Swift Unified Logging - swift

I was searching for some information on how to do proper logging in swift. I found Unified Logging: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/os/logging.
When trying it, I couldn't figure out how I can see the logs for only my defined Subsystem and the Category. Is there a way in the console oder the system log of the ios simulator to have only the application related logs? I couldn't see the app logs neither in the console nor in the simulator's system logs.
Here is my code:
let customLogger = OSLog(subsystem: "com.myapp", category: "CustomLogs")
os_log("Test log message.", log: customLogger, type: .debug)

In case you still looking for an answer.


Unable to open ejabbered web dashboard localhost:5280

I am new to ejabberd and trying to play with it. I installed ejabbered following the instructions present at official doc page with username and password. I am able to start the ejabbered server and connect to it through Java using "Smack" API's.
However, when I try to open Web Dashboard at http://localhost:5280/admin/ and then login with admin user, It doesn't show up anything. When I checked logs, it shows following erros -
2020-03-13 21:03:17.618 [error] <0.1965.0>#ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers:860 CRASH REPORT Process <0.1965.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
2020-03-13 21:03:17.619 [error] <0.535.0>#ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers:860 Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.1965.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
Pleasse help me out with this. Thanks!
Yes, that problem was introduced in ejabberd 20.02, and it's fixed in the following versions.
You have two options:
Download ejabberd 20.01, that doesn't have this problem
Or download ejabberd 20.03 or above.

Logging in Eco.MVC.EcoController

In my MDriven MVC application I'm logging Trace messages into a log file. It seems that the class Eco.MVC.EcoController uses the Trace to log following events:
EcoController.EnsureEcoSpace: HomeController
EcoController.EnsureEcoSpace: CreateEcoSpace
EcoController.ReleaseEcoSpace: Disposing EcoSpace
OnResultExecuted (EcoController out of scope).
Is it possible to switch this logging off?
Oops - no they were not optional. Checking in fix for this now.
They will be default off and turned on with:
EcoTraceCategories.WebDebugPrint = true;

arangod.exe crashes in Windows 7

I get an appcrash when attempting to install arangoDB in on a windows 7 machine. I have also tried the XCOPY version and have the same issue. The APPCRASH gives the following:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: arangod.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 59704d12
Fault Module Name: arangod.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 59704d12
Exception Code: c000001d
Exception Offset: 0000000000200f77
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: caa2
Additional Information 2: caa2bb545c0b7fee68e5ff27d1b7f78d
Additional Information 3: 95f8
Additional Information 4: 95f82d1cb337322ec0f22184a0acdc62
I do not believe it even attempts to access the arangod.conf file let alone object to something inside it.
I used Windows debugger to try and get some additional clues but I'm left stumped. The results are here: http://textuploader.com/do6wn
Please use github issues for these kind of problems.

Error while loading items: no deployed process definition found

In the dashlet "My tasks" there are two items: "Current tasks" and "Completed tasks".
When I click on the "Completed tasks" I see the following error on a red background:
Error while loading items
When this error occurs in the logs I see the following.
Caused by: org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException: no deployed process definition found with id 'publishWhitepaper:1:1115'
at org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.deploy.DeploymentManager.findDeployedProcessDefinitionById(DeploymentManager.java:75)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetDeploymentProcessDefinitionCmd.execute(GetDeploymentProcessDefinitionCmd.java:39)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.GetDeploymentProcessDefinitionCmd.execute(GetDeploymentProcessDefinitionCmd.java:26)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandInvoker.execute(CommandInvoker.java:24)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandContextInterceptor.execute(CommandContextInterceptor.java:57)
at org.activiti.spring.SpringTransactionInterceptor$1.doInTransaction(SpringTransactionInterceptor.java:47)
at org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate.execute(TransactionTemplate.java:131)
at org.activiti.spring.SpringTransactionInterceptor.execute(SpringTransactionInterceptor.java:45)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.LogInterceptor.execute(LogInterceptor.java:31)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.CommandExecutorImpl.execute(CommandExecutorImpl.java:40)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.CommandExecutorImpl.execute(CommandExecutorImpl.java:35)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.RepositoryServiceImpl.getDeployedProcessDefinition(RepositoryServiceImpl.java:138)
at org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiUtil.getDeployedProcessDefinition(ActivitiUtil.java:133)
at org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiTypeConverter.getTaskDefinition(ActivitiTypeConverter.java:223)
at org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.LazyActivitiWorkflowTask.<init>(LazyActivitiWorkflowTask.java:93)
at org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiWorkflowEngine.getAssignedTasks(ActivitiWorkflowEngine.java:1543)
... 92 more
Before that I installed and watched some examples of business processes, but then deleted them (and via workflow console). - most likely, I didn't do it correctly...
I can't understand why this error appear?..
no deployed process definition found with id
Maybe somewhere something is cached?
Axel Faust gave an exhaustive answer:
Is there enough functionality of the workflow admin console?
Now I understand the cause of the error: as Axel Faust said, "..the tables for historic information do require referential integrity in their relation to the process definition and are not automatically cascade-deleted when you undeploy a process."
Thanks to all for the assistance!
put this configuration in application.yml of springboot. basically it couldn't find your .bpmn file. just pointing to the correct location would solve this issue
database-schema-update: true
db-history-used: true
check-process-definitions: true
process-definition-location-prefix: file:/opt/try-uploads/
# process-definition-location-prefix: classpath:/processes/
process-definition-location-suffixes: '*.bpmn, *.bpmn20.xml'
history-level: audit

Debugging a crashing language server

I apologize if I'm a bit low on details here, but the main issue is actually trying to find the problem with my code. I'm updating an older extension of my own that was based on the Language Server example (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/example-language-server). I've run into an issue where when I run the client part of my code using F5, and the debug window fires, I get:
The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.
Ok... so... here's the thing. The problems view in my extension client code shows nothing. DevTools for that Code window shows nothing.
The problems view for my server code shows nothing. DevTools, ditto.
For the Extension Developer Host instance, DevTools does show this:
messageService.ts:126 The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.e.doShow # messageService.ts:126
But I can't dig into the details to find a bug. So the question is - assuming that my server code is failing, where exactly would the errors be available?
Here is what I usually do to track server crashes down (I assume your server is written in JavaScript / TypeScript).
Use the following server options:
let serverModule = "path to your server"
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug=6009"] };
let serverOptions = {
run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions}
Key here is to use the TransportKind.ipc. Errors that happen in the server and printed to stdio will then show in the output channel associated to your server (the name of the output channel is the name passed to the LanguageClient)
If you want to debug the server startup / initialize sequence you can change the debugOptions to:
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug-brk=6009"] };
If the extension is started in debug mode (e.g. for example launched from VS Code using F5) then the LanguageClient automatically starts the server in debug mode. If the extension is started normally (for example as a real extension in VS Code) then the server is started normally as well.
To make this all work you need a latest version of the LSP node npm module both for server can client (e.g. 2.6.x)