Calculated Field error involving aggregates - average

Problem: The sheet has a calculated field named 'Average % Delta' and the field is required at date level.
On using the average function to figure out the average value of the calculated field, it throws aenter image description heren error. (an aggregate function cannot be aggregated further)
Is there any way around this error?
The calculations should hold for multiple selections in the filter too.
Similar error repeats while trying to find the standard deviation too.
link to tableau workbook :


How can i create a mongodb query that calculates the difference of a value along other timestamps using a unique id

I have collected various data via the Twitch API and would now like to prepare and display it in a mondodb chart.
What I want to display are the viewer counts along the measurement points (timestamps). The IDs per timestamp should be compared with the viewer count. If the viewer count is equal to the previous timestamp, nothing should happen, if the value has changed, the difference to the current value should be entered e.g. in a new field. At the end I want to see on the x axis the timestamps and on the y axis the viewer count for the timestamps
here is a axample of the Object. Eevery minute I get one such object per active livestream (mostly 20 objects per request/timestamp)
game_name:"Science & Technology"
title:"Arduino Lasershow aus dem 3D-Drucker. #arduino #3D-Druck #CNC #Program..."
most important attributes:
My problem is that I don't know exactly how to calculate the difference to the previous object with native mongo. If you have another solution, bring it to me ;-)
You can see in the following screenshot the x axis the dates and on the y the viewer_count for this date. But the viewer_count is not meaningful because its a sum of all viewer_count values of all objects for the specific date.
I only want to get the cumulative value of the viewer_count attribute for the specific date.
Other aggregations for this attribute do not help much here either.

How to divide an Aggregate and Sum function

I am working in Tableau and trying to create a formula that will return me the value of each customer that walks into a store by dividing Net Sales / Traffic. When I try to combine the two separate formulas, it gives me the following error: Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function. The two functions I created that I'm trying to divide are:
SOT = (SUM([Sales Net])-SUM([Sales Gcard Net]))/SUM([Traffic Perday]) and SOT Goal
When I look at it in Tableau, it's stating that SOT is an aggregate function. How do I work around this to be able to get
SOT / SOT Goal
Aggregate variables are values that are calculated in the view, and depend on the level of aggregation in Tableau. e.g. sum(Sales) will show different values in Tableau if it’s next to a Region dimension, or if it’s next to a Category dimension.
In order to avoid the errors you can use many solutions. My favorite is indeed LOD expressions. In your view, though I do not have required sample data and therefore, I cannot try my hands on different possibilities here, I suggest that this should work-
SOT = ({SUM([Sales Net])}-{SUM([Sales Gcard Net])})/{SUM([Traffic Perday])}
Do remember that this solution will over-ride your filters and if you are using filters you have to add all those to Context.
While trying different possibilities remember these things...
{SUM([Sales])} will sum the sales over entire data and {} i.e. curly braces wrapped around the sum function will cause to return the value as non-aggregate. In other words, this will work as LOD and if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales will be shown against each row.
{FIXED [DIMENSION NAME] : sum([Sales])} will sum sales separately for each Dimension value. Fixed statement (LOD) again returns the value as non-aggregate value. if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales for that dimension will be shown against each dimension.

Wrong Percentage of Subtotal

I'm having an issue with tables calculations in tableau. I've got sales per manager and the target. I wanna have a calculation of the targets achievement.
That's what my data looks like and the percentage I wanna get:
Unfortunately, Tableau sums up the percentage and gives me the following results:
Target columns is a calculated field. E.g.
IF [Manager Name] = "Manager 1" THEN "190000"
The % columns is a calculated field and calculated as the following:
FLOAT([Profit]) / FLOAT([Target])
I tried to play with Table Calculations but it never worked.
You are right in that a table calculation would help solve your issue. As you have the % field now, Tableau is just summing the field for each manager to get your subtotal. To get Tableau to calculate the subtotal smartly, as you would expect, you need to modify your % field formula.
Your way: Calculate Percentage for each manager and then SUM for subtotal
Fixed Way: Indicate to Tableau that you want the field to be calculated by summing all profit values first in the partition (Location) and then divide to get the percentage. In this case (330000/532000).
You can modify your % field to look something like the following:
See the below thread for some more information on how the windowing functions can help with aggregate calculations

Differencing a column in a data source

I have a text file with two columns: "date" and "cumulative value". I'd like to difference "cumulative value", as a calculated field in the data source.
I cannot even get a lag value:lookup([cumulative value],-1) produces an error.
Thank you.
There are two things you can do.
Create a new field with the following formula:
SUM([cumulative value])-LOOKUP(SUM([cumulative value]),-1)
Tableau requires an aggregation for you to use the LOOKUP function. Hence why I used the sum function. Then you could plot that against DAY(Date).
Plot DAY(Date) against SUM(cumulative value), then right click SUM(cumulative value), click Quick Table Calculation, and then Difference. This can only be used/done in plots though.

Tableau 8.2 - how to get max and min from % difference values on table?

I'm facing problem in getting the max % and min % from a table containing % difference values.
Year-----A----------B---------C---------D---------Max %----Max Type----Min %----Min Type
The table above shows the % difference in sales from previous year. Thus 2012 shows no % (because there's no 2011). I used table calculation to compute the % difference, i.e. "Percent Difference From", compute using "Table (Down)" and "Previous".
The last four columns are what I'm having trouble doing. I want to get the max % and min % and also the corresponding types. I'm not trying to add the four columns to the existing table, but to get the correct results, as my ultimate goal is to display that results on the dashboard, i.e. on my dashboard, I want to display the highest % and its corresponding type; similarly the lowest % and its corresponding type. For example: on my dashboard, I want to display:
Highest % and type: 4.42% B
Lowest % and type: 4.30% A
So, I need to have the correct formulas to get the max % and min % and their types. These are what I did:
I tried to use WINDOW_MAX and WINDOW_MIN to display the max % and min % on the table but got funky wrong results.
1) I first get the formula in calculating the % difference from the "Customize" button from "Edit Table Calculation" window of SUM([Sales]): (ZN(SUM([Sales])) - LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Sales])), -1)) / ABS(LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Sales])), -1))
Then I created a calculated field of the above formula. I named the calculated field "Percent-Diff".
2) I created another calculated filed (named "Max % Difference") using the formula: WINDOW_MAX([Percent-Diff]). But it shows strange results. See image below. I don't know why it gives me 2.78% and 2.91% for 2012 and 2013 respectively. It should be 0% and 4.42% for 2012 and 2013 respectively. Something is not correct.
If it is just SUM([Sales]) instead of % difference, then I get the correct result of showing the max sales using the formula WINDOW_MAX(SUM([Sales])).
3) Also I don't know how to get the corresponding type. I tried using the formula: IF [Max % Difference] = [Percent-Diff] THEN ATTR([Product Type]). But it returns:
I'm not sure if the formula is correct. It looks correct on the result (i.e. "B" is correct), except that it also shows a NULL value which I don't know why. I think it's because I didn't include the ELSE part in my IF formula? But why the NULL value is shown as the first value? I want the formula to return just one value, "B". So, how to only just show "B"?
I've posted twice the problem in tableau forum, but as of now, nobody has answered my problem. I believe that my formulas are incorrect. So, if anyone here can correct the formulas to get the max % and min % from % difference values and also to get the corresponding type, then it'd be very much appreciated. Thanks a million!
It's hard to tell not knowing how your database looks like (as you didn't explicitly presented it, but I can try to infer based on the clues you left on your post). But I could reproduce something like you said using the Sample - Coffee Chain Database, and it worked out well, calculated yoy sales increase by product and then window_max of that.
What you're probably missing is the partitioning. I suggest avoiding using Table or Pane to create the partitions in more complex situations (as it will work only in that specific arrangement of fields), but rather use the dimensions to partition it.
So, your [Percent-Diff] field should be compute using [Date], and your [Max % Difference] should be compute using [Product Type]. IMPORTANT, for [Max % Difference], when you go to Edit Table Calculation, you'll have to choose the Compute using for [Percent-Diff] as well (you can choose on the top of the window)
Your formula to find which type is the max (or min) is also correct (and should only respect the partitions). Nevertheless, it is very hard to have the exact output you're expecting.
What I would do is to create 2 spreadsheets (and later combine them in a dashboard).
The 1st would be what you already got (Each product [Percent-Diff]
The second one I would change your formula (3) to just [Max % Difference] = [Percent-Diff], and use it as filter (filtering only true). I would drag both Date and Product to the sheet (you choose if you want it on columns, rows, or just detail) so I can use them to partition the table. And drag [Max % Difference] to be visualized.
That way you'll only see the product that is the max, and how much is that max.
Hope it helps