I want to be able to search against a Geonetwork catalog by using the Opensearch protocol.
I already read that Opensearch should be enabled by a file descriptor that is put on this path of the GN instance:
An example of this document is here. It contains search templates.
How can i enable Opensearch?
How can i customize it?
I would also like to know if there's any useful documentation on this matter.
I have a cluster in Azure AKS with 1 node.
On that cluster I have two back-end services.
Each back-end service is a web app.
I have a domain mydomain.com.
Each app will need to be configured with its own path rule in the ingress object.
Web app 1s (let's call this one the homepage app) target URL needs to be either of the following:
US version of the site: mydomain.com
Swedish version of the site: mydomain.com/se/sv-sv/hem
Any other location/language version of the site: mydomain.com/xx/yy-xx/abcdefgh
Web app 2s (let's call this one the whitepony app) target URL needs to be either of the following:
US version of the site: mydomain.com/us/en-us/whitepony
Swedish version of the site: mydomain.com/se/sv-sv/whitepony
Any other location/language version of the site: mydomain.com/xx/yy-xx/whitepony
(The whitepony apps target path segment is called whitepony regardless of location/language)
Now to my question.
How can I configure these rules in an ingress API object?
Can I use prefixes in the path rules?
Or do I need to use regular expressions?
And what about the special case of the US version of the homepage app, where I'm not using any prefixes/extra URL segments?
Can I use conditions in the ingress object?
Or how would you configure the ingress resource object to meet all the above requirements?
Note that I know and have successfully configured multiple back-end services using path rules in an ingress object.
But without prefixes or extra URL segments.
I won't give you fully working example on how to specify rules in ingress resource to meet your requirements, I would rather like to share with you some hints:
Yes, you will need regular expressions to achieve it, and here is the example of doing it directly with NGINX directives based on example of wordpress multi-language site.
You don't need to define these re-write rules with annotations, you can use for that pure NGINX config style, by supplying appropriate inline NGINX config file inside ConfigMap, here is the example on how to achieve this.
I hope this will help you
I want to include a properties file of environment variables to better integrate between environments in AWS deployment of WSO2 Identity Server. I could put all the environment variables in line in the wso2server.sh, but it would be better to inject a properties file that has all the variables I need.
I am trying to include:
-Ddeployment.conf="$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/etc/dev-env.properties" \
in the wso2server.sh where my dev-env.properties has variables that I want to include in the xml configurations. An example being the usr-mgt.xml connection string:
<Property name="ConnectionURL">${user.mgt.connection.url}</Property>
I could do -Duser.mgt.connection.url="connection-string" \ but I have about 20 properties that I currently want to set this way and would prefer to keep them all in one file instead of in line environment variables. I found this Medium article
describing something like what I am looking for but I'm not sure it's exactly what I want and it was unclear how to implement this.
Do I need to write a Java Util class to read these environment variables from the properties file or is there a simpler way to do this? And if I need a utils class what would that look like?
As far as I know, this feature will support from the WSO2 products which are based on Carbon Kernek 5 and onwards. But at the moment most of the WSO2 products are based on kernel version 4.0. Therefore I think you can't get this done with existing WSO2 products.
what is the use of sling run modes property in sling.properties file?
I have a osgi felix bundle that installed onto aem admin bundle console through aem cq5 package manager.
configuration properties of one of the bundle service is not available
unless I put the following line in cq5/config/sling.properties file.
sling.run.modes=author,sandbox why is this so ? what is the importance
of sling.run.modes ?
Thank you,
Run modes allow you to tune your AEM instance for a specific purpose; for example author or publish, test, development, intranet or others.
Exampe: For dev: sling.run.modes=author,dev
use of run mode is, example - i have a config.author.prod and config.author.dev in crxd/e. Based on the run mode instance, the OSGI Bundle will pick the corresponding config.author.dev or prod configuration settings defined in nt:unstructured and start working.
Ref: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/deploying/configure_runmodes.html
Ref: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/RunModeDependentConfigAndInstall.html
Define a respository-based configuration for a single instance
There are two ways to configure CQ5.
Configure the Apache Felix Web Management Console
The configuration on the Apache Felix Web Management Console (http://:/system/console/configMgr) is always specific for the current instance.
You can find a description in the documentation: http://dev.day.com/content/docs/v5_2/html-resources/cq5_guide_system_administrator/ch05s03.html
Repository-based configuration
It is also possible to store configuration in the CRX repository as nodes of nodetype sling:OsgiConfig.
For more information, see http://dev.day.com/content/docs/v5_2/html-resources/cq5_guide_system_administrator/ch05s02.html
With this method, it is possible to share configuration among several instances.
The name of these nodes must be equal to the Persistent Identity (PID) of the configuration (for example, the name of the service). If you look at http://:/system/console/config, you see these names listed as service.pid properties. These configuration nodes have to be child-nodes of nodetype nt:folder with a name starting with config followed with a dot. All the run-modes that the config applies to are also separated with a dot.
Examples: config.author, config.publish, config.author.dev, config.author.foo.dev, and so on.
I'm working on a CherryPy application based on what I found on that BitBucket repository.
As in this example, there is two config files, server.cfg (aka "global") and app.cfg.
Both config files are loaded in the serve.py file :
# Update the global settings for the HTTP server and engine
cherrypy.config.update(os.path.join(self.conf_path, "server.cfg"))
# ...
# Our application
from webapp.app import Twiseless
webapp = Twiseless()
# Let's mount the application so that CherryPy can serve it
app = cherrypy.tree.mount(webapp, '/', os.path.join(self.conf_path, "app.cfg"))
Now, I'd like to add the Database configuration.
My first thought was to add it in the server.cfg (is this the best place? or should it be located in app.cfg ?).
But if I add the Database configuration in the server.cfg, I don't know how to access it.
Using :
Works only if the [Database] parameter is in the app.cfg.
I tried to print cherrypy.request.app.config, and it shows me only the values defined in app.cfg, nothing in server.cfg.
So I have two related question :
Is it best to put the database connection in the server.cfg or app.cfg file
How to access server.cfg configuration (aka global) in my code
Thanks for your help! :)
Put it in the app config. A good question to help you decide where to put such things is, "if I mounted an unrelated blog app at /blogs on the same server, would I want it to share that config?" If so, put it in server config. If not, put it in app config.
Note also that the global config isn't sectioned, so you can't stick a [Database] section in there anyway. Only the app config allows sections. If you wanted to stick database settings in the global config anyway, you'd have to consider config entry names like "database_port" instead. You would then access it directly by that name: cherrypy.config.get("database_port").
Looking to create a script that will enable/configure snmp and related settings.
Through the web portal it would be placed in:
[Home] > [Security Management] > [Services] > Service_Monitor
Would like to be able to enable, add allowed IP Addresses, etc.
Thank you.
Look at Security.Services class in %SYS namespace. You may use Export/Import methods to store settings in a file or Get/Set methods to modify service properties directly.