I'm trying to specify parameters in a powershell script, from a batch file.
The script itself looks likes this:
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Application switch")]
[int]$SwitchDelay = 30
$AppPids = #()
$Windows = Get-Process | ? { $_.MainWindowTitle -ne "" }
$Wsh = New-Object -COM Wscript.Shell
foreach ($App in $Apps) {
foreach ($Window in $Windows) {
if ($Window.MainWindowTitle -like $App) {
Write-Verbose "Vindusfilter ""$App"" found hit on ""$($Window.MainWindowTitle)"" med PID ""$($Window.Id)"""
$AppPids += $Window.Id
do {
foreach ($ID in $AppPIDS) {
# Hides text...
$Wsh.AppActivate($ID) | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds $SwitchDelay
Write-Verbose "Changed window to PID ""$ID"""
} while ($true)
And what I'm trying to do is to define in a batch file is something like:
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\AppRotate.ps1" -Apps "*Chrome*", "Spotify*" -Switchdelay 5
(Supposed to show error message here, need more reputation first...)
Error: "... PositionalParameterNotFound.Approtate.ps1"
I'm basically new to scripting, so any ideas?
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\AppRotate.ps1" -Apps "*Chrome*","Spotify*" -Switchdelay 5
The problem was the space between the first, and second variable of parameter -Apps.
Should work now.
At [Asynchronous start][1] I had a question about starting a power-shell script asynchronously which creates a form. As answered in that question this can be solved using start-job
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test NW -NoWarning -Paranoia:2 }
So I have tried to write the Test.PS1 script routine so it re-calls itself with "Start-Job Test -NoSpawn" The switch nospawn then means it runs without a second call. I have tested this with the example code the above line now has to be and it works
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test NW -NoSpawn -NoWarning -Paranoia:2 }
However I'm struggling to get the parameters from the original command line to passthrough to the job
I have tried creating a string in the correct format , an array , list the arguments manually , I either get repeated arguments being passed or all of the string ending up in the first Parameter $ComputerList -
A summary of the parameters and the attempts are
Param ([string]$ComputerList = 'status\edi.csv',[switch]$NoSpawn,[switch]$NoWarning,[switch]$Debug,[INT]$Paranoia=6)
...... <Snip>
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $ComputerList -NoSpawn -NoWarning:$NoWarning -Paranoia:$Paranoia }
Doesn't work due to scope - also switches are wrong way to do this
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test -NoSpawn $Args } -argumentlist $ComputerList
Insufficent arguments but works - But I think One Argument is possible ?
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $Args -NoSpawn } -argumentlist #("-NoWarning:$NoWarning","-ComputerList:$ComputerList","-Paranoia:$Paranoia")
Everything ends up in $ComputerList
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $Args -NoSpawn } -argumentlist "-NoWarning:$NoWarning -ComputerList:$ComputerList -Paranoia:$Paranoia"
Everything ends up in $ComputerList
Full code follows
Param ([string]$ComputerList = 'status\edi.csv',[switch]$NoSpawn,[switch]$NoWarning,[switch]$Debug,[INT]$Paranoia=6)
If ($Debug) { $debugPreference="Continue"} #enable debug messages if -debug is specified
If ($NoWarning) { $WarningPreference="SilentlyContinue"} #turn off warning messages
function Write-Paranoid($Level, $message) {
$Caller = $CS[1]
$Module = "$($Caller.FunctionName)[$($Caller.ScriptLineNumber)]"
$Diff=$level - $Log_Paranoia
$MSG= "$Module($($Level),$($Log_Paranoia)):$message"
if ($level - $Log_Paranoia -le 0 ) {
Write-host $MSG
if($Error.Count -gt 0 ) {
$MSG= "$Module($Level)ERROR:$Error[0]"
Write-Error $MSG
Function AddStatusBar($form , $Txt) {
Write-Paranoid 10 "Enter"
$statusBar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar
$statusBar.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$statusBar.TabIndex = 4
$statusBar.Size = SDS 428 22
$statusBar.Location = SDP 0 337
$statusBar.Text = $Txt
Write-Paranoid 10 "Exit"
Function Create-Form ($Title)
Write-Paranoid 10 "Enter"
$form1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form1.Text = $Title
$form1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
$form1.ClientSize = SDS 890 359
$form1.StartPosition = 0
$form1.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(255,185,209,234)
Write-Paranoid 10 "Exit"
Function GenerateTestForm
Write-Paranoid 10 "Enter"
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Drawing") | Out-Null
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
$Form1 = Create-Form "Test Form"
$Alist = Get-CommandLine
$StatusBar = AddStatusBar $form1 $AList
$form1.ShowDialog() | Out-Null # Suspends calller
Write-Paranoid 10 "Exit"
if ($NoSpawn )
Write-Paranoid 3 " NoSpawn "
Write-Paranoid 5 "Call GenerateForm"
if ($Test) {
} else {
} else {
Write-Paranoid 3 "NOT NoSpawn restarting as job"
# note that test.ps1 is in the path so it will restart this script
# Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $ComputerList -NoSpawn -NoWarning:$NoWarning -Paranoia:$Paranoia } #Wrong scope
# Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test -NoSpawn $Args } -argumentlist $ComputerList # Insufficent aruments but works - ONLY One Argument possible -
# Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $Args -NoSpawn } -argumentlist #("-NoWarning:$NoWarning","-ComputerList:$ComputerList","-Paranoia:$Paranoia") # Everything ends up in $ComputerList
# Start-Job -ScriptBlock { test $Args -NoSpawn } -argumentlist "-NoWarning:$NoWarning -ComputerList:$ComputerList -Paranoia:$Paranoia" # Everything ends up in $ComputerList
Your problem can be reduced to this:
How can I re-invoke the script at hand as a background job, passing all original arguments (parameter values, including default parameter values) through?
A simplified example:
param (
[string] $ComputerList = 'status\edi.csv',
[switch] $NoSpawn,
[switch] $NoWarning,
[switch] $Debug,
[int] $Paranoia=6
if ($NoSpawn) { # already running as a background job.
"I'm now running in the background with the following arguments:"
} else { # must re-invoke via a background job
# Add *default* parameter values, if necessary, given that
# they're *not* reflected in $PSBoundParameters.
foreach ($paramName in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys) {
if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($paramName)) {
$defaultValue = Get-Variable -Scope Local -ValueOnly $paramName
if (-not ($null -eq $defaultValue -or ($defaultValue -is [switch] -and -not $defaultValue))) {
$PSBoundParameters[$paramName] = $defaultValue
# Start a background job that reinvokes this script with the original
# arguments / default values.
Start-Job {
$argsHash = $using:PSBoundParameters
& $using:PSCommandPath -NoSpawn #argsHash
} |
Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
For demonstration purposes, the initial call waits for the re-invocation via a background job to finish, using Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
In your real code, you can simply discard Start-Job's output (a job-information object) with $null = Start-Job { ... }, and then rely on the job getting cleaned up when the caller's session as a whole exits.
The extra code needed to propagate parameter default values is somewhat cumbersome, but necessary, given that the automatic $PSBoundParameters variable does not reflect default values.
GitHub issue #3285 discusses this limitation, and suggests a potential future solution.
There is a script for users to log in, it calls other scripts in turn, depending on the conditions.
In order to call scripts separately manually, the [switch]$Silent parameter has been added. Question - how to pass this parameter inside Start-Job? I tried to add to the list of arguments in different ways - the value always falls into the neighboring parameter, regardless of the order.
Main script example
[string]$location = 'C:\Users',
Start-Job -FilePath ".\Fonts_Install.ps1" -ArgumentList ($Silent,$location) | Wait-Job
[switch]$Silent = $false,
[string]$location = '.'
$path_fonts = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts"
$Registry = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"
function WriteLog {
Param ([string]$LogString)
$Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
$LogMessage = "$Stamp $LogString"
Add-content $LogFile -value $LogMessage
$Logfile = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\fonts_install.log"
WriteLog "Silent $Silent"
WriteLog "location $location"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore
$SourceFolder = "$location\Fonts_Install"
$WindowsFonts = [System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection]::new()
$Fonts = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Include *.ttf, *.otf -Recurse -File
ForEach ($Font in $Fonts) {
$Font_Name = $Font.Name
$font_fullname = $Font.fullname
if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path "$path_fonts\$Font_Name") {
WriteLog "Previously installed $Font_Name"
else {
Copy-Item $Font -Destination "$path_fonts" -Force -Confirm:$false -PassThru
$ValueFont = "$path_fonts" + "\" + "$Font_Name"
$Typeface = New-Object -TypeName Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface -ArgumentList "$font_fullname"
[string]$FamilyFaceNames = $Typeface.FamilyNames.Values + $Typeface.FaceNames.Values
$RegistryValue = #{
Path = $Registry
Name = $FamilyFaceNames
Value = $ValueFont
if (Test-Path $Registry\$FamilyFaceNames) {
Remove-ItemProperty -name $FamilyFaceNames -path $Registry
New-ItemProperty #RegistryValue
WriteLog "New fonts installed $Font_Name"
switch ($Silent) {
$false {
if ($Error.Count -gt 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i -le ($Error.Items.Count + 1); $i++) {
$errMSG = "$Error"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$errMSG", "Error", "OK", "Error")
else {
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("ок", "Fonts", "OK", "Asterisk") | out-null
Unfortunately, specifying pass-through arguments via Start-Job's -ArgumentList (-Args) is limited to positional arguments, which prevents binding [switch] parameters, whose arguments must by definition be named.
As a workaround, instead of using -FilePath, invoke your script via the -ScriptBlock parameter. Inside of a script block ({ ... }, named arguments may be used in script calls, as usual:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
# Set the current location to the same location as the caller.
# Note: Only needed in *Windows PowerShell*.
Set-Location -LiteralPath ($using:PWD).ProviderPath
.\Fonts_Install.ps1 -Silent:$using:Silent $using:Location
} | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
Note the use of the $using: scope in order to embed variable values from the caller's scope in the script block that will execute in the background.
You still need to refer to the -Silent parameter by name, and the whether the switch is on or off can be communicated by appending :$true or :$false to it, which is what :$using:Silent does.
In Windows PowerShell, background jobs execute in a fixed location (working directory), namely the user's Documents folder, hence the Set-Location call to explicitly use the same location as the caller, so that the script file can be referenced by a relative path (.\). This is no longer necessary in PowerShell (Core) 7+, which now thankfully uses the same location as the calller.
Here is a different alternative to mklement0's helpful answer, this answer does not use Start-Job and uses a PowerShell instance instead, using this method we can leverage the automatic variable $PSBoundParameters.
Do note, that for this to work properly, both .ps1 scripts must share the same parameter names or Alias Attribute Declarations that matches the same parameter from the caller. See this answer for more details.
You can use these snippets below as a example for you to test how it works.
[string] $Path = 'C:\Users',
[switch] $Silent
try {
if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) {
$PSBoundParameters['Path'] = $Path
$ps = [powershell]::Create().
$iasync = $ps.BeginInvoke()
# Do something else here while the .ps1 runs
# ...
# Get async result from the PS Instance
finally {
if($ps -is [IDisposable]) {
# Note, since we're bounding this parameters from the caller.ps1,
# We don't want to assign Default Values here!
[string] $Path,
[switch] $Silent
foreach($param in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys) {
Parameter = $param
Value = Get-Variable $param -ValueOnly
A few examples:
PS /> .\caller.ps1
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Path C:\Users
Silent False
PS /> .\caller.ps1 -Path hello
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Path hello
Silent False
PS /> .\caller.ps1 -Path world -Silent
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Path world
Silent True
I have:
for($i = 1 ; $i -le 3; $i++)
Start-Process powershell.exe
but I don't know how I would make the new windows run a ping command. Could be done with an extra script but have no idea. Thanks
Start-Process has an -ArgumentList parameter that can be used to pass arguments to the new PowerShell process.
powershell.exe and pwsh.exe have a -Command parameter that can be used to pass them a command.
You can combine the two like this:
for ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++)
Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList '-NoExit',"-Command ping 127.0.0.$i"
If you don't use the -NoExit parameter the window will close as soon as the ping command finishes.
As mentioned in the comments to the question it is also possible to ping multiple hosts using the Test-Connection command like this:
Test-Connection -TargetName,
This has a downside though in that it seems to ping one after the other rather than doing it in parallel.
Another way to do much the same thing in parallel, and probably more PowerShell style is to use jobs:
$jobs = #()
for ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++)
$jobs += Start-ThreadJob -ArgumentList $i { PARAM ($i)
Test-Connection "127.0.0.$i"
Wait-Job $jobs
Receive-Job $jobs -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
Note: Start-ThreadJob is newish. If you're still stuck on version 5 of PowerShell that comes with Windows use Start-Job instead, it spawns new processes where as Start-ThreadJob doesn't.
Nitpickers' corner
For those in the comments saying that appending to an array is slow. Strictly a more PowerShell way of doing this is given below. For three items, however, you won't be able to measure the difference and the readability of the code is way lower. It's also rather diverging from the original question.
1..3 | % { Start-ThreadJob -ArgumentList $_ { PARAM($i) Test-Connection "127.0.0.$i" } } | Wait-Job | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
Here's a pinger script I have to watch multiple computers.
# pinger.ps1
# example: pinger comp001
# pinger $list
param ($hostnames)
#$pingcmd = 'test-netconnection -port 515'
$pingcmd = 'test-connection'
$sleeptime = 1
$sawup = #{}
$sawdown = #{}
foreach ($hostname in $hostnames) {
$sawup[$hostname] = $false
$sawdown[$hostname] = $false
#$sawup = 0
#$sawdown = 0
while ($true) {
# if (invoke-expression "$pingcmd $($hostname)") {
foreach ($hostname in $hostnames) {
if (& $pingcmd -count 1 $hostname -ea 0) {
if (! $sawup[$hostname]) {
echo "$([console]::beep(500,300))$hostname is up $(get-date)"
# [pscustomobject]#{Hostname = $hostname; Status = 'up'; Date = get-date} # format-table waits for 2 objects
$sawup[$hostname] = $true
$sawdown[$hostname] = $false
} else {
if (! $sawdown[$hostname]) {
echo "$([console]::beep(500,300))$hostname is down $(get-date)"
# [pscustomobject]#{Hostname = $hostname; Status = 'down'; Date = get-date}
$sawdown[$hostname] = $true
$sawup[$hostname] = $false
sleep $sleeptime
Example usage (it beeps):
.\pinger comp001,comp002
comp001 is up 07/13/2022 12:07:59
comp002 is up 07/13/2022 12:08:00
$GAMCheck = invoke-command -ScriptBlock { C:\GAMADV-XTD3\GAM.exe version checkrc }
If ($GAMCheck) {
$current = $GAMCheck.split(":")[19].Trim()
$latest = $GAMCheck.split(":")[21].Trim()
If ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 1) {
Try {
$NeedUpGradeCode = $LASTEXITCODE
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile("https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/releases/download/v$latest/GAMadv-xtd3-$latest-windows-x86_64.msi", "C:\Temp\GAMadv-xtd3-$latest-windows-x86_64.msi")
Start-Process -Filepath "C:\Temp\GAMadv-xtd3-$latest-windows-x86_64.msi" -ArgumentList "/passive" | Wait-Process -Timeout 75
Remove-Item "C:\Temp\GAMadv-xtd3-$latest-windows-x86_64.msi"
$GAMCheck = $null
$GAMCheck = invoke-command -ScriptBlock { C:\GAMADV-XTD3\GAM.exe version checkrc }
$newCurrent = $GAMCheck.split(":")[19].Trim()
$resultsarray = [PSCustomObject]#{
CurrentVersion = $current
LatestVersion = $latest
NeedUpgradeCode = $NeedUpGradeCode
Upgraded = $true
NewCurrent = $newCurrent
AfterUpgradeCode = $LASTEXITCODE
Catch {
Write-Warning "Problem with site or command. Maybe go to https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/releases and download the current GAM and then install GAM in C:\GAMADV-XTD3\ again"
lately I have been noticing that the | Wait-process 75 above is causing an error.
If I run the command with out it everything is fine.
Is there another way to wait for the install ?
To launch a process with Start-Process and wait for it to exit, use the -Wait switch.
Piping a Start-Process call to Wait-Process would only work as intended if you included the -PassThru switch, which makes Start-Process - which by default produces no output - emit a System.Diagnostics.Process instance representing the newly launched process, on whose termination Wait-Process then waits.
Note that, surprisingly, the behavior of these two seemingly equivalent approaches is not the same, as discussed in GitHub issue #15555.
I've searched but did not find any answer.
The task is register one dll using Powershell ps1, followed by other lines of scripts. I don't want to be interrupted by the dialog, so added the /s parameter. But now the result information is ignored, no matter succeed or fail.
I want the result displayed in console. But how?
Launch regsvr32.exe /s with Start-Process -PassThru and inspect the ExitCode property:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s C:\path\to\your.dll" -PassThru
$regsvrp.WaitForExit(5000) # Wait (up to) 5 seconds
if($regsvrp.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Warning "regsvr32 exited with error $($regsvrp.ExitCode)"
Here is a more complete full powershell cmdlet with pipeline support.
function Register-Dll
A function that uses the utility regsvr32.exe utility to register a file
The file path
.PARAMETER Unregister
when specified, unregisters instead of registers
param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'Leaf' })]
begin {
if ($Unregister)
$regflag = "-u "
$regflag = ""
$RegExitCodes = #{
1="FAIL_ARGS - Invalid Argument";
2="FAIL_OLE - OleInitialize Failed";
3="FAIL_LOAD - LoadLibrary Failed";
4="FAIL_ENTRY - GetProcAddress failed";
5="FAIL_REG - DllRegisterServer or DllUnregisterServer failed.";
process {
foreach ($p in $path)
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag <code>$p</code>" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
if($regsvrp.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Error "regsvr32 $regflag for $p exited with error $($regsvrp.ExitCode) - $($RegExitCodes[$regsvrp.ExitCode])"
} catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
end {
if ($NumFailed -gt 0)
if ($Unregister)
$mode = "unregister"
$mode = "register"
Write-Error "Failed to $mode $NumFailed dll's, see previous errors for detail"
function Register-MyAppDll
$RegOptions = #()
if ($UnRegister -or $ReRegister) { $RegOptions += #{Unregister=$true} }
if ($Register -or $ReRegister) { $RegOptions += #{} }
$dlltoregister = Get-ChildItem "C:\MyApp\bin" -Filter *.dll | where {$_ -notmatch '^interop'}
foreach ($RegOpt in $RegOptions)
$dlltoregister | Register-Dll #RegOpt
Register-MyAppDll -UnRegister
Register-MyAppDll -Register
Register-MyAppDll -ReRegister
Enjoy :)
Thank you Justin! I'm using this script and it works great.
There seems to be a typo in the following line of code:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag <code>$p</code>" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
The code tag shoudn't be there. I changed it to the following with added escaped double quotes around path to support spaces in paths:
$regsvrp = Start-Process regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/s $regflag `"$p`"" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru