Does Unicode have a special marker character? - unicode

My father created in mid 90's an encoding for his engineering purposes for his company's computers. It was close to ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2), but with some differences.
For example there was added a special "MARKER CHARACTER". This character wasn't determined to be a literal, but also it wasn't a control character.
The purpose of this character was to be inserted by machine when needed to split text into parts. See the following Python parser script:
re.sub(r'\{\{', r'~{{', text)
re.sub(r'\[\[', r'~[[', text)
re.sub(r'\]\]', r']]~', text)
re.sub(r'\}\}', r'}}~', text)
parts = text.strip('~').split('~')
inCurly = [False]
inSharp = [False]
whereAmI = ['']
for part in parts:
if part[:2] == '{{':
elif part[:2] == '[[':
if whereAmI[-1] == 'Sharp' and not inCurly[-1]:
# some advanced magic on current part,
# if it is directly surrounded by sharp brackets,
# but these sharp brackets are not in curly brackets anyhow
# (not: "{{ (( [[ some text ]] )) }}")
# detecting closing brackets and popping inSharp, inCurly, whereAmI
# joining parts back to text
This is an easy parser for advanced purposes, you can detect more parenthesis or quotation marks as you want. But this have one huge fault. It break things when a ~ is in text.
For this purpose and similar purposes like this (but in C lang I think) he added to his encoding/character set that marker character.
For years I use for this purpose three german "sharp s": ßßß, because it is almost impossible to see three of them in a row. But this is not an ideal solution.
Yesterday my father told me this story and I immediatelly thought: is there some equivalent in an Unicode family? Unicode is a modern developing standard spreaded all over the world in past decade drastically. There should be a special character only for this particular purpose, or not?

I don't think there's anything called that specifically, but you might find zero-width space or information separator, among others, suitable for the purpose. You can arbitrarily select any character as your marker, and use an escape character if it occurs within the string.
In the control pictures block, there is a symbol for the group separator.


Can a combining character be used alone in Unicode?

Let's take COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT, for example. Its browser test page does include it alone in the page, but it reacts in a strange way: I can't select it with my mouse, and if I try to interact with it in the DOM inspector, it feels like it's not part of the text at all (there's no before and after this character):
Is a combining character, used alone, still a valid Unicode string?
Or does it have to follow another character?
Yes, a combining character alone is a valid Unicode string (even though its behaviour may be weird without a base character). Section 2.11 of the Unicode Standard emphasises this:
In the Unicode Standard, all sequences of character codes are permitted.
The presentation of such strings is described in D52:
There may be no such base character, such as when a combining character is at the start of text or follows a control or format character [...] In such cases, the combining characters are called isolated combining characters.
With isolated combining characters or when a process is unable to perform graphical combination, a process may present a combining character without graphical combination; that is, it may present it as if it were a base character.
However, if you want to display a combining character by itself, it is recommended that you attach it to a no-break space base character:
Nonspacing combining marks used by the Unicode Standard may be exhibited in apparent
isolation by applying them to U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE. This convention might be
employed, for example, when talking about the combining mark itself as a mark, rather
than using it in its normal way in text (that is, applied as an accent to a base letter or in
other combinations).
Also, a dotted circle ◌ (U+25CC, ◌) character can be used as a base character.

Why does Github Flavored Markup only add newlines for lines that start with [\w\<]?

In our site (which is aimed at highly non-technical people), we let them use Markdown when sending emails. That way, they get nice things like bold, italic, etc. Being non-technical, however, they would never get past the “add two lines to make newlines actually work” quirk.
For that reason mainly, we are using a variant of Github Flavored Markdown.
We mainly borrowed this part:
# in very clear cases, let newlines become <br /> tags
text.gsub!(/^[\w\<][^\n]*\n+/) do |x|
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
This works well, but in some cases it doesn’t add the new-lines, and I guess the key to that is the “in very clear cases” part of that comment.
If I interpret it correctly, this is only adding newlines for lines that start with either a word character or a ‘<’.
Does anyone know why that is? Particularly, why ‘<’?
What would be the harm in just adding the two spaces to essentially anything (lines starting with spaces, hyphens, anything)?
'<' character is used at the beginning of a line to quote messages. I guess that is the reason.
The other answer to this question is quite wrong. This has nothing to do with quoting, and the character for markdown quoting is >.
Let's break the above regex into parts:
^ = anchor start of string.
[\w\<] matches a word character or the start of word boundary. \< is not a literal, but rather a GNU word boundary. See here (do a ctrl+f for \<).
[^\n]* matches any length of non-newline characters
\n matches a new line.
+ is, I believe, a possessive quantifier.
I believe, but am not 100% sure, that this simply is used to set x to a line of text. Then, the heavy work is done with the next line:
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
This says "if x satisfies the regex \n{2} (that is, has two line breaks), leave x as is. Otherwise, strip x and append a newline character.

In emacs, how do I force certain characters to act as end of statement delineators?

I've created a new major mode derived from cc-mode, because I'm using a meta-language that is mostly C-like, but is parsed to generate code automatically.
Say I have something like this:
struct MyNewStruct
int newInt = 32;
[flag, different-flag]
string newString = "foo";
I need the ']' character to effectively be equivalent to the ; or the next line, declaring the string, doesn't indent properly.
I've tried using M-x modify-syntax-entry for ']' and making it both a closing character as well as a punctuation character (according to the GNU manual on syntax tables), but it doesn't look like it's allowed to belong to two character classes simultaneously (unless one of those character classes is a comment). (And if it's just a punctuation character, that causes other problems.)
I can't change the grammar of the meta-language, so adding a semicolon after the close bracket isn't possible.
In this case, the real answer was to pick something that was syntactically closer to my meta-language. csharp-mode already parses the brackets correctly and marks sections enclosed in brackets as statements, not statement-cont.

Converted to Junk Character - When Copy Paste in Text Box

Whenever i Copy and paste any Below Mention CHARACTER in text Box
Below are Copied character ( test this in notepad )
Below are Typed Character
then that was converted to Junk Character. How can i Block this .
When i Type those character from keybord then it works but when copy paste it converted to Junk.
How can i detect and delete all this character before processing because ..user dont know about this issue ..
I want to delete that character wen user press Submit button.
” and ’ are not junk characters. They are perfectly good Unicode characters (U+201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK and U+2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK). Modern applications should be capable of dealing with all Unicode characters; if you can't handle the smart quotes you probably also can't handle accents, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese or any of the other characters users are likely to want to use. You should concentrate on ensuring that your application supports Unicode, rather than trying to fix this one visible symptom.
Pasting ' and " (ASCII straight quote) characters into a text box should not turn them into non-ASCII ‘smart’ quotes. Where they typically tend to come from is Microsoft Word's misguided ‘AutoReplace’ feature, which replaces straight quotes with smart quotes as you type. This is an annoyance, but ultimately it's limited to Office and there's not really much you can do about it. Whilst you can manually replace “ and ” with " by doing a trivial string replacement (and how you do that depends on what language/environment you are talking about), you'll also be removing correct usage of those characters, and you won't be fixing all the other sad broken auto-replacements that MS Office does.
The … single-character ellipsis is a slightly different case, and arguably ‘junk’: to Unicode, U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS is a ‘compatibility character’ which is only intended to round-trip nicely to existing encodings that include it as a separate characters. Normally three dot characters should be used instead. You can replace compatibility characters by using Unicode normalisation, in particular Normal Form KC. Again, how you access normalisation is something that depends on your programming language/environment. For example in Python, unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', u'…') gives you u'...'.
Is your vnc client / server ON, try to exit (shutdown) all vnc server / clients and try again - if your copy paste works.

What is the difference between \r and \n?

How are \r and \n different? I think it has something to do with Unix vs. Windows vs. Mac, but I'm not sure exactly how they're different, and which to search for/match in regexes.
They're different characters. \r is carriage return, and \n is line feed.
On "old" printers, \r sent the print head back to the start of the line, and \n advanced the paper by one line. Both were therefore necessary to start printing on the next line.
Obviously that's somewhat irrelevant now, although depending on the console you may still be able to use \r to move to the start of the line and overwrite the existing text.
More importantly, Unix tends to use \n as a line separator; Windows tends to use \r\n as a line separator and Macs (up to OS 9) used to use \r as the line separator. (Mac OS X is Unix-y, so uses \n instead; there may be some compatibility situations where \r is used instead though.)
For more information, see the Wikipedia newline article.
EDIT: This is language-sensitive. In C# and Java, for example, \n always means Unicode U+000A, which is defined as line feed. In C and C++ the water is somewhat muddier, as the meaning is platform-specific. See comments for details.
In C and C++, \n is a concept, \r is a character, and \r\n is (almost always) a portability bug.
Think of an old teletype. The print head is positioned on some line and in some column. When you send a printable character to the teletype, it prints the character at the current position and moves the head to the next column. (This is conceptually the same as a typewriter, except that typewriters typically moved the paper with respect to the print head.)
When you wanted to finish the current line and start on the next line, you had to do two separate steps:
move the print head back to the beginning of the line, then
move it down to the next line.
ASCII encodes these actions as two distinct control characters:
\x0D (CR) moves the print head back to the beginning of the line. (Unicode encodes this as U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN.)
\x0A (LF) moves the print head down to the next line. (Unicode encodes this as U+000A LINE FEED.)
In the days of teletypes and early technology printers, people actually took advantage of the fact that these were two separate operations. By sending a CR without following it by a LF, you could print over the line you already printed. This allowed effects like accents, bold type, and underlining. Some systems overprinted several times to prevent passwords from being visible in hardcopy. On early serial CRT terminals, CR was one of the ways to control the cursor position in order to update text already on the screen.
But most of the time, you actually just wanted to go to the next line. Rather than requiring the pair of control characters, some systems allowed just one or the other. For example:
Unix variants (including modern versions of Mac) use just a LF character to indicate a newline.
Old (pre-OSX) Macintosh files used just a CR character to indicate a newline.
VMS, CP/M, DOS, Windows, and many network protocols still expect both: CR LF.
Old IBM systems that used EBCDIC standardized on NL--a character that doesn't even exist in the ASCII character set. In Unicode, NL is U+0085 NEXT LINE, but the actual EBCDIC value is 0x15.
Why did different systems choose different methods? Simply because there was no universal standard. Where your keyboard probably says "Enter", older keyboards used to say "Return", which was short for Carriage Return. In fact, on a serial terminal, pressing Return actually sends the CR character. If you were writing a text editor, it would be tempting to just use that character as it came in from the terminal. Perhaps that's why the older Macs used just CR.
Now that we have standards, there are more ways to represent line breaks. Although extremely rare in the wild, Unicode has new characters like:
Even before Unicode came along, programmers wanted simple ways to represent some of the most useful control codes without worrying about the underlying character set. C has several escape sequences for representing control codes:
\a (for alert) which rings the teletype bell or makes the terminal beep
\f (for form feed) which moves to the beginning of the next page
\t (for tab) which moves the print head to the next horizontal tab position
(This list is intentionally incomplete.)
This mapping happens at compile-time--the compiler sees \a and puts whatever magic value is used to ring the bell.
Notice that most of these mnemonics have direct correlations to ASCII control codes. For example, \a would map to 0x07 BEL. A compiler could be written for a system that used something other than ASCII for the host character set (e.g., EBCDIC). Most of the control codes that had specific mnemonics could be mapped to control codes in other character sets.
Huzzah! Portability!
Well, almost. In C, I could write printf("\aHello, World!"); which rings the bell (or beeps) and outputs a message. But if I wanted to then print something on the next line, I'd still need to know what the host platform requires to move to the next line of output. CR LF? CR? LF? NL? Something else? So much for portability.
C has two modes for I/O: binary and text. In binary mode, whatever data is sent gets transmitted as-is. But in text mode, there's a run-time translation that converts a special character to whatever the host platform needs for a new line (and vice versa).
Great, so what's the special character?
Well, that's implementation dependent, too, but there's an implementation-independent way to specify it: \n. It's typically called the "newline character".
This is a subtle but important point: \n is mapped at compile time to an implementation-defined character value which (in text mode) is then mapped again at run time to the actual character (or sequence of characters) required by the underlying platform to move to the next line.
\n is different than all the other backslash literals because there are two mappings involved. This two-step mapping makes \n significantly different than even \r, which is simply a compile-time mapping to CR (or the most similar control code in whatever the underlying character set is).
This trips up many C and C++ programmers. If you were to poll 100 of them, at least 99 will tell you that \n means line feed. This is not entirely true. Most (perhaps all) C and C++ implementations use LF as the magic intermediate value for \n, but that's an implementation detail. It's feasible for a compiler to use a different value. In fact, if the host character set is not a superset of ASCII (e.g., if it's EBCDIC), then \n will almost certainly not be LF.
So, in C and C++:
\r is literally a carriage return.
\n is a magic value that gets translated (in text mode) at run-time to/from the host platform's newline semantics.
\r\n is almost always a portability bug. In text mode, this gets translated to CR followed by the platform's newline sequence--probably not what's intended. In binary mode, this gets translated to CR followed by some magic value that might not be LF--possibly not what's intended.
\x0A is the most portable way to indicate an ASCII LF, but you only want to do that in binary mode. Most text-mode implementations will treat that like \n.
"\r" => Return
"\n" => Newline or Linefeed
Unix based systems use just a "\n" to end a line of text.
Dos uses "\r\n" to end a line of text.
Some other machines used just a "\r". (Commodore, Apple II, Mac OS prior to OS X, etc..)
\r is used to point to the start of a line and can replace the text from there, e.g.
Produces this output:
\n is for new line.
In short \r has ASCII value 13 (CR) and \n has ASCII value 10 (LF).
Mac uses CR as line delimiter (at least, it did before, I am not sure for modern macs), *nix uses LF and Windows uses both (CRLF).
In addition to #Jon Skeet's answer:
Traditionally Windows has used \r\n, Unix \n and Mac \r, however newer Macs use \n as they're unix based.
\r is Carriage Return; \n is New Line (Line Feed) ... depends on the OS as to what each means. Read this article for more on the difference between '\n' and '\r\n' ... in C.
in C# I found they use \r\n in a string.
\r used for carriage return. (ASCII value is 13)
\n used for new line. (ASCII value is 10)