(Postgrex.Error) ERROR 58P01 (undefined_file) - postgresql

** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 58P01 (undefined_file): could not open extension control file "/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql#9.6/9.6.5/share/postgresql#9.6/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
I'm getting this error when I try to run mix ecto.migrate...
Why is it looking at that path? I've tried moving postgis.control
If I run this command find /usr -name postgis.control it gives me this result:
Does anybody know how I can move postgis.control or what I could be doing wrong?

The file postgis.control should be in the extension subdirectory of the PostgreSQL share directory. You can find out the location of the share directory by running pg_config --sharedir.
All the other files that belong to the PostGIS extension must also be in place: the SQL files in the same directory as the control file, and the shared libraries in pg_config --libdir.


##[error]Unhandled: Unable to locate executable file: 'docker'

while i'm running azure pipeline in building images i'm getting this error
##[error]Unhandled: Unable to locate executable file: 'docker'. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also verify the file has a valid extension for an executable file.

Qt Postgres 'driver not loaded'

I use Windows 10 and Qt version 4.8.6 (msvc).
I try to connect to my postgres database but I always got the error 'driver not loaded'.
I copied libpq.dll to the path of the executable and in the directory plugins, which I copied under the executable path.
This is my code:
In the documentation, this line doesn't work:
qmake -- PSQL_INCDIR=C:/psql/include PSQL_LIBDIR=C:/psql/lib/ms
It shows me the documentation of qmake.
Is there a way to download the correct dll from a website ?
Thank you for your help.

source_sink `appl' does not exist

I have this line in a project (the project was not created by me, but it is a university project)
:- [appl], assert(max_id(333)).
when i try to compile in eclipse with the ProDT plugin it gives me this error:
source_sink `appl' does not exist
What does the line of code mean? And what about the error now?
Assuming a appl.pl file does exists in the project, most likely your current directory is not the directory of the file. Either use a full path to load the file (e.g. ['/full/path/to/appl']) or change directory first to the directory of the file (using the cd/1 predicate; e.g. cd('/some/path/'), [appl]).
To find the current directory, use the pwd/0 predicate:
?- pwd.

Getting cp: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error

I'm getting below error in centOS. This started happens when in /lib64/ I renamed libc.so.6 as libc.so.6.backup. Now I'm unable to do anything on VM. None of cp, ls and no other commands are working. Please help me to get this fixed.
cp: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
grep: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You really should not try to replace glibc on a system, expect by upgrading it to a version supplied by the distribution, using the distribution package manager.
That being said, on CentOS systems, /usr/sbin/sln is statically linked and can be used to add a symbolic link, with something like this:
/usr/sbin/sln /lib64/libc.so.6 /lib64/libc.so.6.backup

Compiling android native app calling ndk-build from eclipse, on ubuntu

On ubuntu 11.10 I installed eclipse from repositories, installed adt and cdt plugins. I am able to compile the hello-jni example using command line, but i would like to use eclipse for the task.
I followed the guide here: http://mhandroid.wordpress.com/2011/01/23/using-eclipse-for-android-cc-development/ and defined a PATH variable in eclipse preferences (window->preferences->c/c++->environment), pointing to the ndk-r7b folder. But the project won't buid. I get this error:
(Cannot run program "ndk-build"
(in directory "/home/athos/android/ndk-r7b/samples/hello-jni"):
error=2, File o directory non esistente)
(last line should be "no such file or directory" in english)
If I specify "${PATH}/ndk-build" or "/home/athos/android/ndk-r7b/ndk-build" as the build command. i get this:
ERROR: Cannot find 'make' program. Please install Cygwin make package
/home/lavoro/android/ndk-r7b/ndk-build: 40: dirname: not found
or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it.
If I define the GNUMAKE variable in window->preferences->c/c++->environment i get this:
ERROR: Your GNUMAKE variable is defined to an invalid name: /usr/bin/make
Please fix it to point to a valid make executable (e.g. /usr/bin/make)
Which is funny, since It suggests the exact same directory I indicated. Make is installed and present at the indicated location.
What am I missing?
It's a bit ugly, but you can always put
In your build command.