How to disable a display a view based on the user privilege? - eclipse-rcp

I have an Eclipse-RCP application where I have three views.One of the view is an Admin View which should be visible only to a specific users.
In my application I have a feature called Reset Perspective which goes and resets the perspective (Providing Appropriate Views) for the users by checking their privilege.
Now in one system I logged in as an admin,I am able to see the admin view.This is perfect.Now I logged out ,another user tries to login (he doesn't have admin privilege) ,but he is also able to see the Admin view.Only after resetting the view the admin view is getting disappeared.
I believe while launching the application it is looking at the workbench of that application and accordingly loading different views.How can we check the what views are being loaded to application initially so that we restrict that based on different user.


Logout seems to not invalidate session in Azure Static Web Apps

I created a static Web site using Azure Static Web Apps (under the Free plan for now -- not sure if that's relevant to the issue at hand.) I can access the Web site through an *** URL.
I then tried to test Azure Active Directory authentication per Microsoft's instruction from this page:
My problem is that logging out does not seems to work as I would expect on a normal Web site. I could log out, but when I tried to login again (hoping to use a different Azure AD account,) the Microsoft login screen flashes by and I got logged right back in with the user that I just logged out from. Switching to a different tab doesn't help.
Steps to repro:
Navigate to /.auth/login/aad and login using a Microsoft Account. Say NO to 'Stay signed in?' prompt.
Navigate to /.auth/me to see the basic information on the logged in account to prove that I'm in the logged in state.
Navigate to /.auth/logout to logout. Immediately, navigate to /.auth/me again to confirm that my static Web App regards me as 'logged out.' I'd see this:
{"clientPrincipal": null}
Navigate to /.auth/login/aad again. Microsoft login page flashes by, and I am logged right back in with the previously logged out user.
Things that sort of worked
Any of the two actions below alone seems to make the browser forget my logged-in state:
Close the whole browser and relaunch it. I'd get asked to pick the previous user (and then enter the password) or choose a new user. This sort of works but reminds me of some Web sites 15-20 years ago that said 'For security reasons, please don't forget to close your entire browser after logging out from this one tab.'
Open a new tab in the same browser, and navigate to That tab will enjoy my logged-in state from the Static Web Apps tab. I'd see my mails right away. Then I log out from the tab, switch back to *** tab and see that I am still logged into my Static Web App. Good! Then if I log out from my Static Web App and try to log back in, it has forgotten my logged-in state this time. In other words, logging out from the tab is somehow more powerful.
I also tested /.auth/login/google too and the same problem arises! So the issue seems to be on the Azure Static Web Apps side, not how idPs handle their logout process.
Am I missing anything obvious?

What is the best place to setup apps initial version checks or load initial data from database

What is the best place to set up apps initial version checks and update shared preferences or load initial data from the database in flutter apps?
Because I want to update some shared preferences on app load, even it's from the background.
I usually use this logic:
To let the app startup be as fast as possible I do all checks in in first page after user log in.. usually that page is my main page.
So I do this
check preferences and if there is a user I log it in
after login sucvesfull I go to mainpage
if there is no user in preferences I go to loginpage
first method in login and main is where I check versions, do user login ecc
So you can let user open app super fast and only after app is rendered I do checks.. so user has the impression your app open app really fast.
Bye :)

How to retrieve Logged In User’s Credentials from device

I have a login page in my Ionic App. The current behavior of the app is as below:
After downloading the app, User launches it.
The app shows Login Options (buttons) page (right now, I only have Microsoft (Azure Active Directory)).
Tapping any of the options, the app asks for login credentials (email and password).
The app authenticates these credentials against the server/corresponding vendors.
Upon successful authentication, the user is taken to Home Page of the app.
Now the important part, for all the subsequent launches, when the user taps on the 'Microsoft' (again, this is the only option I have right now) button it doesn't ask for credentials (emails ID and password). Instead it takes the User to Home Page directly.
So, I am sure the user credentials and/or its corresponding token or something similar is being maintained in the device somewhere.
How do I access this information programmatically?
What I am trying to achieve is: If the user credentials/token already exist on the device then don't even shot the Login Options Page. Take the user to the Home Page directly after the app is launched.
Any ideas/pointers/suggestions on how this can be done.
Thank you!

Administrator login and spectator login

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to build an iOS app using swift. I'm stuck at a crucial part in my development though. I'm trying to make an app that allows users to login as an administrator or a spectator.
Logging in as the administrator allows the user to enter data into parse database that pushes to the spectator to see during runtime.
The problem is that I need to ask the user to pick which login to use, and then the app will be set up to suite the needs of each type of login. Basically creating 2 apps in 1.
Is this possible or should I create a web base administer connecting to the spectator using the app?
I would no do that (also for security reasons). If an administrator should also have the possibilities to check out how does it look like, you should be doing this AFTER you already logged in as administrator.
Single Login for both privileges.
Login is administrator - Option to change his "privileges mode" - > switch to spectator
Login as spectator -> Still everything als spectator.
This is how lot of professional software solutions handle that.

How to handle authentication within iPhone apps

I'm currently developing my first native iPhone app (though I have many years of experience as a web developer). I'm having some difficulty understanding the best way to handle login and I'm looking for some advice on the best way to go about it. The more I think about all the things that can go wrong during login, the more my brain wants to jump out of my head. I'm getting really frustrated with this and could really use some advice from some more experienced iPhone developers. Thanks in advance for your help.
My goal is to support Facebook Connect in the first version of the app, and then to support other SSO services (Twitter, Google, etc.), as well as my own user account system in future versions. The current plan is to have a MySQL table on the server that looks something like this:
users (id, nickname, facebook_id, ...)
When a user logs into the app via Facebook for the first time, an entry will be created in this table for them. You may think this isn't necessary, but it will allow me to expand to other services later on. For example, I could do this:
users (id, nickname, facebook_id, twitter_id, google_id, username, ...)
This table would have nullable fields for facebook_id, twitter_id, google_id, and username. If the user logs in with facebook, they'll have a facebook_id. Twitter users will have a twitter_id, Google users a google_id, and my own users will have a username. They'll all be uniquely identified by my own id regardless of what login system they're using.
So I'm pretty comfortable with the back-end implementation of user accounts. I can setup a web service that the app can call to create/retrieve users, verify logins, etc. No problem.
The problem I'm having is implementing a proper login flow with the iPhone UI components. My particular app uses a UITabBarController that serves as the main navigation. One of the tabs is labeled "My Account" and contains information about the currently logged in user. If the user clicks on the "My Account" tab, they are presented with a table view that serves as a submenu. It has options such as "My Profile", "Settings", and some other things. If they click on any of these menu items and they aren't logged in, then I use the presentViewController function to pop up a login screen. They click "login with facebook" and go through the typical Facebook authorization process. When they've completed that process, I use dismissViewController to remove the login page and display the page they were trying to access. If they cancel the login or if the login fails, then I use popViewControllerAnimated on the UINavigationController to send them back up to the "My Account" submenu. For those of you who are having a difficult time envisioning this, check out the Amazon app. It is almost the exact same thing (just click the "More" tab when you're not logged in and try to click one of the menu items underneath it).
That all works pretty well and I'm happy with it. But here's where I get confused:
What the heck do I do if they're several levels deep into the UINavigationController within the "My Account" tab and their login session expires?
Let's take Facebook login for example. Facebook uses session tokens to keep users logged in. The tokens expire after a certain amount of time. Let's say the user navigated down into "My Account", then clicked "My Profile", and then clicked on "Edit" and are shown a screen where they can edit their profile information. So they obviously need to be authenticated in order to view this page. In fact, they're 2-3 levels deep into pages that they need to be authenticated to see. Now let's say they get interrupted by a phone call or something and forget all about what they were doing. The next time they access the app is a week later when their login session has expired. I can handle this in a few ways. None of them seem great to me.
Solution #1
The Facebook SDK will automatically call a method on the AppDelegate class that notifies me of the expired session. Since I am notified of the session expiration at the AppDelegate level, I have no idea what page the user is currently looking at and whether or not they need to be authenticated in order to use it. To get around this, I can have all ViewControllers that require login to extend a "ProtectedViewController" class or something that indicates the user should be logged in to see that page. Then when the AppDelegate is notified of the session expiration, it will try to figure out what the current ViewController is and check if it extends "ProtectedViewController". If it does, then present a login screen. If the user successfully logs in, then everything proceeds as normal. If not, then return the user to the first screen of the app where they have to start all over. This is bad because the user will lose anything they've typed in already, but I don't see any way to avoid it with this solution.
Solution #2
Ignore the session expiration event at the AppDelegate level and instead do this: before any action is taken that requires a user to be logged in (e.g. when the user clicks "Save" on their "Edit Profile" page), check if they are still logged in. If they aren't, then present a login screen. If the user fails to login, then send them back to the start screen. This solution is a pain in the ass to code because I have to perform a check on practically everything the user does within the protected area of the app -- when they view a page, when they click a button -- just about everything.
I would also prefer to avoid sending the user all the way back to the start screen of the app if they fail to re-authenticate. Instead, in this case, I'd prefer to send the user back up the UINavigationController to the "My Account" menu -- which is the closest page that doesn't require login. Sure, I could hardcode that, but I'm looking for a solution/pattern that works a little more naturally and that I can reuse in other apps.
I would really appreciate some guidance. Surely I'm not the first person in the world who has needed to solve this problem. Unfortunately, Google hasn't been much help.
EDIT: Another idea is to subclass UIViewController (e.g. "ProtectedViewController") and implement the "viewWillAppear" method. Inside this method, I can check if the user is logged in. If not, then I slide up a login page. I still don't know how to handle the case when they fail to login, though. This solution has a problem, though: if the user's session expires while they're using the app, then I won't re-authenticate them until the next time they click on a new view. If they're already looking at say an "edit" page and click the "save" button, then they won't be re-authenticated. But perhaps this is a step closer to the solution.
Don't forget that the app delegate is the one that adds the whole tab bar to the main UIWindow. On detection of credentials failing, you could simply remove the UITabBarController from the UIWindow, and replace it only with your own login view to re-authenticate. That eliminates any possibility they could interact with anything in the tab structure, but when restored means whatever position they are at within the tabs is preserved (since you would simply remove the tab bar controllers view but leave the controller intact).
Here how I managed it in a recent project using singletons.
Create a singleton class, say LoginManager that has a method called,
-(UserInfo*) getValidatedUser: (UIView*) senderView
Inside this method check to see if the token is still valid.
If it is not valid simply create a new view that forces the user to login using FB credentials and overlay it on top of the "senderView" so that the user is forced to login, like this:
[senderView addSubview:loginView];
Once the token is valid, you return back the user information.
With this basic logic in place you can now call this getValidatedUser method from your view controller classes whenever you need a valid credential to do something:
UserInfo* myUser = [loginManagerObj getValidatedUser:self.view]
The method internally decides if a login page should be shown or not.
Hope this helps.