Arabic character is not coming as expected - unicode

I have file save in CSV format, when I opened in my local machine the Arabic character is coming proper. However when I placed the file in the server the Arabic character is change to سورية
I intsall the Arabic package on the server and remove the file and placed again it’s getting the same issue.
Anyone have a solution please???
Yesterday i tried so many ways

The problem could be what you're trying to it up in. I often have this problem if I try to open an Arabic csv up directly in Excel. To get it to work in Excel I have to import it and set the encoding as utf-8 in the import dialogue box. Google Sheets is a bit smarter than Excel, and I can open files like that directly, though.


Inno Setup Unicode shows rtf EULA incorrect

I use Inno Setup 5.5.9 Unicode to create installation package for my app.
To show EULA I use this line in *.iss:
But on some machines the EULA windows shows the text as escape codes, not the text itself:
{\rtf1\adeflang1037\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\ ...
Even more interesting that I use the same rtf file for several installations. And on one of them the installation shows the rtf EULA as a text and in others as an escape codes on the same machine. The *.iss are the same except installed files.
Is there some way to be sure that my rtf EULA file will be shown without problem on any machine?
A don't want to use plain text since in this case I lose formatting.
Ok, I've found the solution. The rtf file was saved with Word. The file had size 45k and contained tons of waste. After opening and resaving the file with WordPad the size reduced to 10k and now the file contains only relevant tags and text. It looks that Inno Setup just unable to parse Word's monstrous output.

Encoding options not functioning in Word 2013?

I received files from a client that use a mixture of English and an Arabic alphabet, but upon opening, symbols have replaced the Arabic letters.
I've tried using a couple different word processors, and I've found an answer from Microsoft help center that should solve my problem.
However, I get stuck after #4. The instructions say that once you check off the option to "Confirm file format conversion on open", the Conversion dialogue will open automatically when you open a document ... but this is just not happening. I've tried restarting the program.
Does anyone know what is going on?

iPhone detects CSV as XLS

My app is able to import CSV files from within email attachments on the iPhone. Excel is used to generate the CSV files.
Initially I set the Document Type to public.comma-separated-values-text.
This works fine with Mac based CSV files. But when Windows based CSV files are emailed, the iPhone treats them differently. The quick view fails to work on them, and it labels them as .XLS files.
Sure enough, when I call [csvFilenameString pathExtension], it should return "CSV", but instead returns "XLS". But the actual filename extension IS ".csv"!
So to support this weirdness and still be able to read them in, I had to change my apps Document Type setting to
Of course now to iOS, my app looks like it's registered in supporting every file type for email attachments.
The only difference I could tell between the two CSV type files (Mac vs. Windows) is the EOL. Mac uses LF, while Windows uses CRLF.
Still, I'm thinking iOS should be smarter to detect it properly as a CSV and not as an XLS.
Anyone else experience this?

UTF8 encoding problem, same results work fine in wordpress

I have a wordpress installation that clients can edit, all characters display ok. On the main homepage I query the same database for the same title and post content, but it doesn't display correctly - just a question mark
I have tried sending the utf8 headers manually, through htaccess and through meta tags. I have used SET name UTF8 (which turns the characters into the diamond symbol with a questionmark inside).
I genuinely cant figure out what it could be now and I really need these characters to display correctly.
Heres the homepage, you can see in the Sounddhism 6 preview that there are lots of question marks, if you click on it you will see what they are meant to look like
I have passed it through the validator and it gives me this error:
Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 373 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.
The error was: utf8 "\xA0" does not map to Unicode
Which, i appreciate is supposed to help me, but I don't know what to do about it. Especially since that line, the letter generating the error is supposed to be a space and is AFTER the offending question marks.
Can anyone help?
Compare the encoding of both the back-end scripts in Wordpress and also your homepage script. If you're using IE, right-click the page and check the encoding. Sometimes it's set to "Auto-detect" and IE will often detect a different encoding for different pages, causing strange issues like this.
If you're not using IE, try using a tool like Fiddler to see exactly what encoding (and what bytes are being sent back and forth both in the back-end and your homepage script.
If forcing UTF-8 on your homepage script doesn't work, I would guess that the back-end is not using UTF-8.

iPhone - How to load Chinese text

I have a file with Chinese text that I want to use in my XCode project (I'm planning to load it through a database as it is lot of text), the problem is I don't know how to add the font to my project so that it's viewable when used on an iPhone?
Thanks :)
I currently live in China and deal with this all of the time. Usually the problem is not the font, it's the way the characters are represented. All unix variants use UTF-8 (most OSes) Windows uses UTF-16/32 (I forget). The cool thing about UTF-8 is that it is backward-compatible with ASCII. Open your text in the TextEdit or Firefox. In Firefox you can tell the browser to try different encodings, then save it to a file. If it is the wrong encoding, Mac TextEdit can convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16. Once you have the string in UTF-8 encoding, you can display it in your text field.
When displaying text to a textfeild make sure to display a UTF-8 string, not an ASCII string.
If you are interested in the details of UTF-8, just say so and I will expand on the UTF-8 design.
The iPhone already has chinese fonts installed by default.
I've had some success using the FontLabel library. It allows you to use arbitrary .ttf fonts in your app and it's Apache-licensed:
For the majority of cases this has worked perfectly for me.