Administrator login and spectator login - swift

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to build an iOS app using swift. I'm stuck at a crucial part in my development though. I'm trying to make an app that allows users to login as an administrator or a spectator.
Logging in as the administrator allows the user to enter data into parse database that pushes to the spectator to see during runtime.
The problem is that I need to ask the user to pick which login to use, and then the app will be set up to suite the needs of each type of login. Basically creating 2 apps in 1.
Is this possible or should I create a web base administer connecting to the spectator using the app?

I would no do that (also for security reasons). If an administrator should also have the possibilities to check out how does it look like, you should be doing this AFTER you already logged in as administrator.
Single Login for both privileges.
Login is administrator - Option to change his "privileges mode" - > switch to spectator
Login as spectator -> Still everything als spectator.
This is how lot of professional software solutions handle that.


Okta App Accessing issues

I have added community applications to our Dashboard by clicking on Add Apps(home page), and assigned to the people. its working fine, people able to access Community Software, but whenever we are intended to create our custom app(Jive demo sandbox) from admin panel and assigned people its not working as expected. even the admin not able to access the app it is showing message "Sorry, you can't access Jive Software because you are not assigned this app in Okta".
i have followed the integration process from
please help me that i am missing any integrations or configurations
There is not sufficient information in this question to be able to answer. Have you tried reaching out to Okta Support? They should be able to check your configuration with your permission and help you with it.

How to Logout Windows authentication based lightswitch web application

Any idea about implementing Logout functionality/button for a Lightswitch web application which is being implemented the Windows based authentication.
The authentication type I have used is,
Lightswitch Project properties--> Access Control--> Use Windows Authentication--> Allow any authenticated Windows user.
When I open the same page again, it is not even asking for credentials. It is using the previously logged-in user as an authenticated user.
If I could have used Forms authentication, I am able to get the custom Login & Logout forms.
Need help here. Thanks in advance.
There is no "login" action when using Windows authentication, and thus, no "logout" either. It simply uses the Windows identity of the running app process. If you launch the process hosting your app under a different identity than what you're logged into Windows with, I suspect that would allow you to use the app as a different user. You can launch processes as a different user by shift right-clicking the file and selecting "Run as different user".

How to connect social account to already registered user in SecureSocial, when the user is logged in?

Well, I have a question regarding connecting multiple social accounts using SecureSocial, not through the login menu, but from inside the App.
What I am trying to do is:
User Logs In the app using SecureSocial
After he/she logs in the app, they should be allowed to connect their Facebook/Twitter account, what I am trying to do is let users connect to different social account from a logged in session of the app.
To make it more simple, what I mean do is, provide
"Connect to Facebook" OR "Connect to Twitter" from inside the app, for logged in users. Is there any such functionality in SecureSocial??, they have made it really easier for me to integrate social channels in my app, who has no idea whatsoever about social apps.
Is there some functionality as such provided by SecureSocial, or will I need to create my own modules, if I am needed to create my own modules, could you guys give me some pointers about how to do so. I googled for this issue but couldn't get any suitable answers. Thank you.
There is support for linking accounts now. Check the master samples on how to do it. If you start an authentication flow when a user is already logged in SecureSocial will invoke a new method called link in UserService.

Intuit Anywhere Development versus Production Authentication/Authorization

I am successfully using OpenID and OAuth in development mode. Once I am ready to move to Production will the process change in a way that the authentication/authorization process will not require manual intervention? Today I click on the "signin" button to authenticate using OpenID. I then click on the "Authorize Quickbooks" button to authorize using OAuth. During these two processes I am redirected to Intuit where I click on buttons to allow authentication/authorization. Will I be able to achieve this process through code? I am working on a SaaS application and need to authenticate/authorize in code because the manual steps will not work with the application I am working on.
Your app should work the same way in development as in production.
Make sure you have gone through the requirements checklist -
There are different requirements if you are just doing the Connect to QuickBooks flow or you are also wanting to be listed on Appcenter.
Do the free trial on a couple of the apps in the app center to see what they are doing. I tried out eBillity, their app picks up OpenID and OAuth without user interaction during the subscription process.
Based on that, yes, I think you can achieve it all in code. Personally I have not been able to get the OAuth tokens without user intervention.
Update: Use this JS method to do the OAuth authorization during the subscription process:

Custom Wifi hotspot with Facebook or Twitter login

I would like to install a custom Wi-fi hotspot which needs login to enable Internet access with this requirements and I would like to know if someone has installed.
Login server: I have my own OAuth server built with Java/Spring to
enable user login with Twitter and Facebook via REST API.
Wi-fi access point: allows user Internet access when login success.
When the user selects the Wi-Fi network, the landing page must appear with the login button.
I' ve got the login module, but I don' t know how to install some kind of Wi-fi hotspot with a custom landing page that could link with this login server. I've searched for some kind of tool or software, but I found nothing. Any ideas or suggestions, please?
Thank you very much!
I just stumbled over a google code project which achieves what you want for routers running openwrt.
The basic setup is this: You run a router with openwrt (a list of supported Hardware can be found on their wiki). Then you install wifidog to provide your portal page and run the project (which now seeems to have moved here and has been renamed to KikiAuth) as the auth provider for wifidog.
Since KikiAuth is opensource it should be easy to adopt the method it uses to provide the auth information for wifidog into your existing software and use it as the provider instead if you want to manage the login process yourself.
More details about the setup can be found on the page of the google code project.