SignIn with LinkedIn integration to android issue - linkedin-api

I am android developer and i need to integrate the sign in with LinkedIn in my android application.
As per the documentation in developer.linkedin, i did each and every step.
But when i am testing the application on other phone then it appears like i need to register that separate phone package hash key to developer account and update it so that user can login else user will get an error while login with linked in
Is it compulsory to generate package-hash-key every time and register it into developer account to authenticate the user?

You are supposed to add your signing hash key and package name in the developer console of LinkedIn.
When running your app in debug mode or from Android studio, your signing hash is different from the release hash.
You can get the debug key on linux/mac like
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
You can add multiple rows on the linkedin app page.


this app is not authorized to use firebase authentication. please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the firebase

this app is not authorized to use firebase authentication. please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the firebase console
i have try so much things to solve this but nothing went happen
check the same firebase project in google cloud and cross-verify SHA-1 keys in firebase to google cloud, if see any old SHA-1 keys delete them or if your SHA-1 key from Firebase is not in google cloud then add sha-1 from add credential option. if still same error then create a new firebase project and then try again.
First, get the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys. Run the following commands in your project root terminal window (from vscode or Android studio) one by one
cd android
./gradlew signingReport
this will take few minutes then you'll be popped up with a screen similar to this.
Copy SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys and paste it in firebase project settings at
Scroll down to find your android app then click on Add fingerprint
Note: Make sure to add both the keys, else it may not work as desired.
Happy coding :)

Ionic release not installing after implementing facebook login

I have install facebook login plugin to my ionic application and generated hash and added to facebook developer console. I have generated debug application and it works well by installing.
But when i generate release apk it is not even installing after uploaded to google drive as it is installing when i generate debug app.
I have not generated debug keystore from the start of my app, i just has generate release keystore only.

Flutter, confirm which signing key was used during build

I'm using the command flutter build appbundle --no-shrink --verbose to build the app for release. However, from the log, I cannot find any information about which key was used for the signing.
I did a search for "jks", but I can't find anything about what keystore was used. Any insight on the confirmation of keystore that was used?

Using a self-signed certificate with a chrome packaged app

I'm developing a Chrome packaged app (not an extension), which connects to the server over secure WebSocket. The server's certificate is self-signed, and this cannot be changed.
The problem is that on the chrome packaged app, the connection attempt fails with an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error.
In the Chrome browser, there is a work-around: The browser opens a security warning page. If user chooses to continue to the website, it goes on to the remote page. However there is no such work-around in a packaged app. Instead, the connection attempt just fails.
Is there any way to code the Chrome packaged app to accept a self-signed certificate?
Found a work-around - open a browser from inside the chrome app.
This is done by using a webview HTML element (webview is the chrome app name for iframe).
Now the chrome app user can accept the security risks of using a self-signed certificate, just as the web app user does.

How to sign and align an android application generated by Intel XDK?

I want to use my custom keystore in this project because I intend to host the application in PlayStore and keep it updated. Without the keystore will be tricky.
Details: In the settings cordova, I not marked the "Signed" box and I exported the app and tried signing it using javasign. At the command prompt went well but the app does not install on any of the devices I tested.
The APK created by the Intel XDK is created using standard Cordova CLI. So the techniques you would use to sign that APK are no different than what you would use with any other Cordova (or PhoneGap) app or an APK built using Eclipse or any other tools.
See these links for some useful information: