Multidimensional data storage and interpolation - matlab

I have a function (so to speak, i actually have data with this characteristic) with one variable x and several parameters a, b and c, so y = f(x, a, b, c).
Now i want to interpolate within families of parameters (for example for variations of a).
I'm currently doing this for data with one parameter (here, y is the data matrix)
% generate variable and data
x = linspace(0, 1, 100);
a = [0, 1]; % parameter
for i = 1:length(a)
y(:, i) = x.^2 + a(i);
% interpolate:
yi = interp1(a, y.', 0.5);
This works fine, but how do i expand this to more dimensions?
My current data format is like this: Each column of my data matrix represents one specific set of parameters, so for example:
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
where the first column denotes a = 0, b = 0, the second a = 1, b = 0, the third a = 0, b = 1 and the last a = 1, b = 1 (values are just for clarification, this is not on purpose binary. Also, the data columns are obviously not the same).
This data format is just the consequence of my data aquisition scheme, but i'm happy to change this into something more useful. Whatever works.

Works well for me:
% generate variable and data
x = linspace(0, 1, 100);
a = [0, 1, 2]; % parameter
b = [3, 4, 5]; % parameter
c = [6, 7, 8]; % parameter
% Create grid
% define function
foo = #(x,p1,p2,p3) p1.*x.^2 + p2.*x + p3;
% evaluate function
Y = foo(X,A,B,C);
% interpolate:
yi = interpn(X,A,B,C,Y,x,1,4,6);

#zlon's answer works fine for the interpolation part, here i want to show how to convert the data from the format i provided to the needed format for the interpolation.
The two-dimensional matrix must be transformed into a N-dimensional one. Since the columns are not necessarily in order, we need to find the right ones. This is what i did:
First, we need to know the parameter set of each column:
a = [ 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1 ];
b = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ];
These vectors length match the number of columns in the data matrix. The first column for example now contains the data for a = 2 and b = 1.
Now we can generate the new table:
A = -Inf;
i = 1;
while true
A = min(a(a > A)); % find next a
if isempty(A)
idxa = find(a == A); % store possible indices
B = -Inf;
j = 1;
while true
B = min(b(b > B))); % find next b
if isempty(B)
idxb = find(b == B); % store possible indices
% combine both indices
idx = intersect(idxa, idxb);
% save column in new data table
data(:, i, j) = olddata(:, idx);
% advance
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;


Inbuild function to select indicies that are within a radial distance from the origin index

For an n-dimensional array, I'm looking for an inbuild function that does the following (given in the 3d case):
for l = 1:size(dct, 1)
for m = 1:size(dct, 2)
for n = 1:size(dct, 3)
if sqrt(l*l + m*m + n*n) > r
new(end+1) = dct(l,m,n);
Using ndgrid and logical indexing:
r = 5; % assume radius
% make some fake data
dctDim = [3 4 5];
dct = randn(dctDim);
% make indexes
[l, m, n] = ndgrid(1 : size(dct, 1), 1 : size(dct, 2), 1 : size(dct, 3));
% extract values from dct within r-radius of top-left of array
new = dct(l.^2 + m.^2 + n.^2 <= r^2);

How can I hot one encode in Matlab? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create a zero-filled 2D array with ones at positions indexed by a vector
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Often you are given a vector of integer values representing your labels (aka classes), for example
[2; 1; 3; 3; 2]
and you would like to hot one encode this vector, such that each value is represented by a 1 in the column indicated by the value in each row of the labels vector, for example
[0 1 0;
1 0 0;
0 0 1;
0 0 1;
0 1 0]
For speed and memory savings, you can use bsxfun combined with eq to accomplish the same thing. While your eye solution may work, your memory usage grows quadratically with the number of unique values in X.
Y = bsxfun(#eq, X(:), 1:max(X));
Or as an anonymous function if you prefer:
hotone = #(X)bsxfun(#eq, X(:), 1:max(X));
Or if you're on Octave (or MATLAB version R2016b and later) , you can take advantage of automatic broadcasting and simply do the following as suggested by #Tasos.
Y = X == 1:max(X);
Here is a quick benchmark showing the performance of the various answers with varying number of elements on X and varying number of unique values in X.
function benchit()
nUnique = round(linspace(10, 1000, 10));
nElements = round(linspace(10, 1000, 12));
times1 = zeros(numel(nUnique), numel(nElements));
times2 = zeros(numel(nUnique), numel(nElements));
times3 = zeros(numel(nUnique), numel(nElements));
times4 = zeros(numel(nUnique), numel(nElements));
times5 = zeros(numel(nUnique), numel(nElements));
for m = 1:numel(nUnique)
for n = 1:numel(nElements)
X = randi(nUnique(m), nElements(n), 1);
times1(m,n) = timeit(#()bsxfunApproach(X));
X = randi(nUnique(m), nElements(n), 1);
times2(m,n) = timeit(#()eyeApproach(X));
X = randi(nUnique(m), nElements(n), 1);
times3(m,n) = timeit(#()sub2indApproach(X));
X = randi(nUnique(m), nElements(n), 1);
times4(m,n) = timeit(#()sparseApproach(X));
X = randi(nUnique(m), nElements(n), 1);
times5(m,n) = timeit(#()sparseFullApproach(X));
colors = get(0, 'defaultaxescolororder');
surf(nElements, nUnique, times1 * 1000, 'FaceColor', colors(1,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
hold on
surf(nElements, nUnique, times2 * 1000, 'FaceColor', colors(2,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
surf(nElements, nUnique, times3 * 1000, 'FaceColor', colors(3,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
surf(nElements, nUnique, times4 * 1000, 'FaceColor', colors(4,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
surf(nElements, nUnique, times5 * 1000, 'FaceColor', colors(5,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
view([46.1000 34.8000])
grid on
ylabel('Unique Values')
zlabel('Execution Time (ms)')
legend({'bsxfun', 'eye', 'sub2ind', 'sparse', 'full(sparse)'}, 'Location', 'Northwest')
function Y = bsxfunApproach(X)
Y = bsxfun(#eq, X(:), 1:max(X));
function Y = eyeApproach(X)
tmp = eye(max(X));
Y = tmp(X, :);
function Y = sub2indApproach(X)
LinearIndices = sub2ind([length(X),max(X)], [1:length(X)]', X);
Y = zeros(length(X), max(X));
Y(LinearIndices) = 1;
function Y = sparseApproach(X)
Y = sparse(1:numel(X), X,1);
function Y = sparseFullApproach(X)
Y = full(sparse(1:numel(X), X,1));
If you need a non-sparse output bsxfun performs the best, but if you can use a sparse matrix (without conversion to a full matrix), then that is the fastest and most memory efficient option.
You can use the identity matrix and index into it using the input/labels vector, for example if the labels vector X is some random integer vector
X = randi(3,5,1)
ans =
then, the following will hot one encode X
which can be conveniently defined as a function using
hotone = #(v) eye(max(v))(v,:)
Although the solution above works in Octave, you have you modify it for Matlab as follows
I = eye(max(X));
I think this is fast specially when matrix dimension grows:
Y = sparse(1:numel(X), X,1);
Y = full(sparse(1:numel(X), X,1));
Just posting the sub2ind solution too to satisfy your curiosity :)
But I like your solution better :p
>> X = [2,1,2,3,3]'
>> LinearIndices = sub2ind([length(X),3], [1:length(X)]', X);
>> tmp = zeros(length(X), 3);
>> tmp(LinearIndices) = 1
tmp =
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
Just in case someone is looking for the 2D case (as I was):
X = [2 1; ...
3 3; ...
2 4]
Y = zeros(3,2,4)
for i = 1:4
Y(:,:,i) = ind2sub(X,X==i)
gives a one-hot encoded matrix along the 3rd dimension.

How to get a 3D-matrix or cell array efficiently by using vectorized code?

Here is what I want, a 3-D matrix:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = zeros(1,4,4);
for i = 1:1:4
den(:,:,i) = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
Or, a cell array is also acceptable:
K = 2:2.5:10;
for i = 1:1:4
den{i} = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
But I want to know if there is a more efficient way of doing this using vectorized code like:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = [1, 5, K-6, K];
I know the last code will not get what I wanted. But, like I can use:
v = [1 2 3];
v2 = v.^2;
instead of:
v = [1 2 3];
for i = 1:length(v)
v(i) = v(i)^2;
to get the matrix I want. Is there a similar way of doing this so that I can get the 3-D matrix or cell array I mentioned at the beginning more efficiently?
You need to "broadcast" the scalar values in columns so they are of the same length as your K vector. MATLAB does not do this broadcasting automatically, so you need to repeat the scalars and create vectors of the appropriate size. You can use repmat() for this.
K = 2:2.5:10;
%% // transpose K to a column vector:
K = transpose(K);
%% // helper function that calls repmat:
f = #(v) repmat(v, length(K), 1);
%% // your matrix:
den = [f(1) f(5) K-6 K];
This should be more optimized for speed but requires a bit more intermediary memory than the loop does.
Just use reshape with a 1*3 size:
den = reshape([ones(1,length(K));ones(1,length(K))*5; K-6; K],[1 4 length(K)]);
I think the used extra memory by reshape should be low and constant (dependent only on the length of the vector of new sizes).
You can use the classic line equation y=a*x+b, extended to the matrix form:
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
fa = [0 0 1 1].' ; %' // "a" coefficients
fb = [1 5 -6 0].' ; %' // "b" coefficients
d(1,:,:) = fa*k + fb*ones(1,4) ;
The above is better for clarity, but if you're not bothered you can also pack everything in one line:
d(1,:,:) = [0 0 1 1].' * (2:2.5:10) + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ;
If you need to re-use the principle for many different values of k, then you can use an anonymous function to help:
fden = #(k) [0 0 1 1].' * k + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ; %// define anonymous function
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
d(1,:,:) = fden(k) ; %// use it for any value of "k"

How to adjust result of randoming

I have a problem adjusting the result of number randoming,
jum_k = 14;
jum_b = 12;
result = randint(jum_k, jum_b, [0 2]);
so that there is a constraint on the final result. There should not be a value "0" appearing more than three times in row.
Your random entries are then non-uniformly distributed with unknown weights, i.e. the number of zero per line can be <=3 ([0, 1, 2, 3]). I would hack around it this way: Populate an [m x n] matrix uniformly in [1,2], choose (random) number of zeros per line, then choose (random) their locations. Example:
jum_k = 14;
jum_b = 12;
result = randi([1, 2], jum_k, jum_b);
for i = 1:jum_k
nZeros = randi([0, 3]); % number of zeros (random)
result(i, randi(jum_b, 1, nZeros)) = 0; % locations in line (random)
If you need an exact number of zeros per line you can modify accordingly.
EDIT (after clarifications on question from comments): To accomodate for no more than 3 zeros in sequence per each line, e.g. [1,0,0,0...2] you can populate the matrix element-wise and check for the pattern [0,0,0,0] in previous elements (keeping a buffer of previous values).
result = nan(jum_k, jum_b); % intitialize
for i = 1:jum_k
for j = 1:jum_b
result(i, j) = randi([0, 2]); % assign value
if j>3 && ~all(result(i, j-3:j)) % check previous values
result(i, j-randi([0, 3])) = randi([1, 2]); % randomly change one
%% check/test that all lines have less 4 zeros in sequence
f = #strfind;
for i = 1:jum_k
t(i) = isempty(f(result(i,:),[0 0 0 0]));
T = all(t);
It's not optimal (MATLAB-wise) but will do the job.

Multiplying Cell with elements of a matrix Matlab

I have a 1xm cell array A{}, with each element of the array being NxN matrix and a matrix W(N1,m).
I need to calculate
Sum(j) = W(j,1)*A{1,1} + W(j,2)*A{1,2}
and I am doing the following:
for j=1:N1
for k=1:m
sum = sum + W(j,k)*A{1,k};
Or more visually :
Matrix W(let's say N1=2)
|W11 W12||A{1,1}| = |W11*A{1,1} + W12*A{1,2}|
|W21 W22||A{1,2}| = |W21*A{1,1} + W22*A{1,2}|
Is there a way of doing it without using the loops?
To do that without for-loops, you can rape (pardon the expression) the arrayfun command:
w_func = #(j)arrayfun(#(k)(W(j, k) * A{k}), 1:m, 'Un', 0)
sum_func = #(x)sum(cat(3, x{:}), 3)
S = arrayfun(#(j)sum_func(w_func(j)), 1:N1, 'Un', 0);
This produces a cell array S that contains all the sums, from S{1} to S{N1}.
I'm confused over what you are trying to do, but if I understand it correctly, this code should work:
temp = cell2mat(A);
a_sum = temp*repmat(eye(n),m,1); % this reduces A by performing sum like operation so [1 1 1 3;0 1 0 2]
% becomes [2 4; 0 3]
Sum = W * a_sum
I am also not sure I understood the question, but here is some code to consider:
%# create some data resembling what you described
N = 2;
m = 4;
N1 = 5;
W = rand(N1,m);
A = cell(1,m); for i=1:m, A{i} = rand(N); end
%# do the multiplications
s = cell(N1,1);
for j=1:N1
AA = cellfun(#times, A, num2cell(W(j,:)), 'UniformOutput',false);
s{j} = sum(cat(3,AA{:}), 3);
The cell array s now contains the result such that:
s{j} = W(j,1)*A{1} + W(j,2)*A{2} + ... + W(j,m)*A{m}
thus s is a cell array of size N1-by-1, where each cell contains an N-by-N matrix