What does colon do in a php function boolean parameter do? - boolean-expression

It's a newbie question I suppose but please explain what this code states with the ":"
switchURL(changeUrl: boolean = false){
if (changeUrl){
This function is called without parameters - switchURL(). My misunderstanding is bigger having in mind that the if statement works as changeURL is true.
Thank you in advance!

Regardless of the programming language, your code seems to be defining a function.
switchURL(changeUrl: boolean = false) {…}
If this syntax is correct (I don't know), its expected meaning would be that switchURL accepts an argument called changeUrl of type boolean and its default value will be false.
So, if you call switchURL() without any arguments, the location.goTo(…) code won't be executed because the argument (and therefore the condition) will be false.


Swift - understanding return types in recursion: when should return the function vs. just return on its own

This may be a little too general for this forum, but hoping someone can explain this in a way that makes sense to my brain. I've tried reading and researching and have found lots of examples - but I still don't understand the "why" which means that I am not understanding exactly how a program comes back from a function return.
Here is a very simple function I wrote that solves a puzzle using backwards recursion. It works well.
func solver(grid: [[Int]])->[[Int]] {
var returnGrid = constraintPropogation(grid: grid)
if contradictionCheck(grid: returnGrid) == false {
return returnGrid
} else {
if returnGrid.flatMap({$0}).filter({$0 == 3}).count == 0 {
gridPrint(grid: returnGrid)
stopFlag = true
stopAnswer = returnGrid
return returnGrid
} else {
let randStart = getRandomStart(grid: returnGrid)
returnGrid[randStart.x][randStart.y] = 0
solver(grid: returnGrid)
returnGrid[randStart.x][randStart.y] = 1
solver(grid: returnGrid)
if stopFlag == true {return stopAnswer}
return solver(grid: returnGrid)
My issue is understanding the returns. In the third line of the function if a contradiction check fails this means that we've gone down a path that would not be possible. Therefore we return. That makes sense. The second return in the middle of the function occurs when the puzzle is solved, so it makes sense to return there. But the last one at the end "return solver(grid: returnGrid)" is challenging to my understanding. Here we are returning but also calling this same function again. This is not going deeper into the potential solution path (that happens in the "else" section where the function is called). Why do we need to call the function again rather than just returning? What is happening under the hood? Does the return happen first where we "pop back up a level" and then we are calling the function again effectively one rung higher on the stack? When I write these words I realize that I have a vague understanding - but somehow it is not all clicking together for me.
Am at the point now that when I'm writing functions that involve recursion I just try both returning on own or returning and calling function again to see which one achieves what I want. But I'd really like to understand it rather than just guessing. If anyone had a simple explanation I would appreciate it.
Your function solver takes an array of arrays, and returns an array of arrays. Any call to return(something) returns that something to the caller.
Saying return(someArrayOfArrays) means you are done, and have a result.
Saying return(solver(someArrayOfArrays)) says "call this function again, passing in a new value. Return whatever the result is as the function result." The current call to solver() is done doing work, and passes its intermediate results to another call to the function. That's the recursion. You can think of this as nesting a function call inside a function call inside a function call, or stacking function calls on top of each other.
The call to solver(grid: returnGrid) does not make any sense. That is a recursive call, but you ignore the result. Thus, that call does nothing useful. If your remove that line, it won't make any difference to the outcome. That line is saying "Go do a bunch of work and find an answer for me, but I will throw away your answer". The compiler should give you a "function result ignored" warning at that line.
Beyond that, I can't tell what your code is doing. It appears to be modifying at least one global variable, "stopAnswer". That suggests it's not a pure recursive function.

Is there way to use ternary expression with a continue statement inside a loop in Dart

I'm trying to use a ternary expression along with a continue or break construct inside a do-while loop in Dart but I get a compilation error.
expr ? print('Conditionally print something') : continue;
}while(expr == true);
The above code fails at compile-time but if I use a pair of if-else decision structure, the code works. So, the question to the community is why the ternary expression is not working along with continue or break construct?
The ternary operator takes 3 expressions in the form of (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3).
You can't execute statements in ternary operator, nor only in dart but in other languages also. Since break and continue are not expressions but statements they cant be used here
No, you can't do it.
continue is a Dart Statement (read below), and print is a function
In the Dart Language Specification section 17.23 explains how it works.
Search the original document, because the copy/paste doesn't seems to work well.
17.23 Conditional conditional
A conditional expression evaluates one of two expressions based on a boolean
{conditionalExpression} ::= {ifNullExpression}
(‘?’ {expressionWithoutCascade} ‘:’ {expressionWithoutCascade})?
Evaluation of a conditional expression c of the form e1?e2 : e3 proceeds as
First, e1 is evaluated to an object o1. It is a dynamic error if the runtime type of o1 is not bool. If r is true, then the value of c is the result of
evaluating the expression e2. Otherwise the value of c is the result of evaluating
the expression e3.
As you can see the ternary operator requires expressions, but continue, in the same PDF of language specification is defined as an statement, a reserved word, as:
18 Statements statements
A statement is a fragment of Dart code that can be executed at run time.
Statements, unlike expressions, do not evaluate to an object, but are instead
executed for their effect on the program state and control flow
in the case of print, it's taken as a function I guess, didn't find the specification. Perhaps it returns void.
We can still ask ourselves, why can't we put continue in a function, even in a lambda like () => { continue; } or similar. The short answer is that as said in the specification for the continue statement, if it's not inside a while, etc. is gonna give a compile error. And if it's inside a function, it will prevent that function to reach the return statement, and again, the ternary will expect a return value.
We can still research a little more, many things are inside the specification.
When something like this happens, you can also search without specifying the language, to get information on JAVA or C# that may help you.
Java: Ternary with no return. (For method calling)
It seems that Swift language would allow continue and break inside the ternary, as per this article - https://forums.swift.org/t/bringing-control-flow-keywords-to-the-ternary-operator/13878
Because a ternary operator is returning a value. With the following syntax:
condition ? expresion1 : expression2
which means:
If condition is true, it return expression1. If it is not it return expression2.
So, you can't use statement like this:
print('Conditionally print something')
An expression evaluates to a value. A statement does something.

Using the Python C API, how can I write a function that accepts any number of arguments, including none at all?

METH_VARARGS requires at least one argument; METH_NOARGS doesn't seem to let me pass any at all.
How can I define a function build() that can be called as either build() or build(True)/build(False)?
Calling a METH_VARARGS function with no arguments results in:
TypeError: function takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
I was thinking about the problem wrong. It's not the definition, but rather the parsing that rose my TypeError.
To prevent it, I just had to use "|O" instead of "O" in PyArg_ParseTuple!

What is the difference between ByRef and Output method argument modifiers?

All is in the subject, really.
I fail to see what the difference in behavior is between those two methods for x:
// first version
Method m(ByRef x As whatever)
// play with x
// second version
Method m(Output x As whatever)
// play with x
There must be some reason why both those modifiers exist, however my "mastery" (uhm) of the language is not enough to understand the difference. I have tried and read the documentation, search it etc, to no avail so far.
So, what is the difference between those two argument modifiers?
Well those are just "prettifiers", they don't do much in terms of actual language behaviour, and only used to provide documentation. Idea is that arguments documented as ByRef provide both input and output, for example you can pass an array to be sorted, and Output arguments only provide output, for example list of errors. Output modifier was introduced later, and a lot of system code still use ByRef for both use cases.
If argument is actually passed by reference is only determined by method caller, and keyword doesn't really matter. You will call your method as ..m(.parameter) to pass variable by reference, and ..m(parameter) to pass variable by value.

Scala: why doesn't List[=>Int] work?

I've been working on learning the ins and outs of scala, and recently I've come across something I'm curious about.
As I understand, if I want to pass a block of code that is effectively lazily evaluated to a function, (without evaluating it on the spot) I could type:
def run(a: =>Int):Int = {...}
In this sense, the function run receives a block of code, that is yet to be evaluated, which it evaluates and returns the computed Int of. I then tried to extend this idea to the List data structure. Typing:
def run(a: List[=>Int]) = {...}
This however, returns an error. I was wondering why this is disallowed. How, other than by this syntax can I pass a list of unevaluated blocks of code?
=>Int is the syntax for by name parameters. =>Int is not a type, so it can't be used as a parameter to List. However, ()=>Int is a type. It's the type of nullary functions that return Int. So this works:
def run(a: List[()=>Int]) = {...}
by-name parameter is not a first-class type in Scala.
List[()=>Int] is one of the solution. otherwise, You can use following Lazy data structure.