17507;c567890;15518;e135791', which still includes the digits without 'e' or 'c' prefixed to them. i want to get rid of 20591, 17507 and 15518.
Create function that will keep a pattern of '%[#][ec][0-9][;]%' and will get rid of the rest.
The most important advise is: Do not store any data in a delimited string. This is violating the most basic principle of relational database concepts (1.NF).
The second hint is SO-related: Please always add / tag your questions with the appropriate tool. The tag [tsql] points to SQL-Server, but this might be wrong (which would invalidate both answers). Please tag the full product with its version (e.g. [sql-server-2012]). Especially with string splitting there are very important product related changes from version to version.
Now to your question.
Working with (almost) any version of SQL-Server
My suggestion uses a trick with XML:
(credits to Alan Burstein for the mockup)
DECLARE #table TABLE (someid INT IDENTITY, somestring VARCHAR(50));
INSERT #table VALUES ('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791'),('26169;#c785643')
--the query
SELECT t.someid,t.somestring,A.CastedToXml
,STUFF(REPLACE(A.CastedToXml.query('/x[contains(text()[1],"#") and empty(substring(text()[1],2,100) cast as xs:int?)]')
.value('.','nvarchar(max)'),'#',';'),1,1,'') TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.somestring,';','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml);
The idea in short:
By replacing the ; with XML tags </x><x> we can transform your delimited list to XML. I included the intermediate XML into the result set. Just click it to see how this works.
In the next query I use a XQuery predicate first to find entries, which contain a # and second, which do NOT cast to an integer without the #.
The thrid step is specific to XML again. The XPath . in .value() will return all content as one string.
Finally we have to replace the # with ; and cut away the leading ; using STUFF().
UPDATE The same idea, but a bit shorter:
You can try this as well
SELECT t.someid,t.somestring,A.CastedToXml
,REPLACE(A.CastedToXml.query('data(/x[empty(. cast as xs:int?)])')
.value('.','nvarchar(max)'),' ',';') TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.somestring,';#','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml);
Here I use ;# to split your string and data() to implicitly concatenate your values (blank-separated).
UPDATE 2 for v2017
If you have v2017+ I'd suggest a combination of a JSON splitter and STRING_AGG():
SELECT t.someid,STRING_AGG(A.[value],';') AS TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(CONCAT('["',REPLACE(t.somestring,';#','","'),'"]')) A
GROUP BY t.someid;
You did not include the version of SQL Server you are on. If you are using 2016+ you can use SPLIT_STRING, otherwise a good T-SQL splitter will do.
Against a single variable:
DECLARE #somestring VARCHAR(1000) = '20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791';
SELECT NewString = STUFF((
SELECT ','+split.item
FROM STRING_SPLIT(#somestring,';') AS s
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(REPLACE(s.[value],'#',''))) AS split(item)
WHERE split.item LIKE '[a-z][0-9]%'
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'');
Against a table:
-- Against a table
DECLARE #table TABLE (someid INT IDENTITY, somestring VARCHAR(50));
INSERT #table VALUES ('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791'),('26169;#c785643')
SELECT t.*, fn.NewString
FROM #table AS t
SELECT NewString = STUFF((
SELECT ','+split.item
FROM STRING_SPLIT(t.somestring,';') AS s
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(REPLACE(s.[value],'#',''))) AS split(item)
WHERE split.item LIKE '[a-z][0-9]%'
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
) AS fn;
someid somestring NewString
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
1 20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791 e123456,c567890,e135791
2 26169;#c785643 c785643

Postgresql, select empty fields

I'm trying to get empty "text" fields from my table which I cleared manually with pgadmin.
Initially in those fields was '' and I can query them like this:
SELECT mystr, mystr1 FROM mytable WHERE mystr='' or mystr1=''
But that not work if I delete text from them and leave cells blank.
How to write query to get those '' and clear cells together in result?
Or clear cells alone?
SELECT mystr, mystr1
FROM mytable
WHERE COALESCE(mystr, '') = ''
OR COALESCE(mystr1, '') = ''
Explanation: the coalesce(a,b,c, ...) function traverses the list a,b,c,... from left to right and stops at the first non-null element. a,b,c can be any expression (or constant), but must yield the same type (or be coercable to the same type).

TSQL split comma delimited string

I am trying to create a stored procedure that will split 3 text boxes on a webpage that have user input that all have comma delimited strings in it. We have a field called 'combined_name' in our table that we have to search for first and last name and any known errors or nicknames etc. such as #p1: 'grei,grie' #p2: 'joh,jon,j..' p3: is empty.
The reason for the third box is after I get the basics set up we will have does not contain, starts with, ends with and IS to narrow our results further.
So I am looking to get all records that CONTAINS any combination of those. I originally wrote this in LINQ but it didn't work as you cannot query a list and a dataset. The dataset is too large (1.3 million records) to be put into a list so I have to use a stored procedure which is likely better anyway.
Will I have to use 2 SP, one to split each field and one for the select query or can this be done with one? What function do I use for contains in tsql? I tried using IN win a query but cannot figure out how it works with multiple parameters.
Please note that this will be an internal site that has limited access so worrying about sql injection is not a priority.
I did attempt dynamic SQL but am not getting the correct results back:
CREATE PROCEDURE uspJudgments #fullName nvarchar(100) AS
FROM new_judgment_system.dbo.defendants_ALL
WHERE combined_name IN (' + #fullName + ')')
EXEC uspJudgments #fullName = '''grein'', ''grien'''
Even if this did retrieve the correct results how would this be done with 3 parameters?
You may try use this to split string and obtain a tables of strings. Then to have all the combinations you may use full join of these two tables. And then do your select.
Here is the Table valued function I set up:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Split] (#sep char(1), #s varchar(8000))
WITH splitter_cte AS (
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s) as pos, 0 as lastPos
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s, pos + 1), pos
FROM splitter_cte
WHERE pos > 0
SELECT SUBSTRING(#s, lastPos + 1,
case when pos = 0 then 80000
else pos - lastPos -1 end) as OutputValues
FROM splitter_cte

Recursive replace from a table of characters

In short, I am looking for a single recursive query that can perform multiple replaces over one string. I have a notion it can be done, but am failing to wrap my head around it.
Granted, I'd prefer the biz-layer of the application, or even the CLR, to do the replacing, but these are not options in this case.
More specifically, I want to replace the below mess - which is C&P in 8 different stored procedures - with a TVF.
SET #temp = REPLACE(RTRIM(#target), '~', '-')
SET #temp = REPLACE(#temp, '''', '-')
SET #temp = REPLACE(#temp, '!', '-')
SET #temp = REPLACE(#temp, '#', '-')
SET #temp = REPLACE(#temp, '#', '-')
-- 23 additional lines reducted
SET #target = #temp
Here is where I've started:
-- I have a split string TVF called tvf_SplitString that takes a string
-- and a splitter, and returns a table with one row for each element.
-- EDIT: tvf_SplitString returns a two-column table: pos, element, of which
-- pos is simply the row_number of the element.
FROM dbo.tvf_SplitString('~-''-!-#-#', '-') MM
Notice I've joined all the offending characters into a single string separated by '-' (knowing that '-' will never be one of the offending characters), which is then split. The result from this query looks like:
So, the replace clearly works, but now I want it to be recursive so I can pull the top 1 and eventually come out with:
Any ideas on how to accomplish this with one query?
EDIT: Well, actual recursion isn't necessary if there's another way. I'm pondering the use of a table of numbers here, too.
You can use this in a scalar function. I use it to remove all control characters from some external input.
SELECT #target = REPLACE(#target, invalidChar, '-')
FROM (VALUES ('~'),(''''),('!'),('#'),('#')) AS T(invalidChar)
I figured it out. I failed to mention that the tvf_SplitString function returns a row number as "pos" (although a subquery assigning row_number could also have worked). With that fact, I could control cross join between the recursive call and the split.
-- the cast to varchar(max) matches the output of the TVF, otherwise error.
-- The iteration counter is joined to the row number value from the split string
-- function to ensure each iteration only replaces on one character.
FROM XX, dbo.tvf_SplitString('~-''-!-#-#', '-') MM
Still, I'm open to other suggestions.

Print result set without cursor

I'm using T-SQL and I want to print out a result set. This is just a ~2x6 (dynamic size) set but I'm not entirely sure how I can do this without using a CURSOR. Is there a nice way I can print these to console/email/wherever?
If you want to print them from a bat file you can use osql.exe to execute the query - the results will be displayed to the screen. You may want to use trunc and/or set colwidth settings so that it's legible.
You mean you have two columns and six rows and you want to output them somehow without a cursor?
you can concatenate different rows without a cursor, e.g. assuming you have two string columns called col1 and col2:
declare #combined varchar(2000)
set #combined = ''
select #combined = #combined + char(13) + isnull(col1,'*') + ' ' + isnull(col2,'*')
from yourtable
print #combined