Inno Setup Unicode shows rtf EULA incorrect - unicode

I use Inno Setup 5.5.9 Unicode to create installation package for my app.
To show EULA I use this line in *.iss:
But on some machines the EULA windows shows the text as escape codes, not the text itself:
{\rtf1\adeflang1037\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\ ...
Even more interesting that I use the same rtf file for several installations. And on one of them the installation shows the rtf EULA as a text and in others as an escape codes on the same machine. The *.iss are the same except installed files.
Is there some way to be sure that my rtf EULA file will be shown without problem on any machine?
A don't want to use plain text since in this case I lose formatting.

Ok, I've found the solution. The rtf file was saved with Word. The file had size 45k and contained tons of waste. After opening and resaving the file with WordPad the size reduced to 10k and now the file contains only relevant tags and text. It looks that Inno Setup just unable to parse Word's monstrous output.


Arabic character is not coming as expected

I have file save in CSV format, when I opened in my local machine the Arabic character is coming proper. However when I placed the file in the server the Arabic character is change to سورية
I intsall the Arabic package on the server and remove the file and placed again it’s getting the same issue.
Anyone have a solution please???
Yesterday i tried so many ways
The problem could be what you're trying to it up in. I often have this problem if I try to open an Arabic csv up directly in Excel. To get it to work in Excel I have to import it and set the encoding as utf-8 in the import dialogue box. Google Sheets is a bit smarter than Excel, and I can open files like that directly, though.

How do I automate converting PDF to HTML?

I work for a publisher and am trying to extract content from our fully laid out PDFs. I've tried pdftohtml, pdftotext, pdfminer, and other Python-based approaches to getting the content, as well as saving to Word, HTML, XML, etc. from the original Acrobat files.
I don't need just the text, I also need the text formatting. That's because, for example, I need all the blue text in the document.
When I save to HTML, Word, etc. from Acrobat, the resulting files contain screenshots of the pages, not the laid out text. When I extract text using different Python modules I get the text but lose the text formatting.
The only solution I've found is to manually copy and paste from the PDF into a word doc, then saving as HTML. I'm hoping to automate this.
Why does copying from Acrobat into Word achieve what I can't do by other means? Has anybody come across this problem before?
Maybe you can consider another method. The software ( can convert pdf files to html directly via MVS. If you are able to use the MVS, i think the software i mentioned above is useful for you to convert the text in pdf files to html that can keep the format perfectly. Of course, it's just a referral, you can have a try.

PDF-Express Error: Font symbol is not embedded

I am not sure it is the right place to ask such a question, sorry.
I have libre office, and a paper, which is written using a IEEE format.
Now when i try to export to PDF, and try to pass pdf-express it fails with error
Font Symbol is not embedded 10x
I do not know where is the problem, there is only 1 font: Times New Roman, of course different sizes.
I tried "Export as PDF..." and checked "Embed Fonts", but no chance so far.
A month ago, i tried the same paper with OpenOffice, and i do not remember such error, now i become to a situation that i have to change paper a bit, and try the same paper with LibreOffice i get this error. Is this error about LibreOffice?
Look at this answer, really simple!
How to repair a PDF file and embed missing fonts
Also, my comment as follows :)
On win32, if you have installed ghostScript, the command may look like:
gswin32c -sFONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts -o output-pdf-with-embedded-fonts.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress input-pdf-where-some-fonts-are-not-embedded.pdf
(find the exe file on your system, maybe add it to PATH -- the environment variable, if necessary)
Open this PDF file with Adobe acrobat, then choose file->print. Use adobe PDF as the printer to print the file and save it as pdf file. All fonts will be embedded.
I also faced the same problem and I think simply by creating the PDF file using PDF express using your source file is the simplest and easiest solution. If you are using latest then just zip or rar your source file (dvi file, eps etc.) and then just build the pdf file using PDF Express. This will solve your problem. I have found one article IEEE PDF Express Error Message – Font is not Embedded Solution which can help you in this regard.
Generate ps from pdf using pdftops, using Xpdf.
Use Ghostscript to embed fonts:
gsWin64 -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true
-dEmbedAllFonts=true -sOutputFile=d:\Output_filename.pdf

How to enable copy/paste formatted text from Lotus Notes to TinyMCE?

This question was previously posted to the TinyMCE HowTo Forum with no responses. Here's hoping that someone out there has encountered (and solved) this issue.
The question: Is there some way to enable correct copy/paste of formatted text from a Lotus Notes email directly into TinyMCE?
The scenario: A rolling comments system on a web site, into which users occasionally need to paste rich text from an email viewed in Lotus Notes.
The details:
I have tried copying some formatted text from emails viewed in Lotus Notes (7.0.4, Windows XP) and pasting it into the "Full featured example" implementation of TinyMCE at and found that it generally fails to maintain the formatting. In fact, of the browsers I tested, IE6 fared the best, and the more modern W3C standards compliant browsers were the worst.
Some text formatting I tested was:
larger text
numbered list
bullet list
indented text
permanent pen
font family: arial
font family: times new roman
-Firefox (3.6.8), Vista or XP: all formatting lost
-Chrome (5.0.375.125), Vista or XP: all formatting lost, including line breaks
-IE6 (XP): some formatting is maintained (fails to copy numbers and bullets for lists, but indents lists properly)
-IETester (IE6) Vista: some formatting is maintained (fails to format lists at all, and the underline tag is not closed)
-IE7 (XP): some formatting is maintained (fails to format lists at all, and the underline tag is not closed)
-IE8 (Vista): some formatting is maintained (fails to format lists at all, and the underline tag is not closed)
If I first paste the clipboard from Lotus Notes into MS Word 2003 (11.5604.5606) it shows perfectly in Word, and if I then copy/paste it from there into TinyMCE it generally works better enough to be usable, although still loses some formatting, even when using the "Paste from Word" button in TinyMCE. Not surprisingly, if I open my Lotus Notes mail in a web mail client, the HTML mail copies and pastes perfectly into TinyMCE.
Since it shows perfectly in my Domino web client, and pastes perfectly into MS Word, it is obviously possible to copy/paste Lotus Notes formatting.
If anyone has had success with this please mention your Notes and browser versions, and any modifications you had to make to the TinyMCE config.
If you check what's pasted from Word, you'll find that it's pretty much what you'd get if you had done a File->Save As->Web Page in Word: a whole bunch of Word-specific HTML attributes and CSS. Essentially, it's Word's ability to be coerced into exporting HTML that does the trick; Word's rich text alone won't do the job. The Notes clipboard (which is different from the system clipboard) can export RTF to the system clipboard, which then pastes (with limitations) to Word (which can interpret RTF), but a JavaScript widget in the browser doesn't understand RTF.
You can use the w32 api to do your formatted copy (e.g. make a special copy btn in LotusScript and call it). I have actually done this, and it works fine.
however, will TinyMCE handle the paste operation well? - that I cannot tell you.
I have logged this as a bug against TinyMCE.
Ok, then eigther you will need to deactivate the paste plugin and write a plugin of your own or you will have to configure/change the paste plugin to your needs.
If I first paste the clipboard from Lotus Notes into MS Word 2003 (11.5604.5606) it shows >perfectly in Word, and if I then copy/paste it from there into TinyMCE it generally works >better enough to be usable,
Thing is, that your OS detects (at least sometimes) from which kind of context (plain text, html,...) copy-paste is done. That probably is the reason why copying it first into Word helps a bit.

how to read .rtf file from the FTP server?

I know how to read text file from the ftp server.I have used this logic for rtf file.But it gives wrong out put.Is it possible to read rtf file from the server?If possible then please help me.
You need software that understands the rtf file format. Microsoft Word does. Most plain text editors will not be able to show you the contents of a file in rtf format.
Google for rtf format
Added: didn't notice that you're on an iPhone platform. Google for "rtf iphone" and you'll see several choices including