define variable by concatenating strings - matlab

I want to iteratively define a variable whose name is the concatenation of two strings.
In particular, the following code is meant to create a variable Uvel_spring that contains the values Uvel stored in the file spring_surface.mat :
for ii=1:4
['Uvel_',char(seasons(ii))] = load([char(seasons(ii)),'_surface.mat'],...
However, I get the following error:
An array for multiple LHS assignment cannot contain LEX_TS_STRING.
I solved it by using evalc:
for ii=1:4
evalc( sprintf(['Uvel_',char(seasons(ii)),'=','load(''',char(seasons(ii)),'_surface.mat'',',...
'''Uvel''',')']) );
However, it is horrible and I would like to improve the code.
Does someone have an alternative solution?

Use struct instead.
for ii=1:4
Uvel.(seasons{ii}) = load([seasons{ii},'_surface.mat'], 'Uvel');
You'll end up having those four seasons as the fields of Uvel. So you'll be accessing Uvel_spring as Uvel.spring and similarly for others.


MATLAB: Pass part of structure field name to function

I need to pass a part of a structure's name into a function.
Examples of a available structs:
... This goes on...
Within a function, I loop through the structure as follows:
function mat = test(fNames)
feeString = {'exFee', 'inFee'};
sysNames = {'system1', 'system2'};
for n = 1 : 2
mat{n} = systems.(sysNames{n}).stats.equityCurve.relative.(feeString{n});
What I like to handle in a flexible way within the loop is the middle part, i.e. the part after systems.(sysNames{n}) and before .(feeString{n}) (compare examples).
I am now looking for a way to pass the middle part as an input argument fNames into the function. The loop should than contain something like
mat{n} = systems.(sysNames{n}).(fName).(feeString{n});
How about using a helper function such as
function rec_stru = recSA(stru, field_names)
if numel(field_names) == 1
rec_stru = stru.(field_names{1});
rec_stru = recSA(stru.(field_names{1}), field_names(2:end));
This function takes the intermediate field names as a cell array.
This would turn this statement:
mat{n} = systems.(sysNames{n}).stats.equityCurve.relative.(feeString{n});
mat{n} = recSA(systems.(sysNames{n}), {'stats', 'equityCurve', 'relative', feeString{n}});
The first part of the cell array could then be passed as an argument to the function.
This is one of those cases where matlab is a bit unhelpful in the documentation. There is a way to use the fieldnames function in matlab to get the list of all the fields and iterate over that using dynamic fields.
This will return a cell matrix of the field names which you can use to iterate over.
ans =
equityCurve: [1x1 struct]
Ideally you would have your data structure fixed in such a way that you know how many levels of depth are in your data structure.

MATLAB: Loop through the values of a list from 'who' function

I have a long list of variables in my workspace.
First, I'm finding the potential variables I could be interested in using the who function. Next, I'd like to loop through this list to find the size of each variable, however who outputs only the name of the variables as a string.
How could I use this list to refer to the values of the variables, rather than just the name?
Thank you,
list = who('*time*')
list =
for i = 1:size(list,1);
len(i,1) = length(list(i))
len =
If you want details about the variables, you can use whos instead which will return a struct that contains (among other things) the dimensions (size) and storage size (bytes).
As far as getting the value, you could use eval but this is not recommended and you should instead consider using cell arrays or structs with dynamic field names rather than dynamic variable names.
S = whos('*time*');
for k = 1:numel(S)
% The number of elements
len(k) = prod(S(k).size);
% You CAN get the value this way (not recommended)
value = eval(S(k).name);
#Suever nicely explained the straightforward way to get this information. As I noted in a comment, I suggest that you take a step back, and don't generate those dynamically named variables to begin with.
You can access structs dynamically, without having to resort to the slow and unsafe eval:
timestruc.field = time;
timestruc.('field1') = time_1;
fname = 'field2';
timestruc.(fname) = time_2;
The above three assignments are all valid for a struct, and so you can address the fields of a single data struct by generating the field strings dynamically. The only constraint is that field names have to be valid variable names, so the first character of the field has to be a letter.
But here's a quick way out of the trap you got yourself into: save your workspace (well, the relevant part) in a .mat file, and read it back in. You can do this in a way that will give you a struct with fields that are exactly your variable names:
time = 1;
time_1 = 2;
time_2 = rand(4);
save('tmp.mat','time*'); % or just save('tmp.mat')
S = load('tmp.mat');
afterwards S will be a struct, each field will correspond to a variable you saved into 'tmp.mat':
>> S
S =
time: 1
time_1: 2
time_2: [4x4 double]
An example writing variables from workspace to csv files:
% Writing variables of myfile.mat to csv files
allvars = who;
for i=1:length(allvars)
varname = strjoin(allvars(i));
evalstr = strcat('csvwrite(', char(39), varname, '.csv', char(39), ', ', varname, ')');

Print the name of a variable on upon a plot/figure

Is it possible to refer back to/access the names of variables (say nx1 arrays) that make up a matrix? I wish to access them to insert there names into a plot or figure (as a text) that I have created. Here is an example:
A = [supdamp, clgvlv,redamp,extfanstat,htgvlv,occupied,supfanspd]
%lots of code here but not changing A, just using A(:,:)'s
%drawn figure
I have failed in an attempt create a string named a with their names in so that I could loop through a(i,1), then use something like text(1,n,'a(i,1)')
Depending on your problem, it might make sense to use structures with dynamical field names.
Especially if your data in the array have some meaning other than just entries of a matrix in linear algebra sense.
# name your variables so that your grandma could understand what they store
A.('supdamp') = supdamp
A.('clgvlv') = clgvlv
fieldsOfA = fieldnames(a)
for n = 1 : numel(fieldsOfA )
text(1, n, fieldsOfA{n})

MATLAB assign variable name

I have a variable called 'int' with alot of data in it. I would like to find a way to programically rename this variable with a user input. So I can query the user indentifcation information about the data, say the response is 'AA1', I want either rename the variable 'int' to 'AA1' or make 'AA1' a variable that is identical to int.
A problem using the input command arises because it allows the user to assign a value to an already created varialbe, instead of actually creating a variable name. Would using the eval function, or a variation of it, help me achieve this? Or is there an easier way?
Just for the record, int is a rather poor variable name choice.
That aside, you can do what you want as follows
say foo is the variable that holds a string that the user input. You can do the following:
% eliminate leading/trailing whitespace
foo = strtrim(foo);
a = regexp('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',foo));
if numel(a) == 0
fprintf('Sorry, %s is not a valid variable name in matlab\n', foo);
elseif a ~= 1
fprintf('Sorry, %s is not a valid variable name in matlab\n', foo);
elseif 2 == exist(foo,'var')
fprintf('Sorry, %s already in use as a variable name.');
eval([foo,' = int']);
Assuming int (and now foo) is a structure with field named bar, you can read bar as follows:
barVal = eval([foo,'.bar']);
This is all somewhat clunky.
An alternative approach, that is far less clunky is to use an associative array, and let the user store various values of int in the array. The Matlab approach for associative arrays is Maps. That would be my preferred approach to this problem. Here is an example using the same variables as above.
nameValueMap = containers.Map;
nameValueMap(foo) = int;
The above creates the association between the name stored in foo with the data in the variable int.
To get at the data, you just do the following:
intValue = nameValueMap(foo);

Matlab dynamic fieldnames structure with cell arrays

How can i access the following structure path with dynamic fieldnames:
var = 'refxtree.CaseDefinition.FlowSheetObjects.MaterialStreamObjects{8}.MaterialStreamObjectParams.Pressure.Value.Text';
fields = textscan(var,'%s','Delimiter','.');
refxtree.(fields{:}) does not work because MaterialStreamObjects contains a cell array of which I want to access the 8th cell and then continue down the structure path.
In the end I want to get and set the fieldvalues.
You need to build the appropriate input to subsref, possibly using substruct. Look at the MATLAB help.
You can define an anonymous function to navigate this particular kind of structure of the form top.field1.field2.field3{item}.field4.field5.field6.field7 (as an aside: is it really necessary to have such a complicated structure?).
getField = #(top,fields,item)top.(fields{1}).(fields{2}).(fields{3}){item}.(fields{4}).(fields{5}).(fields{6}).(fields{7})
setField = #(top,fields,item,val)subsasgn(top.(fields{1}).(fields{2}).(fields{3}){item}.(fields{4}).(fields{5}).(fields{6}),struct('type','.','subs',fields{7}),val);
You use the functions by calling
fieldValue = getField(refxtree,fields,8);
Note that fields is required to have seven elements. If you want to generalize the above, you will have to dynamically create the above functions
In this case, it is easier to just use EVAL:
str = 'refxtree.CaseDefinition.FlowSheetObjects.MaterialStreamObjects{8}.MaterialStreamObjectParams.Pressure.Value.Text';
%# get
x = eval(str)
%# set
evalc([str ' = 99']);