I have an orchestration mechanism (bamboo server) that will launch my ps1 script.
However it launches the script without the -noninteractive argument to powershell.exe.
This in turn makes all my scripts halt and await user interaction.
Atlassian does not want to change their launch mechanism, so im left to figure out if I can somehow manipulate my powershell session from "within".
Question is this:
Is there any way I can make my powershell session change to "non interactive mode" when it have already been launched?
Would a solution like this work for you?
# Returns $true if current PS instance started with -NonInteractive parameter
function Test-NonInteractive {
foreach ( $arg in [Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() ) {
if ( $arg -like "-noni*" ) {
return $true
return $false
if ( -not (Test-NonInteractive) ) {
$scriptArgs = ""
$args | ForEach-Object {
if ( $scriptArgs -eq "" ) {
$scriptArgs = '"{0}"' -f $_
else {
$scriptArgs = ' "{0}"' -f $_
$params = #{
"FilePath" = "powershell.exe"
"ArgumentList" = #(
"-ExecutionPolicy Bypass"
"-File ""{0}""" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Start-Process #params
# ...rest of script logic here...
This script relaunches itself with the -NonInteractive parameter and whatever parameters you passed to the script.
There is no way to perform this within the session.
There is a workaround for creating a new session, as defined by Bill.
I have a Powershell script with parameters that I'd like to be able to self-elevate.
param (
$copy = $false,
$move = $false
# Elevate if required
if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
$Cmd = (
$ProcArgs = #{
FilePath = 'PowerShell.exe'
Verb = 'RunAs'
ArgumentList = $Cmd
Start-Process #ProcArgs
Set-Location -LiteralPath $PSScriptRoot
Write-Host "$copy"
If I comment out the param block and run script.ps1 -copy, an elevated Powershell window opens and prints out Press enter to continue, i.e. it works.
If I comment out the if statement, the current window outputs True, i.e. it also works.
If I run the whole thing though, the elevated windows opens for a split second, then closes ignoring Pause with no output anywhere.
I want the elevated window to open and print out True.
I tested this on Linux and worked for me but couldn't test on Windows, I don't see other way around having to manipulate the $PSBoundParameters into strings to pass the arguments on -ArgumentList.
Below code is meant to be exclusively for testing, hence why I've removed the if conditions.
param (
$argument = #(
"-File $PSCommandPath"
$ProcArgs = #{
FilePath = 'powershell.exe'
Verb = 'RunAs'
ArgumentList = $argument
Start-Process #ProcArgs
"Started new Process with the argument: -$($PSBoundParameters.Keys)"
I'm writing a PowerShell script that uses parameters / arguments and needs to be run as administrator but I'm trying to make it as user-friendly as possible so I'm trying to write it so that if it wasn't run as administrator then it can auto-elevate itself and preserve the original parameters (only switches and strings).
I was not able to find a solution online, hence this post.
I managed to accomplish this by "stringifying" $PsBoundParameters then using that with Start-Process PowerShell -Verb Runas -ArgumentList.
Note: $PsBoundParameters uses the parameters of the current scope ("root" vs inside a function, for example) so if you need to reference the command-line parameters (as I do) then you'll need to either use this variable outside of a function or first pass the variable to the function (as I've done here).
I've created a demonstration of this:
Function Restart ($AllParameters, $Admin) {
$AllParameters_String = "";
ForEach ($Parameter in $AllParameters.GetEnumerator()){
$Parameter_Key = $Parameter.Key;
$Parameter_Value = $Parameter.Value;
$Parameter_Value_Type = $Parameter_Value.GetType().Name;
If ($Parameter_Value_Type -Eq "SwitchParameter"){
$AllParameters_String += " -$Parameter_Key";
} Else {
$AllParameters_String += " -$Parameter_Key $Parameter_Value";
$Arguments = "-File `"" + $PSCommandPath + "`" -NoExit" + $AllParameters_String;
If ($Admin -Eq $True){
Start-Process PowerShell -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $Arguments;
} Else {
Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList $Arguments;
$RanAsAdministrator = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator);
Write-Host "ExampleSwitch value:" $ExampleSwitch;
Write-Host "ExampleString value:" $ExampleString;
Write-Host "";
If ($RanAsAdministrator -Eq $True){
Write-Host "Running as administrator: Yes.";
} Else {
Write-Host "Running as administrator: No.";
$Elevate = Read-Host "Restart as current user or admin? (u/a)";
Write-Host "";
If ($Elevate -Like "u"){
Restart $PsBoundParameters;
} ElseIf ($Elevate -Like "a") {
Restart $PsBoundParameters -Admin $True;
Start-Sleep -Seconds 9999;
If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
$PSHost = If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {'PowerShell'} Else {'PwSh'}
Start-Process -Verb RunAs $PSHost (#(' -NoExit')[!$NoExit] + " -File `"$PSCommandPath`" " + ($MyInvocation.Line -split '\.ps1[\s\''\"]\s*', 2)[-1])
Write-Host "MySwitch:" $MySwitch;
Write-Host "MyString:" $MyString;
($MyInvocation.Line -split '\.ps1[\s\''\"]\s*', 2)[-1]) will resolve the current parameters
$MyHost determines the current PowerShell Host (PowerShell for Windows or PowerShell Core) and use the same host for the elevated window.
The -NoExit switch will prevent the elevated window to automatically close
.\RunAsAdministrator.ps1 -MyString "Test 123" -MySwitch -NoExit
I've searched but did not find any answer.
The task is register one dll using Powershell ps1, followed by other lines of scripts. I don't want to be interrupted by the dialog, so added the /s parameter. But now the result information is ignored, no matter succeed or fail.
I want the result displayed in console. But how?
Launch regsvr32.exe /s with Start-Process -PassThru and inspect the ExitCode property:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s C:\path\to\your.dll" -PassThru
$regsvrp.WaitForExit(5000) # Wait (up to) 5 seconds
if($regsvrp.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Warning "regsvr32 exited with error $($regsvrp.ExitCode)"
Here is a more complete full powershell cmdlet with pipeline support.
function Register-Dll
A function that uses the utility regsvr32.exe utility to register a file
The file path
.PARAMETER Unregister
when specified, unregisters instead of registers
param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'Leaf' })]
begin {
if ($Unregister)
$regflag = "-u "
$regflag = ""
$RegExitCodes = #{
1="FAIL_ARGS - Invalid Argument";
2="FAIL_OLE - OleInitialize Failed";
3="FAIL_LOAD - LoadLibrary Failed";
4="FAIL_ENTRY - GetProcAddress failed";
5="FAIL_REG - DllRegisterServer or DllUnregisterServer failed.";
process {
foreach ($p in $path)
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag <code>$p</code>" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
if($regsvrp.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Error "regsvr32 $regflag for $p exited with error $($regsvrp.ExitCode) - $($RegExitCodes[$regsvrp.ExitCode])"
} catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
end {
if ($NumFailed -gt 0)
if ($Unregister)
$mode = "unregister"
$mode = "register"
Write-Error "Failed to $mode $NumFailed dll's, see previous errors for detail"
function Register-MyAppDll
$RegOptions = #()
if ($UnRegister -or $ReRegister) { $RegOptions += #{Unregister=$true} }
if ($Register -or $ReRegister) { $RegOptions += #{} }
$dlltoregister = Get-ChildItem "C:\MyApp\bin" -Filter *.dll | where {$_ -notmatch '^interop'}
foreach ($RegOpt in $RegOptions)
$dlltoregister | Register-Dll #RegOpt
Register-MyAppDll -UnRegister
Register-MyAppDll -Register
Register-MyAppDll -ReRegister
Enjoy :)
Thank you Justin! I'm using this script and it works great.
There seems to be a typo in the following line of code:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag <code>$p</code>" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
The code tag shoudn't be there. I changed it to the following with added escaped double quotes around path to support spaces in paths:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag `"$p`"" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
I'm trying to specify parameters in a powershell script, from a batch file.
The script itself looks likes this:
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Application switch")]
[int]$SwitchDelay = 30
$AppPids = #()
$Windows = Get-Process | ? { $_.MainWindowTitle -ne "" }
$Wsh = New-Object -COM Wscript.Shell
foreach ($App in $Apps) {
foreach ($Window in $Windows) {
if ($Window.MainWindowTitle -like $App) {
Write-Verbose "Vindusfilter ""$App"" found hit on ""$($Window.MainWindowTitle)"" med PID ""$($Window.Id)"""
$AppPids += $Window.Id
do {
foreach ($ID in $AppPIDS) {
# Hides text...
$Wsh.AppActivate($ID) | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds $SwitchDelay
Write-Verbose "Changed window to PID ""$ID"""
} while ($true)
And what I'm trying to do is to define in a batch file is something like:
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\AppRotate.ps1" -Apps "*Chrome*", "Spotify*" -Switchdelay 5
(Supposed to show error message here, need more reputation first...)
Error: "... PositionalParameterNotFound.Approtate.ps1"
I'm basically new to scripting, so any ideas?
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\AppRotate.ps1" -Apps "*Chrome*","Spotify*" -Switchdelay 5
The problem was the space between the first, and second variable of parameter -Apps.
Should work now.
I was reading this post about getting functions passed into a scriptblock for use with jobs:
Powershell start-job -scriptblock cannot recognize the function defined in the same file?
I get how that works by passing the function in as variable and it works for the simple example. What about a real world solution though, is there a more elegant way of handling this?
I have script I'm using to deploy changes to vendor software. It reads an xml that tells it how to navigate the environment and performs the various tasks, ie: map drives, stop services, call a perl installation script. I would like to provide a parameter to the script to allow it to run concurrently, this way if the perl script takes 5 minutes (not uncommon) and you're rolling out to 11 servers you're not waiting for the script to run for an hour.
I'm just going to post some snippets since the full script is a little lengthy. A log function:
function Log
$verbosity = $debug
$messageIndex = [array]::IndexOf($verbosityArray, $verbosity)
$verbosityIndex = [array]::IndexOf($verbosityArray, $loggingVerbosity)
if($messageIndex -ge $VerbosityIndex)
$debug {Write-Host $verbosity ": " $InputObject}
$info {Write-Host $verbosity ": " $InputObject}
$warn {Write-Host $verbosity ": " $InputObject -ForegroundColor yellow}
$error {Write-Host $verbosity ": " $InputObject -ForegroundColor red}
Here's another function that calls the log function:
function ExecuteRollout
#invoke command
Invoke-Command -session $session -ScriptBlock {$res = cmd /v /k `"$args[0]`"} -args $command
#get the return code from the remote session
$res = Invoke-Command -session $session {$res}
Log ("Command Output: "+$res)
$res = [string] $res
$exitCode = $res.substring($res.IndexOf("ExitCode:"), 10)
$exitCode = $exitCode.substring(9,1)
Log ("Exit code: "+$exitCode)
return $exitCode
And lastly a snippet from my main so you can get an idea of what's going on. $target.Destinations.Destination will contain all the servers and relevant information about them that the deployment will go to. I removed some variable setup and logging to make this more compact so yes you'll see variables referenced that are never defined:
#Execute concurrently
$target.Destinations.Destination | %{
$ScriptBlock = {
$destination = $args[0]
Log -v $info ("Starting remote session on: "+$destination.Server)
$session = New-PSSession -computerName $destination.Server
$InitializeRemote -session $session -destination $destination
#Gets a little tricky here, we need to keep the cmd session so it doesn't lose the sys vars set by env.bat
#String everything together with &'s
$cmdString = $destDrive + ": & call "+$lesDestDir+"data\env.bat & cd "+$rolloutDir+" & perl ..\JDH-rollout-2010.pl "+$rollout+" NC,r:\les & echo ExitCode:!errorlevel!"
Log ("cmdString: "+$cmdString)
Log -v $info ("Please wait, executing the rollout now...")
$exitCode = $ExecuteRollout -session $session -command $cmdString
Log ("ExitCode: "+$exitCode)
#respond to return code from rollout script
$HandleExitCode -session $session -destination $destination -exitCode $exitCode
$CleanUpRemote -session $session -destination $destination
Start-Job $ScriptBlock -Args $_
So if i go with the approach in the link I'd be converting all my functions to variables and passing them in to the script block. Currently, my log function will by default log in DEBUG unless the verbosity parameter is explicitly passed as a different verbosity. If I convert my functins to variables however powershell doesn't seem to like this syntax:
$Log ("Print this to the log")
So I think I'd need to use the parameter all the time now:
$Log ("Print this to the log" -v $debug
So bottom line it looks like I just need to pass all my functions as variables to the script block and change some formatting when I call them. It's not a huge effort, but I'd like to know if there's a better way before I start hacking my script up. Thanks for the input and for looking, I know this is quite a long post.
I started another post about passing parameters to functions stored as variables, the answer to that also resolves this issue. That post can be found here:
Powershell: passing parameters to functions stored in variables
The short answer is you can use the initializationscript parameter of Start-Job to feed all your functions in if you wrap them in a block and store that in a variable.
# concurrency
$func = {
function Logx
Write-Host ("OUT:"+$msg)
# Execution starts here
$colors = #("red","blue","green")
$colors | %{
$scriptBlock =
Logx $args[0]
Start-Sleep 9
Write-Host "Processing: " $_
Start-Job -InitializationScript $func -scriptblock $scriptBlock -args $_
while(Get-Job -State "Running")
write-host "Running..."
Start-Sleep 2
# Output
Get-Job | Receive-Job
# Cleanup jobs
Remove-Job *