Function in pytest file works only with hard coded values - pytest

I have the below file which is used for pytest:
import dataikuapi
import pytest
def setup_list():
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient("{DSS_URL}", "{APY_KEY}")
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project("{DSS_PROJECT}")
# Check that there is at least one scenario TEST_XXXXX & that all test scenarios pass
scenarios = project.list_scenarios()
scenarios_filter = [obj for obj in scenarios if obj["name"].startswith("TEST")]
return scenarios_filter
def test_check_scenario_exist():
assert len(setup_list()) > 0, "You need at least one test scenario (name starts with 'TEST_')"
#pytest.mark.parametrize("scenario", setup_list())
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(params['host'], params['api'])
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(params['project'])
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
print("Executing scenario ", scenario["name"])
scenario_result = project.get_scenario(scenario_id).run_and_wait()
assert scenario_result.get_details()["scenarioRun"]["result"]["outcome"] == "SUCCESS", "test " + scenario[
"name"] + " failed"
My issue is with setup_list function, which able to get only hard coded values for {DSS_URL}, {APY_KEY}, {PROJECT}. I'm not able to use PARAMS or other method like in test_scenario_run
any idea how I can pass the PARAMS also to this function?

The parameters in the mark.parametrize marker are read at load time, where the information about the config parameters is not yet available. Therefore you have to parametrize the test at runtime, where you have access to the configuration.
This can be done in pytest_generate_tests (which can live in your test module):
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "scenario" in metafunc.fixturenames:
host = metafunc.config.getoption('--host')
api = metafuc.config.getoption('--api')
project = metafuc.config.getoption('--project')
metafunc.parametrize("scenario", setup_list(host, api, project))
This implies that your setup_list function takes these parameters:
def setup_list(host, api, project):
client = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, api)
client._session.verify = False
project = client.get_project(project)
And your test just looks like this (without the parametrize marker, as the parametrization is now done in pytest_generate_tests):
def test_scenario_run(scenario, params):
scenario_id = scenario["id"]
The parametrization is now done at run-time, so it behaves the same as if you had placed a parametrize marker in the test.
And the other test that tests setup_list now has also to use the params fixture to get the needed arguments:
def test_check_scenario_exist(params):
assert len(setup_list(params["host"], params["api"], params["project"])) > 0,
"You need at least ..."


Mock inner class's attributes using MagicMock

Apologies for a length post. I have been trying to beat my head around reading about mock, MagicMock, and all the time getting confused. Hence, decided to write this post.
I know several questions, and pages have been written on this. But, still not able to wrap my head around this.
My Setup:
All the test code, and the 2 module files come under one "folder" mymodule file contains
class MyOuterClass(object):
attribute1: str
attribute2: str
attribute3: str
def get(self) -> MyInnerClass:
1. a call to AWS's service is made
2. the output from call in step 1 is used to set attributes of this InnerClass
3. return innerclass instance
I use the OuterClass in another file(, to set some values and return a string as follows:
class MyModule2():
def get_foo(self, some_boolean_predicate):
if some_boolean_predicate:
temp = my_module_1.OuterClass().get()
statement = f'''
FIELD_1 = '{temp.attribute1}',
FIELD_2 = '{temp.attribute2}',
FIELD_3 = '{temp.attribute3}'
statement = ''
return statement
I want to write the unit tests for the file file, and test the function get_foo
How I am writing the tests(or planning on)
a test file by name
I started with creating a pytest.fixture for the MyOuterClass's get function as follows since I will be reusing this piece of info again in my other tests
def mock_get(mocker: MockerFixture) -> MagicMock:
return mocker.patch.object(MyOuterClass, 'get')
Then I proceeded to use this fixture in my test as follows:
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch, PropertyMock
import pytest
from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
from my_module.my_module_1 import myOuterClass
def test_should_get_from_inner_class(self, mock_get):
# mock call to get are made
output = mock_get.get
#update the values for the InnerClass's attributes here
output.attribute1.side_effect = 'attr1'
output.attribute2.side_effect = 'attr2'
output.attribute3.side_effect = 'attr3'
mock_output_str = '''
FIELD_1 = 'attr1',
FIELD_2 = 'attr2',
FIELD_3 = 'attr3'
module2Obj = MyModule2()
response = module2Obj.get_foo(some_boolean_predicate=True)
# the following assertion passes
assert mock_get.get.called_once()
# I would like match `response to that with mock_output_str instance above
assert response == mock_output_str
But, the assertion as you might have guessed failed, and I know I am comparing completely different types, since I see
errors such as
FAILED [100%]
FIELD1 = '<MagicMock name='get().attr1' id='4937943120'>',
FIELD3 = '<MagicMock name='get().attr2' id='4937962976'>',
FIELD3 = '<MagicMock name='get().attr3' id='4937982928'>'
Thank you for being patient with me till here, i know its a really lengthy post, but stuck on this for a few days, ended up creating a post here.
How do i get to validate the mock's value with the mock_output_str?
yess! the hint was in the #gold_cy's answer. I was only calling my mock and never setting its values
this is what my test case ended up looking
mock_obj = OuterClass.InnerClass()
mock_get.return_value = mock_obj
once my mock was setup properly, then the validation became easy! Thank you!

how to use a pytest function to test different site using a different set of test data for each site such as staging/production

I have a set of pytest functions to test APIs, and test data is in a json file loaded by the pytest.mark.parametrize. Because the staging, production, and pre_production have different data but are similar, I want to save the test data in a different folder and use the same file name, in order to keep the python function clean. Site information is a new option from the command line of pytest. It doesn't work, pytest.mark.parametrize can't get the right folder to collect the test data.
This is in the
def setup(request, site): = site
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--site", action="store", default="staging")
#pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def site(request):
return request.config.getoption("--site")
This is in the test cases file:
class TestAAA:
def class_setup(self):
self.endpoint = read_data_from_file("endpoint.json")["AAA"][]
if == "production":
self.test_data_folder = "SourcesV2/production/"
else: // staging
self.test_data_folder = "SourcesV2/"
#pytest.mark.parametrize("test_data", testdata.read_data_from_json_file(r"get_source_information.json"))
def test_get_source_information(self, test_data):
request_url = self.endpoint + f"/AAA/sources/{test_data['sourceID']}"
response = requests.get(request_url)
I can use pytest.skip to skip the test data which is not for the current site.
if test_data["site"] !=
pytest.skip("this test case is for " + test_data["site"] + ", skiping...")
But it will need to put all the test data in one file for staging/production/pre-production, and there will be a lot of skipped tests in the report, which is not my favorite.
Do you have any idea to solve this? How to pass a different file name to the parametrize according to the site?
Or, at least, how to let the skipped test not write logs in the report?
The parametrize decorator is evaluated at load time, not at run time, so you will not be able to use it directly for this. You need to do the parametrization at runtime instead. This can be done using the pytest_generate_tests hook:
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "test_data" in metafunc.fixturenames:
site = metafunc.config.getoption("--site")
if site == "production":
test_data_folder = "SourcesV2/production"
test_data_folder = "SourcesV2"
# this is just for illustration, your test data may be loaded differently
with open(os.path.join(test_data_folder, "test_data.json")) as f:
test_data = json.load(f)
metafunc.parametrize("test_data", test_data)
class TestAAA:
def test_get_source_information(self, test_data):
If loading the test data is expansive, you could also cache it to avoid reading it for each test.

Pytest - skip (xfail) mixed with parametrize

is there a way to use the #incremental plugin like described att Pytest: how to skip the rest of tests in the class if one has failed? mixed with #pytest.mark.parametrize like below:
Class TestClass:
#pytest.mark.parametrize("input", data)
def test_preprocess_check(self,input):
# prerequisite for test
def test_process_check(self,input):
# test only if test_preprocess_check succeed
The problem i encountered is, at the first fail of test_preprocess_check with a given input of my data set, the following test_preprocess_check and test_process_check are labeled "xfail".
The behaviour i expect will be, at each new "input" of my parametrized data set, the test will act in an incremental fashion.
ex: data = [0,1,2]
if only test_preprocess_check(0) failed:
i got the following report:
1 failed, 5 xfailed
but i expect the report:
1 failed, 1 xfailed, 4 passed
After some experiments i found a way to generalize the #incremental to works with parametrize annotation. Simply rewrite the _previousfailed argument to make it unique for each input. The argument _genid was excactly the need.
I added a #pytest.mark.incrementalparam to achieve this.
Code become:
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
previousfailed_attr = getattr(item, "_genid",None)
if previousfailed_attr is not None:
previousfailed = getattr(item.parent, previousfailed_attr, None)
if previousfailed is not None:
pytest.xfail("previous test failed (%s)"
previousfailed = getattr(item.parent, "_previousfailed", None)
if previousfailed is not None:
pytest.xfail("previous test failed (%s)"
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
if "incrementalparam" in item.keywords:
if call.excinfo is not None:
previousfailed_attr = item._genid
setattr(item.parent,previousfailed_attr, item)
if "incremental" in item.keywords:
if call.excinfo is not None:
parent = item.parent
parent._previousfailed = item
It's interesting to mention that's it can't be used without parametrize cause parametrize annotation creates automatically _genid variable.
Hope this can helps others than me.

Showing test count in buildbot

I am not particularly happy about the stats that Buildbot provides. I understand that it is for building and not testing - that's why it has a concept of Steps, but no concept of Test. Still there are many cases when you need test statistics from build results. For example when comparing skipped and failed tests on different platforms to estimate the impact of a change.
So, what is needed to make Buildbot display test count in results?
What is the most simple way, so that a person who don't know anything about Buildbot can do this in 15 minutes?
Depending how you want to process the test results and how the test results are presented, Buildbot does provide a Test step,
An example of how I use it for my build environment:
from buildbot.steps import shell
class CustomStepResult(shell.Test):
description = 'Analyzing results'
descriptionDone = 'Results analyzed'
def __init__(self, log_file = None, *args, **kwargs):
self._log_file = log_file
shell.Test.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.addFactoryArguments(log_file = log_file)
def start(self):
if not os.path.exists(self._log_file):
self.step_status.setText('TestResult XML file not found !')
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
tree = etree.parse(self._log_file)
root = tree.getroot()
passing = len(root.findall('./testsuite/testcase/success'))
skipped = len(root.findall('./testsuite/testcase/skip'))
fails = len(root.findall('./testsuite/error')) + len(root.findall('./testsuite/testcase/error')) + len(root.findall('./testsuite/testcase/failure'))
self.setTestResults(total = fails+passing+skipped, failed = fails, passed = passing)
## the final status for WARNINGS is green but the step itself will be orange
self.finished(results.SUCCESS if fails == 0 else results.WARNINGS)
And in the configuration factory I create a step as below:
factory.addStep(CustomStepResult(log_file = log_file))
Basically I override the default Test shell step and pass a custom XML file which contains my test results. I then look for the pass/fail/skip result nodes and accordingly display the results in the waterfall.

how to build a REST hierarchy using spyne

I am trying to build a REST web service using spyne. So far I have been able to use ComplexModel to represent my resources. Something very basic, like this (borrowed from the examples):
class Meta(ComplexModel):
version = Unicode
description = Unicode
class ExampleService(ServiceBase):
def get_meta():
m = Meta()
m.description="Meta complex class example"
return m
application = Application([ExampleService],
if __name__ == '__main__':
wsgi_app = WsgiApplication(application)
server = make_server('', 8000, wsgi_app)
To run I use curl -v "" and I get what I expect.
But what if I would like to access some hierarchy of resources like ??
Thanks for your time!
Two options: Static and dynamic. Here's the static one:
from spyne.util.wsgi_wrapper import WsgiMounter
app1 = Application([SomeService, ...
app2 = Application([SomeOtherService, ...
wsgi_app = WsgiMounter({
'resourceA': app1,
'resourceB': app2,
This works today. Note that you can stack WsgiMounter's.
As for the dynamic one, you should use HttpPattern(). I consider this still experimental as I don't like the implementation, but this works with 2.10.x, werkzeug, pyparsing<2 and WsgiApplication:
class ExampleService(ServiceBase):
#rpc(Unicode, _returns=Meta, _patterns=[HttpPattern("/<resource>/get_meta")])
def get_meta(ctx, resource):
m = Meta()
m.version = "2.0"
m.description="Meta complex class example with resource %s" % resource
return m
Don't forget to turn on validation and put some restrictions on the resource type to prevent DoS attacks and throwing TypeErrors and whatnot. I'd do:
ResourceType = Unicode(24, min_len=3, nullable=False,
pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+", type_name="ResourceType")
Note that you can also match http verbs with HttpPattern. e.g.
HttpPattern("/<resource>/get_meta", verb='GET')
HttpPattern("/<resource>/get_meta", verb='(PUT|PATCH)')
Don't use host matching, as of 2.10, it's broken.
Also, as this bit of Spyne is marked as experimental, its api can change any time.
I hope this helps