Is there way to use ternary expression with a continue statement inside a loop in Dart - flutter

I'm trying to use a ternary expression along with a continue or break construct inside a do-while loop in Dart but I get a compilation error.
expr ? print('Conditionally print something') : continue;
}while(expr == true);
The above code fails at compile-time but if I use a pair of if-else decision structure, the code works. So, the question to the community is why the ternary expression is not working along with continue or break construct?

The ternary operator takes 3 expressions in the form of (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3).
You can't execute statements in ternary operator, nor only in dart but in other languages also. Since break and continue are not expressions but statements they cant be used here

No, you can't do it.
continue is a Dart Statement (read below), and print is a function
In the Dart Language Specification section 17.23 explains how it works.
Search the original document, because the copy/paste doesn't seems to work well.
17.23 Conditional conditional
A conditional expression evaluates one of two expressions based on a boolean
{conditionalExpression} ::= {ifNullExpression}
(‘?’ {expressionWithoutCascade} ‘:’ {expressionWithoutCascade})?
Evaluation of a conditional expression c of the form e1?e2 : e3 proceeds as
First, e1 is evaluated to an object o1. It is a dynamic error if the runtime type of o1 is not bool. If r is true, then the value of c is the result of
evaluating the expression e2. Otherwise the value of c is the result of evaluating
the expression e3.
As you can see the ternary operator requires expressions, but continue, in the same PDF of language specification is defined as an statement, a reserved word, as:
18 Statements statements
A statement is a fragment of Dart code that can be executed at run time.
Statements, unlike expressions, do not evaluate to an object, but are instead
executed for their effect on the program state and control flow
in the case of print, it's taken as a function I guess, didn't find the specification. Perhaps it returns void.
We can still ask ourselves, why can't we put continue in a function, even in a lambda like () => { continue; } or similar. The short answer is that as said in the specification for the continue statement, if it's not inside a while, etc. is gonna give a compile error. And if it's inside a function, it will prevent that function to reach the return statement, and again, the ternary will expect a return value.
We can still research a little more, many things are inside the specification.
When something like this happens, you can also search without specifying the language, to get information on JAVA or C# that may help you.
Java: Ternary with no return. (For method calling)
It seems that Swift language would allow continue and break inside the ternary, as per this article -

Because a ternary operator is returning a value. With the following syntax:
condition ? expresion1 : expression2
which means:
If condition is true, it return expression1. If it is not it return expression2.
So, you can't use statement like this:
print('Conditionally print something')
An expression evaluates to a value. A statement does something.


Type specification for if/else braces in dart

I'm beginner in dart language and Flutter SDK.
I try to make clear code by using analysis_option.yml from official flutter project.
I get stuck on this warning :
It seems that adding <dynamic> before the brace removes the warning, but it makes no sense for me.
Someone can explain why this is necessary ? And how a scope can return a type ?
It's because you put => <dynamic> at the beginning of the anonymous function:
// vv vvvvvvvvv
.then((dynamic currentUser) => <dynamic> {
By doing this, instead of an anonymous function with a body, you have declared a lambda function that returns a Set<dynamic>. Moving on:
if (currentUser == null)
<dynamic> {...}
Dart is now thinking you are defining elements of a Set. Dart also supports collection conditionals, so your if/else are being interpreted as conditionals in a Set literal.
(If you don't know what collection conditionals are, it's similar to Python compositions and basically means that [ 1, if (false) 2 else 3 ] will produce the list [1, 3].)
And so because you also provided a body for the if statement but didn't have a semicolon at the end of its single statement, Dart is once again thinking you are specifying a Set. Because the Dart auto-formatter is so helpful, it is helpfully suggesting that you add an explicit type annotation to your Set literal that you've "defined" under the else statement.
// Dart formatter: "It looks like you are trying to create
// a `Set<dynamic>`. Do you need some help
// with that?"
Essentially, the root cause is because of the =>. In Dart, you only use => if you are defining a lambda, a.k.a. a single line anonymous function. (Compared to Javascript, which uses => for all of its anonymous functions, lambda or not. Isn't being a multi-lingual programmer the greatest?)
If you take out the => <dynamic> it should fix all the "errors".

Is a while loop already implemented with pass-by-name parameters? : Scala

The Scala Tour Of Scala docs explain pass-by-name parameters using a whileLoop function as an example.
def whileLoop(condition: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
if (condition) {
var i = 2
whileLoop (i > 0) {
i -= 1
} // prints 2 1
The section explains that if the condition is not met then the body is not evaluated, thus improving performance by not evaluating a body of code that isn't being used.
Does Scala's implementation of while already use pass-by-name parameters?
If there's a reason or specific cases where it's not possible for the implementation to use pass-by-name parameters, please explain to me, I haven't been able to find any information on it so far.
EDIT: As per Valy Dia's ( answer, I would like to add another question...
Would a method implementation of the while statement perform better than the statement itself if it's possible not to evaluate the body at all for certain cases? If so, why use the while statement at all?
I will try to test this, but I'm new to Scala so it might take me some time. If someone would like to explain, that would be great.
The while statement is not a method, so the terminology by-name parameter is not really relevant... Having said so the while statement has the following structure:
where the condition is repeatedly evaluated and the body is evaluated only upon the condition being verified, as show this small examples:
scala> while(false){ throw new Exception("Boom") }
// Does nothing
scala> while(true){ throw new Exception("Boom") }
// java.lang.Exception: Boom
scala> while(throw new Exception("boom")){ println("hello") }
// java.lang.Exception: Boom
Would a method implementation of the while statement perform better than the statement itself if it's possible not to evaluate the body at all for certain cases?
No. The built-in while also does not evaluate the body at all unless it has to, and it is going to compile to much more efficient code (because it does not need to introduce the "thunks"/closures/lambdas/anonymous functions that are used to implement "pass-by-name" under the hood).
The example in the book was just showing how you could implement it with functions if there was no built-in while statement.
I assumed that they were also inferring that the while statement's body will be evaluated whether or not the condition was met
No, that would make the built-in while totally useless. That is not what they were driving at. They wanted to say that you can do this kind of thing with "call-by-name" (as opposed to "call-by-value", not as opposed to what the while loop does -- because the latter also works like that).
The main takeaway is that you can build something that looks like a control structure in Scala, because you have syntactic sugar like "call-by-name" and "last argument group taking a function can be called with a block".

Calling Julia macro with runtime-dependent argument

I would like to call a macro in a Julia package (#defNLExpr in JuMP) using an argument that is runtime dependent. The argument is an expression that depends on the runtime parameter n. The only way that I can think of doing this is something like the following:
macro macro1(x)
return esc(:(k=$y-1))
macro macro2(n)
for i=1:n
return :(#macro1($x))
if (n==1)
elseif (n==2)
elseif (n==3)
error("expected n in 1:3")
Here I have assumed that my runtime n will always be in the range 1-3. I use macro2 to build-up all possible expressions for these different possible values of n, and call the external macro (which I have replaced by the simplified macro1 here) for each of them. The calls to macro1 are in if statements, so only the correct one (determined from the value of n at runtime) will actually be executed.
Although this seems to work, is there a more efficient way of achieving this?
Seems that you might be looking for eval? Be aware that it should be used with care though, and that it not very fast since it has to income the compiler each time it is called.
If it's a limitation to you that it evaluates the expression in global scope then, there are some ways to work around that.

Is everything a function or expression or object in scala?

I am confused.
I thought everything is expression because the statement returns a value. But I also heard that everything is an object in scala.
What is it in reality? Why did scala choose to do it one way or the other? What does that mean to a scala developer?
I thought everything is expression because the statement returns a value.
There are things that don't have values, but for the most part, this is correct. That means that we can basically drop the distinction between "statement" and "expression" in Scala.
The term "returns a value" is not quite fitting, however. We say everything "evaluates" to a value.
But I also heard that everything is an object in scala.
That doesn't contradict the previous statement at all :) It just means that every possible value is an object (so every expression evaluates to an object). By the way, functions, as first-class citizens in Scala, are objects, too.
Why did scala choose to do it one way or the other?
It has to be noted that this is in fact a generalization of the Java way, where statements and expressions are distinct things and not everything is an object. You can translate every piece of Java code to Scala without a lot of adaptions, but not the other way round. So this design decision makes Scala is in fact more powerful in terms of conciseness and expressiveness.
What does that mean to a scala developer?
It means, for example, that:
You often don't need return, because you can just put the return value as the last expression in a method
You can exploit the fact that if and case are expressions to make your code shorter
An example would be:
def mymethod(x: Int) = if (x > 2) "yay!" else "too low!"
// ...
println(mymethod(10)) // => prints "yay!"
println(mymethod(0)) // => prints "too low!"
We can also assign the value of such a compound expression to a variable:
val str = value match {
case Some(x) => "Result: " + x
case None => "Error!"
The distinction here is that the assertion "everything is a expression" is being made about blocks of code, whereas "everything is an object" is being made about the values in your program.
Blocks of Code
In the Java language, there are both expressions and statements. That is, any "block" of code is either an expression or a statement;
//the if-else-block is a statement whilst (x == 4) is an expression
if (x == 4) {
else {
Expressions have a type; statements do not; statements are invoked purely for their side-effects.
In scala, every block of code is an expression; that is, it has a type:
if (x == 4) foo else bar //has the type lub of foo and bar
This is extremely important! I cannot stress this enough; it's one of the things which makes scala a pleasure to work with because I can assign a value to an expression.
val x = if (x == 4) foo else bar
By value, I mean something that we might reference in the program:
int i = foo(); //i is a reference to a value
In Java, the i above is not an object - it is a primitive. Furthermore I can access the field SECONDS of TimeUnit, but TimeUnit is not an object either; it is a static (for want of a better phrase). In scala:
val j = 4
As far as the language is concerned, j is an object (and I may dispatch methods to it), as is Map - the module (or companion object) for the type scala.collection.immutable.Map.
Is everything a function or expression or object in scala?
None of it.
There are things that are not objects. e.g. classes, methods.
There are things that are not expressions. e.g. class Foo { } is a statement, and does not evaluate to any value. (This is basically the same point as above.)
There are things that are not functions. I don't need to mention any examples for this one as there would be plenty in sight in any Scala code.
In other words, "Everything is a X" is nothing more than a sales pitch (in case of Scala).

Methods of simplifying ugly nested if-else trees in C#

Sometimes I'm writing ugly if-else statements in C# 3.5; I'm aware of some different approaches to simplifying that with table-driven development, class hierarchy, anonimous methods and some more.
The problem is that alternatives are still less wide-spread than writing traditional ugly if-else statements because there is no convention for that.
What depth of nested if-else is normal for C# 3.5? What methods do you expect to see instead of nested if-else the first? the second?
if i have ten input parameters with 3 states in each, i should map functions to combination of each state of each parameter (really less, because not all the states are valid, but sometimes still a lot). I can express these states as a hashtable key and a handler (lambda) which will be called if key matches.
It is still mix of table-driven, data-driven dev. ideas and pattern matching.
what i'm looking for is extending for C# such approaches as this for scripting (C# 3.5 is rather like scripting)
Good question. "Conditional Complexity" is a code smell. Polymorphism is your friend.
Conditional logic is innocent in its infancy, when it’s simple to understand and contained within a
few lines of code. Unfortunately, it rarely ages well. You implement several new features and
suddenly your conditional logic becomes complicated and expansive. [Joshua Kerevsky: Refactoring to Patterns]
One of the simplest things you can do to avoid nested if blocks is to learn to use Guard Clauses.
double getPayAmount() {
if (_isDead) return deadAmount();
if (_isSeparated) return separatedAmount();
if (_isRetired) return retiredAmount();
return normalPayAmount();
The other thing I have found simplifies things pretty well, and which makes your code self-documenting, is Consolidating conditionals.
double disabilityAmount() {
if (isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0;
// compute the disability amount
Other valuable refactoring techniques associated with conditional expressions include Decompose Conditional, Replace Conditional with Visitor, Specification Pattern, and Reverse Conditional.
There are very old "formalisms" for trying to encapsulate extremely complex expressions that evaluate many possibly independent variables, for example, "decision tables" :
But, I'll join in the choir here to second the ideas mentioned of judicious use of the ternary operator if possible, identifying the most unlikely conditions which if met allow you to terminate the rest of the evaluation by excluding them first, and add ... the reverse of that ... trying to factor out the most probable conditions and states that can allow you to proceed without testing of the "fringe" cases.
The suggestion by Miriam (above) is fascinating, even elegant, as "conceptual art;" and I am actually going to try it out, trying to "bracket" my suspicion that it will lead to code that is harder to maintain.
My pragmatic side says there is no "one size fits all" answer here in the absence of a pretty specific code example, and complete description of the conditions and their interactions.
I'm a fan of "flag setting" : meaning anytime my application goes into some less common "mode" or "state" I set a boolean flag (which might even be static for the class) : for me that simplifies writing complex if/then else evaluations later on.
best, Bill
Simple. Take the body of the if and make a method out of it.
This works because most if statements are of the form:
if (condition):
In other cases, more specifically :
if (condition1):
if (condition2):
simplify to:
if (condition1 && condition2):
I'm a big fan of the ternary operator which get's overlooked by a lot of people. It's great for assigning values to variables based on conditions. like this
foobarString = (foo == bar) ? "foo equals bar" : "foo does not equal bar";
Try this article for more info.
It wont solve all your problems, but it is very economical.
I know that this is not the answer you are looking for, but without context your questions is very hard to answer. The problem is that the way to refactor such a thing really depends on your code, what it is doing, and what you are trying to accomplish. If you had said that you were checking the type of an object in these conditionals we could throw out an answer like 'use polymorphism', but sometimes you actually do just need some if statements, and sometimes those statements can be refactored into something more simple. Without a code sample it is hard to say which category you are in.
I was told years ago by an instructor that 3 is a magic number. And as he applied it it-else statements he suggested that if I needed more that 3 if's then I should probably use a case statement instead.
switch (testValue)
case = 1:
// do something
case = 2:
// do something else
case = 3:
// do something more
case = 4
// do what?
throw new Exception("I didn't do anything");
If you're nesting if statements more than 3 deep then you should probably take that as a sign that there is a better way. Probably like Avirdlg suggested, separating the nested if statements into 1 or more methods. If you feel you are absolutely stuck with multiple if-else statements then I would wrap all the if-else statements into a single method so it didn't ugly up other code.
If the entire purpose is to assign a different value to some variable based upon the state of various conditionals, I use a ternery operator.
If the If Else clauses are performing separate chunks of functionality. and the conditions are complex, simplify by creating temporary boolean variables to hold the true/false value of the complex boolean expressions. These variables should be suitably named to represent the business sense of what the complex expression is calculating. Then use the boolean variables in the If else synatx instead of the complex boolean expressions.
One thing I find myself doing at times is inverting the condition followed by return; several such tests in a row can help reduce nesting of if and else.
Not a C# answer, but you probably would like pattern matching. With pattern matching, you can take several inputs, and do simultaneous matches on all of them. For example (F#):
let x=
match cond1, cond2, name with
| _, _, "Bob" -> 9000 // Bob gets 9000, regardless of cond1 or 2
| false, false, _ -> 0
| true, false, _ -> 1
| false, true, _ -> 2
| true, true, "" -> 0 // Both conds but no name gets 0
| true, true, _ -> 3 // Cond1&2 give 3
You can express any combination to create a match (this just scratches the surface). However, C# doesn't support this, and I doubt it will any time soon. Meanwhile, there are some attempts to try this in C#, such as here: Google can turn up many more; perhaps one will suit you.
try to use patterns like strategy or command
In simple cases you should be able to get around with basic functional decomposition. For more complex scenarios I used Specification Pattern with great success.