MATLAB: Loop through the values of a list from 'who' function - matlab

I have a long list of variables in my workspace.
First, I'm finding the potential variables I could be interested in using the who function. Next, I'd like to loop through this list to find the size of each variable, however who outputs only the name of the variables as a string.
How could I use this list to refer to the values of the variables, rather than just the name?
Thank you,
list = who('*time*')
list =
for i = 1:size(list,1);
len(i,1) = length(list(i))
len =

If you want details about the variables, you can use whos instead which will return a struct that contains (among other things) the dimensions (size) and storage size (bytes).
As far as getting the value, you could use eval but this is not recommended and you should instead consider using cell arrays or structs with dynamic field names rather than dynamic variable names.
S = whos('*time*');
for k = 1:numel(S)
% The number of elements
len(k) = prod(S(k).size);
% You CAN get the value this way (not recommended)
value = eval(S(k).name);

#Suever nicely explained the straightforward way to get this information. As I noted in a comment, I suggest that you take a step back, and don't generate those dynamically named variables to begin with.
You can access structs dynamically, without having to resort to the slow and unsafe eval:
timestruc.field = time;
timestruc.('field1') = time_1;
fname = 'field2';
timestruc.(fname) = time_2;
The above three assignments are all valid for a struct, and so you can address the fields of a single data struct by generating the field strings dynamically. The only constraint is that field names have to be valid variable names, so the first character of the field has to be a letter.
But here's a quick way out of the trap you got yourself into: save your workspace (well, the relevant part) in a .mat file, and read it back in. You can do this in a way that will give you a struct with fields that are exactly your variable names:
time = 1;
time_1 = 2;
time_2 = rand(4);
save('tmp.mat','time*'); % or just save('tmp.mat')
S = load('tmp.mat');
afterwards S will be a struct, each field will correspond to a variable you saved into 'tmp.mat':
>> S
S =
time: 1
time_1: 2
time_2: [4x4 double]

An example writing variables from workspace to csv files:
% Writing variables of myfile.mat to csv files
allvars = who;
for i=1:length(allvars)
varname = strjoin(allvars(i));
evalstr = strcat('csvwrite(', char(39), varname, '.csv', char(39), ', ', varname, ')');


Matlab load mat into variable

When loading data from a .Mat file directly into a variable, it stores an struct instead of the variable itself.
myData.mat contains var1, var2, var3
if I do:
load myData.mat
it will create the variables var1, var2 and var3 in my workspace. OK.
If I assign what load returns to a variable, it stores an struct. This is normal since I'm loading several variables.
foo = load('myData.mat')
foo =
struct with fields:
However suppose that I'm only interested in var1 and I want to directly store into a variable foo.
Load has an option of loading only specific variables from a .mat file, however it still stores an struct
foo = load('myData.mat', 'var1')
foo =
struct with fields:
I want var1 to be directly assigned to foo.
Of course I can do:
foo = load('myData.mat', 'var1')
foo = foo.var1;
But it should be a way of doing this automatically in one line right?
If the MAT-file contains one variable, use
x = importdata(mat_file_name)
load does not behave this way otherwise load would behave inconsistently depending upon the number of variables that you have requested which would lead to an extremely confusing behavior.
To illustrate this, imagine that you wrote a general program that wanted to load all variables from a .mat file, make some modification to them, and then save them again. You want this program to work with any file so some files may have one variable and some may have multiple variables stored in them.
If load used the behavior you've specified, then you'd have to add in all sorts of logic to check how many variables were stored in a file before loading and modifying it.
Here is what this program would look like with the current behavior of load
function modifymyfile(filename)
data = load(filename);
fields = fieldnames(data);
for k = 1:numel(fields)
data.(fields{k}) = modify(data.(fields{k}));
save(filename, '-struct', 'data')
If the behavior was the way that you think you want
function modifymyfile(filename)
% Use a matfile to determine the number of variables
vars = whos(matfile(filename));
% If there is only one variable
if numel(vars) == 1
% Assign that variable (have to use eval)
tmp = load(filename, vars(1).name);
tmp = modify(tmp);
% Now to save it again, you have to use eval to reassign
eval([vars(1).name, '= tmp;']);
% Now resave
save(filename, vars(1).name);
data = load(filename);
fields = fieldnames(data);
for k = 1:numel(fields)
data.(fields{k}) = modify(data.(fields{k}));
save(filename, '-struct', 'data');
I'll leave it to the reader to decide which of these is more legible and robust.
The best way to do what you're trying to do is exactly what you've shown in your question. Simply reassign the value after loading
data = load('myfile.mat', 'var1');
data = data.var1;
Even if you only wanted the variable to not be assigned to a struct when a variable was explicitly specified, you'd still end up with inconsistent behavior which would make it difficult if my program accepted a list of variables to change as a cell array
variables = {'var1', 'var2'}
data = load(filename, variables{:}); % Would yield a struct
variables = {'var1'};
data = load(filename, variables{:}); % Would not yield a struct
#Suever is right, but in case you wish for a one-line workaround this will do it:
foo = getfield(load('myData.mat'), 'var1');
It looks ugly but does what you want:
foo = subsref(matfile('myData.mat'),struct('type','.','subs','var1'))
Use matfile allows partial loading of variables into memory i.e. it only loads what is necessary. The function subsref does the job of the indexing operator "." in this case.

Take string from cell array for name of variable in matlab workspace

I have a large amount of .csv files from my experiments (200+) and previously I have been reading them in seperately and also for later steps in my data handling this is tedious work.
co_15 = csvread('CO_15K.csv',5,0);
co_25 = csvread('CO_25K.csv',5,0);
co2_15 = csvread('CO2_15K.csv',5,0);
co2_80 = csvread('CO2_80K.csv',5,0);
h2o_15 = csvread('H2O_15K.csv',1,0);
So I want to make a cell at the beginning of my code looking like this and then a for loop that just reads them automatically.
input = {'co_15' 5;'co_25' 5;...
'co2_15' 5; 'co2_80' 5;...
'h2o_15' 1; 'h2o_140' 1;...
'methanol_15' 5;'methanol_120' 5;'methanol_140' 5;...
'ethanol_15' 5;'ethanol_80' 1;'ethanol_140' 5;...
'co2_ethanol_15' 5 ;'co2_ethanol_80' 5;...
'h2o_ethanol_15' 1 ;'h2o_ethanol_140' 1;...
'methanol_ethanol_15' 5;'methanol_ethanol_120' 5;'methanol_ethanol_140' 5};
for n = 1:size(input,1)
input{n,1} = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
The cell in this code is 19 rows and 2 columns, the rows are all the files and the columns will contain the parameters to handle the data. Now the problem I can't find a solution for is that my first column is a string name and I want that string name to be the name of the variable where csvread writes its data to but the way I set it up now it just overwrites the string in the first column of the cell with the csv data. To be extra clear I want my matlab workspace to have variables with string names in the first column containing the data of my csv files. How do I solve this?
You don't actually want to do this. Even the Mathworks will tell you not to do this. If you are trying to use variable names to keep track of related data like this, there is always a better data structure to hold your data.
One way would be to have a cell array
data = cell(size(input(:,1)));
for n = 1:size(input,1)
data{n} = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
Another good option is to use a struct. You could have a single struct with dynamic field names that correspond to your data.
data = struct();
for n = 1:size(input,1)
data.(input{n,1}) = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
Or actually create an array of structs and hold both the name and the data within the struct.
for n = 1:size(input, 1)
data(n).name = input{n,1};
data(n).data = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
If you absolutly insist on doing this (again, it's is very much not recommended), then you could do it using eval:
for n = 1:size(input, 1)
data = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
eval([input{n, 1}, '= data;']);

MATLAB select variables from the workspace with a specific name

I would like to select all the variables in my workspace whos name follow a specific pattern. For example, I would like to compute the mean for all the variables in my workspace starting with the name my_vars.
I tried the following code:
a = who('-regexp','my_vars*')
result = mean(eval(a))
Howevever the eval function doesn't work for cells. Is there any work arround?
who returned a cell array of char arrays (i.e. strings), with each element containing one variable name. You need to convert that to a string containing a comma-separated list of the names. Here's one way to do that:
my_vars1 = 1; my_vars2 = 2; my_vars3 = 3;
names = who('-regexp', 'my_vars*');
namelist = sprintf('%s,', names{:}); % sprintf reuses the format string if
% there are more inputs than format specifiers
namelist(end)=[]; % strip last comma
eval(sprintf('mean([%s])', namelist))
ans =

Matlab coder & dynamic field references

I'm trying to conjure up a little parser that reads a .txt file containing parameters for an algorithm so i don't have to recompile it everytime i change a parameter. The application is C code generated from .m via coder, which unfortunately prohibits me from using a lot of handy matlab gimmicks.
Here's my code so far:
% read textfile
string = readfile(filepath);
% do fancy rearranging
linebreaks = zeros(size(string));
equals = zeros(size(string));
% find delimiters
for n=1:size(string,2)
if strcmp(string(n),char(10))
linebreaks(n) = 1;
elseif strcmp(string(n), '=')
equals(n) = 1;
% write first key-value pair
idx_s = find(linebreaks);idx_s = [idx_s length(string)];
idx_e = find(equals);
key = string(1:idx_e(1)-1);
value = str2double(string(idx_e(1)+1:idx_s(1)-1));
parameters.(key) = value;
% find number of parameters
count = length(idx_s);
% write remaining key-value pairs
for n=2:count
key = string(idx_s(n-1)+1:idx_e(n)-1);
value = str2double(string(idx_e(n)+1:idx_s(n)-1));
parameters.(key) = value;
The problem is that seemingly coder does not support dynamic fieldnames for structures like parameters.(key) = value.
I'm a bit at a loss as to how else i am supposed to come up with a parameter struct that holds all my key-value pairs without hardcoding it. It would somewhat (though not completely) defeat the purpose if the names of keys were not dynamically linked to the parameter file (more manual work if parameters get added/deleted, etc.). If anybody has an idea how to work around this, i'd be very grateful.
As you say, dynamic fieldnames for structures aren't allowed in MATLAB code to be used by Coder. I've faced situations much like yours before, and here's how I handled it.
First, we can list some nice tools that are allowed in Coder. We're allowed to have classes (value or handle), which can be quite handy. Also, we're allowed to have variable sized data if we use coder.varsize to specifically designate it. We also can use string values in switch statements if we like. However, we cannot use coder.varsize for properties in a class, but you can have varsized persistent variables if you like.
What I'd do in your case is create a handle class for storing and retrieving the values. The following example is pretty basic, but will work and could be expanded. If a persistent variable were used in a method, you could even create a varsized allocated storage for the data, but in my example, it's a property and has been limited in the number of values it can store.
classdef keyval < handle %# codegen
%KEYVAL A key and value class designed for Coder
% Stores an arbitrary number of keys and values.
properties (SetAccess = private)
numvals = 0
properties (Access = private)
properties (Constant)
maxvals = 100;
maxkeylength = 30;
function obj = keyval
%KEYVAL Constructor for keyval class
obj.intdata = repmat(struct('key', char(zeros(1, obj.maxkeylength)), 'val', 0), 1, obj.maxvals);
function result = put(obj, key, value)
%PUT Adds a key and value pair into storage
% Result is 0 if successful, 1 on error
result = 0;
if obj.numvals >= obj.maxvals
result = 1;
obj.numvals = obj.numvals + 1;
tempstr = char(zeros(1,obj.maxkeylength));
tempstr(1,1:min(end,numel(key))) = key(1:min(end, obj.maxkeylength));
obj.intdata(obj.numvals).key = tempstr;
obj.intdata(obj.numvals).value = value;
function keystring = getkeyatindex(obj, index)
%GETKEYATINDEX Get a key name at an index
keystring = deblank(obj.intdata(index).key);
function value = getvalueforkey(obj, keyname)
%GETVALUEFORKEY Gets a value associated with a key.
% Returns NaN if not found
value = NaN;
for i=1:obj.numvals
if strcmpi(keyname, deblank(obj.intdata(i).key))
value = obj.intdata(i).value;
This class implements a simple key/value addition as well as lookup. There are a few things to note about it. First, it's very careful in the assignments to make sure we don't overrun the overall storage. Second, it uses deblank to clear out the trailing zeros that are necessary in the string storage. In this situation, it's not permitted for the strings in the structure to be of different length, so when we put a key string in there, it needs to be exactly the same length with trailing nulls. Deblank cleans this up for the calling function.
The constant properties allocate the total amount of space we're allowed in the storage array. These can be increased, obviously, but not at runtime.
At the MATLAB command prompt, using this class looks like:
>> obj = keyval
obj =
keyval with properties:
numvals: 0
>> obj.put('SomeKeyName', 1.23456)
ans =
>> obj
obj =
keyval with properties:
numvals: 1
>> obj.put('AnotherKeyName', 34567)
ans =
>> obj
obj =
keyval with properties:
numvals: 2
>> obj.getvalueforkey('SomeKeyName')
ans =
>> obj.getkeyatindex(2)
ans =
>> obj.getvalueforkey(obj.getkeyatindex(2))
ans =
If a totally variable storage area is desired, the use of persistent variables with coder.varsize would work, but that will limit the use of this class to a single instance. Persistent variables are nice, but you only get one of them ever. As written, you can use this class in many different places in your program for different storage. If you use a persistent variable, you may only use it once.
If you know some of the key names and are later using them to determine functionality, remember that you can switch on strings in MATLAB, and this works in Coder.

Using a string to refer to a structure array - matlab

I am trying to take the averages of a pretty large set of data, so i have created a function to do exactly that.
The data is stored in some,column)
there are 4 struct1 and each of these have between 20 and 30 sub-struct2
the data that I want to average is always stored in column 7 and I want to output the average of each,column) into a 2xN array/double (column 1 of this output is a reference to each sub-struct2 column 2 is the average)
The omly problem is, I can't find a way (lots and lots of reading) to point at each structure properly. I am using a string to refer to the structures, but I get error Attempt to reference field of non-structure array. So clearly it doesn't like this. Here is what I used. (excuse the inelegence)
function [avrg] = Takemean(prefix,numslits)
% place holder arrays
avs = [];
slits = [];
% iterate over the sub-struct (struct2)
for currslit=1:numslits
dataname = sprintf('%s_slit_%02d',prefix,currslit);
% slap the average and slit ID on the end
avs(end+1) = mean(,7));
slits(end+1) = currslit;
% transpose the arrays
avs = avs';
slits = slits';
avrg = cat(2,slits,avs); % slap them together
It falls over at this line avs(end+1) = mean(,7); because as you can see, prefix and dataname are strings. So, after hunting around I tried making these strings variables with genvarname() still no luck!
I have spent hours on what should have been 5min of coding. :'(
Edit: Oh prefix is a string e.g. 'Hs' and the structure of the structures (lol) is e.g. where XX is e.g. 01,02,...27
Edit: If I just run mean(,7)) it works fine... but then I cant iterate over all of the _slit_XX
If you simply want to iterate over the fields with the name pattern <something>_slit_<something>, you need neither the prefix string nor numslits for this. Pass the actual structure to your function, extract the desired fields and then itereate them:
function avrg = Takemean(s)
%// Extract only the "_slit_" fields
names = fieldnames(s);
names = names(~cellfun('isempty', strfind(names, '_slit_')));
%// Iterate over fields and calculate means
avrg = zeros(numel(names), 2);
for k = 1:numel(names)
avrg(k, :) = [k, mean(s.(names{k}).data(:, 7))];
This method uses dynamic field referencing to access fields in structs using strings.
First of all, think twice before you use string construction to access variables.
If you really really need it, here is how it can be used:
s1 = 'a';
s2 = 'b';
eval([s1 '.' s2])
In your case probably something like: rand(3,7);
avs = [];
dataname = 'Hs_slit_01';
prefix = 'Hs';
eval(['avs(end+1) = mean(' prefix '.' dataname '.data(:,7))'])