I need map in "Azimuthal equidistant projection" for my HAM radio application. Can it be done in LeafletJS?
Here is description of the projection: http://flatearthdeception.com/maps-prove-the-flat-earth-deception/
Yes, you can use this plugin (https://github.com/kartena/Proj4Leaflet) and choose your desired CRS (Coordinate Reference System), I think it would be this one http://epsg.io/54032
Then simply copy the proj4js string into the plugin initialization code.
Mapbox studio has a style with an Albers projection (https://www.mapbox.com/elections/albers-usa-projection-style):
I need to use another style with waterbodies like this:
but in the Albers projection. When I start with the Albers style, and then add water, they of course don't line up:
How can I get the tile I used in my waterbody example to be in the Albers project? I ultimately am wanting to use it in a leaflet map and add markers to it (using R).
The example you cited above is actually showing a workaround to make data appear as if it is projected in Albers but it's really just altered polygons being displayed in webmercator. This was a workaround/hack to get the desired visual using the tools available at the time. If you want to do the same workaround for your water bodies data so it will appear this way in leaflet, follow the steps of the tutorial which uses third party tools (QGIS, Dirty Reprojectors, Tippecanoe)
Mapbox has since added support for non-webmercator projections, which means you don't need to modify your source data to reproject them for use in a mapboxgl-js map: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/projections/
Disregard the earlier example, and just change the projection to Albers in Mapbox Studio.
Bear in mind that changing the projection in Mapbox Studio does not actually modify your data, it just renders it differently on the screen.
I'm trying to work out a variation on the mapbox code provided in this tutorial here: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/filter-markers-by-input/
But instead of filtering individual points, I'm trying to figure out how to filter polygons from a GeoJSON that have names appended based on an integer feature. Basically, I want to be able to enter the appended name of a polygon into a text box and have the map filter to just that polygon. I'm having difficulty identifying which parts of the code in the example to isolate and graft over. Has anyone tried something like this before?
When you say "filter to just that polygon", I think what you mean (in geospatial terms) is "filter to show only points within that polygon".
You will want to use Turf's "booleanWithin" function.
You will want to change this code:
layerIDs.forEach(function(layerID) {
map.setLayoutProperty(layerID, 'visibility',
layerID.indexOf(value) > -1 ? 'visible' : 'none');
You will have to iterate over the points themselves (not just their IDs), and use the booleanWithin function to check whether the point is within the polygon that you have somewhere else loaded.
I want to create a polarplot() on which I want to plot custom bitmaps/images as marker.
Also, I want to animate the polarplot() by updating these marker's location in regular time intervals(500milliseconds).
Please see the below attached image to get an idea what I want.
I have made a similar application using 'polar()' and 'imagesc()'.
But I feel 'polarplot()' is better and recommended by Matlab.
Also there are so many customization options available with polarplot().
But I am unable to use imagesc() with polarplot because of some polar coordinate-to-cartersian coordinate conversion problem.
Pleas give solution.
Is there any other better methods to follow?
I am trying to visualize a data set (x,y,z,scalar) in comma separated values format. The style I want to recreate is something like a transparent 3d heat map. The value of scalar at coordinate (x,y,z) will determine the "mist density". No idea what the name of the style is. Links below give examples of what I mean:
Any references would be most useful as I am new to data visualizing.
Take a look at the Point Volume Interpolate filter with Kernel set to GaussianKernel.
Is it possible to easily change the scatterplot labels in the ELKI result visualization, maybe using parameters?
The default axes are labeled Column 0 and Column 1 for 2-dimensional data. It would be nice to change this to Latitude and Longitude for my case. I'm running DBSCAN with ELKI version 0.6.5.
There is no parameter for this. ELKI already has way too many parameters, doesn't it?
But (I believe there is a bug in 0.6.5 there, you may need to build the current git version yourself) if there is a column label available, ELKI will use the column label instead of enumerating axes. If the first row of a file does not contain numbers, the default parser will interpret is as column labels.
This is a visualization of clustering 1 day of coordinates in the 1% Twitter sample with HDBSCAN*:
Or you just export the graph to SVG and use a SVG editor and change the label as desired. I recommend Inkscape. The ability to fine-tune graphics with Inkscape was the key reason why we chose to use SVG.