CherryPy : Accessing Global config - configuration-files

I'm working on a CherryPy application based on what I found on that BitBucket repository.
As in this example, there is two config files, server.cfg (aka "global") and app.cfg.
Both config files are loaded in the file :
# Update the global settings for the HTTP server and engine
cherrypy.config.update(os.path.join(self.conf_path, "server.cfg"))
# ...
# Our application
from import Twiseless
webapp = Twiseless()
# Let's mount the application so that CherryPy can serve it
app = cherrypy.tree.mount(webapp, '/', os.path.join(self.conf_path, "app.cfg"))
Now, I'd like to add the Database configuration.
My first thought was to add it in the server.cfg (is this the best place? or should it be located in app.cfg ?).
But if I add the Database configuration in the server.cfg, I don't know how to access it.
Using :['Database']
Works only if the [Database] parameter is in the app.cfg.
I tried to print, and it shows me only the values defined in app.cfg, nothing in server.cfg.
So I have two related question :
Is it best to put the database connection in the server.cfg or app.cfg file
How to access server.cfg configuration (aka global) in my code
Thanks for your help! :)

Put it in the app config. A good question to help you decide where to put such things is, "if I mounted an unrelated blog app at /blogs on the same server, would I want it to share that config?" If so, put it in server config. If not, put it in app config.
Note also that the global config isn't sectioned, so you can't stick a [Database] section in there anyway. Only the app config allows sections. If you wanted to stick database settings in the global config anyway, you'd have to consider config entry names like "database_port" instead. You would then access it directly by that name: cherrypy.config.get("database_port").


How to read multiple config file from Spring Cloud Config Server

Spring cloud config server supports reading property files with name ${}.properties. However I have 2 properties files in my application.
Can I get the config server to read both these properties files?
Rename your properties files in git or file system where your config server is looking at. -> <your_application_name>.properties -> <your_application_name>-<profile-name>.properties
For example, if your application name is test and you are running your application on dev profile, below two properties will be used together.
Also you can specify additional profiles in of your config client to retrieve more properties files like below. For example,
profiles: dev
profile: dev,dev-db,dev-mq
If you specify like above, below all files will be used together.
Note that the provided answer assumes your property files address different execution profiles. If they dont, i.e., your properties are split into different files for some other reason, e.g., maintenance purposes, divided by business/functional domain, or any other reason that suits your needs, then, by defining a profile for each such file, you are just "abusing" the profile feature, for achieving your goal (multiple property files per app).
You could then ask "OK, so what is the problem with that?". The problem is that you restrain yourself from various possibilities that you would otherwise have. If you actually want to customize your application configuration by profile you will have to create pseudo, sub, profiles for that since the file name is already a profile. Example:
Your application configuration could be customized by different profiles, which you use inside your springboot application (e.g. in #Profile() annotation), let them be dev, uat, prod. You can boot your application setting different profiles as active, e.g. 'dev' vs 'uat', and get the group of properties that you desire. For your and file, if different file names were supported, you would have and files vs and files for 'dev' and 'uat' profile.
Nevertheless, with the provided solution, you already have defined 3 profiles for each file:, and a, b, and c. Now imagine you have to create a different profile for each... profile(! it already shows something goes wrong here)! you would end up with a lot of profile permutations (which would get worse as files increase): The files would be,, vs,,, but the profiles would have been increased from ['dev', ' uat'] to ['a-dev', 'b-dev', 'c-dev', 'a-uat', 'b-uat', 'c-uat'] !!!
Even worse, how are you going to cope with all these profiles inside your code and more specifically your #Profile() annotations? Will you clutter the code space with "artificial" profiles just because you want to add one or two more different property files? It should have been sufficient to define your dev or uat profiles, where applicable, and define somewhere else the applicable property file names (which could then be further supported by profile, without any other configuration action), just as it happens in the externalized properties configuration for individual springboot apps
For argument completeness, I will just add here that if you want to switch to .yml property files one day, with the provided profile-based naming solution, you also loose the ability to define different "yaml document sections per profile" inside the same .yml file (Yes, in .yml you can have one property file yet define multiple logical yml documents inside, which its usually done for customizing the properties for different profiles, while having all related properties in one place). You loose the ability because you have already used the profile in the file name (appname-profile.yml)
I have issued a pull request with a minor fix for spring-cloud-config-server 1.4.x, which allows defining additionally supported file names (appart from "application[-profile]" and "{appname}[-profile]", that are currently supported) by providing a environment property - analogous to for springboot apps. I hope it gets reviewed and accepted.
I came across the same requirement lately with a little more constraint that I am not allowed to play around the environment profiles. So I wasn't allowed to do as the accepted answer. I'm sharing how I did it as an alternative to those who might have same case as me.
In my application, I have properties such as: // for my use, contains local properties only // for my use, contains management properties only
In my application, I have these particular properties set that allow me to achieve what I needed. But note I have the rest of needed config as well (enable cloud config, actuator refresh, eureka service discovery and so on) - just highlighting these for emphasis:,appxyz-interfaces,appxyz-feature
You can observe that I didn't want to play around my application name but instead I used it as prefix for my config property files.
In my configuration server I configured in application.yml to capture pattern: 'appxyz-*':
uri: <git repo default>
pattern: 'appxyz-*'
uri: <another git repo if you have 1 repo per app>
private-key: ${}
strict-host-key-checking: false
ignore-local-ssh-settings: true
private-key: ${}
In my Git repository I have the following. No and bootstrap because I didn't want those to be published and overridden/refreshed externally but you can do if you want.
It will be the pattern matching pattern: 'appxyz-*' that will capture and return the matching files from my git repository. The profile will also apply and fetch the correct property file accordingly. The prioritization of value is also preserved.
Furthermore, if you wish to add more file in your application (say, we only need to do:
Add the name pattern in the,appxyz-circuit-breaker
The add the copies of the file locally and also externally (in the git repo.
No need to add/modify more or restart your configuration server later on. For new application, it's like a one time registration thing to add an entry under the repos of application.yml.
Hope it helps in one way or another!
In your application, you have to specify like below:,b

Two Configuration files in Scala-Spray framework

I have REST API, that is developed using Scala and Spray framework. I am able to execute and launch my Api from localhost. The API is connected to the database. The IP Address(localhost) and port of Database is read from the "application.conf" file under the resources.
Everything works fine till I start using Docker. In Docker I have :
1. One Docker container of Rest API
2. One Docker container of Database.
The IP address of Database changes for each docker instance, therefore I need to update my "application.conf" file. Although I can use the hostname of Db instance that remains the same.
My issue is : Can I have two "application.conf" files , one for localhost and one for Docker instance? IS there a way to change the "application.conf" file at the run time.
P.s I am using "sbt run" to run the application and as per documentation it does not support java system properties or environment variables
Yes, you can choose the config at runtime. spray & akka use the typesafe config library which allows setting single settings or the whole configuration using JVM properties.
From the documentation of config:
For applications using application.{conf,json,properties}, system
properties can be used to force a different config source:
config.resource specifies a resource name - not a basename, i.e. application.conf not application
config.file specifies a filesystem path, again it should include the extension, not be a basename
config.url specifies a URL
These system properties specify a replacement for
application.{conf,json,properties}, not an addition. They only
affect apps using the default ConfigFactory.load() configuration. In
the replacement config file, you can use include "application" to
include the original default config file; after the include statement
you could go on to override certain settings.

Setting :deploy_to from server config in Capistrano3

In my Capistrano 3 deployment, I would like to set the set :deploy_to, -> { "/srv/www/#{fetch(:application)}" } so the :deploy_to is different for each server it deploys to.
In my staging.rb file I have:
server '', user: 'deploy', roles: %w{web app db}, install_path: 'mycustom/path'
server '', user: 'deploy', roles: %w{web app db}, install_path: 'mycustom/other/path'
My question is: would it possible to use the "install_path" I defined, in my :deploy_to? If that's possible, how would you do it?
Finally, after looking around, I came onto an issue from one of the developer of Capistrano, stating specifically that it can't be done
Quote from the Github issue:
Not possible, sorry. fetch() (as is documented widely) reads values
set by set(), the only reason to use set() and fetch() over regular
ruby variables is to provide a consistent API between plugins and
extensions, and because set() can take a Proc to be resolved later.
The variables you are setting in the host object via the server()
command belong to an individual host, some of them, user, roles, etc
have special meanings. For more information see
If you specifically need to deploy to a different directory on each
machine you probably should not be using the built-in tasks (they
don't fit your needs), and rather copy the deploy.rake from the Gem
into your own project, and modify it as you need. Which in this case
might be to not take fetch(:deploy_to), but to read that from a host
You could try to do something where before doing anything that relies
on calling fetch(:deploy_to), you set() it using the value from
host.someproperty but I'm pretty sure that'll break in exciting and
interesting ways.

Configuring evolutions script for different environment

These are my configuration files for both development and testing environments. I'm displaying only the db configuration section.
Basically I'm planning to execute the evolutions db script only to the testing database. So I will clean up the records before triggering the test-script.
Based on the documentation the evolution scripts has to be put in folder with the same name as the datasource, which is default in this case:
My question:
Is there a way for me to put the scripts in different location and set the configuration file to refer to that one instead? I'd love to put the test scripts in this path:
It'll be troublesome for me if in one way or another someone accidentally enable the evolutions in the dev.conf file and since both configuration files share the same datasource name(default) then all the clean-up queries in the default folder are executed.
Another workaround that I can think of right now is by using different datasource name for different environments but this will imply code change because then the application doesn't use the default datasource anymore. I'd like to avoid that.
Maybe you could use the evolutions logic directly from a text fixture of some kind?
play.api.db.evolutions.Evolutions.applyFor(dbName, path) seems like it might do the trick.

Version Control a file with per machine dependent stuff

I have a config file in my project that includes some info that is per machine dependent (db username, password, path). I understand that in this particular case, I could enforce everybody to use the same username, db path, and password to keep this simple, but there must be another way to deal with this problem.
I use mercurial, if you care, but I am ok with just a theoretical answer if you are unfamiliar with hg specifics.
A common way to handle this is to put a config.example or similar under version control and force the user to copy it and make any necessary changes. That way the user can pull down the overall structure of the file from your repository without overwriting local changes.
Alternatively, you could make your config file provide only defaults, with the option to source a subset of variables from a higher-priority custom config file (in the same format) which the user may or may not provide.
You'll want to use the .hgignore file to not include the config file in the repository.
This will allow everyone to have their own version of the config file.
Basically, you just want to add the relative path to the config file and Mercurial commands will ignore it. So the file would look like this:
I just realized you still want to be able to version control the config file (misunderstood the question). So I suggest moving the parts of the config file that are dependent into their own config file and then applying the fix above. That way, you can still have the regular config information under version control and keep part of it separate for each person's machine.
I have per machine databases for my PHP projects. What I do is check the hostname at runtime. If it is one host, I feed it certain credentials. If another, feed it different credentials.
On some systems I create a list of credentials and then just go down the line trying them until one of the connections works. If the list is exhausted, the connection cannot be made.
I've never found a solid method for handling this type of configuration files. My final solution was to just maintain a version of each file and use symbolic links. That way each server has the same file path, but different root file.
Without knowing exactly what is in your config file, I'm going to assume your file has some stuff that is machine-dependent (e.g., db password, paths) and other stuff that is not (db hostname, maybe some paths relative to a path that is configured on a per-machine basis, etc.)
If that's the case, what you want to do is re-factor your config file so that you have two config files---one for the common stuff, one for the machine-specific stuff. Check the common one in, and add the machine-specific configuration to the ignore file.