MATLAB is rounding my values to 1 - matlab

n = 215;
N = 215.01:0.1:250;
p = 0.52;
q = 0.48;
Gamblers = (1 - (q/p)^n)./(1 - (q/p).^N);
Matlab takes the numerators and denominators as simply 1, filling the array with nothing but that value. How can I correct this?

Your denominator and numerator are very close to 1 but not exactly 1. The plot(Gamblers) confirms this.
By default MATLAB will display numbers with four digits after the decimal place. Your numerator is 0.999999966414861, which with four digits rounds to 1. MATLAB uses double precision numbers so your calculation here is still accurate.
Try double clicking on the Gamblers variable to open the variables window and then double clicking on one of the results. You'll see it change from the default display precision to a much more accurate depiction of your variable.


How do I prevent precision loss in table values?

I currently have the following code:
count = 20;
n = zeros(count, 1);
P = zeros(count, 1);
for i = 1:count
n(i) = i;
P(i) = sym(i)^i + (sym(1-i))^(i-1);
if i == (count)
T = table(n,P)
This gives me a table with a set of values. However, some of the values are losing precision because they have too many digits.
I am aware that MATLAB allows for up to 536870913 digits of precision. How do I make my table values not lose precision?
Note: if I were to just do the following operation (for example): sym(200)^2010, I would get the full precision value, which has 4626 digits. Doing this for table values doesn't seem to work, though, for some strange reason.
If someone could please help me with this I would be extremely grateful as I have been struggling with this for several hours now.
As #Daniel commented, the problem is that you are casting to double when storing it in P. MATLAB only has the precision you mention when using symbolic variables, but when you get into the numerical world, you can only store a finite amount of precision.
To be exact, once you define P as a double (zeros returns a double vector), the biggest integer you can store such that all of its smaller integers are precise is 2^53, way smaller than your P(20). This means that any integer bigger than 2^53 is not ensured to be precise on a double valued vector.
Your solution is thus to avoid casting, to store the variable on a sym type P. Note that the above also applies to later maths. If you plan to use this variable in some equation, remember that when you pass it to numerical form, you will lose precision. Often this does not matter, as the precision lost is very small, but you should know it.
If you want to learn more about how numerical precision work on computers, I suggest reading the following Q&A: Why is 24.0000 not equal to 24.0000 in MATLAB?
Sym solution:
count = 20;
n = zeros(count, 1);
P = sym('integer',[count, 1]);
for i = 1:count
n(i) = i;
P(i) = sym(i)^i + (sym(1-i))^(i-1);
if i == (count)
T = table(n,P)
>> T.P(20)
ans =

About Random Number Generator in Matlab

The rand function in matlab generates a random number between 0-1 with space 0.0001. Is there a way to widen this space so that the number generated is only to the first or second decimal place?? Thanks for any suggestion.
You can generate pseudo-random integers between [0,10^n] using randi and divide by 10^n:
randTens = randi([0,10 ])/10;
randHundreds = randi([0,100])/100;
You can use round function:
Y = round(X,2)
Y = round(X,N) rounds to N digits:
N > 0: round to N digits to the right of the decimal point.
N = 0: round to the nearest integer.
N < 0: round to N digits to the left of the decimal point.
I understand Matlab generates uniformly spaced random numbers. If you want to widen the precision step, you could try multiplying rand by some value 'a' giving you 0.0001*a spacing and then selecting the numbers that are inferior to 1.

Calculating the product of all the odd numbers

So I am trying to create a script that calculates the product of all the odd numbers from 1 to 1000 (using MATLAB). The program runs but the product is not correct:
%Program is meant to calculate the product of all the odd numbers from 1 to 1000
% declare variable ‘product’ as zero
product = 0.;
% initialize counter, ‘n’, to 1000
n = 1000;
for i = 1:2:n
product = product + i;
fprintf('The product of all the odd numbers from 1 to %d is %d\n', n, product)
So I'm not really sure how to go about this and am looking for some guidance. Thanks!
Currently, your script is set to add all of the odd numbers from 1 to 1000.
To perform the product, you just need to change the starting value of product to 1 and multiply within the loop:
product = 1;
for i = 1:2:1000
product = product * i;
However, it is faster to create a vector and have the built-in prod function perform the multiplication:
product = prod(1:2:1000);
MATLAB does not by default have enough memory in the default 64-bit numbers to compute the exact value of this product.
The number is too large since this is essentially a factorial.
You'll find that MATLAB returns Inf for the 500 numbers you're multiplying, and it is only finite for up to 150 elements.
In fact, using floating point arithmetic, the number is only accurate up to 15 digits for the first 17 digits using floats (integers saturate at that level as well).
Using Mathematica (which can perform arbitrary digit arithmetic out-of-the-box since I'm feeling lazy), I can see that the answer needs at least 1300 digits of precision, which we can have MATLAB do through the Symbolic Toolbox's vpa function:
p = vpa(1);
pint = vpa(1);
for k = 2:N
pint = pint*p(k);
>> StackOverflow

Using matlab,how to find the last two digits of a decimal number?

How can one find the last two digits of a decimal number using MATLAB?
59 for 1.23000659
35 for 56368.35
12 for 548695412
There will always be issues when you have a decimal number with many integer digits and fractional digits. In this case, the number of integer and decimal digits decide if we are correct or not in estimating the last two digits. Let's take at the code and the comments thereafter.
%// num is the input decimal number
t1 = num2str(num,'%1.15e') %// Convert number to exponential notation
t1 = t1(1:strfind(t1,'e')-1)
lastind = find(t1-'0',1,'last')
out = str2num(t1(lastind-1:lastind)) %// desired output
Results and Conclusions
For num = 1.23000659, it prints the output as 59, which is correct thanks
to the fact that the number of integer and decimal digits don't add upto
more than 16.
For num = 56368.35, we get output as 35, which is correct again and the
reason is the same as before.
For num = 548695412, we are getting the correct output of 12 because of the
same good reason.
For an out of the question sample of num = 2736232.3927327329236576
(deliberately chosen a number with many integer and fractional digits),
the code run gives output as 33 which is wrong and the reason could be
inferred from the fact that integer and decimal digits add upto a much
bigger number than the code could handle.
One can look into MATLAB command vpa for getting more precision, if extreme cases like the 4th one are to dealt with.
Convert to string and then extract the last two characters:
x = 1.23; % x = 1.23
s = num2str(x); % s = "1.23"
t = s(end-1:end); % t = "23"
u = str2num(t); % u = 23
Note: depending on your specific needs you might want to supply a precision or formatSpec to num2str.
The other two answers are nice and straight forward, but here you have a mathematical way of doing it ;)
Assuming a as your number,
ashift=0.01*a; %shift the last two digits
afloor=floor(ashift); %crop the last two digits
LastDecimals=a-100*afloor; %substract the cropped number form the original, only the last two digits left.
Of course if you have non-natural numbers, you can figure those out too with the same "floor and subtract technique as above.

NaN produced from division of values put a Vector

Below is some MATLAB code which is inside a loop that increments position every cycle. However after this code has run, the values in the vector F1 are all NaN. I print A to the screen and it outputs the expected values.
% 500 Hz Bands
total_energy = sum(F(1:(F_L*8)));
A = (sum(F(1:F_L))) /total_energy %% correct value printed to screen
F1(position) = (sum(F(1:F_L))) /total_energy;
Any help is appreciated
Assuming that F_L = position * interval, I suggest you use something like:
cumulative_energy_distribution = cumsum(abs(F).^2);
positions = 1:q;
F1 = cumulative_energy_distribution(positions * interval) ./ cumulative_energy_distribution(positions * 8 * interval);
sum-of-squares, which is the energy density (and also seen in Parseval's theorem) is monotonically increasing, so you don't need to worry about the energy going back down to zero.
In MATLAB, if you divide zero by zero, you get a NaN. Therefore, its always better to add an infinitesimal number to the denominator such that its addition doesn't change the final result, but it avoids division by zero. You can choose any small value as that infinitesimal number (such as 10^-10) but MATLAB already has a variable called eps.
eps(n) gives a distance to the next-largest number (whose precision is same as n) which could be represented in MATLAB. For example, if n=1, next double-precision number you could get to from 1 is 1+eps(1)=1+2.2204e-16. If n=10^10, then the next number is 10^10+1.9073e-06. eps is same as eps(1)=2.2204e-16. Adding eps doesn't change the output and avoids the situation of 0/0.