PostgreSQL timestamp with negative - postgresql

I have a set of date and time rows in varchar type which looks like this:
| TimeLocal |
| 2017-11-06 12:13:55 -21:18 |
| 2017-11-06 12:18:50 -21:18 |
| 2017-11-06 12:13:09 -21:18 |
I want to perform a conversion of this column into timestamp
Select TimeLocal::timestamp as New_Time_Local From tb1
However I am getting this error
ERROR: time zone displacement out of range
This appears only to those datetime with -21 but for the other dates, it was converted successfully
Any help would be much appreciated


Calculate Average of Price per Items per Month in a Few Years Postgresql

I have this table inside my postgresql database,
item_code | date | price
aaaaaa.1 |2019/12/08 | 3.04
bbbbbb.b |2019/12/08 | 19.48
261893.c |2019/12/08 | 7.15
aaaaaa.1 |2019/12/17 | 4.15
bbbbbb.2 |2019/12/17 | 20
xxxxxx.5 |2019/03/12 | 3
xxxxxx.5 |2019/03/18 | 4.5
how can i calculate the average per item, per month over the year. so i get the result something like:
item_code | month | price
aaaaaa.1 | 2019/12 | 3.59
bbbbbb.2 | 2019/12 | 19.74
261893.c | 2019/12 | 7.15
xxxxxx.5 | 2019/03 | 3.75
I have tried to look and apply many alternatives but i am still not get the point, would really appreciate your help because i am new to postgresql.
I don't see how the question relates to a moving average. It seems you just want group by:
select item_code, date_trunc('month', date) as date_month, avg(price) as price
from mytable
group by item_code, date_month
This gives date_month as a date, truncated to the first day of the month - which I find more useful that the format you suggested. But it you do want that:
to_char(date, 'YYYY/MM') as date_month

How to parse month-year string using Presto

I have a column that contains a Month-Year string that I would like to convert to an actual date representing the first day of the Month and Year combination. For example
| Original | Desired |
| Aug-19 | 08/01/2019 |
| Sep-20 | 09/01/2020 |
| May-22 | 05/01/2022 |
I have tried breaking apart the Month-Year string using split_part but when I try and pass Month as a parameter into date_parse it throws an error with the input (INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT). I could break apart the Month-Year into strings and then recombine, hard-coding the 01 however the problem seems that three letter month cannot be parsed into an actual month by Presto. I also want to avoid a 12 line CASE WHEN statement to parse the month if possible.
I'm not sure where the year comes from, but the query will be like this:
select date_format(date_parse('May-22', '%b-%d'), '%m/%d/%Y')

Stored procedure (or better way) to add a new row to existing table every day at 22:00

I will be very grateful for your advice regarding the following issue.
PostgreSQL database
Initial (basic) query
select day, Value_1, Value_2, Value_3
from table
where day=current_date
which returns a row with following columns
Day | Value_1(int) | Value_2(int) | Value 3 (int)
2019-11-14 | 10 | 10 | 14
It is needed to create a view with this starting information and add a new row every day based on the outcome of initial query executed at 22:00.
The expected outcome tomorrow at 22:01 will be
Day | Value_1 | Value_2 | Value_3
2019-11-14 | 10 | 10 | 14
2019-11-15 | N | M | P
Many thanks in advance for your time and support.

PostgreSQL BETWEEN selects record when not fulfilled

Why does this query returns a record?:
db2=> select * FROM series WHERE start <= '882001010000' AND "end" >= '882001010000' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;
id | timestamp | start | end |
23443 | 2016-12-23 17:10:05 | 88160000 | 88209999 |
or with BETWEEN:
db2=> select * FROM series WHERE '882001010000' BETWEEN start AND "end" ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;
id | timestamp | start | end |
23443 | 2016-12-23 17:10:05 | 88160000 | 88209999 |
start and end are TEXT columns.
They are returning records because you are doing the comparisons as strings not as numbers.
Hence: '8' is between '7000000' and '9000', because the comparisons are one character at a time.
If you want numeric comparisons, you can cast the values to numbers. Or, better yet, represent the values as numerics. Postgres has the nice capability of very large precisions.

Calculate time range in org-mode table

Given a table that has a column of time ranges e.g.:
| <2015-10-02>--<2015-10-24> |
| <2015-10-05>--<2015-10-20> |
how can I create a column showing the results of org-evalute-time-range?
If I attempt something like:
#+TBLFM: $2='(org-evaluate-time-range $1)
the 2nd column is populated with
Time difference inserted
in every row.
It would also be nice to generate the same result from two different columns with, say, start date and end date instead of creating one column of time ranges out of those two.
If you have your date range split into 2 columns, a simple subtraction works and returns number of days:
| <2015-10-05> | <2015-10-20> | 15 |
| <2013-10-02 08:30> | <2015-10-24> | 751.64583 |
#+TBLFM: $3=$2-$1
Using org-evaluate-time-range is also possible, and you get a nice formatted output:
| <2015-10-02>--<2015-10-24> | 22 days |
| <2015-10-05>--<2015-10-20> | 15 days |
| <2015-10-22 Thu 21:08>--<2015-08-01> | 82 days 21 hours 8 minutes |
#+TBLFM: $2='(org-evaluate-time-range)
Note that the only optional argument that org-evaluate-time-range accepts is a flag to indicate insertion of the result in the current buffer, which you don't want.
Now, how does this function (without arguments) get the correct time range when evaluated is a complete mystery to me; pure magic(!)