Is it meaningful to remove layers with %100 sparsity in a CNN - VGG 16 - neural-network

I am training an autoencoder by using VGG-16 as feature extraction. Whenever I check the sparsity (number of parameters equal to zero / total parameters) of the blocks, I noticed that Block 5 (deepest block of VGG-16) has %100 sparsity. As it is the most time consuming block for VGG architecture, I would like to remove it if possible.
So, is it meaningful to remove CNN layers with %100 sparsity to increase performance as all of them are actually equal to zero?


why is tanh performing better than relu in simple neural network

Here is my scenario
I have used EMNIST database of capital letters of english language.
My neural network is as follows
Input layer has 784 neurons which are pixel values of image 28x28 grey scaled image divided by 255 so value will be in range[0,1]
Hidden layer has 49 neuron fully connected to previous 784.
Output layer has 9 neurons denoting class of image.
Loss function is defined as cross entropy of softmax of output layer.
Initialized all weights as random real number from [-1,+1].
Now I did training with 500 fixed samples for each class.
Simply, passed 500x9 images to train function which uses backpropagation and does 100 iterations changing weights by learning_rate*derivative_of_loss_wrt_corresponding_weight.
I found that when I use tanh activation on neuron then network learns faster than relu with learning rate 0.0001.
I concluded that because accuracy on fixed test dataset was higher for tanh than relu . Also , loss value after 100 epochs was slightly lower for tanh.
Isn't relu expected to perform better ?
Isn't relu expected to perform better ?
In general, no. RELU will perform better on many problems but not all problems.
Furthermore, if you use an architecture and set of parameters that is optimized to perform well with one activation function, you may get worse results after swapping in a different activation function.
Often you will need to adjust the architecture and parameters like learning rate to get comparable results. This may mean changing the number of hidden nodes and/or the learning rate in your example.
One final note: In the MNIST example architectures I have seen, hidden layers with RELU activations are typically followed by Dropout layers, whereas hidden layers with sigmoid or tanh activations are not. Try adding dropout after the hidden layer and see if that improves your results with RELU. See the Keras MNIST example here.

Using neural networks (MLP) for estimation

Im new with NN and i have this problem:
I have a dataset with 300 rows and 33 columns. Each row has 3 more columns for the results.
Im trying to use MLP for trainning a model so that when i have a new row, it estimates those 3 result columns.
I can easily reduce the error during trainning to 0.001 but when i use cross validation it keep estimating very poorly.
It estimates correctly if i use the same entry it used to train, but if i use another values that werent used for trainning the results are very wrong
Im using two hidden layers with 20 neurons each, so my architecture is [33 20 20 3]
For activation function im using biporlarsigmoid function.
Do you guys have some suggestion on where i could try to change to improve this?
As mentioned in the comments, this perfectly describes overfitting.
I strongly suggest reading the wikipedia article on overfitting, as it well describes causes, but I'll summarize some key points here.
Model complexity
Overfitting often happens when you model is needlessly complex for the problem. I don't know anything about your dataset, but I'm guessing [33 20 20 3] is more parameters than necessary for predicting.
Try running your cross-validation methods again, this time with either fewer layers, or fewer nodes per layer. Right now you are using 33*20 + 20*20 + 20*3 = 1120 parameters (weights) to make your prediction, is this necessary?
A common solution to overfitting is regularization. The driving principle is KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
By applying an L1 regularizer to your weights, you keep preference for the smallest number of weights to solve your problem. The network will pull many weights to 0 as they aren't need.
By applying an L2 regularizer to your weights, you keep preference for lower rank solutions to your problem. This means that your network will prefer weights matrices that span lower dimensions. Practically this means your weights will be smaller numbers, and are less likely to be able to "memorize" the data.
What is L1 and L2? These are types of vector norms. L1 is the sum of the absolute value of your weights. L2 is the sqrt of the sum of squares of your weights. (L3 is the cubed root of the sum of cubes of weights, L4 ...).
Another commonly used technique is to augment your training data with distorted versions of your training samples. This only makes sense with certain types of data. For instance images can be rotated, scaled, shifted, add gaussian noise, etc. without dramatically changing the content of the image.
By adding distortions, your network will no longer memorize your data, but will also learn when things look similar to your data. The number 1 rotated 2 degrees still looks like a 1, so the network should be able to learn from both of these.
Only you know your data. If this is something that can be done with your data (even just adding a little gaussian noise to each feature), then maybe this is worth looking into. But do not use this blindly without considering the implications it may have on your dataset.
Careful analysis of data
I put this last because it is an indirect response to the overfitting problem. Check your data before pumping it through a black-box algorithm (like a neural network). Here are a few questions worth answering if your network doesn't work:
Are any of my features strongly correlated with each other?
How do baseline algorithms perform? (Linear regression, logistic regression, etc.)
How are my training samples distributed among classes? Do I have 298 samples of one class and 1 sample of the other two?
How similar are my samples within a class? Maybe I have 100 samples for this class, but all of them are the same (or nearly the same).

TensorFlow: Binary classification accuracy

In the context of a binary classification, I use a neural network with 1 hidden layer using a tanh activation function. The input is coming from a word2vect model and is normalized.
The classifier accuracy is between 49%-54%.
I used a confusion matrix to have a better understanding on what’s going on. I study the impact of feature number in input layer and the number of neurons in the hidden layer on the accuracy.
What I can observe from the confusion matrix is the fact that the model predict based on the parameters sometimes most of the lines as positives and sometimes most of the times as negatives.
Any suggestion why this issue happens? And which other points (other than input size and hidden layer size) might impact the accuracy of the classification?
It's a bit hard to guess given the information you provide.
Are the labels balanced (50% positives, 50% negatives)? So this would mean your network is not training at all as your performance corresponds to the random performance, roughly. Is there maybe a bug in the preprocessing? Or is the task too difficult? What is the training set size?
I don't believe that the number of neurons is the issue, as long as it's reasonable, i.e. hundreds or a few thousand.
Alternatively, you can try another loss function, namely cross entropy, which is standard for multi-class classification and can also be used for binary classification:
Hope this helps.
The data set is well balanced, 50% positive and negative.
The training set shape is (411426,X)
The training set shape is (68572,X)
X is the number of the feature coming from word2vec and I try with the values between [100,300]
I have 1 hidden layer, and the number of neurons that I test varied between [100,300]
I also test with mush smaller features/neurons size: 2-20 features and 10 neurons on the hidden layer.
I use also the cross entropy as cost fonction.

How to improve digit recognition prediction in Neural Networks in Matlab?

I've made digit recognition (56x56 digits) using Neural Networks, but I'm getting 89.5% accuracy on test set and 100% on training set. I know that it's possible to get >95% on test set using this training set. Is there any way to improve my training so I can get better predictions? Changing iterations from 300 to 1000 gave me +0.12% accuracy. I'm also file size limited so increasing number of nodes can be impossible, but if that's the case maybe I could cut some pixels/nodes from the input layer.
To train I'm using:
input layer: 3136 nodes
hidden layer: 220 nodes
labels: 36
regularized cost function with lambda=0.1
fmincg to calculate weights (1000 iterations)
As mentioned in the comments, the easiest and most promising way is to switch to a Convolutional Neural Network. But with you current model you can:
Add more layers with less neurons each, which increases learning capacity and should increase accuracy by a bit. Problem is that you might start overfitting. Use regularization to counter this.
Use batch Normalization (BN). While you are already using regularization, BN accelerates training and also does regularization, and is a NN specific algorithm that might work better.
Make an ensemble. Train several NNs on the same dataset, but with a different initialization. This will produce slightly different classifiers and you can combine their output to get a small increase in accuracy.
Cross-entropy loss. You don't mention what loss function you are using, if its not Cross-entropy, then you should start using it. All the high accuracy classifiers use cross-entropy loss.
Switch to backpropagation and Stochastic Gradient Descent. I do not know the effect of using a different optimization algorithm, but backpropagation might outperform the optimization algorithm you are currently using, and you could combine this with other optimizers such as Adagrad or ADAM.
Other small changes that might increase accuracy are changing the activation functions (like ReLU), shuffle training samples after every epoch, and do data augmentation.

Issues with neural network

I am having some issues with using neural network. I am using a non linear activation function for the hidden layer and a linear function for the output layer. Adding more neurons in the hidden layer should have increased the capability of the NN and made it fit to the training data more/have less error on training data.
However, I am seeing a different phenomena. Adding more neurons is decreasing the accuracy of the neural network even on the training set.
Here is the graph of the mean absolute error with increasing number of neurons. The accuracy on the training data is decreasing. What could be the cause of this?
Is it that the nntool that I am using of matlab splits the data randomly into training,test and validation set for checking generalization instead of using cross validation.
Also I could see lots of -ve output values adding neurons while my targets are supposed to be positives. Could it be another issues?
I am not able to explain the behavior of NN here. Any suggestions? Here is the link to my data consisting of the covariates and targets
I am unfamiliar with nntool but I would suspect that your problem is related to the selection of your initial weights. Poor initial weight selection can lead to very slow convergence or failure to converge at all.
For instance, notice that as the number of neurons in the hidden layer increases, the number of inputs to each neuron in the visible layer also increases (one for each hidden unit). Say you are using a logit in your hidden layer (always positive) and pick your initial weights from the random uniform distribution between a fixed interval. Then as the number of hidden units increases, the inputs to each neuron in the visible layer will also increase because there are more incoming connections. With a very large number of hidden units, your initial solution may become very large and result in poor convergence.
Of course, how this all behaves depends on your activation functions and the distributio of the data and how it is normalized. I would recommend looking at Efficient Backprop by Yann LeCun for some excellent advice on normalizing your data and selecting initial weights and activation functions.