How to return multiple variables from one test case to another using Katalon - katalon-studio

TC1: 01_UserManagement/Login
String u = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('SignInPage/txt_username'), 'placeholder')
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('SignInPage/txt_username'), username)
String p = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('SignInPage/txt_password'), 'placeholder')
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('SignInPage/txt_password'), password)'SignInPage/btn_signinButton'))
Map map = [:]
map.each{ k, v -> println "${k}:${v}" }
return map;
Map TC_1_called = WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('01_UserManagement/Login'), [('username') : 'Anna', ('password') : 'Analyst_2017',('inlinetextofusername'):'',('inlinetextofpassword'):''],
I am getting following error:-
12-11-2017 04:31:40 PM - [ERROR] - Test Cases/01_UserManagement/Logout FAILED because (of) Variable 'inlinetextofusername' is not defined for test case.
How to take the values which is stored in Map in Test case 1 and to use in Test Case 2.

Map TC_1_called = WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('01_UserManagement/Login'), [('username') : 'Anna', ('password') : 'Analyst_2017',('map'):''],
This returns values..

If you want to pass values from one test case to another in Katalon Studio, you should pass these values from Test Case A to Test Case B
Imagine you have these test cases Log in test and Dashboard test and you need to pass username and email from Log in testto Dashboard test
Go to script mode in Log in test and at the end of script add this line of code
WebUI.callTestCase( findTestCase('Test Cases/dashboard test') , [('username'): username, ('email'):email] )
This will pass local variables username and email from Log in test script to dashboard test
Notice: before applying this method, you should create test case variables to the second test case dashboard test from variables tab beside script tab in the lower section of test case editor.
Hope this comes in handy

I have issue on passing variable that has a random value to another test case.
Solution: I created a Global Variable with empty string then I set that Global Variable on my testCase_1 with a random value. I can now call that Global Variable to my testCase_2 without calling testCase_1. But you must execute testCase_1 first on your test suite.
GlobalVariable.randomString = yourRandomValue
String variableFromTestCase_1 = GlobalVariable.randomString


Function in pytest file works only with hard coded values

I have the below file which is used for pytest:
import dataikuapi
import pytest
def setup_list():
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient("{DSS_URL}", "{APY_KEY}")
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project("{DSS_PROJECT}")
# Check that there is at least one scenario TEST_XXXXX & that all test scenarios pass
scenarios = project.list_scenarios()
scenarios_filter = [obj for obj in scenarios if obj["name"].startswith("TEST")]
return scenarios_filter
def test_check_scenario_exist():
assert len(setup_list()) > 0, "You need at least one test scenario (name starts with 'TEST_')"
#pytest.mark.parametrize("scenario", setup_list())
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(params['host'], params['api'])
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(params['project'])
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
print("Executing scenario ", scenario["name"])
scenario_result = project.get_scenario(scenario_id).run_and_wait()
assert scenario_result.get_details()["scenarioRun"]["result"]["outcome"] == "SUCCESS", "test " + scenario[
"name"] + " failed"
My issue is with setup_list function, which able to get only hard coded values for {DSS_URL}, {APY_KEY}, {PROJECT}. I'm not able to use PARAMS or other method like in test_scenario_run
any idea how I can pass the PARAMS also to this function?
The parameters in the mark.parametrize marker are read at load time, where the information about the config parameters is not yet available. Therefore you have to parametrize the test at runtime, where you have access to the configuration.
This can be done in pytest_generate_tests (which can live in your test module):
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "scenario" in metafunc.fixturenames:
host = metafunc.config.getoption('--host')
api = metafuc.config.getoption('--api')
project = metafuc.config.getoption('--project')
metafunc.parametrize("scenario", setup_list(host, api, project))
This implies that your setup_list function takes these parameters:
def setup_list(host, api, project):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, api)
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(project)
And your test just looks like this (without the parametrize marker, as the parametrization is now done in pytest_generate_tests):
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
The parametrization is now done at run-time, so it behaves the same as if you had placed a parametrize marker in the test.
And the other test that tests setup_list now has also to use the params fixture to get the needed arguments:
def test_check_scenario_exist(params):
assert len(setup_list(params["host"], params["api"], params["project"])) > 0,
"You need at least ..."

Store generated dynamic unique ID and parse to next test case

I have keyword groovy which allowed me to generate a dynamic unique ID for test data purpose.
package kw
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import com.kms.katalon.core.annotation.Keyword
class dynamicId {
String timeStamp() {
return new SimpleDateFormat('ddMMyyyyhhmmss').format(new Date())
//Generate Random Number
Integer getRandomNumber(int min, int max) {
return ((Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1))) as int) + min
* Generate a unique key and return value to service
String getUniqueId() {
String prodName = (Integer.toString(getRandomNumber(1, 99))) + timeStamp()
return prodName
Then I have a couple of API test cases as below:
test case 1:
POST test data by calling the keyword. this test case works well.
the dynamic unique ID is being posted and stored in the Database.
partial test case
//test data using dynamic Id
NewId = CustomKeywords.'kw.dynamicId.getUniqueId'()
println('....DO' + NewId)
GlobalVariable.DynamicId = NewId
//test data to simulate Ingest Service sends Dispense Order to Dispense Order Service.
def incomingDOInfo = '{"Operation":"Add","Msg":{"id":"'+GlobalVariable.DynamicId+'"}'
now, test case 2 served as a verification test case.
where I need to verify the dynamic unique ID can be retrieved by GET API (GET back data by ID, this ID should matched the one being POSTED).
how do I store the generated dynamic unique ID once generated from test case 1?
i have the "println('....DO' + NewId)" in Test Case 1, but i have no idea how to use it and put it in test case 2.
which method should I use to get back the generated dynamic unique ID?
updated Test Case 2 with the suggestion, it works well.
def dispenseOrderId = GlobalVariable.DynamicId
'Check data'
def getDispenseOrder(def dispenseOrderId){
def response = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(findTestObject('Object Repository/Web Service Request/ApiDispenseorderByDispenseOrderIdGet', [('dispenseOrderId') : dispenseOrderId, ('SiteHostName') : GlobalVariable.SiteHostName, , ('SitePort') : GlobalVariable.SitePort]))
WS.verifyResponseStatusCode(response, 200)
//convert to json format and verify result
def dojson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(new String(response.responseText))
println('response text: \n' + JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(dojson)))
updated post to try #2 suggestion, works
//retrieve the dynamic ID generated at previous test case
def file = new File("C:/DynamicId.txt")
//Modify this to match test data at test case "IncomingDOFromIngest"
def dispenseOrderId = file.text
'Check posted DO data from DO service'
def getDispenseOrder(def dispenseOrderId){
def response = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(findTestObject('Object Repository/Web Service Request/ApiDispenseorderByDispenseOrderIdGet', [('dispenseOrderId') : dispenseOrderId, ('SiteHostName') : GlobalVariable.SiteHostName, , ('SitePort') : GlobalVariable.SitePort]))
WS.verifyResponseStatusCode(response, 200)
There are multiple ways of doing that that I can think of.
1. Store the value od dynamic ID in a GlobalVariable
If you are running Test Case 1 (TC1) and TC2 in a test suite, you can use the global variable for inter-storage.
You are already doing this in the TC1:
GlobalVariable.DynamicId = NewId
Now, this will only work if TC1 and TC2 are running as a part of the same test suite. That is because GlobalVariables are reset to default on the teardown of the test suite or the teardown of a test case when a single test case is run.
Let us say you retrieved the GET response and put it in a response variable.
assert response.equals(GlobalVariable.DynamicId)
2. Store the value od dynamic ID on the filesystem
This method will work even if you run the test cases separately (i.e. not in a test suite).
You can use file system for permanently storing the ID value to a file. There are various Groovy mehods to help you with that.
Here's an example on how to store the ID to a text file c:/path-to/variable.txt:
def file = new File("c:/path-to/variable.txt")
file.newWriter().withWriter { it << NewID }
println file.text
The TC2 needs this assertion (adjust according to your needs):
def file = new File("c:/path-to/variable.txt")
assert response.equals(file.text)
Make sure you defined file in TC2, as well.
3. Return the ID value at the end of TC1 and use it as an input to TC2
This also presupposes TC1 and TC2 are in the same test suite. You return the value of the ID with
return NewId
and then use as an input parameter for TC2.
4. Use test listeners
This is the same thing as the first solution, you just use test listeners to create a temporary holding variable that will be active during the test suite run.

Entering data in one test object enters value on another test object in katalon studio

I am trying to enter values in a form . But entering value in one test object executes value in another test object.
For e.g. Entering "3213213" in input_Phone_form-control, enters value in input_Location_form-control
here is the generated script:
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_Open Seed/input_LOG IN_form-control'), '')
WebUI.setEncryptedText(findTestObject('Page_Open Seed/input_LOG IN_form-control'), '9G0Ij+ZUwmw=')'Page_Open Seed/button_LOG IN'), FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)'Object Repository/Page_Open Seed/button_Add New Company'))
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_Open Seed/input_Company Name_form-control'), 'company private limited')
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Page_Open Seed/input_Location_form-control'), 'Florida')
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Page_Open Seed/input_Phone_form-control'), '3213213')
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Page_Open Seed/input_Email_form-control'), '' )'Object Repository/Page_Open Seed/button_Save Company'))
This happens, when more than one UI elements has the same identifiers. You need to check input_Phone_form-control and input_Location_form-control objects and set Detect object by options.

Using a numeric identifier for value selection in click.Choice

The Click package allows a range of values to be selected from a list using the click.Choice method.
In my case the values are relatively long strings, so using:
choice_names = [u'Vulnerable BMC (IPMI)', u'IoT Vulnerability', u'SMBv1', u'BadHTTPStatus', u'Compromised']
#click.option('--category', prompt='\nPlease enter the category of incident.\n\n -- Options:\n{}\n\n'.format(
format_choices(choice_names)), type=click.Choice(choice_names))
will list the values as:
-> Vulnerable BMC (IPMI)
-> IoT Vulnerability
-> SMBv1
-> BadHTTPStatus
-> Compromised
This requires the user to enter the full string, which is inconvenient. Does Click provide a functionality to select a value using only a numeric identifier? So, the above options could be listed as:
-> Vulnerable BMC (IPMI) [1]
-> IoT Vulnerability [2]
-> SMBv1 [3]
-> BadHTTPStatus [4]
-> Compromised [5]
and to select the first option, the user would need to enter 1. This could be possible by defining a custom validation function, but I couldn't find any existing functionality offered by Click.
I came up with this:
class ChoiceOption(click.Option):
def __init__(self, param_decls=None, **attrs):
click.Option.__init__(self, param_decls, **attrs)
if not isinstance(self.type, click.Choice):
raise Exception('ChoiceOption type arg must be click.Choice')
if self.prompt:
prompt_text = '{}:\n{}\n'.format(
'\n'.join(f'{idx: >4}: {c}' for idx, c in enumerate(self.type.choices, start=1))
self.prompt = prompt_text
def process_prompt_value(self, ctx, value, prompt_type):
if value is not None:
index = prompt_type(value, self, ctx)
return self.type.choices[index - 1]
def prompt_for_value(self, ctx):
# Calculate the default before prompting anything to be stable.
default = self.get_default(ctx)
prompt_type = click.IntRange(min=1, max=len(self.type.choices))
return click.prompt(
self.prompt, default=default, type=prompt_type,
hide_input=self.hide_input, show_choices=False,
value_proc=lambda x: self.process_prompt_value(ctx, x, prompt_type))
#click.option('--hash-type', prompt='Hash', type=click.Choice(['MD5', 'SHA1'], case_sensitive=False), cls=ChoiceOption)
def cli(**kwargs):
> cli --help
Usage: cli [OPTIONS]
--hash-type [MD5|SHA1]
--help Show this message and exit.
> cli --hash-type MD5
{'hash_type': 'MD5'}
> cli
1: MD5
2: SHA1
: 4
Error: 4 is not in the valid range of 1 to 2.
1: MD5
2: SHA1
: 2
{'hash_type': 'SHA1'}
Edit May 25, 2020:
I recently came across questionary and integrated it with click
import click
import questionary
class QuestionaryOption(click.Option):
def __init__(self, param_decls=None, **attrs):
click.Option.__init__(self, param_decls, **attrs)
if not isinstance(self.type, click.Choice):
raise Exception('ChoiceOption type arg must be click.Choice')
def prompt_for_value(self, ctx):
val =, choices=self.type.choices).unsafe_ask()
return val
#click.option('--hash-type', prompt='Hash', type=click.Choice(['MD5', 'SHA1'], case_sensitive=False), cls=QuestionaryOption)
def cli(**kwargs):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Since Click does not seem to provide a functionality of this kind, this custom validation function fulfills the purpose:
def validate_choice(ctx, param, value):
# Check if the passed value is an integer.
index = int(value) - 1
# Return the value at the given index.
return choice_names[index]
# If the index does not exist.
except IndexError:
click.echo('Please select a valid index.')
# If the value is of a different type, for example, String.
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# Return the value if it exists in the list of choices.
if value in choice_names:
return value
click.echo('Please select a valid value from the choices {}.'.format(choice_names))
# Prompt the user for an input.
value = click.prompt(param.prompt)
return validate_choice(ctx, param, value)
#click.option('--category', prompt='\nPlease enter the category.\n\n -- Options:\n{}\n\n'.format(choice_names),
help='Category of the incident', callback=validate_category)
This allows a user to select a choice either by entering the choice name or by entering the index value. In case an invalid value is entered, the user is prompted again for an input.

Can't get CoffeeScript to recognize a function in a js file

I am writing a simple app in Coffeescript to control a Philips Hue light. I have included this module into my project. The below code seems to work fine up until I try to set the color of the lights using setLightState. The compiler says the function isn't a function. I don't quite understand why it doesn't recognize the function.
# Connect with Philips Hue bridge
jsHue = require 'jshue'
hue = jsHue()
# Get the IP address of any bridges on the network
hueBridgeIPAddress = =>
if bridges.length is 0
console.log 'No bridges found. :('
(b.internalipaddress for b in bridges)
).catch((e) => console.log 'Error finding bridges', e)
if hueBridgeIPAddress.length isnt 0 # if there is at least 1 bridge
bridge = hue.bridge(hueBridgeIPAddress[0]) #get the first bridge in the list
# Create a user on that bridge (may need to press the reset button on the bridge before starting the tech buck)
user = bridge.createUser('myApp#testdevice').then((data) =>
username = data[0].success.username
console.log 'New username:', username
if user?
#assuming a user was sucessfully created set the lighting to white
user.setLightState(1, {on:true, sat:0, bri:100, hue:65280}).then((data) =>
# process response data, do other things
As you can see on the github page of the jshue lib, bridge.createUser does not directly return a user object.
Instead the example code sets the user variable inside the then function of the returned promise:
bridge.createUser('myApp#testdevice').then(data => {
// extract bridge-generated username from returned data
var username = data[0].success.username;
// instantiate user object with username
var user = bridge.user(username);
user.setLightState( .... )
It can be expected that - using this approach - the user variable will be set correctly and user.setLightState will be defined.
A self-contained example:
Take this Codepen for example:
url = ""
outside = axios.get(url).then (response) =>
inside =
console.log "inside: #{inside}"
console.log "outside: #{outside}"
The console output is
outside: [object Promise]
You can see that:
the outside log is first and is a Promise object
the inside log comes last and contains the actual object from the Ajax call (in this case your IP)
the then function implicitly returning inside does not change anything