Ionic release not installing after implementing facebook login - ionic-framework

I have install facebook login plugin to my ionic application and generated hash and added to facebook developer console. I have generated debug application and it works well by installing.
But when i generate release apk it is not even installing after uploaded to google drive as it is installing when i generate debug app.
I have not generated debug keystore from the start of my app, i just has generate release keystore only.


Release version of application cannot make API Calls?

I have completed an application that works fine in development env, both on android emulator and android phone.
I created a keystore, added INTERNET_PERMISSION to my manifest and followed the guide to release pretty much perfectly.
However, when I download the release app from the play store (it is in internal testing), the login API (and presumably the other APIs) do not work and infinitely load.
What did I miss?
The IOS Application is working perfectly in Testflight.
Assuming that you are using firebase.
After deployment to playstore.
Go to Play Console → Open App → Setup (Left panel) → App Integrity
you should be able to see something like this.
add the SHA-1 and SHA-256 fingerprint to the firebase project in firebase console and it should work after that.
Open Firebase Console → Open Project → Project Settings → General, scroll to very last and add these certificates.
You need to get the new google-services.json from firebase, add it to your app, make new build and re-deploy to playstore with a new version for this to work.

flutter debug APK not installing on mobile

Am not able to install the APK in my mobile generated by gradle. it's working fine on an emulator but when I try to install on my mobile its starts installing and in the middle, it gives the error APK not installed. Am running android 10. Paths from where I picked the debug APKs are as follow.
It seems your apk does not have certificate yet.
you cant install it just like that. you can either certify it build release android app
or set your phone to install app form unknown source. in app settings or security settings
If you're trying to manually install the app-debug.apk, you should rather consider generating app-release.apk but if you can't debug the app, then you might considering opening up your developer options.

Uploading Application .apk to Google Play with different Eclipse

In the previous Eclipse that I used, my keyhash has been created and edited on developers.facebook. At the moment I am using a different Eclipse and have some doubts while creating new keystore and new apk.
My questions are
1-) Do I have to create new keyhash for my new Eclipse for developers.facebook?
(before it was required when I tried to login to application with facebook, but on my second eclipse I was not warned by the device)
2-) Will I lose my users on google play if my keystore package and apk names are different.
My keystore password is same. Thank you its so important for me.
android:versionCode has been increased

How to sign and align an android application generated by Intel XDK?

I want to use my custom keystore in this project because I intend to host the application in PlayStore and keep it updated. Without the keystore will be tricky.
Details: In the settings cordova, I not marked the "Signed" box and I exported the app and tried signing it using javasign. At the command prompt went well but the app does not install on any of the devices I tested.
The APK created by the Intel XDK is created using standard Cordova CLI. So the techniques you would use to sign that APK are no different than what you would use with any other Cordova (or PhoneGap) app or an APK built using Eclipse or any other tools.
See these links for some useful information:

Unable to install certificates for Emulator v4.4 in android

Iam unable to install certificates to android emulator 4.4.
Under Options Security > Install From Sd card in emulator,it directs me to Downloads page where no certificates are shown and i have already pushed certificate to sd card of emulator.
Working fine for v4.3
Please help me out....
I've used this tool.
You upload the certificate to their site and then they give you a url that you can download the certificate from on the android device and it launches the installer automatically for you.