IBM bluemix dashboard error - ibm-cloud

After login into bluemix dashboard, getting below error:
You don't have access to any organizations or spaces. Check that you have access to Cloud Foundry and at least one organization and space, and then try again. You can confirm you have the appropriate access with your account owner or administrator.

That error indicates you don’t have the correct access permissions for any organizations/spaces tied to your account.
You should be able to create a new org and space from your account page (depends on your plan), and subsequently, set the permissions.
If you think that you should have access to a particular org/space but are still getting that warning, I recommend opening up a support ticket so IBM Cloud support can have all the details related to your account to help resolve the issue.

This can sometimes happen when the interface is set to the wrong region or space - click on the "person" in the top right hand corner and check that the Account is correct. Then use the menu in the top left to choose the dashboard and along the top check that the region, org and space is set as you expect. Hope this helps!


Can't add application as super admin

I am attempting to add the "Amazon Web Services" Application to Google Workspaces.
I have been assigned the super admin role, in the admin dashboard. So, to the best of my knowledge, I should have permissions to add an application. But I keep getting the error message "Can't add Amazon Web Services. Please try again.". Which unfortunately is not particularly helpful in trying to understand what the problem is. I have tried different browsers, signing out/in etc. all to no avail.
However I must be missing something as the organisation owner is able to add the application with no issues, does anyone have any idea what could be preventing me from doing this?
Just to add, I have confirmed that I have the same roles attached as the organisation owner.
If your account has been assigned the role recently it is expected as it usually takes up to 24hrs for a role to fully propagate. After that you should be able to add it with no issues.
That is documented here

How can I associate a service from another user's IBM Organization and Space?

In Watson Studio, I can navigate to the Project Settings and add an associated service:
This appears to only let me add a service from the same IBM Cloud Organization and Space that the project belongs to.
Is it possible to add a service from another users IBM Cloud Organization and Space? If so, how? Note that I want to remain in my own IBM Cloud Organization and Space with the Watson Studio Project.
I was able to successfully add services from different spaces in my account:
I was also able to successfully add a service from another account by using the menu in the upper right corner:
This way my Watson project has services from multiple accounts.
If you wish to remain in one account (with your business partner scenario), you could set up a permissioned space or org in an account and use that. Or you could have two accounts, and set up the permissions so you have access to one space in the second account which has the service that you want to use.
For new feature request or idea, you can submit a request here:

Not able access Edit Org or Edit Space in IBM Bluemix

I am facing the following error while trying to edit the org or space.
BXNUI0125E: You will be logged out because you are not a member of an active account.
Your Bluemix account might have expired or been cancelled, or you might have been removed from your org.
Contact your org manager. Or, for help and support options, see the troubleshooting section of the Bluemix Docs.
Please see the attached screen shots for the error messages. The screen shot also shows that the user has sufficient privileges to edit the organization / Space.
I can add a support ticket to Bluemix because of account privileges. What do you think the problem must be?
According to the Common ID and Billing Questions FAQ, here are the reasons why you cannot edit an org or space:
You do not have the appropriate permissions. You must have manager
rights on the organization level; not developer or auditor rights.
If you cannot see a space, you need to contact the owner to remove and re-add you to the space.
If you cannot delete a space, you are likely encountering a permission issue.
It is entirely possible that the manager of the org that you were accessing has removed you. I would recommend that you contact the manager of the org to find out more information.
If you need to submit a Bluemix Support ticket and you cannot log into Bluemix, you can use this form:

API Connect on Bluemix Developer Access

I have added API Connect as a service on Bluemix. I am getting a message that states "Looks like you don't have developer access in this Bluemix space." How do I fix this so that I can move on?
The cause of this issue is when you provisioned API Connect from the catalog, it was most likely provisioned using the old UI. After it's provisioned API Connect forwards the user to the new UI and info about the ORG/Space is lost during this transition. As others have mentioned the work around is to simply log into the new UI experience and change the org / space to the same org / space where APIC was provisioned. For all new provisions of API Connect, you should be provisioning with the new Bluemix UI experience.
Click on "CREATE" -> you will redirect to new experience UI --> click on login on bottom of the page -> click on CREATE again.
Just had the same issue. It turned out that after clicking on the API Connect service the org and space changed. From the page saying "Looks like you don't have developer access in this Bluemix space" simply click on the icon on top right and change the org / space to the correct ones (the ones containing the service instance).
I did it just once and now every time I try to access again the correct space is loaded.

Error message in Bluemix

I'm new to IBM Bluemix. I faced this error message 'BXNUI0515E: The attempt to retrieve the spaces in the org failed because of a network connection problem. Try again later.' Please Help me
Please double check if you have created a space in the current Region. This error often is received when you try to create an application or a service directly from the Catalog for the first time without creating a space.
1) Generally this issue is resolved creating application\service using the Bluemix catalog page directly:
2) you could use cf command line too:
create an application:
cf push your_app_name -b buildpack
create a service:
cf marketplace (shows Bluemix Catalog)
cf create-service service plan service_name
3) make sure that you have selected the correct organization\space in UI dashboard (this information is available from the user avatar in the upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI.)
4) if the issue is still there open a new ticket:
Use the Support Widget to open a ticket. It is available from the user avatar in the upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch, select the type of assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to and fill in the support request form.