Multiplying Cell with elements of a matrix Matlab - matlab

I have a 1xm cell array A{}, with each element of the array being NxN matrix and a matrix W(N1,m).
I need to calculate
Sum(j) = W(j,1)*A{1,1} + W(j,2)*A{1,2}
and I am doing the following:
for j=1:N1
for k=1:m
sum = sum + W(j,k)*A{1,k};
Or more visually :
Matrix W(let's say N1=2)
|W11 W12||A{1,1}| = |W11*A{1,1} + W12*A{1,2}|
|W21 W22||A{1,2}| = |W21*A{1,1} + W22*A{1,2}|
Is there a way of doing it without using the loops?

To do that without for-loops, you can rape (pardon the expression) the arrayfun command:
w_func = #(j)arrayfun(#(k)(W(j, k) * A{k}), 1:m, 'Un', 0)
sum_func = #(x)sum(cat(3, x{:}), 3)
S = arrayfun(#(j)sum_func(w_func(j)), 1:N1, 'Un', 0);
This produces a cell array S that contains all the sums, from S{1} to S{N1}.

I'm confused over what you are trying to do, but if I understand it correctly, this code should work:
temp = cell2mat(A);
a_sum = temp*repmat(eye(n),m,1); % this reduces A by performing sum like operation so [1 1 1 3;0 1 0 2]
% becomes [2 4; 0 3]
Sum = W * a_sum

I am also not sure I understood the question, but here is some code to consider:
%# create some data resembling what you described
N = 2;
m = 4;
N1 = 5;
W = rand(N1,m);
A = cell(1,m); for i=1:m, A{i} = rand(N); end
%# do the multiplications
s = cell(N1,1);
for j=1:N1
AA = cellfun(#times, A, num2cell(W(j,:)), 'UniformOutput',false);
s{j} = sum(cat(3,AA{:}), 3);
The cell array s now contains the result such that:
s{j} = W(j,1)*A{1} + W(j,2)*A{2} + ... + W(j,m)*A{m}
thus s is a cell array of size N1-by-1, where each cell contains an N-by-N matrix


Smarter way to generate a matrix of zeros and ones in Matlab

I would like to generate all the possible adjacency matrices (zero diagonale) of an undirected graph of n nodes.
For example, with no relabeling for n=3 we get 23(3-1)/2 = 8 possible network configurations (or adjacency matrices).
One solution that works for n = 3 (and which I think is quite stupid) would be the following:
n = 3;
A = [];
for k = 0:1
for j = 0:1
for i = 0:1
m = [0 , i , j ; i , 0 , k ; j , k , 0 ];
A = [A, m];
Also I though of the following which seems to be faster but something is wrong with my indexing since 2 matrices are missing:
n = 3
C = [];
E = [];
A = zeros(n);
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
A(i,j) = 1;
A(j,i) = 1;
C = [C,A];
B = ones(n);
B = B- diag(diag(ones(n)));
for i = 1:n
for j = i+1:n
B(i,j) = 0;
B(j,i) = 0;
E = [E,B];
D = [C,E]
Is there a faster way of doing this?
I would definitely generate the off-diagonal elements of the adjacency matrices with binary encoding:
n = 4; %// number of nodes
m = n*(n-1)/2;
offdiags = dec2bin(0:2^m-1,m)-48; %//every 2^m-1 possible configurations
If you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, then squareform will easily create the matrices for you, one by one:
%// this is basically a for loop
tmpcell = arrayfun(#(k) squareform(offdiags(k,:)),1:size(offdiags,1),...
A = cat(2,tmpcell{:}); %// concatenate the matrices in tmpcell
Although I'd consider concatenating along dimension 3, then you can see each matrix individually and conveniently.
Alternatively, you can do the array synthesis yourself in a vectorized way, it's probably even quicker (at the cost of more memory):
A = zeros(n,n,2^m);
%// lazy person's indexing scheme:
[ind_i,ind_j,ind_k] = meshgrid(1:n,1:n,1:2^m);
A(ind_i>ind_j) = offdiags.'; %'// watch out for the transpose
%// copy to upper diagonal:
A = A + permute(A,[2 1 3]); %// n x n x 2^m matrix
%// reshape to n*[] matrix if you wish
A = reshape(A,n,[]); %// n x (n*2^m) matrix

How to get a 3D-matrix or cell array efficiently by using vectorized code?

Here is what I want, a 3-D matrix:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = zeros(1,4,4);
for i = 1:1:4
den(:,:,i) = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
Or, a cell array is also acceptable:
K = 2:2.5:10;
for i = 1:1:4
den{i} = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
But I want to know if there is a more efficient way of doing this using vectorized code like:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = [1, 5, K-6, K];
I know the last code will not get what I wanted. But, like I can use:
v = [1 2 3];
v2 = v.^2;
instead of:
v = [1 2 3];
for i = 1:length(v)
v(i) = v(i)^2;
to get the matrix I want. Is there a similar way of doing this so that I can get the 3-D matrix or cell array I mentioned at the beginning more efficiently?
You need to "broadcast" the scalar values in columns so they are of the same length as your K vector. MATLAB does not do this broadcasting automatically, so you need to repeat the scalars and create vectors of the appropriate size. You can use repmat() for this.
K = 2:2.5:10;
%% // transpose K to a column vector:
K = transpose(K);
%% // helper function that calls repmat:
f = #(v) repmat(v, length(K), 1);
%% // your matrix:
den = [f(1) f(5) K-6 K];
This should be more optimized for speed but requires a bit more intermediary memory than the loop does.
Just use reshape with a 1*3 size:
den = reshape([ones(1,length(K));ones(1,length(K))*5; K-6; K],[1 4 length(K)]);
I think the used extra memory by reshape should be low and constant (dependent only on the length of the vector of new sizes).
You can use the classic line equation y=a*x+b, extended to the matrix form:
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
fa = [0 0 1 1].' ; %' // "a" coefficients
fb = [1 5 -6 0].' ; %' // "b" coefficients
d(1,:,:) = fa*k + fb*ones(1,4) ;
The above is better for clarity, but if you're not bothered you can also pack everything in one line:
d(1,:,:) = [0 0 1 1].' * (2:2.5:10) + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ;
If you need to re-use the principle for many different values of k, then you can use an anonymous function to help:
fden = #(k) [0 0 1 1].' * k + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ; %// define anonymous function
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
d(1,:,:) = fden(k) ; %// use it for any value of "k"

How to write this matrix in matlab,

I want to write this matrix in matlab,
s=[0 ..... 0
B 0 .... 0
AB B .... 0
. . .
. . .
. . . 0 ....
A^(n-1)*B ... AB B ]
I have tried this below code but giving error,
N = 50;
A=[2 3;4 1];
B=[3 ;2];
[nx,ny] = size(A);
s(nx,ny,N) = 0;
for n=1:1:N
s_x=cat(3, eye(size(A)) ,s);
for ii=1:1:N-1
su(:,:,ii)=(A.^ii).*B ;
z= zeros(1,60,1);
su1 = [z;su] ;
seems like the concatenation of matrix is not being done.
I am a beginner so having serious troubles,please help.
Use cell arrays and the answer to your previous question
A = [2 3; 4 1];
B = [3 ;2 ];
N = 60;
[cs{1:(N+1),1:N}] = deal( zeros(size(B)) ); %// allocate space, setting top triangle to zero
%// work on diagonals
x = B;
for ii=2:(N+1)
[cs{ii:(N+2):((N+1)*(N+2-ii))}] = deal(x); %//deal to diagonal
x = A*x;
s = cell2mat(cs); %// convert cells to a single matrix
For more information you can read about deal and cell2mat.
Important note about the difference between matrix operations and element-wise operations
In your question (and in your previous one) you confuse between matrix power: A^2 and element-wise operation A.^2:
matrix power A^2 = [16 9;12 13] is the matrix product of A*A
element-wise power A.^2 takes each element separately and computes its square: A.^2 = [4 9; 16 1]
In yor question you ask about matrix product A*b, but the code you write is A.*b which is an element-by-element product. This gives you an error since the size of A and the size of b are not the same.
I often find that Matlab gives itself to a coding approach of "write what it says in the equation". That also leads to code that is easy to read...
A = [2 3; 4 1];
B = [3; 2];
Q = 4;
%// don't need to...
s = [];
%// ...but better to pre-allocate s for performance
s = zeros((Q+1)*2, Q);
X = B;
for m = 2:Q+1
for n = m:Q+1
s(n*2+(-1:0), n-m+1) = X;
X = A * X;

Subtracting each elements of a row vector , size (1 x n) from a matrix of size (m x n)

I have two matrices of big sizes, which are something similar to the following matrices.
m; with size 1000 by 10
n; with size 1 by 10.
I would like to subtract each element of n from all elements of m to get ten different matrices, each has size of 1000 by 10.
I started as follows
nrow = 10000;
ncol = 10;
t = length(n)
for i = 1:nrow;
for j = 1:ncol;
for t = 1:length(n);
m1(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(1);
m2(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(2);
m3(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(3);
m4(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(4);
m5(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(5);
m6(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(6);
m7(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(7);
m8(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(8);
m9(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(9);
m10(i,j) = m(i,j)-n(10);
can any one help me how can I do it without writing the ten equations inside the loop? Or can suggest me any convenient way especially when the two matrices has many columns.
Why can't you just do this:
m01 = m - n(1);
m10 = m - n(10);
What do you need the loop for?
Even better:
N = length(n);
m2 = cell(N, 1);
for k = 1:N
m2{k} = m - n(k);
Here we go loopless:
nrow = 10000;
ncol = 10;
%example data
m = ones(nrow,ncol);
n = 1:ncol;
M = repmat(m,1,1,ncol);
N = permute( repmat(n,nrow,1,ncol) , [1 3 2] );
result = bsxfun(#minus, M, N );
%or just
result = M-N;
Elapsed time is 0.018499 seconds.
or as recommended by Luis Mendo:
M = repmat(m,1,1,ncol);
result = bsxfun(#minus, m, permute(n, [1 3 2]) );
Elapsed time is 0.000094 seconds.
please make sure that your input vectors have the same orientation like in my example, otherwise you could get in trouble. You should be able to obtain that by transposements or you have to modify this line:
permute( repmat(n,nrow,1,ncol) , [1 3 2] )
according to your needs.
You mentioned in a comment that you want to count the negative elements in each of the obtained columns:
A = result; %backup results
A(A > 0) = 0; %set non-negative elements to zero
D = sum( logical(A),3 );
which will return the desired 10000x10 matrix with quantities of negative elements. (Please verify it, I may got a little confused with the dimensions ;))
Create the three dimensional result matrix. Store your results, for example, in third dimension.
nrow = 10000;
ncol = 10;
N = length(n);
resultMatrix = zeros(nrow, ncol, N);
neg = zeros(ncol, N); % amount of negative values
for j = 1:ncol
for i = 1:nrow
for t = 1:N
resultMatrix(i,j,t) = m(i,j) - n(t);
for t = 1:N
neg(j,t) = length( find(resultMatrix(:,j,t) < 0) );

create a matrix without using loop or nested loop operations in MATLAB

I want to create a matrix without using any loop, like in the following program I made in MATLAB 2011a for forming matrix n(x,y).
segment1 and segment2 have the same dimensions (you can take any two matrices).
segment1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
segment2 = [5 2 6;9 1 2];
seg1_max = max(max(segment1));
seg2_max = max(max(segment2));
n = zeros(seg1_max, seg2_max);
i = 1; j = 1;
while i<=size(segment1, 1)
while j<=size(segment1, 2)
x = segment1(i, j);
y = segment2(i, j);
n(x,y) = n(x,y)+1;
j = j+1;
i = i+1; j = 1;
I have also made this program using for loop, but i want to get matrix n(x,y) without using loop operations.
The function accumarray can be used for this. Given your segment1 and segment2, the following computes m, which will be the same as your n:
x = segment1(:);
y = segment2(:);
m = accumarray([x y], ones(size(x)));