Qt Postgres 'driver not loaded' - postgresql

I use Windows 10 and Qt version 4.8.6 (msvc).
I try to connect to my postgres database but I always got the error 'driver not loaded'.
I copied libpq.dll to the path of the executable and in the directory plugins, which I copied under the executable path.
This is my code:
In the documentation, this line doesn't work:
qmake -- PSQL_INCDIR=C:/psql/include PSQL_LIBDIR=C:/psql/lib/ms
It shows me the documentation of qmake.
Is there a way to download the correct dll from a website ?
Thank you for your help.


How to build Qtkeychain with Windows?

I'm trying to build my OwnCloud client. I'm using "Generic Build Instructions" from this link - https://doc.owncloud.org/desktop/2.5/building.html.
I'm stuck at 3 step with an error:
Could NOT find Qt5Keychain (missing: QTKEYCHAIN_LIBRARY)
I downloaded Qtkeychain and compiled it using this link - https://github.com/frankosterfeld/qtkeychain/wiki.
Everything is in my C disk. PATHS are set correctly. Can someone tell me what am missing here.
Adding PATH photo:
Adding a photo to be clear what am talking about:
How did you compile qtkeychain?
With the environment variable %QTDIR% set correctly, e.g. C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015, you should be able to compile qtkeychain
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .
and get a 32bit file named "libqt5keychain.dll.a".
You can then add the directory containing this file to your Windows path environment variable. This should work (it does for Nextcloud, at least).

cmake to eclipse project conversion issue

I am trying to create an eclipse project from a cmake project .
I used the following command
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ./`
it gives the following error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:119 (find_package):
By not providing "FindGlib.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Glib", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Glib" (requested
version 2.28) with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Glib" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Glib_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Glib"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I have glib installed . actually it couldn't resolve the path i guess. wherever find is there in cmake file , it is giving the smiler errors. please i suggest a way out, i badly need to load this project in cmake. Thanks.
Here is line 119 where error message is pointing
find_package(Glib 2.28 REQUIRED)
When you call find_package(MyPackage) in a CMake file, it tries to find a FindMyPackage.cmake configuration in its system path (/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules on my Ubuntu box), or in the directory you did specify as CMAKE_MODULE_PATH).
The solution to your problem is to create a directory for modules in your source tree (e.g. CMakeModules), put in it a FindGlib.cmake file that you can find using Google, and add
in your CMakeLists.txt before the actual call to find_package.
(your problem is not related to the Eclipse generator, you could remove that from the title of the question).

netbeans cannot open shared library during RUN comm

everything worked fine but I've just tried to run my CUDA programs on Linux Ubuntu 12.10 in NetBeans and I get error:
dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/my_cuda_1: error while loading shared
libraries: libcudart.so.5.0: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
RUN FAILED (exit value 127, total time: 191ms)
the projects can build: compile + link without problems, I can also run it from commandline but if I try run it from NetBeans I get this error.
I was able to run it few minutes ago, what might happened?
I have added file my_lib to ld.so.conf.d containing such text:
can it be a link issue libcudart.so.5.0 -> licudart.so?
there are two libs in cuda/lib libcudart.so.5.0 (link) and libcudart.so (link) and libcudart.so.5.0.35 (shared lib)
why it complains about .so.5.0? mayve link like:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglut.so.3 /usr/lib/libglut.so
is necessary
it is related to link to shared library I think
root#comp:# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
isn't this :: a problem? seems that No because I changed this and still same error. I specify PATHS, I run ldconfig, I put exports in the .bashrc, still nothing.
the reason is that I cannot load these libraries if program is started from NetBeans GUI, however I start NetBeans as root always
add to the Project -> Properties -> Run -> Environment
Thank you all. I don't know what happened before as it worked just fine.

Compiling android native app calling ndk-build from eclipse, on ubuntu

On ubuntu 11.10 I installed eclipse from repositories, installed adt and cdt plugins. I am able to compile the hello-jni example using command line, but i would like to use eclipse for the task.
I followed the guide here: http://mhandroid.wordpress.com/2011/01/23/using-eclipse-for-android-cc-development/ and defined a PATH variable in eclipse preferences (window->preferences->c/c++->environment), pointing to the ndk-r7b folder. But the project won't buid. I get this error:
(Cannot run program "ndk-build"
(in directory "/home/athos/android/ndk-r7b/samples/hello-jni"):
error=2, File o directory non esistente)
(last line should be "no such file or directory" in english)
If I specify "${PATH}/ndk-build" or "/home/athos/android/ndk-r7b/ndk-build" as the build command. i get this:
ERROR: Cannot find 'make' program. Please install Cygwin make package
/home/lavoro/android/ndk-r7b/ndk-build: 40: dirname: not found
or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it.
If I define the GNUMAKE variable in window->preferences->c/c++->environment i get this:
ERROR: Your GNUMAKE variable is defined to an invalid name: /usr/bin/make
Please fix it to point to a valid make executable (e.g. /usr/bin/make)
Which is funny, since It suggests the exact same directory I indicated. Make is installed and present at the indicated location.
What am I missing?
It's a bit ugly, but you can always put
In your build command.

PDFlib works only if the library is in /usr/lib not in a custom path

we are using PDFlib for personalizing PDFs.
The pdflib.jar library and the libpdf_java.so file are both in the folder:
I start the server with this argument:
java -Djava.library.path=/home/user/my/custom/library/path/
like it is mentioned in the pdflib tutorial
After deploying on my jBoss5 Server i got this error message:
ERROR [STDERR] Cannot load the PDFlib shared library/DLL for Java.
Make sure to properly install the native PDFlib library. For your
information, the current value of java.library.path is:
So, the path ist correct (i tried it with and without the / at the end)
If I put the jar and the lib in my /usr/lib folder, everything works fine, but not with my custom folders.
I use it on a linux 64bit, if that matters!
The custom folder and the files got chmod 755 - so this shouldn't be the problem
Looking forward to your hints!