Swift 4 Programming Triple Quotes - swift

What is meant, when they say "it matches the indentation of the closing quote?
“Use three double quotes (""") for strings that take up multiple lines. Indentation at the start of each quoted line is removed, as long as it matches the indentation of the closing quote. For example:
let quotation = """
Even though there's whitespace to the left,
the actual lines aren't indented.
Except for this line.
Double quotes (") can appear without being escaped.
I still have (apples + oranges) pieces of fruit.
Create arrays and dictionaries using brackets ([]), and access their elements by writing the index or key in brackets. A comma is allowed after the last element.”
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4).” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-swift-programming-language-swift-4/id881256329?mt=11

These are the three scenarios I could think of to explain this:
Here the text and the triple quotes are aligned to the left
Check ouput, here the text is stored and print without a spaces at the begining of each paragraph.
let textSample1 = """
Test 1: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said
Here the text has spacing at the begining but the triple quotes are aligned to the left
Check ouput, here the text is stored and print with spaces at the begining of each paragraph because the tripe quotes places at the left and they are taking into consideration those spaces in the paragraphs.
let textSample2 = """
Test 2: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said
Here the text has spacing at the begining and the triple quotes also are spaced to match the text
Check ouput, here the text is stored and print without spaces at the begining though we have put spaces at the beginging, this is because the triple quotes are places at the same level as the text instead of the spaces so they spaces are ignored. I found this one handy when you want to store multi line text in code but wanted to wanted to maintain some code formatting among other uses to this.
let textSample3 = """
Test 3: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said
Test 1: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said
Test 2: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said
Test 3: Hello how are you welcome to the test
something else is written here
that's enough said


Can COMMENTS in Postgres contain line breaks?

I have a very long comment I want to add to a Postgres table.
Since I do not want a very long single line as a comment I want to split it into several lines.
Is this possible? \n does not work since Postgres does not use the backslash as an escape character.
Just write a multi-line string:
is stored
in multiple lines';
You can also embed \n escape sequences in “extended” string constants that start with E:
COMMENT ON TABLE foo IS E'A comment\nwith three\nlines.';
You can use automatic concatenation of adjacent string literals together with E'\n' escape sequences for linebreaks:
'This comment is stored in multiple lines. But only some'
'end with linebreaks like this one.\n'
'You can even create empty lines to simulate paragraphs:'
'This would be the second paragraph, then.';
Note the initial E'' at the end of the first line. This is essential to make all the adjacent string literals that follow it use the extended string literal syntax, providing us with the option to write \n for a linebreak. Of course, that E could also be placed into the second line instead, at the start of the real string: E'This comment …'. Me putting it into the first line is just source code aesthetics … character alignment and stuff.
I consider this solution slightly better than multi-line strings (proposed in another answer here) because it allows to fit the comment into the typical line width limit and the indentation requirements of source files. Useful when you keep your SQL in well-formatted files under version control, that is, treating it just as any other source code. When including indentation into multi-line strings, on the other hand, this results in lots of additional whitespace in the live table comment.
Note for OP: When you say "I do not want a very long single line as a comment", it is not clear if you don't want that long line in your .sql source code file, or if you don't want it in the table comment of the live table, such as when seen in a database admin tool. It does not really matter, as this solution gives you tools for both purposes: use adjacent string literals to fit your line into the source code file, without affecting line breaks in the live table comment; and use \n to create line breaks and empty lines in the live table comment.

Does Unicode have a special marker character?

My father created in mid 90's an encoding for his engineering purposes for his company's computers. It was close to ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2), but with some differences.
For example there was added a special "MARKER CHARACTER". This character wasn't determined to be a literal, but also it wasn't a control character.
The purpose of this character was to be inserted by machine when needed to split text into parts. See the following Python parser script:
re.sub(r'\{\{', r'~{{', text)
re.sub(r'\[\[', r'~[[', text)
re.sub(r'\]\]', r']]~', text)
re.sub(r'\}\}', r'}}~', text)
parts = text.strip('~').split('~')
inCurly = [False]
inSharp = [False]
whereAmI = ['']
for part in parts:
if part[:2] == '{{':
elif part[:2] == '[[':
if whereAmI[-1] == 'Sharp' and not inCurly[-1]:
# some advanced magic on current part,
# if it is directly surrounded by sharp brackets,
# but these sharp brackets are not in curly brackets anyhow
# (not: "{{ (( [[ some text ]] )) }}")
# detecting closing brackets and popping inSharp, inCurly, whereAmI
# joining parts back to text
This is an easy parser for advanced purposes, you can detect more parenthesis or quotation marks as you want. But this have one huge fault. It break things when a ~ is in text.
For this purpose and similar purposes like this (but in C lang I think) he added to his encoding/character set that marker character.
For years I use for this purpose three german "sharp s": ßßß, because it is almost impossible to see three of them in a row. But this is not an ideal solution.
Yesterday my father told me this story and I immediatelly thought: is there some equivalent in an Unicode family? Unicode is a modern developing standard spreaded all over the world in past decade drastically. There should be a special character only for this particular purpose, or not?
I don't think there's anything called that specifically, but you might find zero-width space or information separator, among others, suitable for the purpose. You can arbitrarily select any character as your marker, and use an escape character if it occurs within the string.
In the control pictures block, there is a symbol for the group separator.

How to search for any unicode symbol in a character string?

I've got an existing DOORS module which happens to have some rich text entries; these entries have some symbols in them such as 'curly' quotes. I'm trying to upgrade a DXL macro which exports a LaTeX source file, and the problem is that these high-number symbols are not considered "standard UTF-8" by TexMaker's import function (and in any case probably won't be processed by Xelatex or other converters) . I can't simply use the UnicodeString functions in DXL because those break the rest of the rich text, and apparently the character identifier charOf(decimal_number_code) only works over the basic set of characters, i.e. less than some numeric code value. For example, charOf(8217) should create a right-curly single quote, but when I tried code along the lines of
if (charOf(8217) == one_char)
I never get a match. I did copy the curly quote from the DOORS module and verified via an online unicode analyzer that it was definitely Unicode decimal value 8217 .
So, what am I missing here? I just want to be able to detect any symbol character, identify it correctly, and then replace it with ,e.g., \textquoteright in the output stream.
My overall setup works for lower-count chars, since this works:
( c is a single character pulled from a string)
thedeg = charOf(176)
if( thedeg == c )
temp += "$\\degree$"
Got some help from DXL coding experts over at IBM forums.
Quoting the important stuff (there's some useful code snippets there as well):
Hey, you are right it seems intOf(char) and charOf(int) both do some
modulo 256 and therefore cut anything above that off. Try:
int i=8217;
char c = addr_(i);
print c;
Which then allows comparison of c with any input char.

Why does Github Flavored Markup only add newlines for lines that start with [\w\<]?

In our site (which is aimed at highly non-technical people), we let them use Markdown when sending emails. That way, they get nice things like bold, italic, etc. Being non-technical, however, they would never get past the “add two lines to make newlines actually work” quirk.
For that reason mainly, we are using a variant of Github Flavored Markdown.
We mainly borrowed this part:
# in very clear cases, let newlines become <br /> tags
text.gsub!(/^[\w\<][^\n]*\n+/) do |x|
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
This works well, but in some cases it doesn’t add the new-lines, and I guess the key to that is the “in very clear cases” part of that comment.
If I interpret it correctly, this is only adding newlines for lines that start with either a word character or a ‘<’.
Does anyone know why that is? Particularly, why ‘<’?
What would be the harm in just adding the two spaces to essentially anything (lines starting with spaces, hyphens, anything)?
'<' character is used at the beginning of a line to quote messages. I guess that is the reason.
The other answer to this question is quite wrong. This has nothing to do with quoting, and the character for markdown quoting is >.
Let's break the above regex into parts:
^ = anchor start of string.
[\w\<] matches a word character or the start of word boundary. \< is not a literal, but rather a GNU word boundary. See here (do a ctrl+f for \<).
[^\n]* matches any length of non-newline characters
\n matches a new line.
+ is, I believe, a possessive quantifier.
I believe, but am not 100% sure, that this simply is used to set x to a line of text. Then, the heavy work is done with the next line:
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
This says "if x satisfies the regex \n{2} (that is, has two line breaks), leave x as is. Otherwise, strip x and append a newline character.

How to parse special characters in XML for iPad?

I am getting problem while parsing xml files that contains some special characters like single quote,double quote (', "")etc.I am using NSXMLParser's parser:foundCharacters:method to collect characters in my code.
<synctext type = "word" >They raced to the park Arthur pointed to a sign "Whats that say" he asked Zoo said DW Easy as pie</synctext>
When i parse and save the text from above tag of my xml file,the resultant string is appearing,in GDB, as
"\n\t\tThey raced to the park Arthur pointed to a sign \"Whats that say\" he asked Zoo said DW Easy as pie";
Observe there are 2 issues:
1)Unwanted characters at the beginning of the string.
2)The double quotes around Whats that say.
Can any one please help me how to get rid of these unwanted characters and how to read special characters properly.
NSString*string =[string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#" \n\t"]];
The parser is apparently returning exactly what's in the string. That is, the XML was coded with the starting tag on one line, a newline, two tabs, and the start of the string. And quotes in the string are obviously there in the original (and it's not clear in at least this example why you'd want to delete them).
But if you want these characters gone then you need to post-process the string. You can use Rams' statement to eliminate the newline and tabs, and stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:WithString: to zap the quotes.
(Note that some XML parsers can be instructed to return strings like this with the leading/trailing stuff stripped, but I'm not sure about this one. The quotes will always be there, though.)